1 PULSE For the students, by the students Pulse PTES’s Bilingual Newsletter! Issue #3 SELAMAT DATANG 2015 Kata Mutiara Bersatu Menjunjung Titah PENGETUA BARU PUSAT TINGKATAN ENAM SENGKURONG. Oleh: Nur’ Siti’ Zulzahirah Binti mohammad Zulkifli, AE1 Principal : Cikgu Haji Ismail bin Haji Zainal ADMINISTRATION Office: 2671660 Fax: 2671665 Email: TBA Pengetua Baru PP1-2 Majlis Perpisahan PP2-3 Cikgu Amal Nuriah P4 Green Wave P5 Hari Keluarga P6 Vision : Enhance Teaching and Learning For Individual Excellence Mission: To provide the opportunity for all students to realise their potential and become better citizens. Cikgu Haji Ismail bin Haji Zainal Pada 11 Jun 2015 Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengkurong telah mengadakan majlis untuk menyambut kedatangan pengetua baru iaitu Cikgu Haji Ismail bin Haji Zainal. Sebelum ini, beliau merupakan bekas pengetua Maktab Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin. Pada hari yang bersejarah itu PULSE PTES mengambil kesempatan untuk bertanya serba sedikit tentang beliau. Latar belakang beliau secara ringkas, Cikgu Haji Ismail bin Haji Zainal mengikuti kursus Bachelor of Science Education. SELAMAT DATANG (Major in Physics, Minor In Mathematics) di Universiti Brunei Darussalam pada tahun 1985-1989, pengambilan pertama UBD bagi jurusan perguruan. Seterusnya pada tahun 2006 beliau telah mengikuti Diploma in Leaders in Education Programme (LEP) di National Institute of Education Singapore. Beliau mula berkhidmat dengan kerajaan Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia pada 21 September 1989 di sekolah Menengah Menglait, Gadong. Mata pelajaran yang pernah beliau ajarkan ialah Integerated Science, Lower Secondary Science, Combine Science dan Physics. Setelah itu, beliau telah dilantik sebagai Timbalan Pengetua Pentadbiran di Sekolah Tinggi Perempuan Raja Isteri. Dan seterusnya di Sekolah Menengah Berakas dan Maktab Sultan Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien sebagai Pengetua. Dalam mencapai matlamat beliau untuk menjadi seorang pengetua adalah ada baiknya seseorang itu melalui dari bawah iaitu sebagai guru dahulu untuk beberapa tahun menggali sebanyak pengalaman, sering menunjukkan prestasi kerja yang baik serta komitmen yang tinggi terhadap bidang tugas yang diceburi. Mengikuti kursus dan bengkel kepimpinan adalah suatu yang perlu untuk menambah lagi pengetahuan serta kemahiran dalam mentadbir, mengurus dan mengetuai sesebuah institusi pendidikan. Beliau juga tidak lupa mengambil kesempatan untuk memberi nasihat ; “to all student in PTES are actually very good since you have passed the O-Level exam so believe in yourself and stretch your potential. Enjoy your life at PTES and have fun in your learning”. Pentadbiran PTES akan sentiasa memastikan pelajar-pelajar PTES memiliki sifat berdaya saing dan inovatif disamping mengembangkan daya intelektual dan sosial pelajar. Ini akan memberikan pendedahan dari segi pentadbiran dan kepimpinan. *** MAJLIS PERPISAHAN Marzilla bte Matjais, BE 14 Pada 16 Jun 2015 yang lalu, Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengkurong telah mengadakan majlis perpisahan di Dewan Serbaguna Pusat bersama mantan pengetua Cikgu Hjh Rosni Binti Mohammad Amin dan mantan Pemangku Timbalan Pengetua Cikgu Hajah Amal Nuriah Binti Hj Ahmad. Semua penuntut dan pensyarah hadir sama-sama meraikan majlis ini. Majlis tersebut dimulakan dengan nyanyian lagu kebangsaan, bacaan surah Al-fatihah dan kata alu-aluan yang disampaikan oleh Cikgu Hj Ismail Bin Hj Zainal. Majlis diteruskan dengan ucapan mantan Pengetua Cikgu Hjh Rosni Binti Mohammad Amin dan mantan Pemangku Timbalan Pengetua Cikgu Hajah Amal Nuriah Binti Hj Ahmad. Dalam ucapan mantan Pengetua Cikgu Hjh Rosni Binti Mohammad Amin, beliau amat bersyukur atas majlis tersebut dan menyampaikan ucapan tahniah kepada pengetua Cikgu Ismail Bin Hj Zainal dan Cikgu Hjh Amal Nuriah Binti Hj Ahmad Kumpoh diatas kenaikan pangkat mereka bagi selaku pengetua PTES dan Sekolah Menengah RIPAS. Selama 30 tahun beliau di dalam dunia pendidikan dan 20 tahun dalam dunia pentadbiran beliau banyak mengharungi cabaran dan rintangan yang dihadapi dengan berkat kesabaran beliau berjaya menghadapi segala cabaran dengan baik. Dalam sesi temubual yang agak ringkas itu beliau juga berkesempatan menyuntik semangat kepada pelajar Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengkurong yang antara lain berbunyi; “pelajar sekalian mempergunakan peluang untuk terus meraih kejayaan. Tiada siapa yang dapat membentuk masa depan kecuali diri kamu sendiri”. Beliau juga mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapakan ribuan terima kasih kepada pensyarah dan kakitangan Pusat. Manakala dalam ucapan mantan Timbalan Pengetua Cikgu Hajah Amal Nuriah Binti Hj Ahmad, beliau mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada pengetua yang banyak mengajar erti perjuangan serta memberi semangat kepada beliau. Kepada pensyarah “kita semua adalah hebat”, kepada kakitagan “kita semua segalanya bagi saya”. Kepada semua pelajar, “terima kasih kerana memberi kerjasama dan jaga diri baik-baik, jaga solat dan taatlah kepada Allah”. Beliau juga mengambil kesempatan untuk menyampaikan sajaknya yang bertajuk “MANISNYA” 2 MAJLIS PERPISAHAN MANTAN PENGETUA PUSAT TINGKATAN ENAM SENGKURONG Dalam manisnya pertemuan, Tersemat hasrat yang dalam Tersemai tali persahabatan, persahabatan yang sangat bermakna Dalam manisnya persahabatan itu, Ada tawa riang berkongsi cerita, Pahit manis diharungi bersama. Dalam manisnya, pasti ada perpisahan Cepat atau lambat pasti terjadi pada sesiapa pun Tentu saja airmata, ada rasa duka Tapi saya percaya semua ini adalah yang terbaik Jangan ada benci, apa lagi caci, Kita masih dapat bertemu, dalam nyata, dalam doa Kita masih saling membahagiakan, dalam peluk, dalam tawa, semanis dulu. Ini bukan pemergian, tetapi kita sama-sama meraih tujuan Tolong ini bukan perpisahan, hanya raga kita yang terpisah Tapi hati ini saling bertautan Manisnya, semua ini dalam kenangan. Oleh Cikgu Hjh Amal Nuriah binti Hj Ahmad Setelah selesai ucapan alu-aluan daripada pengetua dan mantan Timbalan Pengetua. Yang dipertuan majlis pelajar iaitu Awg Abdul Matin bin Mohaimin meneruskan ucapan beliau. Majlis dimeriahkan lagi dengan persembahan sajak yang dipersembahkan oleh 4 orang pelajar dari ahli pelajar-pelajar yang Hjh Rosni ketika hadir di Majlis Perpisahan mengambil subjek Bahasa Melayu, Tayangan video pendek daripada pensyarah dan penuntut dalam menyampaikan penghargaan terima kasih. Majlis diteruskan lagi dengan penyampaian cenderahati dan dikejutkan lagi dengan sambutan hari jadi mantan Pengetua Cikgu Hjh Rosni Binti Mohammad Amin. Majlis diakhiri dengan semua pelajar-pelajar Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengkurong bersalam-salaman dengan para pensayarah. Alhamdulillah, majlis perpisahan yang diadakan oleh PTES ini berjalan dengan lancar. Akhir kata, jasa guru-guru yang telah bersara mahupun berpindah adalah amat dihargai dan InsyaAllah akan sentiasa dikenang didalam hati. 3 THE HEAD TEACHER LICENSING AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT : BRUNEI INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME FOR SCHOOL LEADERHSIP (BIPSL) Oleh: Nur’ Siti’ Zulzahirah binti Mohd. Zulkifli, AE1 Sebelum Cikgu Hjh Amal Nuriah Binti Ahmad Kumpoh berpindah ke Sekolah Menengah RIPAS, beliau pernah menyertai dua kursus kepimpinan (face-to-face session) yang telah diadakan pada 02 Mac – 12 Mac 2015 dan 18 Mei – 23 Mei 2015. Nama kursus tersebut ialah Head Teacher Licensing and Professional Development : Brunei International Programme for School Leadership (BIPSL). Anjuran Bahagian Sumber Tenaga Manusia Kementerian Pendidikan dengan kerjasama International Programme for Senior Leaders (IPSL) United Kingdom.Cikgu Hjh Amal Nuriah telah dipilih dalam Cohort Pertama sebagai The Strategic Group of the Brunei International Programme for School Leadership. Tujuan kursus tersebut adalah untuk memperkembangkan Kepimpinan Sekolah di Negara Brunei Darussalam dan seterusnya membawa manfaat kepada generasi dan kanak-kanak Brunei. Program ini adalah langkah permulaan perjalanan bagi perkembangan profesional beliau. Perisian Program ini adalah berperanan International Programme for School leaderhip bagi masa depan Brunei, merangka dan menilai semula framework baru bagi Brunei Leadership Standard (BLS), memperkembangkan dan meningkatkan kemahiran diri pemimpin sekolah dalam adult learning dan coaching. Kursus tersebut melatih beliau untuk menjadi Pemimpin Sekolah yang bersifat ‘visionary’ iaitu bercita-cita tinggi. Di samping itu, mempersiapkan diri sebagai Pemimpin Sekolah terutama merealisasikan visi dan misi Sekolah dengan mengambil kira semua aspek di dalam sekolah terutama Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran dan Cigku Hajah Amal Nuriah Binti Ahmad Kumpoh Kepimpinan. Selain itu, beliau juga berkesempatan membuat lawatan ke Sekolah Antarabangsa Jerudong. Antara objektif lawatan ialah proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran serta kepimpinan sekolah dihadiri oleh Timbalan-Timbalan Pengetua, Guru-Guru Kanan, Ketua Bahagian dan Ketua Jabatan sebagai latihan untuk menjadi pemimpin yang lebih bersistematik dan efisien. Semoga kursus ini dapat membantu beliau dalam segala cabaran hidup yang beliau tempuhi semasa beliau bertugas di Sekolah Menengah RIPAS amin ya rabbalamin. *** AVE ATQUE VALE PTES has sadly had to say goodbye to SM Administration, Cikgu Juridah binti Hj Tamin, who has taken up her new post of Deputy Principal at SM Hussein. However, a warm welcome back goes to Cikgu Siti Khadizah binti Roslan and Cikgu Olivia Tang Lai May who have successfully completed their Master of Teaching course at UBD. 4 GREEN WAVE MAKES A SPLASH By Izzatul Hakimah binti Johan Thani, BE4 On 30 May 2015, 12 Sya’ban 1436, from 8:00 to 10:00 am, the PTES Green Wave celebration was held in the Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengkurong Multimedia Theatre. It was a momentous and auspicious ceremony stemming from the humble beginnings of a simple snapshot contest. Dk. Nur Farah receiving her prize from DP Academic Cikgu Tutty The Green Wave contest, organised by the school’s English Department, invited all lower sixth students to create and raise awareness of the environmental issues our country is facing with the objectives of inspiring the youth of Brunei to cultivate an active interest in environmental protection and of allowing students to utilise their knowledge and skills in photography and descriptive writing. A few weeks before the Green Wave celebration took place, students wanting to take part in the competition were instructed to take pictures whose themes focused on five aspects of the environment – Pollution, Deforestation, Eco-Tourism, Wildlife, and Population – before uploading them onto Instagram by tagging @ptesgw15. The top five winners were chosen based on the number of likes given to their photos before, on the day itself, they were given the chance to impress a panel of judges comprising teachers and guest speak -ers 100 entries were submitted, garnering a total of 671 followers by the time voting ended. The event started with an eye-opening speech by the Head of the English Department, Hajah Hazlina binti Hj Mohammed, emphasising our need to take care of the environment. Following her speech, a group of lower sixth English Literature students called The May Flowers, gave a heart-felt recital of Lines Written in Early Spring by William Wordsworth. Afterwards, two guest speakers from the biodiversity conservation group BruWILD, a non-governmental organisation, informed the students of the problems (many of which stem from our own lack of knowledge and understanding) caused by the slow, continual loss of many of Brunei’s local animals and forests. Another non-profit organisation, Green Brunei, also gave a talk about water pollution recycling. Their mission is to be the leading green event organisers, to be an enabler of youth-initiated green projects and to spread the latest green news and issues. One of the interesting facts mentioned in their talk was that between 2009 and 2011, more than 6,196 tons of garbage was found floating in our rivers. Finally, the finalists for the Green Wave competition were announced. They were Noor Aliah binti Syaifullah (BE6), Nizzathul Aqilah binti Hj Is’sa (BE6), Siti Nuramani Aziemah binti Azaman (BE13), Syabil Syahmi bin Shamsul Baharin (BE14), and the winner Dk. Nur Farah Hajidah binti Pg Hj Md Tahir (BE3). Each competitor presented stellar photographs that captured the hearts and souls of their fellow students. Dk. Farah shared with us her story of why she chose that specific picture and the emotions it evoked: “Our eyes are wide open, but we do not see the devastation caused by our actions,” Dk Nur Faridah Hajidah stated. There was then a short performance by the school Music Club with renditions of Earth Song and USA for Haiti with altered lyrics designed to capture the mood of Green Wave. Soon after came the ‘Green Leaders Camp’, encouraging and engaging youths to participate to further their understanding of the environment with several students of our own school having participated or participating. Their slogan, “If you never volunteer, you’re not part of the group. If you’re not part of the group, you ain’t cool enough,” sums up their message. The event came to an end with the distribution of prizes and certificates to the winners and guest speakers. 