course outline 2014

Grade 12 University Preparation Biology Course Outline
Teacher: Mrs. Smith, 519-634-5441 x887
Textbook: Biology 12, Nelson
Science Office
Lunch, Periods C & H
(will be
Course Overview:
This course provides students with the opportunity for in-depth study of the concepts and processes that occur in biological
systems. Emphasis will be placed on the achievement of detailed knowledge and the refinement of skills needed for further
study in various branches of the life sciences and related fields. Students will study theory and conduct investigations in the
following units of study.
Units of Study—Big Ideas:
Technological applications that affect biological processes and cellular functions are used in the food, pharmaceutical,
and medical industries.
Biological molecules and their chemical properties affect cellular processes and biochemical reactions.
Biochemical compounds play important structural and functional roles in cells of all living organisms.
Metabolic Processes
All metabolic processes involve chemical changes and energy conversions.
An understanding of metabolic processes enables people to make informed choices with respect to a range of personal,
societal, and environmental issues.
Molecular Genetics
DNA contains all the genetic information for any living organism.
Proteins control a wide variety of cellular processes.
Genetic research and biotechnology have social, legal, and ethical implications.
Organisms have strict limits on the internal conditions that they can tolerate.
Systems that maintain homeostasis rely on feedback mechanisms.
Environmental factors can affect homeostasis.
Population Dynamics
Population growth follows predictable patterns.
The increased consumption of resources and production of waste associated with population growth result in specific
stresses that affect Earth’s sustainability.
Technological developments can contribute to or help offset the ecological footprint associated with population growth
and the consumption of natural resources.
Assessment and Evaluation:
Evaluation Type
Tests and Quizzes
Labs and Assignments
ISU/Literature Review
Final Examination
Percentage of Grade
Learning Skills Expectations
The following learning skills will be assessed throughout the course and rated on the report card:
Independent Work, Organization, Responsibility, Initiative, Collaboration, and Self-regulation
These skills will not be included in the final numeric mark unless they are part of the provincial curriculum expectations for the
course. However, it is important to remember that the development of these skills is critical to academic achievement and does have
a bearing on the final mark.
Each student is responsible for loss or any damage to their textbook. Cost for damages or loss will be assessed at the end of the
course. Replacement cost is $110.
Additional Information
Attendance and Lates
Regular attendance at school is very important for learning and achievement of course expectations. Students are
expected to follow school policy regarding absences and lates. IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO CATCH
UP ON ALL MISSED WORK. If you know you will be absent ahead of time, please let your teacher know so you can get
the work before you go. Catch up on missed work before the next class.
Major assignments assess the student’s learning of key components of the course’s big ideas. As such, each of the
following major assignments MUST be completed.
1) Building Macromolecules Lab
2) Enzyme Action Lab
3) Transformation Lab (“Green Gene” Lab)
4) Urine Analysis and Kidney Disorders Lab
5) ISU/Literature Review
1. All major assignments must be completed and submitted by the due date.
2. For all major assignments not submitted by the due date, some or all of the following will occur:
a) the student will speak with the teacher to negotiate an extension
b) communication will take place between the teacher and the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s)
3. Major assignments not handed in by the negotiated due date will receive an incomplete (I) and will be reflected in the
learning skills.
4. The essential learning required for major assignments will still need to be demonstrated and the teacher will use
his/her professional judgment to determine an appropriate final course mark.
If you know that you will be absent for a test you must make arrangements to write it ahead of time, or you will write it
at lunch on the day you return.
Assignments are due at the beginning of class. If a student has an issue with the assigned date, it must be renegotiated
before the start of school day on which the assignment is due. Once the assignment has been returned to the class, an
incomplete (I) will be assigned to work not submitted.
Plagiarism, including theft and misrepresentation of original work, cheating, theft of evaluation instruments, use of
unauthorized aids, and false representation of identity, will result in appropriate consequences. The teacher will inform
administration and meet with the student to determine the nature and extent of the incident, the student’s
understandings of the situation and intent. Please refer to the student planner for more information.
Each day you should bring your notebook (3-ring binder, with lined paper), calculator, pencils, pens, eraser and textbook.
Extra Help
Extra help is always available. Don’t wait!!! Try to come in as soon as you encounter difficulty.
Note to Parents/Guardians: Please sign below to show that you are aware of the expectations of this course and that
you have the name and contact number for your son/daughter’s teacher.
Date: ___________________
Student Signature: __________________________________
Date: ___________________
Parent Signature: ___________________________________
Parent Contact Info.: Email: __________________________________ Day Time Phone #: _________________