Ancient Greek gods - Courthouse Junior School

Charlie Betz
May 2012
• Zeus is king of the gods
and god of thunder and
lightning. He is the son
of Gaia and the Titan
Kronos. He took
Kronos’s power.
• Poseiden is the god of
the sea and storms. He
is the brother of Zeus.
• Hades is god of the
dead and lives in the
underworld. He is also
the brother of Zeus. All
the great Gods are sons
of Kronos and Gaia.
• Aries is the god of war.
He is the son of Zeus.
He is very vain.
• Dyonisis is god of wine.
He loves to party. In
Percy Jackson books he
likes playing PacMan!
• Athena is goddess of
wisdom. She is the
daughter of Zeus. And
she is the goddess of
battle strategy. She is
tough. Her symbol is
the owl because owls
are said to be wise.
• Hera is queen of the
gods, wife of Zeus, and
mother of Athena and
Aries. She is the
goddess of marriage
and family. Hera
interferes a lot. But
she’s not really bad.
• Artemis is goddess of
hunting and the moon.
She is the twin on
Apollo. She travels with
the hunters of Artemis
who are all girls. She
doesn’t like men.
• Hermes is god of
trickery and medicine
and he is the messenger
of the gods. He has a
staff with two snakes on
it called a caduceus.
• Apollo is god of the sun,
poetry and literature,
music and dance. He
drives a golden chariot
like Helios the old god
of the sun but in the
Percy Jackson books he
drives a sports car.
• Hestia is goddess of the
hearth which is a
fireplace. In the old
days families spent a lot
of time there talking so
Hestia would know lots
of secrets.
• Aphroditi is goddess of
love. Her symbol is a
dove. She is married to
Hephaestus but she
loves Aries. She is a lot
more than beautiful.
• Hephaestus is god of
the forge. He makes
weapons and armour
for the gods. The
cyclops works for him.
He has a black beard
and is always dirty.
When he was a baby
Hera dropped him off
the edge of Olympus
because he was ugly.
This is Olympus
The Gods live here!