Classification of Organisms Picture Vocabulary

Classification of Organisms
Picture Vocabulary
Organisms and Environments
The branch of science that formally
names and classifies organisms by
their structure, function, and relationships.
The arrangement of parts that form a living thing.
Eukaryotic Cell
A cell containing a membrane-enclosed
nucleus and organelles.
Prokaryotic Cell
A cell lacking a nucleus or any other
membrane-enclosed organelle.
Unicellular Organism
An organism made up of one cell.
Multicellular Organism
An organism made up of
more than one cell, and often made up of
different types of cells.
The special activity of a part.
Autotrophic Organism
An organism that is able to make its own food.
Heterotrophic Organism
An organism that cannot make its own food.
Hydra budding
The process of an organism
producing more of its own kind.
Sexual Reproduction
A method of reproduction that requires
both a male and a female parent.
Asexual Reproduction
A method of reproduction that
requires only one parent.
The primary or highest-ranking classification of
organisms, which includes three groups:
Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya.
Domain Bacteria
One of the three taxonomic domains;
includes prokaryotic, single-celled organisms
that lack a membrane-enclosed nucleus and that
can be classified by shape.
Domain Archaea
One of the three taxonomic domains;
includes unicellular organisms that are
prokaryotic like bacteria, but also
share characteristics with eukaryotes.
Domain Eukarya
One of the three taxonomic domains of
organisms; cells contain a membrane-enclosed
A taxonomic rank below domain that is
composed of smaller groups: Archaea, Bacteria,
Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.
Kingdom Bacteria
Kingdom of prokaryotic, single-celled organisms
that lack a membrane-enclosed nucleus and
can be classified by shape.
Kingdom Archaea
Kingdom of unicellular organisms that are
prokaryotic like bacteria, but also share
characteristics with eukaryotes.
Kingdom Protista
Kingdom of single-celled and simple multiplecelled eukaryotic organisms.
Kingdom Fungi
Kingdom of heterotrophic eukaryotes that
reproduce through asexual spores and have
chitin in their cell walls.
Kingdom Plantae
Kingdom of autotrophic eukaryotes that includes
all plants.
Kingdom Animalia
Kingdom of heterotrophic eukaryotes that
includes all animals.