chapter 11 packet

(400 - 1500)
Take-Home Homework Packet
100 Points
Honor Code
I understand that this is an independent assignment and that I can not receive any assistance
from any other person. I will conduct all of my own research and will answer the questions
to the best of my ability.
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Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
11.1 The Peoples of North America – Outline (pp. 347-350)
I. The Lands of the Americas
II. The First Americans
III. The Peoples of North America
a. Arctic and Northwest: The Inuit
b. Eastern Woodlands: The Mound Builders
c. Eastern Woodlands: The Iroquois
d. Peoples of the Great Plains
e. Peoples of the Southwest: The Anasazi
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
11.1 The Peoples of North America – Reading Check Questions (pp. 347-350)
1. What different kinds of landscapes are found throughout North and South America?
2. According to scholars, why did hunters cross the land bridge into North America?
3. What cause the Mississippian culture to prosper? What was the result?
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
11.1 The Peoples of North America – Terms, People, & Places (pp. 347-350)
1. longhouse
2. clan
3. tepee
4. adobe
5. pueblo
6. Inuit
7. Hopewell
8. Iroquois
9. Plains Indians
10. Anasazi
11. Amazon
12. Bering Strait
13. Gulf of Mexico
14. Cahokia
15. Mesa Verde
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
11.2 Early Civilizations in Mesoamerica – Outline (pp. 352-358)
I. The Olmec and Teotihuacán
II. The Maya and Toltec
a. Political and Social Structures
b. Writings and Calendar
c. The Toltec
III. The Aztec
a. Rise of the Aztec
b. Political and Social Structures
c. Religion and Culture
d. The Destruction of Aztec Civilization
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
11.2 Early Civilizations in Mesoamerica – Reading Check Questions (pp. 352-358)
1. What does the term Mesoamerica mean, and who were some of the first inhabitants of Mesoamerica?
2. How did the Maya measure time?
3. What aspect of Aztec culture is reflected in their architecture?
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
11.2 Early Civilizations in Mesoamerica – Terms, People, & Places (pp. 352-358)
1. Mesoamerica
2. hieroglyph
3. tribute
4. Olmec
5. Maya
6. Toltec
7. Aztec
8. Hernán Cortés
9. Montezuma
10. Teotihuacán
11. Yucatán Peninsula
12. Tikal
13. Chichén Itzá
14. Lake Texcoco
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
11.3 Early Civilizations in South America – Outline (pp. 359-374)
I. Early Civilizations
II. The Inca
a. Political Structures
b. Social Structures
c. Building and Culture
d. Conquest of the Inca
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
11.3 Early Civilizations in South America – Reading Check Questions (pp. 359-374)
1. What was the importance of the Moche River to the people who lived near it?
2. How did the Inca farm in the mountains?
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
11.3 Early Civilizations in South America – Terms, People, & Places (pp. 359-374)
1. maize
2. quipu
3. Moche
4. Inca
5. Pachacuti
6. Francisco Pizarro
7. Ecuador
8. Cuzco
9. Machu Picchu
10. Urubamba River
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic