NAME DATE PERIOD 7. Describe the difference between selective breeding and natural selection? 8. Describe the following selective pressures: EVIDENCE COLLECTION: EXPLAINING EVOLUTION Homework: Read the essay "Evolution by Natural Selection" p. 113 and answer the following questions: 1. What is meant by variation within species (give some examples)? Competition: 2. Explain how farmers have used breeding tactics to emphasize or increase certain characteristics: Predation: 9. 3. What do all the vegetables in the picture on p.114 have in common? How are they different? 4. Define species: 5. Using Figure E2.13- Ernst Mayr’s points and the reading: Fill in the graphic organizer on the back of this page. 6. What are adaptations? Give an example from the essay: Do organisms acquire these characteristics to help them survive? Explain. 10. Relate natural selection to Darwin's basic idea- descent by modification: Question #4 Biological Evolution Graphic Organizer (LS3A) The Logic of the Theory of Natural Selection: Fact 1: Inference 1: Fact 2: Fact 3: Fact 4: Inference 2: Fact 5: Inference 3: