Jenkins ELA Monday 16 Tuesday 17 Wednesday 18 Thursday 19 Friday 20 Standards RI 1,2,3,4,5, W 1b,6 L 3a,4a,6 Earphones from home! Computer day! repeat Computer day! repeat Can I… Can I determine the meaning of unfamiliar words? Can I identify patterns of organization in an information text? Can I identify patterns of organization in informational text? Write a short essay on the development of new tv technology? Can I demonstrate my knowledge of vocabulary? Lesson TSW participate in inductive learning to familiarize themselves with unknown vocabulary Envelope activity for “Life at home in the TSW watch the History channel video and take a class survey and then complete the level up tutorial “reading graphic aides” view all 20 slides and answer questions at the end. Next, with a partner create a graphic organizer(reference pg. 229) from the class survey. The students will take turns sharing the survey graphic organizer then read the article, “Life at Home in the 21st century” Pg 221 on audio And complete page 230 with a partner Performance task (pg. 230) The students will research and take notes, then write the essay TSW quiz on “Life at Home in the 21st Century” After quiz, work on page 232 “Eliminate Redundancy” ISN Cooperative learning /practice Homework/practice testing 21st century” * Cooperative learning/ nonlinguistic representation High-yield Strategies Cooperative learning Assessments Completed tree map Completed graphic organizer Completed reading Completed essay Quiz Closure HW; Literature project due Friday HW: Close reader page 77 “Teenagers and New Technology HW: research new tv technology HW: Literature project #2 due tomorrow HW: find a new book for literature project Q2~3