Ch. 14 Lessons 1 and 2 Student Notes

Chapter 14 Skeletal, Muscular, and Nervous Systems
Lesson 1
The Skeletal System
Skeletal System
 ________ bones and the attached connective tissue
 connective tissues _________ bones, attach bone to bone, and attach bones to muscles
 the tiniest bone in your body is found in the ________and measures 0.25 cm long
 ________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________
 made up of ____________ tissues formed into different layers
 ____________ layer is hard, densely packed, compact bone
 beneath is ______________ bone, a less dense bone with a network or cavities filled with red bone marrow,
where blood cells are produced
 some bones contain yellow bone marrow, a type of connective tissue that stores _____________
 categorized by their shape: _______, short, ________ and ________________
 bones continue to grow, both in length and thickness, until approximately age _______→ bones may continue
to ________________
Connective Tissue
 3 types:
o _____________________
 strong, flexible connective tissue that can act as a cushion between two bones to reduce friction
 acts as flexible structure → tip of nose, outer ear
 all bones in the _______________ begin as cartilage
 early in development ___________________occurs – process by which bone is formed,
renewed, and repaired
o ____________________
 band of fibrous, slightly elastic connective tissue that attaches one bone to _____________
 attaches bones to create joints
o ____________________
 fibrous cord that attaches muscle to bone
muscles contract to move parts of the body
 points where bones _____________
 not all joints move – immovable = joints between the bones of the skull, joints in the pelvis and joints between
the teeth and the mandible, or lower jaw, and the maxilla, or upper jaw
 flexible joints (freely movable):
 Ball-and-socket
 consists of one bone with a rounded end and another cupped bone that it fits into,
allowing a full range of motion
 the shoulder and hip
Just like a door hinge in the human body
allowing extension but not rotation
Elbows, knees, and ankles
the rounded end of a single bone fits into the ring of a tendon, allowing rotation
at the base of the neck
characterized by bones that slide or twist against each other but cannot move in a
circular direction
wrists, ankles, and vertebrae
There are two lesser-known types of joints in addition to the four major ones: condyloid joints and saddle joints.
Condyloid joints, such as the joints in between the fingers, allow angular movement but not rotation. The saddle
joint is a complex interaction between two complementary bones and only occurs at the base of the thumb.
Skeletal System Care
 eat _________________________________________
o foods high in calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus help prevent skeletal disorders
 get regular _____________________________
o weight-bearing exercise (walking, weight training) helps bones stay strong
 get regular ________________
o screen for _________________ – a lateral or side-to-side curvature of the spine
 wear ___________________________ during sports to reduce fractures
Skeletal Problems
 Fractures
 any type of break in a bone
 ______________________ fracture: broken end of bone breaks through the skin
 ___________________ fracture: broken bone does not break through the skin
 classifications of fractures:
o _________________ fractures – parts of bone do not separate
o _________________ fractures – fracture _________________across bone
o _________________ fractures – bone shatters into more than two pieces
 Joint Injuries
 can occur from overuse, strain, or disease
 typical joint injuries:
o dislocation
 bone slips out of place, tearing the ___________________
 doctor should reset a joint and immobilize until ligaments heal
o ________________________
 result from sharp blow or severe twisting
 arthroscopic surgery usually used to remove damaged cartilage
o bursitis
 painful inflammation of a ____________ – a fluid-filled sac that helps reduce friction in
o ____________________
 painful swellings of the bursa in the first joint of the big _________
 ill-fitting shoes make it worse
 large bunions may require surgery
o arthritis
 __________________ of a joint
 results from an injury, natural wear and tear, or autoimmune disease
 result from prolonged, repeated __________________ (sewing, computer work)
o ______________________ syndrome
 ligaments and tendons in the _____________ swell, causing numbness, a tingling
sensation in the thumb and forefinger, pain, and weakness in the hand
 a progressive loss of __________ tissue
 bone weaken and become ________________
 affects millions of older Americans
 ______________ behaviors during ___________ years can reduce your risk of developing it later in life
 detected through a __________________
The Muscular System
What Muscles Do
 muscles are _____________; they stretch to allow a wide range of motion
 move bones or organs to which they are attached → allows movement
 _________________muscles: are always at work even without you knowing it → helps you ___________, make
your heart beat, move food through your ________________system
 _________________ muscles: those muscles you are under ____________ control of, you are aware of
controlling them → movement
How Muscles Work
 muscles are made up of hundreds of long cells called muscle ____________
 major muscles made up of hundreds of bundles of these fibers
 bundles stimulated by ______________ impulses , or signals → they contract or shorten
 when _____________→ bundles extend, or stretch
Types of Muscles
 _______________muscles
 muscles that act on the lining of the body’s passageways and hollow internal organs
 found in the digestive tract, _____________________, lining of the blood vessels and passageways that
lead into the _______________
 involuntary
 _______________ muscles
 muscles attached to bone that cause body movements
 tissue has striated, or striped, appearance under a microscope
 most common type of muscle
 almost all under ______________control
 work together and perform ______________ actions to produce movement = one contracts while
another _________________
 _______________– muscle that closes a joint
 _______________ – muscle that opens a joint
 _____________muscle
 type of striated muscle that forms the wall of the _____________
 involuntary
 heart contracts rhythmically about ______________ times each day to pump blood through body
Muscle Care
 _________________________________…muscles that remain unused for long periods of time will
_____________, or decrease in size and strength
 eat high protein foods to build muscle
 __________________________________________________
 use proper equipment and wear appropriate clothing to protect muscles during any physical activity
 _____________________________________________________________________________________
Muscular Problems
 bruises
 areas of discolored skin that appear after an injury
 ____________________ beneath skin rupture and leak
 treat with ________________ to reduce initial swelling
 __________________________
 muscles are stretched or partially torn
 use the P.R.I.C.E. method to treat
 tendonitis
 inflammation of a __________________
 caused by injury, overuse or ______________________
 treatment: ____________________ or anti-inflammatory medication
 ________________
 an organ or tissue protrudes through an area of weak muscle
 commonly occur in ____________________ from straining to lift a heavy object
 surgery may be required to repair
 muscular dystrophy
 _________________ disorder in which skeletal muscle fibers are progressively destroyed
 ______ cure
 early detection can delay muscle weakness through ___________________