REPTILE AND AMPHIBIAN AND SCOUTING HERITAGE MERIT BADGE · Come join the reptile Guy! · Earn a Merit Badge and see Some really cool critters and memorabilia. · Sessions runs from 9am to noon(Reptile) & 12:30 4pm( Scouting Heritage) · Only $10.00 Per Boy · Lunch will be served at Noon( nominal fee required) · Must do requirement #8 before class or do follow up with counselor to complete reptile merit badge. Requirement #5&6 must be done for Scouting Heritage MB, before as well. · Must bring a signed blue card to class Reptile and Amphibian Study & Scouting Heritage February 6, 2016 9am-4pm Seneca Waterways Council Office 2320 Brighton-Henrietta TL Rd. Rochester, NY. 14623 Contact Dave Cheney at or 585-241-8522 for more information To register call 585-244-4210 or bring the form into the council office. Lunch will be provided for a nominal fee. See registration form on back REPTILE AND AMPHIBIAN AND SCOUTING HERITAGE MERIT BADGE Name______________________________________________ Phone # __________________________ Unit #_________ District ____________________ Email _________________________________ Rank _____________________________ Age _______________ Must do requirement #8 before class or do follow up with counselor to complete Reptile/Amphibian merit badge Must bring a signed Blue card to the class for each For Scouting Heritage req #5 must be done before class. Bring proof/ documentation to class for credit. Need Lunch: Yes or NO (please circle one) $5.00 fee TO REGISTER FOR A SPOT IN THIS EVENT, REGISTER BY FEB 1ST. WITH PAYMENT TO: SENECA WATERWAYS COUNCIL FRONT DESK. MAX CLASS SIZE IS 30. Scout Name: ___________________________ Merit badge ($10)Check one Reptile/Amphibian_____ or Scouting Heritage_____Both____ Lunch: (Circle one) Yes ($5) No ($0) Total: _________________ Amount paid: $_______________________ Method of Payment: _________________ Council use only: ACCT# 1-6801-973-20 SENECA WATERWAYS COUNCIL 2320 BHTL RD, Rochester NY. 14623 585-244-4210 | |