God Made You Special: A Sunday School Lesson Plan

Lesson Aim: You are special – God made you in His Image
Psalm 139:13-14 (NIV)
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Isaiah 64:8 (NIV)
Yet, O Lord, you are our Father.
We are the clay, you are the potter;
we are all the work of your hand.
Genesis 1:27a (NIV)
So God created humans in his image.
In the image of God he created them.
God made us all. He made us all different. We all have different abilities, and different
gifts. It is important for children to know that although they are different from others
they are still special. We need to instill a sense of self-confidence as children of God.
You are special – God made you in His image.
This game is to show how different, yet the same, we all are This game will show how
many ways the children can be divided into groups and how many groups the children
can belong in.
Have some kind of marker for children to gather around in their groups (hoola hoops, a
ball, a table). For older children, you can make a timed game of it – to see how fast they
can move into the groups when you call them out. Some examples of categories to group
them by (don’t forget to get the children to pick some ways):
Long hair and short hair
Eye colour
Hair colour
Clothing (dresses/skirts vs. pants)
To finish the game, call all the groups together into one by calling for a “group that God
loves”. This will put the children in a large group so you can move onto the snack and
craft activity.
Suggestions for snacks are items that are the same, but look different. Animal crackers,
fruit gums.
Craft time and lesson
1. Clay “you”
Have each child create a clay self. Give them time to decorate themselves with
pieces of string, beads, pasta etc.,
Talk to the children about how their clay people look different. Ask the children
to bring their clay sculptures up to you. Show the children’s work and say what is
special about each one. Once you have commented on each child’s sculpture ask
the children if they liked making their sculptures. Talk about how God loved
making each one of them. How they are all special to God, and made in His
image. How God loves everything about them. How different everyone is, and
God loves them all.
2. Full size you or mini you
Have each child lay down on a large piece of paper. Trace, cut out, and let them
decorate themselves by drawing with markers, adding string, yarn, buttons, any
craft item. OR have page sized people already cut out for children to decorate as
Tape each cut out to the wall. Walk around the drawings and ask the children to
guess who did each drawing. Once they have guessed correctly, write “God made
________ special”. Then ask the children to tell you some special things about
that child. (i.e., they are a great sister or brother, they are smart, they run really
fast). Write each of these items on the middle of each drawing.
Once you have completed each child, talk about how they each have special
things about them, and that God made them just like that. Talk about how they
are all special to God, and made in His image. How God loves everything about
3. Paper plate faces
Have each child draw their faces on paper plates. They can use markers, or any
craft supplies to glue on.
Hold up each of the drawings and ask the children to guess who did each drawing.
Once they have guessed correctly, write “God made ________ special” on the
back. Then ask the children to tell you some special things about that child. (i.e.,
they are a great sister or brother, they are smart, they run really fast). Write each
of these items on the middle of each drawing.
Once you have completed each child, talk about how they each have special
things about them, and that God made them just like that. Talk about how they
are all special to God, and made in His image. How God loves everything about
4. Thumbprint drawings
Have children make drawings using their thumb prints. You can use paint or
stamp pads for this craft. Have markers and crayons present for children to add
other things to their drawing. Write, or have them write, “God made me special”
on their craft.
Talk to the children about how their drawings look different. Talk about how
each of their thumbprints are different as well. Talk about how God loved
making each one of them. How God made each of their fingerprints, and He
made them all different. How they are all special to God, and made in His image.
How God loves everything about them. How different everyone is, and God
loves them all.
An opportunity for students to personally respond to the lesson and be encouraged to
move from what God is saying about the subject to deciding “What am I gong to do
about what I have learned” or “how can I apply this in my life”.
Talk about all the ways God made you special.
What are some of the things that you are good at or enjoy doing?
Are there things that you are not good at or don’t enjoy?
What if we were all the same – with the same gifts and abilities – there was no one to
do those things we are not good at and don’t like to do? What would it be like?
5. Talk about how you can use your special gifts and abilities to help others.
6. How can you help others see how God made them special?
7. What if all the colours were the same? What would you think the world would look
For songs to go along with this lesson please visit www.dltk-bible.com, which will give
you lyrics and the tune for songs. Song suggestions are:
Learning our Names Song
I am Special Song
Read Psalm 139
Oh Lord, you have examined me and you know me.
You alone know when I sit down and when I get up.
You read my thoughts from far away.
You watch me when I travel and when I rest.
You are familiar with all my ways.
You are all around me – in front of me and in back of me.
You lay your hand on me.
Where can I go to get away from your Spirit?
Where can I run to get away from you?
You alone created my inner being.
You knitted me together inside my mother.
I will give thanks to you because I have been so amazingly made.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
How precious are you thoughts concerning me, O God!
How vast in number they are!
If I tried to count them,
There would be more of them than there are grains of sand.
When I wake up, I am still with you.
Thank you God that you love me, made me special and that you are my Father.
Special thanks to DLTK-Bible website for many wonderful resources. Some of the craft
ideas and lessons taken from lesson plans on DLTK-Bible website. Check them out if in
need of additional material for Sunday School.