Slide 1

2/27 English II Agenda
TSW develop their use a syntax (sentence structure) and
vocabulary by completing different sentence style and
infusing vocabulary words. TSW use direct the indirect
references to complete a graphic organizer for chp. 14 of
Miss. Trial in order to analyze the trial scene.
Focus: Sentence Structure Rubric (Handout): Create
samples sentences for both 1 and 2, and utilize a vocabulary
word in each sentence.
Activities: 1. Class: Read and discuss chapter 14 (Trial
scene) – work on graphic organizer.
Closing: Independent reading time.
Create samples sentences for both 1 and 2, and utilize a
vocabulary word in each sentence.
Compound Sent.:
By the end of the novel, Mississippi Trial, 1955, Hiram
Hillburn realizes his father’s ideas on race are correct, and he
denounces the racist belief’s of his grand father, Earl
Prepositional Phrase - Tells when something happened or will
During the events surrounding the kidnapping and murder of
Emmett Till, many Southerners use Northerners and the
NAACP as scapegoats to blame all of their race problems on.
2/28 English II Agenda
TSW develop their use a syntax (sentence structure) and
vocabulary by completing different sentence style and
infusing vocabulary words. TSW use direct the indirect
references to complete a graphic organizer for chp. 14 of
Miss. Trial in order to create a verdict for the trial.
Focus: Sentence Structure Rubric (Handout): Create
samples sentences for both 3 and 4, and utilize a vocabulary
word in each sentence.
Activities: 1. Class: Review graphic organizer for the trial
scene (chp. 14) – Read and discuss chapter 15.
2. Groups: Write your own verdict and punishment for
Bryant and Milam, based on the evidence from the chapter
(about 2 paragraphs)
Closing: Independent reading time.
Create samples sentences for both 3 and 4, and utilize a
vocabulary word in each sentence.
Harlan Hillburn, Hiram’s father and Earl’s son, consistently
has opinions that are contrary to his racist father, Earl, which
causes their relationship to fall apart.
Adding Adjectives after the Noun to be modified:
Making the transition from Mississippi, fertile and humid, to
Arizona, hot and barren, was difficult for Hiram, and it made
him even less likely to concede that his father may have had
a good reason for moving the family.
2/29 English II Agenda
TSW develop their use a syntax (sentence structure) and
vocabulary by completing different sentence style and infusing
vocabulary words. TSW read and analyze the conclusion of
Mississippi Trial, 1955 in order to identify examples of character
Focus: Sentence Structure Rubric (Handout): Create a samples
sentence for number 5, and utilize a vocabulary word in the
Activities: 1. Class: Review chapter 16, and read and discuss
chapter 17 of Miss. Trial.
2. Individuals: Work on open-ended study guides.
Closing: Independent reading time.
Create a samples sentence for number 5, and utilize a
vocabulary word in the sentence.
Using dialogue/quote in a sentence:
When Hiram describes Earl and Harlan’s relationship, he states
that they, “…got along about as well as Hitler and Roosevelt.”
(Crowe 2) He uses this analogy to show how volatile their
relationship was. The reader learns that Harlan basically
denounced everything that Earl stood for and believed in.
3/1 English II Agenda
TSW utilize textual evidence to respond to open-ended
responses for Mississippi Trial, 1955 in order to analyze the
events of the novel and demonstrate proper open-ended
response format.
Focus: (Handout) Use your vocabulary words to complete
each sentence.
Activities: 1. Class: Review Mississippi Trial, 1955 character
analysis essay requirements.
2. Individuals: Work on study guides and prewrite for essay
Closing: Independent reading time.
3/2 English II Agenda
TSW utilize textual evidence to respond to open-ended
responses for Mississippi Trial, 1955 in order to analyze
the events of the novel and demonstrate proper openended response format.
Focus: Prepare for Vocabulary Chapter 7 Quiz
Activities: 1. Individuals: Complete vocabulary chapter 7
2. Individuals: Work on study guides and prewrite for
Closing: Independent reading time.