chapter 25 packet

(1919 - 1939)
Take-Home Homework Packet
100 Points
Honor Code
I understand that this is an independent assignment and that I can not receive any assistance
from any other person. I will conduct all of my own research and will answer the questions
to the best of my ability.
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Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
25.1 Nationalism in the Middle East – Outline (pp. 781-785)
I. Decline and Fall of the Ottoman Empire
a. Impact of World War I
b. Massacre of the Armenians
c. Emergence of the Turkish Republic
II. The Modernization of Turkey
III. The Beginnings of Modern Iran
IV. Arab Nationalism
V. The Problem of Palestine
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
25.1 Nationalism in the Middle East – Reading Check Questions (pp. 781-785)
1. How did the Ottoman Empire finally end?
2. What radical step did Atatürk take to modernize Turkey?
3. How was Reza Shah Pahlavi's modernization of Persia different from Atatürk's transformation of Turkey?
4. How were many Middle Eastern states created after World War I?
5. Why did the Balfour Declaration produce problems in Palestine?
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
25.1 Nationalism in the Middle East – Terms, People, & Places (pp. 781-785)
1. genocide
2. ethnic cleansing
3. Abdulhamid II
4. T.E. Lawrence
5. Atatürk
6. Reza Shah Pahlavi
7.Ibn Saud
8. Tehran
9. Iran
10. Saudi Arabia
11. Palestine
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
25.2 Nationalism in Africa and Asia – Outline (pp. 786-791)
I. Movements toward Independence in Africa
a. African Protests
b. New Leaders
II. The Movement for Indian Independence
a. Protest and Reform
b. A Push for Independence
c. New Leaders and New Problems
III. The Rise of a Militarist Japan
a. A Zaibatsu Economy
b. Japan and the West
c. The Rise of Militarism
IV. Nationalism and Revolution in Asia
a. The Spread of Communism
b. Communist Parties in Asia
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
25.2 Nationalism in Africa and Asia – Reading Check Questions (pp. 786-791)
1. Why did many Africans become more politically active after World War I?
2. What three non-British conflicts affected the Indian independence movements of the 1930s?
3. How did the Japanese government change from the 1920s to 1930s?
4. What was the relationship between communism and imperialism?
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
25.2 Nationalism in Africa and Asia – Terms, People, & Places (pp. 786-791)
1. Pan-Africanism
2. Mahatma
3. civil disobedience
4. zaibatsu
5. W.E.B. Du Bois
6. Marcus Garvey
7. Mohandas Gandhi
8. Jawaharlal Nehru
9. Ho Chi Minh
10. Kenya
11. Manchuria
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
25.3 Revolutionary Chaos in China – Outline (pp. 793-797)
I. Nationalists and Communists
II. The Communists in Hiding
III. The Long March
IV. The New China of Chiang Kai-shek
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
25.3 Revolutionary Chaos in China – Reading Check Questions (pp. 793-797)
1. How did Chiang Kai-shek change the Communist-Nationalist alliance?
2. Which group did Mao believe would start the Communist revolution in China?
3. Why did it seem that communism was no longer a threat to China after the Long March?
4. What was the intended final stage of Chiang Kai-shek's reform program?
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
25.3 Revolutionary Chaos in China – Terms, People, & Places (pp. 793-797)
1. guerilla tactics
2. redistribution of wealth
3. Sun Yat-sen
4. Chiang Kai-shek
5. Mao Zedong
6. Shanghai
7. Chang Jiang
8. Nanjing
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
25.4 Nationalism in Latin America – Outline (pp. 799-803)
I. The Latin American Economy
a. Role of the United States
b. Impact of the Great Depression
II. The Move to Authoritarianism
a. Argentina
b. Brazil
c. Mexico
III. Culture in Latin America
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
25.4 Nationalism in Latin America – Reading Check Questions (pp. 799-803)
1. How did the United States's method of investing in Latin America differ from that of Britain?
2. How was the Mexican government democratic in form but not in practice?
3. How did Diego Rivera use his artistic talent as a political tool?
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
25.4 Nationalism in Latin America – Terms, People, & Places (pp. 799-803)
1. oligarchy
2. Juan Vicente Gómez
3. Hipólito Irigoyen
4. Getúlio Vargas
5. Lázaro Cárdenas
6. Argentina
7. Chile
8. Brazil
9. Peru
10. Mexico
For Use with WORLD HISTORY © 2005 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill/National Geographic