Learning Unit Review Sheet Learning classical conditioning

Learning Unit Review Sheet
classical conditioning
unconditioned response (UR)
unconditioned stimulus (US)
conditioned response (CR)
conditioned stimulus (CS)
spontaneous recovery
learned helplessness
operant conditioning
law of effect
discriminative stimulus
positive reinforcement
negative reinforcement
primary reinforce
conditioned reinforce
continuous reinforcement
intermittent reinforcement
fixed-ratio schedule
variable-ratio schedule
fixed-interval schedule
variable-interval schedule
latent learning
observational learning
mirror neurons
prosocial behavior
antisocial behavior
1: What are some basic forms of learning?
2: What is classical conditioning, and how did Pavlov’s work influence behaviorism?
3: How does a neutral stimulus become a conditioned stimulus?
4: In classical conditioning, what are the processes of acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery,
generalization, and discrimination?
5: Do cognitive processes and biological constraints affect classical conditioning?
6: Why is Pavlov’s work important?
7: What have been some applications of classical conditioning?
8: What is operant conditioning, and how does it differ from classical conditioning?
9: What are the basic types of reinforcers?
10: How do different reinforcement schedules affect behavior?
11: How does punishment affect behavior?
12: Do cognitive processes and biological constraints affect operant conditioning?
13: How might operant conditioning principles be applied at school, in sports, at work, at home, and for
14: What is observational learning, and how is it enabled by mirror neurons?
15: What is the impact of prosocial modeling and of antisocial modeling?
1: What are some basic forms of learning?
Learning is a relatively permanent change in an organism’s behavior due to experience. In associative
learning, we learn to associate two stimuli (as in classical conditioning) or a response and its consequences
(as in operant conditioning). In observational learning, we learn by watching others’ experiences and
2: What is classical conditioning, and how did Pavlov’s work influence behaviorism?
Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which an organism comes to associate stimuli. Pavlov’s work on
classical conditioning laid the foundation for behaviorism, the view that psychology should be an objective
science that studies behavior without reference to mental processes.
3: How does a neutral stimulus become a conditioned stimulus?
In classical conditioning, a UR is an event that occurs naturally (such as salivation), in response to some
stimulus. A US is something that naturally and automatically (without learning) triggers the unlearned
response (as food in the mouth triggers salivation). A CS is a previously irrelevant stimulus (such as a bell)
that, through learning, comes to be associated with some unlearned response (salivating). A CR is the
learned response (salivating) to the originally irrelevant but now conditioned stimulus.
4: In classical conditioning, what are the processes of acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery,
generalization, and discrimination?
In classical conditioning, acquisition is associating a CS with the US. Acquisition occurs most readily when a
CS is presented just before (ideally, about a half-second before) a US, preparing the organism for the
upcoming event. This finding supports the view that classical conditioning is biologically adaptive. Extinction
is diminished responding when the CS no longer signals an impending US. Spontaneous recovery is the
appearance of a formerly extinguished response, following a rest period. Generalization is the tendency to
respond to stimuli that are similar to a CS. Discrimination is the learned ability to distinguish between a CS
and other irrelevant stimuli.
5: Do cognitive processes and biological constraints affect classical conditioning?
The behaviorists’ optimism that in any species, any response can be conditioned to any stimulus has been
tempered. Conditioning principles, we now know, are cognitively and biologically constrained. In classical
conditioning, animals learn when to expect a US, and they may be aware of the link between stimuli and
responses. Moreover, because of biological predispositions, learning some associations is easier than
learning others. Learning is adaptive: Each species learns behaviors that aid its survival.
6: Why is Pavlov’s work important?
Pavlov taught us that significant psychological phenomena can be studied objectively, and that classical
conditioning is a basic form of learning that applies to all species. Later research modified this finding
somewhat by showing that in many species cognition and biological predispositions place some limits on
7: What have been some applications of classical conditioning?
