Name _________________ Mrs. Grant, Anatomy Chapter 7: Muscular system study guide I. Types and functions of Muscles (pp. 110) a. cardiac muscle, b. both smooth and c. cardiac, skeletal muscle _____ 1. involuntary muscle tissue _____ 2. muscle tissue with intercalated discs _____ 3. striated muscle tissue 4. List the four functions of the muscular system: a. b. c. d. II. Skeletal Muscle structure and contraction (pp. 110 – 117) A. Complete the following statements: fibers, fascicle, epimysium, perimysium, endomysium 5. Individual cells are covered in the muscle with a connective tissue layer called __________________. 6. Skeletal muscle cells are specifically called muscle _____________. 7. A bundle of muscle cells in the muscle are called the ____________. 8. Each bundle of muscle cells is encased by the _______________. 9. The entire muscle is covered by the fascia layer called the __________________. 1 Matching: _____ 10. ATP _____ 11. actin _____ 12. calcium _____ 13. myosin _____ _____ _____ _____ 14. 15. 16. 17. myofibril neuromuscular junction sarcolemma T a. plasma membrane b. tubule contains transverse system c. energy storage compound d. where motor neuron fiber meets the muscle fiber e. thick myofilament f. thin myofilament g. ion stored in sacs h. a series of sarcomeres are its units. Physiology of contraction (113-116) 18. rate of effective muscle contraction ________ 19. summation of simple twitches ______ 20. Fatigue is shown at ________ 21.A latent period composes part of the responses at ______ 22.Tetanus is shown at _______ 23. What are the sources of ATP for muscle contraction? (3 points) 24. What is the reason for lactic acid build up and how is it removed? 25. If a muscle fiber obeys the all-or-none law, then how can muscles exhibit various strengths of contractions? 2 26. Describe the contraction of muscle according to the sliding filament theory. Begin at the impulse. 27. Explain the difference between fast and slow twitch muscle. 28. Place the following terms in order from the largest part of the muscle to the smallest: myofibril, myofilament, muscle fiber, fascicle, sarcomere, perimysium, endomysium 3 Matching: 10. _____ ATP 11. _____ actin 12. _____ calcium 13. _____ myosin 14. 15. 16. 17. _____ _____ _____ _____ a. plasma membrane b. tubule composing transverse system c. energy storage compound d. where motor neuron fiber meets muscle myofibril neuromuscular junction sarcolemma T 4