Information on exemptions relating to all qualifications with the exception of the Professional Diploma in Financial Advice (QFA® Diploma) If applying on the basis of a qualification not listed please submit a detailed syllabus with your application In any applicable programme a maximum of 50% of the modules may be exempted. If you are entitled to exemptions for prior qualifications (and part qualifications) from The School of Professional Finance these are granted automatically. You do not need to apply for them but can register directly for the remaining modules/subjects of your chosen course. Details of these automatic module/subject exemptions are given in The Exemptions Guidelines and in the individual course descriptions in the School’s prospectus. Please note this handbook is meant as a quick reference guide only. The Exemption Guidelines can be downloaded from should you have more detailed exemption queries. *Qualifications from The Institute of Chartered Bankers (UK) which trades as the Institute of Financial Services School of Finance (IFS) Please note that if applying for an exemption from CeMAP/CeFA with a qualification from the IFS there is no exemption fee charged. Candidates must fill out the exemption form (which can be downloaded from and submit it with a copy of their qualification. The Institute of Bankers School of Professional Finance is a recognised school of University College Dublin, affiliated with the UCD College of Business and Law Qualifications Exemptions Documentation Required C11 from the CoP and the GIFC/IBA (The Insurance Institute of Ireland) Insurance Foundation 1 Photocopy of Parchment Certificate in Supervisory Management IMI May qualify candidates to gain exemption from one and possibly two modules of the Cert in Front Line Management. However any candidate wishing to achieve this must first provide a full course description and syllabus. Exempt CeMAP 1 Full syllabus & Transcript of results CIP 1 and/or CIP 2 and/or Cip3 Photocopy of Parchment (if passed as part of The Institute of Banker’s arrangement with The Institute of Financial Services, the exemption will be granted automatically without application) Diploma in Business Finance IMI No Exemptions Diploma in Financial Management (ACCA) Exempt from An Introduction to Financial Accounting Information and Information for Management Decision Making Photocopy of Parchment Diploma in Marketing The Marketing Institute Six module exemptions in: Micro Economics, Macro Economics, Marketing 1, Marketing 2, Management and Organisation Behaviour 1 and Management and Organisation Behaviour 2 Photocopy of Transcript of Results August 2009 Foundation Certificate in Marketing & Selling The Marketing Institute Four module exemptions from the following six modules from the University Diploma ¾ Micro Economics and Macro Economics and/or ¾ Marketing 1 and Marketing 2 and/or Management and Organisation Behaviour 1 and Management and Organisation Behaviour 2 Photocopy of Parchment Foundation Certificate in Compliance (ACOI / IOB / LIA / III) QFA Regulation Photocopy of Parchment* FPC 1/1&2 (Chartered Insurance Institute) or CeFA 1/1&2 (Institute of Financial Services)- Exempt from CeMAP 1 (NI) Photocopy of Parchment or Transcript of Results Professional Diploma in Financial Services Management (Chartered Institute of Bankers/IFS-UK) Direct entry to BFS stage 2 Photocopy of Parchment The Associateship (9 exams) The Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland Level two of The Bachelor of Financial Services Degree with the Institute of Bankers in Ireland Credit The Financial Services Environment for the purposes of Business Banking only. Exempt CeFA 1 Photocopy of Parchment & transcript of results The Certificate in Business Banking (AIB Bank only) CeMAP 1,2 and 3 Photocopy of Parchment or Transcript of Results. (if passed as part of The Institute of Banker’s arrangement with The Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland, the exemption will be granted automatically without application) August 2009 HETAC/NCEA/BTec Qualifications NB: A full transcript of results and syllabus summary from each awarding institution must be submitted Diploma in Business Studies/ now Ordinary Business Studies Degree (Hetac Level 7) Direct Entry to BFS stage 2 Photocopy of Transcript of Results, photocopy of parchment and full syllabus summary. Higher Certificate Business Studies (Computer Applications) Hetac level 6 Exempt from An Introduction to Financial Accounting Information and Information for Management Decision making Photocopy of Transcript of Results, photocopy of parchment and full syllabus summary. National Cert Business Studies; BTec Higher National Cert/Diploma in Business Studies A maximum of 6 module exemptions from the following (if your previous study subjects conform in standard and content to): • Quantitative Methods & Financial Maths • International Finance and Trade 1/Treasury Operations 1* • eBusiness for Banking • Management & Organisational Behaviour 1 & 2 • Economics (Micro) • An Introduction to Financial Accounting Information • Marketing 1 & 2 • Economics (Macro) • Information for Management Decision Making Photocopy of Transcript of Results, photocopy of parchment and full syllabus summary. August 2009 Primary Degrees Non Business Studies Degree with business and/or finance subjects Business Studies Degree Possible exemptions from the University Diploma, each application will be reviewed individually Possible entry to Graduate Diplomas Photocopy of Parchment and Transcript of Results and detailed syllabus description Photocopy of Parchment and Transcript of Results and detailed syllabus description Professional Qualifications ACA, ACCA, ACMA, ACPA and ACIS 1. Possible Direct Entry to Graduate Diplomas Photocopy of Parchment and Transcript 2.Exempt University Diploma: Direct entry to BFS Stage 2 Photocopy of Parchment and Transcript Professional Certificate in Stockbroking Equities securities exam from the UK, Europe, US or other developed capital market such as Australia, Hong Kong etc. The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA) - Level 1 Examination MSc in Investment and Treasury (DCU) QFA – All 6 Modules or part qualified (less than 6 modules completed) Exempt from Securities & Markets Paper Photocopy of Parchment Exempt from Securities & Markets Paper Photocopy of Parchment Exempt from Securities & Markets Paper Photocopy of Parchment No exemption granted Not applicable August 2009