HBS-BA.032414 Page |1 APPLICATION for HUMAN BIOLOGY AND SOCIETY, B.A. due for CLASS OF 2016, by 5PM, Friday, April 18, 2014 Email your completed application or any questions to: RMOUSHEG@socgen.ucla.edu Rich Moushegian, Student Affairs Officer, Institute for Society and Genetics, 1308 Rolfe Hall Confirmation of receipt will be provided by email. Only Class of 2016 (sophomores) may apply at this time. (Any Class of 2016 application received after April 18, 2014, will be considered in Fall 2014; NOTE: there may be very little, if any, space available in this major program in Fall 2014.) An admissions committee of our ISG faculty will review and decide your application and inform you of the result by about mid-Spring 2014. ISG faculty will access and examine your entire transcript; you need not supply a copy. Premajor status is not required at time of application. Apply for either HBS B.A. or HBS B.S., but not both. Applicants for HBS B.A. may not subsequently switch to HBS B.S., or vice versa. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Yes No Yes No Yes No Have you taken SOCIETY AND GENETICS 5 and received a letter grade of B- or better? Will you have completed all of your HBS BA premajor courses by the end of Spring 2014? Is your cumulative HBS BA premajor GPA 2.90 or better? (i.e., GPA for just your HBS BA premajor courses… find your premajor GPA on your DARS or DPR transcript in the section dealing with your premajor courses; ask our Student Affairs Officer if you still can’t locate it.) If you answered “NO” to any of the above criteria, you must complete PARTS 1-6. All others should stop at PART 5. PART 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION Your Name: Email: University ID#: Expected Quarter of Graduation: Your overall GPA: Your premajor GPA: Click and choose from list HBS-BA.032414 Page |2 PART 2. PREMAJOR COURSEWORK Indicate when this premajor course will be done: During By end of Fall 2014 Summer Spring 2014 or later 2014 Indicate grade. SOCIETY AND GENETICS 5 Click and select here ANTHROPOLOGY 7 Click and select here One normative social theory course* One empirical social theory course** Indicate social theory courses taken. Click and select here Click and select here CHEM 14A or 20A Click and select here LIFE SCIENCE 1 Click and select here LIFE SCIENCE 2 Click and select here STATISTICS 10 or 13 Click and select here * Normative social theory courses include GENDER STDS 10, MCD BIO 60, PHILOSOPHY 4, 6, 8, 22, 22W, and SOCIOLOGY M5. If our student affairs officer has approved another course for you, please indicate that course. ** Empirical social theory courses include AMER IND STDS M10, ANTHRO 9, ASIAN AMER STDS 20, GEOG 3, HIST 3C, Honors Collegium 70A, MCD BIO 40, 50, MIMG 12, Public Policy 10A, and SOCIOLOGY 1. If our student affairs officer has approved another course for you, please indicate that course. List any UCLA upper division courses you have completed (or currently in progress) Does this course likely credit toward any HBS BA major requirements? If in doubt, ask our undergrad counselor, RMOUSHEG@socgen.ucla.edu Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes If anything in Part 2 needs further explanation, please briefly comment here: No No No No No No No No No No No No HBS-BA.032414 Page |3 PART 3. MAJOR ELECTIVE SPECIALIZATION Checkmark only ONE of these specialization areas, which will be the focus of your upper division elective coursework in the major. Consult UCLA Catalog for description of approved electives in each category. NOTE: you may in future change your specialization. Bioethics and Public Science Policy Evolutionary Biology, Culture and Behavior Historical and Social Studies of Science Medicine and Public Health Population Genetics and History PART 4. SHORT ANSWERS This is a competitive admissions major program, so all applicants should have an alternative major in mind. If you are not admitted to this major, what other major would you pursue? Answer: What is your career direction, at this time? Answer: Do you have any experience working with faculty on project-based research at UCLA (e.g., Student Research Program (SRP) 99 or other)? NOTE: such experience is not required for admission to this major. You can read about undergraduate research opportunities here, http://www.ucla.edu/research/undergraduate-research Answer: HBS-BA.032414 Page |4 ACTIVITIES/AWARDS: Indicate any honors, awards, recognitions, groups/clubs, publications, community service, campus jobs, affiliations with any other academic programs (such as Study Abroad, Honors Program, PEERS, Academic Advancement Program (AAP) or other), athletics, etc. List (up to 15) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Description, if needed HBS-BA.032414 Page |5 PART 5. PERSONAL STATEMENT Please address one or both of the following questions (A and/or B) using a combined total of 300 words or less. (There is no “correct” way to split the difference between A and B. If what you want to say about yourself is best delivered in 300 words responding to B alone, then terrific! Also fine is A=250 and B=50; or A=150 and B=150, etc.) A. Help our faculty know you better and understand why you are drawn to this major. What themes are you interested in exploring further in Human Biology and Society? How did your education, training, or work experience lead you to this major? Response to A (textbox limit=300 words/2000 characters): B. In what ways do you feel that your voice will contribute to and enhance the conversation in the Human Biology and Society major? How does your life experience, including challenges you’ve faced in your life, impact your interest in the intersections of human biology and society? Examples might include extraordinary or defining experiences, or challenges in your family or community that may have placed barriers in your path to college, economic hardships, or disabilities, differences, or discrimination you’ve had to overcome. Response to B (textbox limit=300 words/2000 characters): HBS-BA.032414 Page |6 IF YOU HAVE MET THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS LISTED ON THE COVER PAGE, THEN DO NOT COMPLETE PART 6. PART 6. PETITION FOR EXCEPTION TO MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Any member of the Class of 2016 who has not met the minimum requirements, must supply a succinct explanation of the exceptional circumstance(s) which have kept you from meeting the minimum requirements. Our admissions committee will consider your explanation, and if they think it has merit, they will then decide your application. Please checkmark any and all that apply: You either haven’t taken SOCIETY AND GENETICS 5 or haven’t received a grade of Bor better. You won’t be done with all premajor courses for HBS BA by end of Spring 2014. Your cumulative HBS BA premajor GPA is less than 2.90. EXPLANATION OF EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCE(S) Respond here (textbox limit=150 words/1000 characters):