The World`s Biodiversity

The World’s Biodiversity
Kingdom Archaea
Kingdom Bacteria
Kingdom Protista
Kingdom Plantae
Which organism(s)
do you think fits
Write their whole
scientific name.
Justify why you
placed this organism
in this kingdom with
evidence from the
information tables.
Glue examples of
organisms in this
Debrief Questions on the other side 
Kingdom Fungi
Kingdom Animalia
Debrief Questions
Which of the characteristics examined seems most useful to scientists grouping organisms together into their respective kingdoms? Which is the least useful? Justify
both answers.
Fossil evidence supports that the oldest species on Earth are on the left side of the information table (Archaea, Bacteria), and become “younger” as you move to the
right side of the table (Fungi, Animalia). List 2-3 trends you observe across the table (horizontally) that are displayed by the diversity of living things.
Consider the following 3 organisms. After your class discussion on the classification of Organisms A-O, justify your placement of each mystery organism into its kingdom.
Mystery organisms
Organism X: Human Immunodeficiency Virus
o Small virus, slowly replicating (“reproducing”) when inside host cell. Has genetic material (RNA) surrounded by a protein coat. Obtains energy from host cell
when inside and can be found in bodies and fluids of animals.
Organism Y: Homo sapiens (Human Being)
o Multicellular, made of eukaryotic cells that contain a nucleus, cell membrane, ribosome, mitochondria, Golgi Bodies, Endoplasmic Reticulum, lysosomes,
reproduce sexually, are heterotrophic, and can be found in many different places all over Earth.
Organism Z: Dionaea muscipula (Venus Fly Trap)
o Multicellular, made of eukaryotic cells that contain a nucleus, cell membrane, cell wall, chloroplast, central vacuole, ribosome, mitochondria, Golgi Bodies,
Endoplasmic Reticulum, perixomes. Reproduce sexually and can be found in bogs and wet grasslands. Some species of Venus Fly Trap can extract nutrition
from certain bugs but are mainly autotrophic.