Classical conditioning techniques are used in treatment programs for those recovering from drug abuse and
to condition more appropriate responses in therapy for emotional disorders. The body’s immune system also
appears to respond to classical conditioning.
8: What is operant conditioning, and how does it differ from classical conditioning?
In operant conditioning, an organism learns associations between its own behavior and resulting events; this
form of conditioning involves operant behavior (behavior that operates on the environment, producing
consequences). In classical conditioning, the organism forms associations between stimuli—behaviors it
does not control; this form of conditioning involves respondent behavior (automatic responses to some
Expanding on Edward Thorndike’s law of effect, B. F. Skinner and others found that the behavior of rats or
pigeons can be shaped by using reinforcers to guide closer and closer approximations of the desired
9: What are the basic types of reinforcers?
Positive reinforcement adds something desirable to increase the frequency of a behavior. Negative
reinforcement removes something undesirable to increase the frequency of a behavior. Primary reinforcers
(such as receiving food when hungry or having nausea end during an illness) are innately satisfying—no
learning is required. Conditioned (or secondary) reinforcers (such as cash) are satisfying because we have
learned to associate them with more basic rewards (such as the food or medicine we buy with them).
Immediate reinforcers (such as unprotected sex) offer immediate payback; delayed rein forcers (such as a
weekly paycheck) require the ability to delay gratification.
10: How do different reinforcement schedules affect behavior?
In continuous reinforcement (reinforcing desired responses every time they occur), learning is rapid, but so is
extinction if rewards cease. In partial (intermittent) reinforcement, initial learning is slower, but the behavior
is much more resistant to extinction. Fixed-ratio schedules offer rewards after a set number of responses;
variable-ratio schedules, after an unpredictable number. Fixed-interval schedules offer rewards after set time
periods; variable-interval schedules, after unpredictable time periods.
11: How does punishment affect behavior?
Punishment attempts to decrease the frequency of a behavior (a child’s disobedience) by administering an
undesirable consequence (such as spanking) or withdrawing something desirable (such as taking away a
favorite toy). Undesirable side effects can include suppressing rather than changing unwanted behaviors,
teaching aggression, creating fear, encouraging discrimination (so that the undesirable behavior appears
when the punisher is not present), and fostering depression and low self-esteem.
12: Do cognitive processes and biological constraints affect operant conditioning?
Skinner underestimated the limits that cognitive and biological constraints place on conditioning. Research
on cognitive mapping, latent learning, and insight demonstrate the importance of cognitive processes in
learning. Excessive rewards can undermine intrinsic motivation. Training that attempts to override biological
constraints will probably not endure because the animals will revert to their predisposed patterns.
13: How might operant conditioning principles be applied at school, in sports, at work, at home, and for
At school, teachers can use shaping techniques to guide students’ behaviors, and they can use interactive
software and Web sites to provide immediate feedback. In sports, coaches can build players’ skills and selfconfidence by rewarding small improvements. At work, managers can boost productivity and morale by
rewarding well-defined and achievable behaviors. At home, parents can reward behaviors they consider
desirable, but not those that are undesirable. We can shape our own behaviors by stating our goals,
monitoring the frequency of desired behaviors, reinforcing desired behaviors, and cutting back on incentives
as behaviors become habitual.
14: What is observational learning, and how is it enabled by mirror neurons?
Albert Bandura’s experiments on observational learning (also called social learning), demonstrate how we
observe and imitate others. Mirror neurons, located in the brain’s frontal lobes, demonstrate a neural basis
for observational learning. They fire when we perform certain actions (such as responding to pain or moving
our mouth to form words), or when we observe someone else performing those actions.
15: What is the impact of prosocial modeling and of antisocial modeling?
Children tend to imitate what a model does and says, whether the behavior being modeled is prosocial
(positive, constructive, and helpful) or antisocial. If a model’s actions and words are inconsistent, children
may imitate the hypocrisy they observe.