Chapter 19
The Industrial Revolution Begins
1750 – 1850
Reading Quiz
Name ____________________________________ Date ______________________ Hour __________
SECTION 1 Dawn of the Industrial Age
1. The Industrial Revolution began in _______________________________________.
2. The first person to use a/an __________________________________________ was an American dentist.
3. Improvements in ____________________________________________ helped lead to the Industrial Revolution.
4. The seed drill was invented by ___________________________________________________.
5. Define enclosure –
6. What were the positive effects of enclosure?
7. What were the negative impacts of enclosure?
8. Give two (2) reasons for the growth of population between 1700 and 1800.
9. What became the power source of the Industrial Revolution?
SECTION 2 Britain Leads the Way
10. capital –
11. enterprise –
12. entrepreneur 13. List four (4) reasons why the Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain.
14. What was the “putting-out system”?
15. This invention allowed weavers to work twice as fast.
16. This invention allowed a spinner to work with six or eight threads at a time.
17. This invention used water power to drive spinning wheels.
18. This invention allowed cotton growers to keep up with spinners and weavers.
19. What doomed the putting-out system?
20. List the three (3) changes in transportation in the 1700’s.
21. List two (2) effects of rail transportation.
22. Why were the first factories located near rushing water?
23. Why did prices fall after the advent of factories?
24. How did this affect demand?
SECTION 3 Social Impact of the Industrial Revolution
25. Define Urbanization. –
26. How many more people were in London in 1900 than in 1750?
27. List the effects of Industrialization on the Social Classes.
28. Who were the Luddites?
29. List three (3) effects of Industrialization on Living Conditions.
30. List five (5) effects of Industrialization on Working Conditions.
31. Give four (4) examples of the working conditions in the mines.
32. Describe four (4) of the dangerous jobs of children.
33. Why was child labor accepted by parents?
34. List the positive effects of Industrialization. (3)
35. He wrote The Condition of the Working Class in England. _______________________________________
36. Describe the four (3) of the living conditions in the working class slum in Manchester visited by Friedrich Engels.
SECTION 4 New Ways of Thinking
37. Define Laissez-faire –
38. He wrote An Essay on the Principle of Population: ______________________________________________.
39. According to # 36, poverty was unavoidable because population was
40. He wrote The Wealth of Nations: _______________________________________________________
41. According to # 38, the free market would produce
42. According to # 38, government need not ________________________________________in the economy.
43. He wrote the Iron Law of Wages: ___________________________________________________
44. According to # 41, wage increases were futile because increases would
45. According to # 41, when wages were high, families often
46. Define utilitarianism –
47. List two (2) reforms supported by John Stuart Mill.
48. Define socialism –
49. List two (2) reforms proposed by Robert Owen.
50. He wrote The Communist Manifesto; ______________________________________________________
51. His partner: __________________________________________________________________________
52. According to # 48, the driving force of history is _____________________________________________.
53. According to # 48, society divided into what two classes?
54. Define Bourgeoisie –
55. Define Proletariat –
56. According to # 48, the __________________________________ would eventually win the class struggle and a
_________________________________________ society would develop.
57. Define social democracy –
58. _______________________________________________ won out over working class loyalty.
59. By the end of the 20th century, few nations remained with communist governments, while nearly every economy
included elements of _____________________________________________________________________.
60. List the key elements of a market economy.
61. Briefly describe how a centrally planned economy works.
62. What does it discourage?
63. What are the results?
64. Define mixed economy –