UTS:LAW ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Instructions for students: > Please complete the TOP & BOTTOM sections. > SIGN THE “ACADEMIC HONESTY DECLARATION” BELOW. > Staple the cover sheet to your assignment and submit through assignment slot. > Unless specifically requested to, DO NOT put your assignment in a folder or plastic cover. > All assignments must be lodged through the Assignment slot before the deadline. Date received at the Law Faculty student number word count (if required) family name first name Are you enrolled in your subject as: on-campus or off-campus subject number subject name subject coordinator tutorial leader/workshop facilitator tutorial/workshop time/day ACADEMIC HONESTY DECLARATION • I confirm that I am aware of the University rules regarding plagiarism and academic misconduct. • I confirm that this assignment is entirely my own work and I have not previously submitted any part of it at UTS or any other institution. • I confirm that I have read and understood the current version of the UTS:Law “Guide to Written Communication” Student signature: Date: STUDENT MUST FILL IN THIS SECTION. DO NOT DETACH! This section is retained and filed within Law Reception as proof of your lodgement. UTS:LAW Proof of Lodgement student number Date received at the Law Faculty family name first name Are you enrolled in your subject as: on-campus or off-campus subject number UTS CRICOS PROVIDER: 00099F subject name 2014 version 1 SPRING 2014