5 SAMBUTAN HARI KELUARGA ENAM PTES Oleh: Nur’ Siti’ Zulzahirah Binti Mohammad Zulkifli, AE 1 Pada 13 June 2015 Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengkurong telah mengadakan festival keluarga. Semua penuntut dan pensyarah hadir ke sambutan tersebut tidak lupa juga ahli keluarga dan sahabat-handai turut memeriahkan sambutan tersebut. Festival ini adalah gabungan usaha antara Bahgian Pendidikan Ko kurikulum, bahagian kewangan dan Travel & Tourism Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengkurong. Hadir selaku terhormat majlis ialah Penghulu of Mukim Sengkurong, Haji Musa bin Haji Tahir. Salah sebuah gerai yang menjual makanan Majlis dimulakan dengan ucapan dari Timbalan Pengetua Akedemik Cikgu Tutty Hyrneeita Binti Abdul Talip. Dalam ucapan beliau “festival keluarga bertaja Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengkurong ini diadakan sempena mendokong sambutan hari keluarga yang diraikan pada setiap hasi ahad bulan Mei, yang pada tahun ini bertemakan “Keluarga Berwawasan”. Sambutan ini bertujuan untuk mengingatkan kita bahawa institusi keluaga merupakan elemen yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan kita. Bermaksud institusi keluarga yang kukuh dan harmoni dapat membentuk sebuah masyarakat yang berdaya tahan dalam dunia globalisasi yang serba mencabar ini. Festival ini sangat bermanfaat kerana ianya boleh diperolehi untuk mengeratkan silaturahim antar Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengkurong dan ahli keluarga masing-masing untu saling kenal- mengenal antara satu sama lain” “Kutipan festival keluarga telah dijalan dari 16 march hingga 4 Mei 2015 dan dengan persembaha Hansel & Gretel yang dijalan pada 24, 25 dan 26 April yang lalu telah berjaya mengumpul $21 286. Dari hasil kutipan itu disalurkan kepada Dana Pengiran Muda Al-Mutadee Billah, tabung kebajikan penuntut, tabung kewangan Pusat, tabung BIBG, bahagian Perkembangan Professioal Pensyarah dan Kakitanag dan saguhati kepada pengutip terbanyak. Semoga sumbagan dan jasa mendapat pahala yang Mari berlumba basikal bersama kami! berlipat ganda daripada Allah SWT”. Majlis diakhiri dengan senaman memanaskan badan iaitu Taichi dan seterusnya acara walkaton beramai-ramai. Festival ini juga di meriakan lagi dengan aktivit lainnya iaitu baazar jualan, ghost house, pony ride, animal show, garage sale dan sukan ria. 6 THERE’S NO BUSINESS LIKE SHOW BUSINESS We hope that the theatre-lovers among you enjoyed reading the article entitled A Star is Born which was published in the last edition of Pulse (P). In this edition, and true to our promise, we now bring you our exclusive interview with Dk Nur Sajidah Rohani binti Pg Hj Roslan, known affectionately as Miss Noni (MN): P: When and why did you first have the idea of putting on a production of Hansel and Gretel? MN: It was my esteemed colleague and mentor, Cikgu Roziana binti Hj Juned, Head of the English Drama Club, who had the idea of Hansel and Gretel. Since the Drama Club has never staged a show on this scale, it was decided that a familiar drama should be put on to at least entice PTES students to watch the show. I had the responsibility of adapting the script (which was originally written for 5 year-olds), so I had to write and rewrite the script to make it more accessible to Bruneians. P: Have you had any previous experience of acting or directing plays? If yes, please give details. The cast of Hansel and Gretel MN: Well, the closest thing I had to an acting experience was this very SMALL role I had when I first entered Sixth Form College in STPRI. I played “Mrs. Lim”, a STPRI alumnus who comes back to school to send off her two sets of twins to school! Upon arrival, she meets her old classmates. I think it was just a 10-minute play, but it was fun. But the real reason why I HAD to do it was because I really wanted to do English Literature as an ‘A’ Level, but at the time the school policy required there to be a minimum of at least 5 students per class (at the time only three students enrolled). So the Head of the English Department, Cikgu Seri Ainey, told me that if I wanted to do ‘A’ Level English Literature, I had to fulfill two conditions: (1) I HAD to take part in that small drama; and (2) Scout for more other interested students to take English Literature. So you can guess what happened. And I managed to scout five interested girls (I guess you could say I was really determined!) And no, I have never had any previous experience of directing plays. Hansel and Gretel is the first ever play that I have directed. But the closest I’ve come to being a part of a major production was Seeds Brunei’s 5th production, Pride, the story of Lion King. I was supervising stage managers at the time and Cikgu Rozie was the director. It was initially a bit exciting to stage something on a smaller scale but once the work for Hansel and Gretel started, there were a lot of difficulties and obstacles. Yet there was no turning back. As one of the supervisors, I just needed to start the ball rolling. However tiring it was, it was truly an enriching experience and I encourage everyone to volunteer for Seeds! P: How did you assign the roles? MN: To assign the roles, I had to first finish the script. The first draft was completed probably around late May 2014. So the moment that was completed, we proceeded with auditions that were open to Drama Club members and anyone else outside the club who was interested. During auditions, there were about 5 panels of judges who were part of the selection process, namely, Cikgu Roziana binti Hj Juned (English), Cigku Dk Zarina Jade binti Pg Sabri (English), Cikgu Siti Khadizah binti Roslan (English), Cikgu Nur Amal Amani binti Muntassir Abdullah (Biology) and myself. At the time, the roles people auditioned for were for Hansel, Gretel, the Witch, the Woodcutter, the Stepmother and the Narrator. We selected them based on their charisma on stage, presentation of characters, how well they delivered their lines, preparation, voice projection and so on. All of the auditionees were shocked that they had to SING during auditions too and were totally unprepared even when it clearly said “Hansel & Gretel: The Musical” on the poster. The role of the Pigeon was meant to be an extra. Because only one person signed up for it, I decided to make the Pigeon a speaking role. One thing led to another, suddenly one pigeon became two. In early January 2015, we made the executive decision to re-audition the role of the Narrator and add another Pigeon role. P: When and where did rehearsals take place? MN: Rehearsals took place on 17th July 2014. At the time, our play was scheduled for late November 2014. We used one of the 7 THERE’S NO BUSINESS LIKE SHOW BUSINESS English classrooms for reading at first then moved to Lecture Theatre 2 and occasionally the Multimedia Theatre, which consequently became the actual venue of the play. We also had rehearsals during the school holidays, morning and afternoon. About one week before the play, we held the rehearsals at night to give the cast the time to rest at home, have dinner, etc. I would say that about 300 plus hours were put into staging this show. It was extremely tiring. P: How long did it take to put the play on, starting from the first rehearsal to the opening night? MN: As mentioned above, we started rehearsals mid-July 2014 but had to stop during the October/November ‘A’ and ‘AS’ Level Examinations as well as End of Year school-based examinations. The hiatus lasted till the following January. At that time, I was concentrating on adding, editing and rewriting the script. So we commenced with daily rehearsals from February onwards. (See above for further details. Ed). P: What problems did you encounter? MN: (A) The script – I had to constantly add, edit and rewrite the script because I felt that I had to provide more context to character development, plot, etc. Let’s just say that a LOT of effort was put into that. (B) Scheduling Conflicts – We had to schedule rehearsals really carefully so that their class time, extended classes, other CCAs, examinations and class tests were not interrupted. It was really tough to get the actors to be in the same room together because of this. And it became really frustrating, especially when they didn’t show up at all without any explanation, which meant that whole afternoons were wasted. (C) Deadlines – We had to be really strict with deadlines, especially for the publicity team, the stage design and props committee, as well as the costumes committee. Time was really of the essence and if one committee failed to meet the deadline, then it would be extremely difficult for the others to move forward. This is why teamwork was really important. For the props committee, the biggest challenge was making the cauldron. Drama students had to make a second cauldron, as the first one, which was already 70% complete, was not sturdy enough to be moved around the stage. The permanent set, the house, was not even up until 1 week