Chapter 17 Review Worksheet

Chapter 17 Review Worksheet
1. Aristotle classified plants on the basis of differences in their ____________________.
2. The science of naming and classifying organisms is called ____________________.
3. ____________________ devised the two-name system of naming organisms.
4. Biologists of Linnaeus’s time classified every living thing as either plant or
5. A genus is subdivided into smaller groups called ____________________.
6. Each kind of organism on Earth is assigned a unique two-word ____________________.
7. All scientific names are made up of two words that are often derived from the
____________________ language.
8. The first word of a scientific name indicates the ____________________ to which the
organism belongs.
9. A kingdom is divided into phyla when animals are being classified or into
____________________ when plants are being classified.
10. The evolutionary history of a species is called its ____________________.
11. Refer to the illustration above. Organism 4 belongs to the kingdom ____________________.
12. Eukaryotic organisms that lack specialized tissue systems are members of the kingdom
13. Corals, spiders, and rodents all belong to the kingdom ____________________.
14. The domains of the three-domain system of classification are Archaea, Bacteria, and
15. The variety of organisms at all taxonomic levels is called ____________________.
16. Cladistics uses shared and ____________________ characters to group taxa.
17. The Greek philosopher ____________________ classified organisms as either plants or