Unemployment in the UK Economy per cent of the labour force people aged 16-59 (women) / 64 (men), seasonally adjusted 11 11 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 Labour Force Survey 6 6 5 5 4 4 Claimant Count 3 3 2 2 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Source: Reuters EcoWin Types of Unemployment Read through the following examples and consider what type of unemployment (if any) is being experienced in each. Choose from Cyclical / Structural / Frictional / Seasonal / Real Wage / Not Counted as Unemployed Situation 1 A worker loses his job at a factory which made refrigeration components. The company closed the plant down because of an inability to cope with lower-wage cost foreign competition. 2 Workers lose their jobs at a paper factory due to a steep downturn in demand across the paper industry and an increase in energy costs. 3 A single mother who has been out of the workforce decides to start looking again for part-time work when she finds that affordable child care is available in her local town. 4 Employees at a brick manufacturer are laid off following a recession in the housing market. 5 A newly qualified plumber opts to spend some time looking for a new job rather than accept employment with a local business. 6 A number of journalists are made redundant when a magazine decides to use copy from press agencies as a cost-cutting measure. 7 Newcastle Building Society announces it is to make 150 workers redundant as a result of the downturn in the mortgage market. 8 A hotel decides to reduce the number of bar and restaurant staff employed following an increase in the national minimum wage. 9 Eighty jobs are lost at the classified ads company Exchange & Mart after the decision to cease print publication of the magazine and continue with the magazine online. 10 A building firm lay off ten workers for three weeks and mothballs their existing building sites because of harsh weather in the winter. 11 A former bank manager decides to leave her job and take early retirement in order to look after an elderly relative. 12 A steel smelting plant closes and thirty workers with job specific skills are forced to look for new work elsewhere in the locality. Type of Unemployment