COMENIUS UNIVERSITY IN BRATISLAVA FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT COURSE INFORMATION Code GMMML 710 Course: Leadership Study Field: 3.3.15 Management Study Program: Management Supervisor: Prof. Doc. Ľubica Bajzíkova, PhD. Lecturers: Mgr. Branislav Vargic, PhD. Recommended Term: 8. No of Classes: Weekly: 0-2-0 Per Term: 0-28-0 No of ECTS Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Course Evaluation: Term Period: 100% Exam Period Aim of the Course: The leadership course focuses on repertoire of theoretical and practical leadership principles and issues. It surveys theoretical frameworks of leadership on three different levels: individual, team and organizational. It is designed to expose you to a variety of leadership related perspectives and practices in order to understand its concept. Within the individual classes these are then aligned with a range of organizational behavior and human resource management related fields to provide you with the ‘leadership in the big picture’ framework. The particular classes are combination of experimental activity (case study, game exercise, movie), lecture presentation, and classroom discussions. The lectures, in combination with readings, provide a content foundation for the course, while the activities and discussions utilize your experiences gained. The emphasis will be on comparing and contrasting your ideas, development of your critical thinking skills and their application to the leadership related problem solving. Objectives: to link leadership with the interpersonal and technical skills needed for effective communication, conflict resolution, change management, decision-making, group development and motivation. to place the relationship between leadership theory and leadership practice into perspective through solving case studies. to understand contemporary leadership principles and practices and to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. Brief Syllabus: Leadership styles; Organizational Climate, Competencies; HBS Case study: Chattanooga Ice Cream; Team leadership ; IESE Case study: Bob Knowlton; Tower game – Leadership through coaching; Movie – Coaching; Strategic leadership ; HBS Case study: Jeffrey Smith; Motive, leadership and satisfaction; HBS Case study: Ralph Langley and Nuclear Tube Room; Leadership and organizational change; HBS Case study: Rudi Gassner at BMG International; Movie – Charismatic leadership. Literature: Harvard Business School case studies Harvard Business Review reader – selected articles IESE Business School case studies Kouzes J. – Posner B.: The Leadership Challenge, 1st edition, 1997. Last Revision: April 2009