before show time. So you can imagine how the cast needed to be creative with their movements onstage, imagining props and items that were not there during rehearsals. Because ticket sales were really slow initially (and it was 2 weeks till show time!) Cikgu Rozie had to drive around and went to 11 different schools to distribute the official posters and tickets in the hope that a lot more people would turn up for the show. The publicity crew had to handle a lot of bookings and sometimes got bookings confused. Alas, the show was only fully booked for 2 nights! As for the third, the final show, less than two-thirds of the tickets were sold. (D) Commitment – We had so many students quitting the Drama Club. I suppose some people couldn’t handle the pressure. Or maybe it was for selfish reasons. Or maybe it was just very poor work ethics. To be in the Drama Club, you have to learn to be a team player. And you must also learn how to be organised and very self-disciplined. It got really frustrating; especially when they failed to understand the magnitude of the situation we were in. There’s no business like show business! Progress was slow because this affected EVERYONE. Things got quite intense backstage, which is why I have so much respect for those who stayed on to finish what they started. They did a magnificent job. (E) Finance - This was the biggest problem as teachers had to fork out their own money to pay for a lot of things. Raw materials, tubs of paints, cans of spray paints, costumes, and a lot more – these were costly. Prop-making alone cost about $800. Make-up cost about $300. And the decision to borrow costumes was also due to the lack of funds. The initial estimated expenses were calculated at about $4000 but the club had to make do with what we had. Having said that, fortunately the ticket sales afterwards were able to cover these initial expenses. P: Did you ‘break a leg’? MN: One of the cast literally injured herself two weeks before the show. It was a very trying time for everyone. I had to remind everyone, especially the cast, to really take care of their health and physical well-being! P: Now that this successful performance is over, what comes next? MN: We have no plans to do another production. As far as her last answer is concerned, the editors of Pulse hope that Miss Noni will change her mind as the performance brought enjoyment to a lot of people. 8 THREE ARTISTS WITH BRIGHT FUTURES Adam bin Ramli Adam bin Ramli is in BE 9 and is studying Mathematics, Art and Design, Food Studies and GP. His interest in art dates back to his early years at secondary school and his favourite artists are Leonardo da Vinci and Salvador Dali. In fact, he readily admits that his artwork is influenced by these two artists. In the case of the painting (pictured right) it is clear that Adam has drawn heavily on his knowledge of surrealism and, in particular, Salvador Dali’s painting The Elephants. When painting, Adam aims to make people curious about his work so that they can then try to create their own masterpieces in turn. Asked about his future Adam bin Ramli with his version of Elephants ambitions, Adam says that after finishing his studies he wants to become a pastry chef so that his artistic talent can be put to good use in creating and decorating interesting cakes and cookies. Amal Sakhiya bte Sulaimandeng In addition to taking A Level Art and Design, BE 2 student Amal Sakhiya bte Sulaimandeng is studying Bahasa Melayu, Syariah and GP. However, it is Art that is Amal Sakhiya’s first love and in her work she says that she usually tries to convey something about the history of art to those who study her paintings. Given this, it perhaps comes as something of a surprise to learn that her favourite artist is Salvador Dali, an artist who she admires because she finds his way of expressing art is excellent. Asked to comment on her picture The Green Wave (shown right) she says: “I like the wave because it’s green, unique and attractive. Yet, it was difficult to paint the people on the ship.” Amal Sakhiya bte Sulaimandeng and Green Wave 9 THREE ARTISTS WITH BRIGHT FUTURES When questioned about what can be done to encourage people to take a greater interest in art, Sakhiya is quick to suggest that it would be a good idea to hold more art exhibitions (such as the ones that take place in the school foyer from time to time) as it is a great way to showcase the works of one or more artists. With such enthusiasm for her subject, it seems only fitting that Amal Sakhiya would like to convey this enthusiasm to others by eventually becoming an Art teacher. Having opted to take English Language, Psychology and GP in addition to Art, Nur Amalissa bte Omar of BE 7 has quite a heavy timetable. However, it is one that she has no problem coping with. Certainly, in the case of Art, it has become more of a way of life than a subject to be studied, as this subject has been one of her main interests ever since primary school. When quizzed about her favourite artist, she has no hesitation in saying that this is Chuck Close and that his style has influenced her own artwork. Commenting on her drawing, entitled Nick (pictured left), she says: “I like the way the person looks, with medusa hair, druggy eyes and all that.” Although Nur Amalissa is determined to go on to university once she leaves PTES, she is as yet undecided about her future career. However, she believes that her artistic talent will provide her with a lot of options to choose from once she has completed her studies. This flexible attitude regarding her future is perhaps reflected in her answer to the question how to encourage people to take more interest in art. “ There is nothing I can do about that beacause an interest in art can only come from people themselves.” The editors of Pulse feel that these three students have bright futures ahead of them and credit must go to Cikgu Teo Seah Chea and the other members of the Art Department for continuing to show what PTES students are capable of. Nur Amalissa bte Omar poses next to Nick *** 2015 K-DREAM NIGHT Qurratu’ain Nur Amnina binti Awang Khalidi, BE 11 th On June 13 2015, the Embassy of the Republic of Korea hosted its second K-Dream Night, a private event for Korean Culture Club (KCC) members that included nine cultural activity groups. It was held in the Songket Hall of the Rizqun International Hotel. The event started at 4.00 p.m. The guest of honour was His Excellency Mr. Cho Won Myung, the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea. The purpose of the event was to bring together all the KCCs from different schools and other academic institutions so as to form new bonds, and to create an opportunity for KCC members to think of efficient ways to make Korea more appealing than it already is and better understood by the people of Brunei. The Korean cultural activity groups came from the University of Brunei, Institute Teknologi Brunei, Cosmopolitan College of Commerce and Technology, Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengkurong, Pusat Tingkatan Enam Meragang, Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah School, Maktab Duli Pengiran Muda Al-Muhtadee Billah, Kemuda Institute and Brunei K-Pop Lovers Family Group. During the colourful evening, every club was given ten minutes in which to showcase their talents. Some chose to perform Korean traditional dances while others sang K-Pop songs or danced to K-Pop music. The event ended with a speech from the guest of honour, His Excellency Mr. Cho Won Myung. A big thank you goes to our teachers Cikgu Foo Chui Chen (head of the Korean Culture Club) and Cikgu Yeo Chin Boon for enabling us to take part in the event. 10 2015 K-DREAM NIGHT Teachers and students from PTES His excellency Cho Won Myung (far right) and teachers *** GAWAI Norliza Anak Osili, BE 7 Gawai is a festival celebrated by Ibans from 1st 30th June every year. It is a bit like Hari Raya for Muslims. Before the actual day, there are many things that need to be done. One of these is to prepare things for the memiring. This is a ritual offering for Gawai which is hard to explain, and even now I am still not quite sure what it is for! My family and I usually celebrate Gawai at our longhouse which is in Temburong. However, this year, we could not go to Temburong, so we decided to celebrate here in Bandar at our new house. My family and Norliza (centre row, third from left) with her family and cousins I celebrated with our cousins who also live in Bandar. On 31st May, we prepared what was needed for the memiring and cooked food to eat before the ceremony started. After the memiring, we watched television and old videos. Just before midnight, we prepared a special Iban drink that had to be drunk at exactly 12 o’clock. After we drank it, my siblings and I asked for forgiveness from our parents and they told us to study hard. Finally, after clearing all the dishes away and tidying the room, we went to bed. 11 S. M. SAYYIDINA HUSAIN STUDENTS VISIT