Parliament vs. Monarch in the Stuart Years I. Stuarts (part I) A. James I (1603-1625) 1. Unified the thrones of England and Scotland 2.Proclaimed Divine Right of Kings a. But, had money problems b. And since Parliament controlled purse strings ... c. Resorted to sale of nobility to gain money that he needed d. Lost the trust of Parliament – his son/successor would pay for this B. Charles I (1625-1649) 1. Parliament refuses to sign over Charles’ money except on a yearly basis a. This means that Charles would have to call Parliament to meet every year to get his money b. Charles would not be able to disregard Parliament as his father had c. Charles decided to find other ways of getting money 2. A war with Spain and France in 1620s means Charles needs serious money to fight the war 3. Petition of Right – 1628 (See Below) a. Parliament extorts this agreement out of Charles in return for the money he needs b. Petition contains many rights that we now take for granted and limits power of king c. Charles signs, and then immediately dismisses Parliament for next 10 years 4. By 1638, war loomed with Scotland and later with Ireland a. Parliament called and dismissed in 3 weeks = Short Parliament b. 1640 - Parliament called again = Long Parliament, because Charles still needs money badly 1. Parliament demands what are later referred to as the 19 Propositions, which would make them supreme power in England 2. Charles says no and both sides prepare for war 5. English Civil War (1642-1647) a. Charles vs. Parliament led eventually by Oliver Cromwell b. Charles surrenders 1647 c. Charles executed in l649 by the “Rump Parliament” after Cromwell got rid of any who opposed execution II. Interregnum (1649-1659) = period "between kings" A. Government became a commonwealth with rule by Parliament B. Oliver Cromwell turned it into a Puritan dictatorship in 1654 C. Upon Cromwell’s death (1658), his weak son, Richard, took over until Parliament got rid of him – Scotland prayer book – Monty Python – Civil War report with Bob Hale – Christmas with Cromwell, Charles II III. Stuarts (part II) A. Restoration of Merry Monarch, Charles II (1660-1685) 1.Limited monarch, not absolute 2.Deathbed conversion to Catholic Faith B. James II, Charles II's brother, (1685-1688) 1. Was a Catholic, but daughters were Anglican, so Parliament let him become king 2. 2nd wife had son who would be heir to the throne, and he was Catholic 3. Parliament, fearing long line of Catholic kings, deposed James in Glorious Revolution (1688) C. William and Mary invited to throne by Parliament 1. Required to sign Bill of Rights (See Below) before coronation a. Parliament every 3 years b.No standing army, taxes without Parliamentary consent 2. From this point forward Parliament runs the show a. Development of office of Prime Minister b. Decline of power of Monarchy 3. 1701 – Act of Settlement declares Catholics ineligible to become king D. 1707 – Act of Union unifies the governments of England and Scotland A) B) C) D) Petition of Right - 1629 Parliament must consent to taxes or loans from people/towns King can’t imprison anyone without just cause Troops can’t be housed in private homes without consent of owner King can’t declare martial law unless country was at war Nineteen Propositions 1. Ministers serving on the King’s Privy Council must be approved by the House of Commons and the House of Lords. 2. Matters that concern the public must be debated in Parliament, not decided based upon the advice of private advisors. 3. A number of high offices, including the Lord Treasurer and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, must be chosen with the consent of both houses of Parliament. 4. Parliament shall approve those responsible for the education of the King’s children. 5. Parliament shall approve of the marriage of the King’s children to any person, from home or abroad. 6. Laws against Jesuits, Catholic priests, and Catholic recusants must be strictly enforced. 7. The vote of Catholic Lords shall be taken away, and the children of Catholics must receive a Protestant education. 8. A reformation of the Church government must be made. 9. The King will accept the ordering of the militia by the Lords and Commons. 10. Members of Parliament who have been put out of office during the present session must be allowed to return. 11. Councilors and judges must take an oath to maintain certain Parliamentary statutes. 12. All judges and officers approved of by Parliament shall hold their posts on condition of good behavior. 13. The justice of Parliament shall apply to all law-breakers, whether they are inside the country or have fled. 14. The King’s pardon must be granted, unless both houses of Parliament object. 15. Parliament must approve the King’s appointees for commanders of the forts and castles of the kingdom. 16. The unnecessary military attachment guarding the King must be discharged. 17. The Kingdom will formalize its alliance with the Protestant States of the United Provinces (the Dutch) in order to defend them against the Pope and his followers. 18. The King must clear the five members of the House of Commons, along with Lord Kimbolton, of any wrongdoing. 19. New peers of the House of Lords must be voted in by both Houses of Parliament. A) B) C) D) E) Bill of Rights - 1689 No taxes or army without parliament’s consent Parliament to be held often (at least every 3 years) with free debate Right to trial by jury, fair bail, appeal (petition) to the monarch No cruel and unusual punishment Freedom to bear arms 1. List in order the six layers of the Double Chuck-Burger on James. 2. Parliament’s one major weapon was its control of the ________________. 3. The king did not need Parliament’s money except in time of ___________. 4. Parliament would not give the king this money unless he gave up some power. This action is called __________________. 5. War with Spain and France led to what document being signed by Charles I? 6. War with Scotland arose over ____________________ issues. 7. The English Civil War was fought between the Cavaliers and ____________________. 8. Cromwell imposed laws based on what religion upon England? 9. The Restoration brought King Charles II back to power. What was his nickname? 10. What king was ousted in the Glorious Revolution? PMQ to 2:48 “Order, order…” start 1:15 top five – first minute – Bercow “order, order, etc.” – Cameron “shut up…” – Skinner freaks out on Cameron – Pipsqueak