- Roe Valley Integrated Primary School

I hope you all had a wonderful summer holiday and
are ready for another great year at Roe Valley Integrated
Primary School. This P3 newsletter is simply a chance for me
to inform you of numerous aspects of school life and what will
be happening in our wonderful class!
The School Day/Breakfast Club
School begins at 8.55am (Children are permitted to enter the classroom from
8.50 onwards when the teacher is present, if early all children must go to the
school hall). Breakfast Club is currently available in our hall from 8.30-8.50am.
When your child enters the classroom they are encouraged to hang
up their schoolbag, coat and carry out their morning jobs
independently. Please do not think that this means you are not
welcome in the classroom. If at anytime of the year you or your
child feel anxious about any matter do not hesitate to talk to me
before or after school.
Uniform/PE Kit
As you can imagine with so many children wearing identical clothing it is vital that
all uniform is named clearly with your child’s full name and class. On PE days (days
to be confirmed) your child should come to school wearing their polo shirt, navy
sweatshirt, navy tracksuit bottoms and outdoor trainers.
Your child will possibly be absent or unwell at some time during the year. If this is
the case he/she should be kept at home until feeling better. A phone call to the
school office or a note sent to school on his/her return explaining the absence is
required. Once your child has returned to school an “Absent Monitoring Form” will
be sent home for you to complete and return for school records.
At break time we encourage children to have a snack consisting of healthy foods
i.e. fruit or vegetable and recommend water to drink. If you wish to give your
child a snack then please put it in a small container (bananas included) in their
school bag rather than in amongst their pack lunch food. It is much easier to
access. All children are provided with water bottles and have access to filtered
water in class. Please send two portions of fruit or vegetable to school each
day as we will take a break in the morning and afternoon in P3 during Term
Dinner Money
If any money is coming into class, please ensure your child uses a wallet or
envelope with your child’s name and the purpose of the money clearly printed.
Homework will be sent home on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Your child’s homework diary will explain the evenings work. Please sign the diary
each night. If for some reason your child is unsure of their homework, feel free
to note down any queries, concerns or positive comments that you may have and we
can look at this in school. Ensure your child brings their folder back to school
everyday with all contents. We encourage children to take care of their books
and belongings and take pride in their achievements.
Monday: Mathletics (Online homework)
Tuesday: Literacy written homework
Wednesday: Numeracy written homework
Thursday: Spellodrome (Online homework)
Linguistic Phonics: Spellings in Primary 3 will continue with the Linguistic Phonics
programme taught in Primary 2. This programme is designed to provide children
with the tools they need to read and spell with confidence. Homework will
reinforce class learning. Further details will be given in your child’s homework
folder as we progress through the different stages but if you have any questions,
please call in and ask.
Reading: Your child will receive an independent reading book each night. They
should be encouraged to:♦ handle these books appropriately
♦ answer questions about the pictures and text
♦ predict what they think might happen next
♦ retell the story in their own words
♦ suggest a different ending
Library Book
Every Friday your child will have the opportunity to select a new library book.
Please ensure that your child brings their library book back into school on a Friday
to exchange. If your child requires additional library books please don’t hesitate
to change books more frequently – RVIPS actively encourage a love of reading! 
I hope you will find our website (www.roevalleyintegrated.com) useful and I plan to
use it a lot throughout the year to keep you updated with future newsletters !
(Don’t worry if you don’t have internet access, just let me know and I will send out
paper copies of any information there).
Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. Let’s work together to
make this a fantastic year! You are most welcome to ask for advice if unsure how
best to help your child at home. Please do not hesitate to make an appointment to
discuss any concern.
Mrs Ash (P3 Class Teacher)