1999 – 2000 Course Syllabus - HopewellPsychology

Hopewell High School
2014-2015 Course Syllabus
Teacher Name: Stacey Hatcher
Room #: 905
Course Name: AP Psychology
We:bsite: http://hopewellpsychology.cmswiki.wikispaces.net/
Text(s): Myers’ Psychology for AP
E-mail: stacey.luckadoo@cms.k12.nc.us
Course Description
AP Psychology is a full year college level course focusing on behavioral, psychoanalytical,
humanistic, and cognitive models for studying human behavior. Emphasis will be placed on
the scientific approach, particularly experimental design and methodology as used in
psychology. The thinking of prominent psychologists, past and present, will be academically
examined and critiqued in each unit covered.
Course Standards:
The course is based upon the standards set forth by the College Board. They can be found at
Students are required to have the following materials: a three ring binder, paper, pencils, a
spiral notebook and black or blue ink.
Students will not be required to purchase an AP review manual. There are numerous options
on the market, which students may choose to purchase.
The following is highly recommended.
 Barron’s AP Psychology
In addition, a textbook website is available for additional information, practice, and links to
helpful websites. The URL is
Any donations of class supplies including tissues, markers, construction paper, or reams of
copy paper are always welcome and appreciated!
The following are expectations for all students.
1. Talk only with teacher’s permission.
2. Cell phones should be silenced and put away during class
3. Refrain from eating or drinking in class.
4. Be seated and ready to work when the tardy bell rings
5. Leave seat only with teacher’s permission.
6. Treat classmates and the teacher with the same respect with which you would like to be
The following are consequences for failure to follow through with classroom expectations.
Step 1
Verbal Warning
Step 2
Student Conference
Step 3
Parent contact
Step 4
Academic Expectations
Students receive 2 additional quality points for an AP class with the understanding that they will be held to
higher academic standards and expectations
1. Students will participate in class daily.
2. Students will prepare for a possible pop quiz everyday by doing all required reading and
3. Students will be ready to work in class everyday.
4. Students will hold themselves to high standards of behavior. No cheating! No
5. Students will challenge themselves to think in new and different ways
Make-Up Work/Late Work
 Students who are absent should see or email Mrs. Hatcher upon return to school to get
missing assignments.
 Label work turned in due to absence as “absent” near your name. Otherwise, it will be
counted as late.
If a student was absent the day an assignment was due, they must turn it in before class
begins on the student’s first day back from an absence. If the student has any
questions or concerns, he or she should see Mrs. Hatcher before school.
 Only hard copies of assignments will be accepted. No emailed assignments, nor
assignments stored on a flashdrive, will be allowed.
 All missing work, no matter the reason, will be recorded as a zero until the work is
made up/turned in.
 Late Work: Students will receive a maximum 75% grade for working showing a
concerted effort, if turned in by the beginning of the next class meeting. After this, late
work showing a concerted effort will receive 50% grade if turned in prior to the first day
of the published exam schedule for each quarter.
Extra Help and Parent Contact
 Extra Help and Recovery time is generally available after school on Tuesday. Please
inform Mrs. Hatcher the day before if you plan on attending.
 Additional after school sessions can be arranged based on need.
 The school’s number is 704-343-5988. Messages can be let on teacher’s individual
voicemail. However, e-mail is the encouraged form of communication.
 No extra credit will be offered. Students must earn their grade by studying hard for tests
and quizzes as well as turning in all assignments on time.
 Due to the challenging level of this course, students are encouraged to be in class
everyday. When a student misses a day in an AP course, they are missing a large
amount of material. It is inevitable and understandable that absences do happen, but
attendance whenever physically possible is a necessary ingredient for success in AP
 NC law for makeup requires students who miss over 10 days to recover all time missed.
Students are required to make up this time or they cannot receive credit for the course no
matter their academic average.
Assessment Practices
Students will receive a variety of formal and informal assessments.
Tests will include multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, short answer and free response questions.
Projects will be assigned periodically throughout the course. There will be no more than one
project per quarter.
The course will culminate with a national exam on May 4, 2015. The exam is scored on a
scale of 1 to 5. Students scoring a three or better are usually eligible to receive college credit
for their work.
Students receive additional quality points on their GPA for AP courses. Please anticipate
a highly increased level of difficulty and time commitment in exchange for the opportunity
to earn additional quality points.
Grading Policy
Mastery Grading Statement: “Every student at Hopewell High School will be given an opportunity to
master course objectives through a variety of strategies provided during class and outside of class.
Students’ formal grades will be broken down by specific objective. After each formal assessment, every
student will be given the opportunity to improve their mastery of specific concepts and then demonstrate
this improvement to improve their grade."
● Concerted Effort: Student work will reflect thoughtful effort towards ALL items on
classwork, homework, and/or assessments.
● Remediation/Reassessment: Students who score an 84% or below can retest after
completing a remediation assignment. Students will receive the higher of the two grades for a
maximum of 84%. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate and complete the remediation
and the retest process within two weeks of the original test date or make other arrangements,
which are agreed to by Mrs. Hatcher. The 2nd test may be in a different format than the
initial test. Students who scored above an 85% may also retest for the higher of the two
grades after completing remediation.
*Formal grades are worth 70% of the total quarter grade and include items such as tests,
major quizzes, projects, and essays.
*Informal grades are worth 30% of the total quarter grade and include items such as in-class
work, homework, short quizzes, participation, etc.
69% and below
Schedule by Standard
History and Approaches, Methods
Biological Bases of Behavior
Sensation And Perception
Thinking and Language
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
Midterm Exams
Motivation and Emotion
Testing and Individual Differences, Stress & Health
Abnormal Psychology
Quarter 3
Treatment of Psychological Disorders
Social Psychology
Review for AP Exam
AP Psych Test
May 4
Topics in psychology
Quarter 4