1. The skull is divided into two parts known as the:
2. Two other names for the circulatory system are:
3. Another name for the skeletal system is:
4. The bones that form the sides of the head in the ear region are
5. The muscle that turns the hand outward and the palm upward is:
6. The bones that form the sides and top of the cranium are called:
7. The muscles located at the base of each digit that separates the
fingers are called:
8. The function of the_____ is to carry oxygen to the cells.
9. The function of the______ is to destroy disease-causing germs.
10.The muscle that forms a flat band around the upper and lower
lips that compresses, contracts, and puckers and wrinkles the lips,
As in kissing whistling, is called:
11.The muscles found in the forearm that turns the hand inward,
so the palm faces downward is called the:
12.The ____ and _____ arteries are the main blood supply for the arm
and hand.
13.The muscles that straighten the wrist, hand, and the fingers to form a
straight line is called the:
14.The muscles in the palm of the hand that bring the thumb
toward the fingers are called:
15.The broad muscle that covers the top of the skull is called:
16.The study of the structure, functions and diseases of the muscles is
17._______ in the heart allow the blood to flow in only one direction.
18.The lower jawbone, which is the largest and strongest bone in the
Face and forms the lower jaw, is called the:
19.The muscle that compresses the cheeks and expels air between the
lips, as in blowing is the:
20.The _____ artery supplies the back of the head up to the crown.
21.Thick-walled muscular and elastic tubes that carry oxygenated blood
from the heart to the capillaries are called:
22.The ________ is also known as the knee cap.
23.The ________ is the outer and shorter bone of the forearm.
24.The bones of the foot are grouped into 3 areas, Tarsal bones,
_________, and phalanges.
25.The _______ also known as the shine bone, is the larger inner
lower-leg bone.
26.The muscle that covers the bridge of the nose is the:
27.The muscle that enables you to close your eyes is the: