Personal Management Merit Badge Merit Badge Workbook SCOUT’S NAME: ___________________________________________ This workbook is meant to help you prepare your answers before completing the requirements online. The answers you write here will not be counted towards your requirements, only the online version will be counted. The online Merit Badge Workbook can be found at PROJECT MANAGEMENT Prepare a written project plan by answering the questions below. Please note: this is a project on paper, not a real-life project (although you could use this to help you plan an upcoming project). Examples could include planning a camping trip, developing a community service project or a school or religious event, or creating an annual patrol plan with additional activities not already included in the troop annual plan. You cannot use the example from class. a. Define/describe your project. b. What is your goal? c. How long will it take you to accomplish your project? d. Develop a timeline for your project that shows the steps you must take from beginning to completion. Task What task do I need to complete? How long will it take to complete? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. e. Develop a list of resources and identify how these resources will help you achieve your goal. Resource Needed How will it help me achieve my goal? f. If necessary, list any expected costs for your project. Include the amount and why it is needed. Expense How much? Why is it needed?