Comma Splice & Run-On Sentence Worksheet


Comma Splice Worksheet

Correct the following sentence errors.

1. Bill and Ted had an excellent adventure, they traveled through time to meet famous people.


2. W. C. Fields once said, “I am free of all prejudice, I hate everyone equally.”


3. The lectures are interesting and the reading is fun, however, I don’t like my professor.


4. Some think he is crazy, others believe he is a genius.


5. The weather was so hot, we ran through the neighbour’s sprinkler.


6. Tono loves Chinese food, he eats it three times a week


7. The American public loves football, television ratings indicate this preference.


8. I had to take my dog to the vet, he ate something that upset his stomach.


Correct the following sentence errors by making them compound sentences (i.e. add a conjunction)

1. Karla studied for ten hours, she needed to pass this test.



2. Call your dad, he needs to talk with you.



3. All of my friends listen to rap music, I like the beat but not the lyrics.



4. The tornado destroyed cars, homes, and offices, it was horrible.



5. Dr. Marshall rushed to this office, he heard about the computer virus.



6. The rain finally stopped, the sun appeared and cheered up the hikers.



7. The party lasted for five hours, no one, however, complained.



8. The shareholders met later, they expressed their concerns.



Run On Worksheet

Correct the following sentence errors.


The music was very loud no one was home.


2. When Mary left the bathroom she had toilet paper stuck to the bottom of her shoe everyone was laughing at her.



It was very hot outside we forgot to bring water bottles.



Sam and Alex like basketball Nathan does not.



Ken left his glasses at home he didn’t have a spare pair.



Bring this worksheet home you must finish it and bring it back to me tomorrow.



We watched old movies all night we were up till 1 am.



My sister loves chocolate my little brother loves ice cream.


9. Len left his keys in his car he had no spare keys.


10. Lay a few ground rules be consistent with your teenager.


11. The radio was blaring no one was home.


12. The customer dropped the tray of food she was so embarrassed.


13. A wealthy family donated food and blankets the victims were grateful.


14. Recycling saves money and conserves resources it affects our future.


15. The officer was on duty however he simply was not available.


16. Use this form complete it and return it to me.

