Week Beginning : ___Aug. 31______________ LESSON PLANS FOR: Name: _Ecker_____ Subject: _TX History_____ School Year: __14-15____ NOTES: M O N D A Y Co-teach Model: Objective TSW: Language Obj: MODS: Materials Teacher: Student: none none TEKS: Warm up: Lesson: 1. Blooms Vocab Word Activity. Differentiation GT: Differentiation Inclusion: NOTES: T U E S D A Y Co-teach Model: none Objective TSW: The learner will compare and contrast the regions of Texas and define all geographic vocabulary terms in their journals. MODS: Materials Teacher: regions power point, students’ worksheets over regions and maps, almanacs & textbooks Student: composition journals, writing utensil none Warm up: There will be a few questions on the board that they will have to answer on their own paper. TEKS: 7.9 A 7.9 B Lesson: 1. We will finish going over the regions of Texas power point and they will write notes in their graphic organizer while doing this. 2. Once finished, they will get out their journals and begin to copy down the vocabulary terms and their definitions into them. Differentiation GT: They are comparing the sub regions of Texas to each other instead of just the four major regions. They are filling out a different graphic organizer that goes into more detail compared to the regular history classes. Differentiation Inclusion: copy of notes if needed NOTES: W E D N E S D A Y Co-teach Model: none Objective TSW: The learner will demonstrate their understanding of the material learned in class so far MODS: during a card swap activity. none Materials Teacher: cards for activity Student: journals Warm up: There will be a few questions on the board that they will have to answer on their own paper. TEKS: 7.9A Lesson: 7.9B 1. Each student will receive a card. They will need to find the other person who has the matching card (term to definition or region to characteristics) 2. This will take the entire class because it is a review for the geography quiz tomorrow. Differentiation GT: They will need to know information on the sub regions as well as the main regions. Differentiation Inclusion: none NOTES: T H U R S D A Y Co-teach Model: none Objective TSW: The learner will assess their knowledge of Texas geography then compare and contrast MODS: the Native Americans of Texas. none Materials Teacher: geography quizzes, presentation on Native Americans, paper for graphic organizer Student: writing utensil, journals Warm up: They can study for the quiz. Lesson: 1. They will take a quiz over the geography of Texas. They will have no more than 25 minutes for it. 2. As they hand in their quiz, they will pick up the paper needed for the graphic organizer and begin to fold and staple them together as instructed. 3. Once everyone is finished, we will begin talking about the different Native American tribes that lived in TX before the Europeans came. 4. They will write down characteristics of each tribe in the appropriate section of their graphic organizer, which will go into their journals before they leave. 5. We will finish this tomorrow. TEKS: 7.9A 7.9B 7.2B Differentiation GT: They will have a different quiz. NOTES: F R I D A Y Co-teach Model: Differentiation Inclusion: extra time and oral testing if needed Objective TSW: The learner will compare and contrast the Native Americans of Texas. Materials Teacher: presentation on Native Americans, graphic organizers, video on Native Americans of TX Student: journals, writing utensil MODS: none none Warm up: They will have a few questions on the board to answer. Lesson: 1. We will continue the presentation over the Native Americans and finish the graphic organizers today. 2. If there is time at the end of class, we will watch a short video of Native Americans in TX. Differentiation GT: They will be expected to explain not just how they natives lived but also why they they lived the way they did. Differentiation Inclusion: copy of notes given if needed. TEKS: 7.2B