AP Biology final review sheet 05

S 449 AP Biology
1 Semester Final Review Guide
Chapter 2
 Matter, elements, compounds, & molecules
 Atoms --- describe its subatomic particles & where are they located
 Atomic number vs. atomic mass
 Isotopes --- characteristics
 Figure 2.10 on page 32
 Valence electrons, valence shells & what that means for bonding
 Covalent (polar & nonpolar), & ionic bonds
 Cation vs. anion
 Van der Waals interactions & hydrogen bonds --- how do they play important
roles in the chemistry of life
Chapter 3
 What effects water’s polarity? Name them and be able to explain
 pH --- acids vs. bases & characteristics of both
Chapter 4
 What is the importance of carbon?
 Why is it the most versatile building block?
 Explain what a hydrocarbon is
 Isomers --- structural, geometric, & enantiomers (drawing pictures of each kind
might help!)
 Functional groups --- name them, give the formula, name the compound, & give
an example of each functional group
Chapter 5
 Monomers vs. polymers
 4 major macromolecules --- explain structure & function for each one; be able to
give an example of each macromolecule
 Condensation reaction (dehydration reaction) vs. hydrolysis --- know what these
mean in regards to polymers
Chapter 6
 What is metabolism?
 Enzymes --- what do they do?
 What does it mean to be “substrate specific?”
 What are cofactors?
 Competitive inhibition vs. noncompetitive inhibition
 Feedback inhibition
 What’s the “lock & key” method?
Allosteric sites --- what are they?
What are some physical & chemical environmental factors that effect enzymes?
The Cell
Chapter 7
 Why do we use microscopes?
 Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic cells
Describe & explain functions of the following:
 Nucleus & ribosomes
 Endomembrane system
 Mitochondrion & chloroplasts
 Cytoskeleton --- the 3 types
 Cell surface & junctions
 What are peroxisomes?
Chapter 8
 Fluid mosaic model
 Selectively permeable
 Describe the structure and function of the cell membranes
 Exocytosis vs. endocytosis --- receptor-mediated endocytosis
 Phagocytosis vs. pinocytosis
 Diffusion vs. osmosis
 Passive vs. active transport
 Solutions --- hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic --- what happens with each type of
Chapter 50
 Abiotic vs. biotic factors --- how do these affect the distribution of organisms?
 Organismal, population, community, landscape ecology
 What factors affect the distribution of organisms?
 What are some problems that introduced species can create? (Be able to give
some examples)
 What is vertical stratification? Why is this important?
 Oligotrophic vs. eutrophic lakes
 What is allocation? Why is this important to ecology?
Chapter 52
 What are the 2 most important characteristics of any population?
 What are the 3 types of dispersion? Which one is the most common?
 How can you measure density? (Be able to do the equation for this method that
we talked about)
 What are the 3 types of survivorship curves? (Figure 52.3 on page 1155)
 What is carrying capacity?
Density-independent vs. density-dependent factors --- how do these affect
What is a country’s age structure? (Graphs on page 1170)
Chapter 53
 What is a community?
 Individualistic hypothesis vs. interactive hypothesis --- know what each
hypothesis states
 Population interactions --- intraspecific competition vs. interspecific competition
 What is coevolution?
 What are some plant defenses vs. predators?
 What are some animal defenses vs. predators?
 What is an ecological niche?
 What is character displacement?
 Dominant species vs. keystone species
 Primary succession vs. secondary succession
 Biodiversity --- species richness vs. relative abundance --- how are these
components of biodiversity?
 What is symbiosis? What are the 3 types of symbiotic relationships?
 What is biogeography?
Chapter 54
 Vocabulary --- heterotrophs, autotrophs, primary producers, primary consumers,
secondary & tertiary consumers, detritivores
 What is an ecosystem?
 What is primary production in an ecosystem?
 What is GPP & NPP?
 How is the human population affecting ecosystems and the biosphere?
 What is biological magnification?
Chapter 55
 What does conservation science deal with?
 What is the single greatest threat to global diversity?
 What effects do introduced species have on biological communities? (positively
& negatively)
Evolutionary History
Chapter 26
 Figure 26.1 on page 511
 Biogenesis vs. spontaneous generation --- Pasteur’s experiment on page 517
 Miller-Urey’s experiment
 History of life --- timeline (page 524 summary)
Chapter 27
 Gram-positive vs. gram-negative bacteria --- characteristics of both (page 529)
 Read the chapter 27 review on page 543
Chapter 28
 The model of the origin of eukaryotes
 What is endosymbiosis?
 Read the chapter 28 review on page 573
Respiration and Photosynthesis
Chapter 9
 Overall reaction for respiration
 Compare aerobic and anaerobic respiration
 Substrate level phosphorylation/Oxidative phosphorylation
 Glycolysis-starting materials, end product, where does it occur, ATP, NADH, etc.
 Krebs Cycle-starting materials, end products, where does it occur, ATP, NADH,
FADH2, etc.
 ETC-describe what happens
 What is chemiosmosis?
 Diagrams p. 161, 166, 168, 169
Chapter 10
 Overall reaction for photosynthesis
 Parts of a chloroplast
 Light reactions-Photosystem I and Photosystem II
 Dark reactions-3 phases of the Calvin cycle and what happens in each phase
 Photorespiration-CAM plants, C3, C4 plants
 Diagrams p. 180, 186, 189
Chapter 29
 Alternation of generations-diagram p. 580
 Evolution of Charophyceans to Angiosperms-which generation is dominant in
each? Vascular tissue? How do they reproduce?
 Sporophyte/Gametophyte
Chapter 30
 Examples of angiosperms and gymnosperms
 Flower parts-male and female
 Diagram p. 598
Chapter 35
 Monocot/dicot diagram p. 721
 Roots, stems, leaves, flowers-functions
 Types of meristems
Chapter 36
 Transpiration-what affects it? Think about the lab. How is it controlled?
Chapter 37
 Nitrogen as a plant nutrient
 Symbiosis of plants and soil microbes
Chapter 38
 Pollination
 Fertilization-also double fertilization
 Asexual reproduction
Chapter 39
 Hormones-auxin, cytokinin, gibberellins, abscisic acid, ethylene-what do they do?
 Short day/Long day plants
 Tropisms
 Plant defenses
Animal Diversity
Chapter 32
 What is an animal?
 Protostome/Deuterostome
 Blastula, cleavage, etc.
 Diagram p. 634, 636
Chapter 33
 Phyla-Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Mollusca, Annelida,
Arthropoda, Echinodermata, Chordata
 Characteristics of phyla including symmetry, body cavity, germ layers,
protostome/deuterostome, etc.
Chapter 34
 Arthropod classes-Arachnida, Insecta, Crustacea
 General characteristics of chordates
 Chordate classes, Subphylum Vertebrata-Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia,
Chondrichtheyes, Osteichthyes, Agnatha,
 Why is the amniotic egg so important?