PTES Md. Shakir Zufairy bin Salminan, BE 12 S.M. Sayyidina Husain students in happy mood On 27th July 2015, PTE Sengkurong received a visit from students of S.M. Sayyidina Husain. The delegation which was led by Cikgu Abdul Aziz bin Pandim, the head of careers at S.M. Sayyidina Husain, consisted of 69 students. They arrived at 8.45 a.m. and were greeted by the Principal, Cikgu Haji Ismail bin Haji Zainal, and teachers of Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengkurong. They were also greeted by the President of the Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) as well as the President and Vice President of the Pembimbing Rakan Remaja (PRR). Following a photo session, they were then taken to the Lecture Theatre. Welcoming speeches were delivered by the Principal and Cikgu Abdul Aziz. These speeches were followed by a talk by Cikgu Halinah binti Apong on the entry requirements for Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengkurong. After that, they watched a video about the institute and Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar. When the video ended, Lyam Lim, the President of the Pembimbing Rakan Remaja gave a presentation about the PRR. The visitors were then taken on a tour of the school by the President and Vice President of the MPP as well as the President and VicePresident of the PRR. The visitors toured different areas of the school such as classrooms, the student common area, library and surau. At the end of the tour, the visitors assembled at the staff lounge for refreshments. They left the school by bus at 11.30 am. *** TAHNIAH!! Tahniah kepada Emie Norfaziera binti Haji Roslan pemenang Minda Membaca pada 1hb Julai. Emie telah menulis sebuah karangan bertajuk ABDB Terus Gigih Jaga Keamanan Negara. Antara isi kandungan tersebut ialah: TANGGAL 31 Mei 2015 lalu, genaplah usia Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei (ABDB) Ke-54 Tahun. Hal ini menggambarkan ABDB sudah matang dan komprehensif dalam mengharungi segala dugaan dan cabaran dalam melindungi dan menjaga keamanan dan kesejahteraan warga Brunei dan penduduk di Negara Brunei Darussalam. Pelbagai usaha dan titik peluh telah dan terus diperjuangkan oleh ABDB untuk mencapai hasrat dalam menjamin keselamatan dan kedamaian negara kita yang tercinta. Antara langkah-langkah yang dimaksudkan ialah dengan adanya struktur organisasi yang kukuh serta anggota tentera yang bersatu padu dan komited. Struktur ABDB mengandungi Angkatan Tentera Darat Diraja Brunei, Angkatan Tentera Udara Diraja Brunei, Angkatan Tentera Laut Diraja Brunei, Institut Latihan ABDB dan banyak lagi. Dengan terbentuknya badan-badan tersebut akan melengkapkan kepentingan ABDB secara meluruh untuk terus giat dalam mempertahankan keamanan negara dari sebarang bentuk ancaman. Penubuhan Sekolah Pegawai Kadet (OCS) dan Institut Latihan ABDB juga memainkan peranan yang sangat penting untuk memenuhi keperluan ABDB dalam membekalkan latihan relevan dan efektif bagi setiap anggota tentera. Pada setiap tahun, pendaftaran untuk pengambilan bakal-bakal pegawai kadet dan rekrut lelaki akan dibukakan dua kali. Ini beroperasi untuk meningkatkan ketenteraman negara kita iaitu dengan melahirkan individu yang berpotensi dan profesional dalam menempuhi segala cabaran yang bolehi menggugat kedaulatan negara. Selain itu, mengukuhkan hubungan diplomasi dalam bidang pertahanan dengan negara jiran mahupun negara asing adalah sangat bermanfaat untuk menyumbang kesentosaan negara kita. Baru-baru ini, ABDB telah menghantar pasukan bantuan ke Nepal untuk meningkatkan kebolehannya dalam usaha-usaha bantuan manusia baik di peringkat domestik dan antarabangsa. Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam sebagai Menteri Pertahanan dan Pemerintah Tertinggi ABDB dalam titahnya semasa Sambutan Hari Ulang Tahun ABDB Ke-49 menegaskan bahawa pentingnya penglibatan ABDB di dalam operasi-operasi luar negara untuk memperkembangkan kekuatan ABDB. Latihan ketenteraan yang bermula 17 hingga 20 Jun di Negara Brunei Darussalam bagi Bantuan Bencana dan Bantuan Kemanusiaan dan Perubatan Ketenteraan membuktikan kemampuan ABDB dalam kerja kemanusiaan dan kegigihan yang diperlihatkan oleh para tentera untuk menyumbang bakti kepada negara dan manusia. Namun, sebagai rakyat dan penduduk Negara Brunei Darussalam, kita sepatutnya tidak bergantung 100 peratus kepada ABDB dalam memelihara kesentosaan negara akan tetapi kita seharusnya bekerjasama dalam memastikan keselamatan dan keharmonian negara. 12