Research Impact Alexandra Byrnes, Research Publication Officer UTS CRICOS PROVIDER CODE: 00099F Covered in this tutorial ● What is research impact? ● Role of RIO and support RIO offers ● ERA and HERDC What is research impact? . Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes •Research income •Research work •Publications •Commercial and training including eproducts, licences •Staff •Workshop/confere publications and revenues •Background IP nce organising •Additions to •New companies •Infrastructure •Facility use national collections spinoffs, startups •Collections •Membership of •New IP: patents or joint ventures learned societies and inventions •Job creation and academies •Policy briefings •Implementation of •Community and •Media programs and stakeholder policy engagement •Citations •Integration into policy Benefits •Economic, health, social, cultural, environmental, national security, quality of life, public policy or services •Higher quality workforce •Job creation •Risk reduction in decision-making WHAT DOES IMPACT ASSESSMENT MEAN FOR RESEARCHERS? You should keep tabs on the use of your research in end user communities by; • Maintaining strong links with users of your research. Scienceweek, Science in Schools, professional associations, government, industry,… • Building end users into your research projects. • Reflecting on the effects of your research. RESEARCH AS AN OUTPUT Output “Research is defined as the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way so as to generate new concepts, methodologies and understandings. This could include synthesis and analysis of previous research to the extent that it leads to new and creative outcomes.“ “comprising of creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humanity, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications” HERDC (Quantity) Higher Education Research Data Collection • Research income and research publication data used to allocate research block grants to each university. • Traditional outputs - Books, book chapters, journal articles and conference papers • Criteria • Was the publication peer reviewed in full? (for journal articles and conference papers) • Was it disseminated? (Eg does it have an ISBN, ISSN or DOI?) • Was the author/s affiliated to UTS for the publication? • Was it published by a commercial publisher (for books and chapters) HERDC (Quantity) Cat 1 – National Competitive Grants (ARC, NHMRC, …) Cat 2 – Other Commonwealth, State, Local Government Cat 3 – Industry, International, Philanthropic Cat 4 – Co-operative Research Centres ERA (Quality) Excellence in Research Australia survey. • Traditional outputs • Non-traditional outputs • Visual or Design Exhibition of Creative Works • Curated or Produced Substantial Public Exhibitions or Events • Written Creative Works • Recorded or Rendered Creative Works • Architectural Creative Works • Live Performances of Creative Works • Role in Production of Creative Works RIO ● Support for grant application and contract research ● Research ethics application ● IP and commercialisation ● Research reporting Symplectic • Manages publication data for the university • Populates public web profiles for our academics / researchers • Provides data for internal (eg promotion) and external (eg HERDC) reporting • Data collection for HERDC (and, in the future, ERA) is managed through the system All publications must be entered into Symplectic.