Prepared for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority DISTRIBUTED GENERATION A STUDY OF ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SUPPLY OPTIONS FOR REMOTE COMMUNITIES Prepared by EMPOWER CONSULTANTS LTD April 2008 A study of alternative energy supply options for remote communities EECA has commissioned a report investigating how small scale electricity generation (from 7 - 400kW) and energy management can provide an alternative to traditional electricity lines supply in remote locations in New Zealand. The report was prepared by Empower Consultants Ltd, John Duncan, independent consultant, and Alpine Energy Ltd. The report examines the potential for small scale generation and energy management in five remote sites in South Canterbury. Technical information and economic costs and benefits for a variety of options in each location are presented. The report illustrates that - with the right set of conditions - small scale generation can be a viable alternative option for lines companies in the following applications: • It can replace an existing remote lines supply, particularly where: o The line length is relatively long and dedicated to only one or two consumers; o The line is due for upgrade or replacement; o Demand on the line is highly seasonal in nature (such as a holiday home or woolshed); o There is access to a high quality renewable resource; and o The existing line is not capable of electricity export. • It can improve the economic viability of an existing remote lines supply by providing an additional revenue stream. This is where the existing line provides access to an untapped high quality renewable resource and is capable of exporting electricity to the wider network. • It can defer new investment in an existing remote line that needs upgrading, for example, if demand on the line is increasing. This is likely to be favoured where there is access to a high quality renewable resource. • It can also defer new investment in parts of a rural network suffering unacceptable supply reliability due to seasonal demands. Diesel only based systems are favoured in this application. The report investigates small scale generation systems consisting of different combinations of renewable and diesel generation plant. Where systems employ renewable plant, backup diesel plant may be used to ensure a reliable supply of electricity. In such cases, though, the diesel plant will only be operated for a relatively short period of time. The report also illustrates how energy efficiency and the use of alternative energy sources (such as LPG or wood) can provide a means of reducing electricity demand at a remote site. This can help reduce the size and capital cost of a small scale generation system, where this is being considered, or may help defer new investment where required for an existing lines supply. The report concludes that the cost and convenience of some energy efficiency and alternative energy sources does need to be considered carefully. A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page i A STUDY OF ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SUPPLY OPTIONS FOR REMOTE COMMUNITIES EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This study is part of EECA’s distributed generation cost-benefit analysis project which is aimed at improving understanding of the benefits and costs of distributed generation. In this study, the electricity consumption and demand at four remote communities in South Canterbury are analysed in order to establish the potential for distributed generation when considering both technical and economic factors. The four sites are: - Black Forest Station. - Lochaber Station. - Lilybank Station - Stony Creek Also studied is the use of distributed generation to provide voltage support in situations where short-term seasonal demands could be more effectively met by the application of distributed generation. All four sites are engaged in sheep farming. Two of the sites – Black Forest and Lilybank - also have tourist facilities. At Lilybank, there are plans to undertake a major expansion of these facilities. Stony Creek is essentially a woolshed with some accommodation for shearing gangs. All four sites are reliant on electricity as the primary energy source to meet household and tourist accommodation energy needs together with some use associated with farming activities. In three of the four sites, opportunities exist to reduce electricity consumption by using woodfuel for heating, LPG for cooking, solar water heaters and in one case, ground-source heat pumps. As noted above, the fourth site - Stony Creek - comprises a shearing shed and is only used rarely with low power consumption and as a consequence, energy management measures are unlikely to be cost-effective. Lochaber and Lilybank Stations have good hydro-generation potential and this is evaluated. At Black Forest where no hydro potential has been identified, wind-solar-diesel hybrid generation options are evaluated. At Stony Creek where no hydro potential exists, it is concluded that wind-solar options are very unlikely to be feasible owing to the high capital cost and the low electricity consumption: therefore diesel generation only is evaluated. An economic analysis is carried out using the national economic cost-benefit analysis methodology outlined in the Treasury’s Cost Benefit Primer. Key results are as follows: At Lilybank, both hydro generation and energy management measures show positive net present value (NPV) primarily because these measures avoid the cost of upgrading/replacing the existing power supply line which otherwise will be required once the proposed tourist facility expansion has been completed. In the cases of Black Forest and Lochaber, no line upgrades are required and the impact of the reduction in maintenance costs that would result from disconnection of the line is outweighed by the cost of the distributed generation plant. However, at Lochaber where hydro generation may be possible and the existing line can be used to export electricity from the distributed generation plant, a positive NPV is achieved. At Stony Creek, when line maintenance costs are taken into account, a positive NPV is achieved when using diesel owing to the low power consumption. Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page ii A financial analysis carried out on the voltage support case study demonstrates that distributed generation can provide a solution in situations where a lines company is faced with excessive voltage drop in rural feeders owing to relatively infrequent seasonal power demand – such as for irrigation – and would otherwise be faced with substantial line upgrade costs with no prospect of an adequate financial return on the investment. Conclusions are as follows: The best opportunities for distributed generation exist where hydro-generation is possible and the existing supply line is suitable for surplus power to be exported back to the grid. In situations where long lengths of supply line in remote areas have to be replaced to meet increased power demand or owing to storm damage, the economics of distributed generation will also improve particularly where hydro-generation is possible. Other renewable energy resources, such as wind, may also prove feasible where the resource is good. In situations where a line supplies a consumer that uses only small amounts of electricity, distributed generation can become favourable even with diesel generation compared with retaining the distribution line. Where infrequent periods of high demand occur and are resulting in unacceptable voltage drops, distributed generation can provide a lines company with a cost-effective solution. The adoption of energy management measures to reduce power demand and consumption is essential where high capital cost distributed generation is proposed such as wind and solar PV generation. Energy management can also offer the potential to avoid or reduce investment in upgraded power lines or distributed generation. In the case of new connections where the lines company is entitled to charge the consumer for the cost of the new supply, distributed generation can provide an opportunity for significant cost-benefit to the consumer. This will depend on a number of factors including, for example, the length of a new supply line and the availability of adequate renewable energy resources. Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page iii CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. INTRODUCTION METHODOLOGY CASE STUDIES – DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Black Forest Station 3.1.1 Description 3.1.2 Electricity Supply 3.1.3 Electricity Consumption and Demand 3.2 Stony Creek 3.2.1 Description 3.2.2 Electricity Supply 3.2.3 Electricity Consumption and Demand 3.3 Lochaber Station 3.3.1 Description 3.3.2 Electricity Supply 3.3.3 Electricity Consumption and Demand 3.4 Lilybank Station 3.3.1 Description 3.3.2 Electricity Supply 3.3.3 Electricity Consumption and Demand 3.5 Voltage Support CASE STUDIES – ANALYSIS 4.1 Electricity Demand 4.1.1 Demand estimates 4.1.2 Demand analysis 4.2 Electricity Supply Options 4.2.1 Available options 4.2.2 Continuation of existing supply 4.2.3 Distributed generation 4.3 Black Forest Station 4.3.1 Resources 4.3.2 Distributed generation options 4.4 Stony Creek 4.5 Lochaber Station 4.5.1 Resources 4.5.2 Distributed generation options 4.6 Lilybank Station 4.6.1 Resources 4.6.2 Distributed generation options 4.7 Voltage Support 4.7.1 Description Empower 1 2 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 8 8 9 9 9 9 11 11 11 13 13 14 14 14 15 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page iv 4.8 5.0 6.0 7.0 Local Environmental Impacts 4.8.1 Air emissions 4.8.2 Water use 4.8.3 Noise ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 5.1 Methodology 5.2 Assumptions and Costs 5.2.1 Value of avoided grid generation 5.2.2 Energy demand 5.2.3 Carbon dioxide emissions 5.2.4 Distribution system costs 5.2.5 Transmission costs 5.2.6 Fuel costs 5.2.7 Line losses 5.2.8 Value of Lost Load 5.3 Key Results 5.4 Sensitivity Analysis COMMERCIAL CONSIDERATIONS – A LINES COMPANY PERSPECTIVE 6.1 The History 6.2 Regulation 6.3 Distributed Generation 6.3.1 The barriers 6.3.2 The opportunities 6.4 Conclusions CONCLUSIONS APPENDIX A Outline of Methods Used and Assumptions made when allocating Energy Use by Category at Each Site APPENDIX B Estimates of Impact of Energy Management Measures Empower 25 25 25 25 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 35 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 42 43 44 A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION This study is part of EECA’s distributed generation cost-benefit analysis project which “aims to improve understanding of the ‘whole of economy’ benefits and costs of distributed generation”. This contributes to the New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy which includes an objective to: Raise awareness of the benefits and costs of distributed generation – A programme will be established to raise the awareness of the benefits of distributed generation, in particular small-scale generation, for end use by consumers and local government, from late 2007. The programme will include providing information on potential for distributed generation and advice to local government. (New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy, page 70) The objective of this study is to: Develop specific case studies looking at costs and benefits of DE in remote locations. This will provide information for lines companies, electricity retailers and consumers in remote communities. The study was carried out by Empower Consultants Ltd (ECL) in association with John Duncan, independent consultant, and Alpine Energy Ltd (AEL), the electricity lines company supplying electricity to urban and rural areas in South Canterbury. Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 2 2.0 METHODOLOGY In consultation with EECA, four remote communities were selected as case studies for this project. The sites were initially identified by AEL as representative of many communities in rural South Canterbury. All sites are currently supplied with electricity through lines owned and operated by AEL. The location of the four case study sites are shown in Figure 1 over1. For each site, the size and characteristics of the existing and projected electricity load in terms of consumption and demand patterns was established with AEL using available or estimated data. Energy demand and supply options were then identified using local knowledge and any available secondary data. Supply and generation models were set up based on the available energy resources and current and projected electricity use patterns. In each case, further models were developed assuming improved energy efficiency and fuel switching. The models were then evaluated in terms of installation and set-up costs and operating and maintenance costs. The evaluations included: 1. The cost of energy as delivered to the consumer based on an appropriate economic return on investment and recovery of operating and maintenance costs. As well as the direct costs associated with distribution systems and generating equipment, this will include: the cost of alternative fuels where switching has taken place; line losses where applicable. 2. Changes in greenhouse gas emissions at the national level. 3. Local environmental impacts in terms of air emissions and water use. 4. Potential system vulnerability – ie ability to withstand severe weather conditions. 5. Operational and economic impacts on the distribution system- these may be positive or negative. 6. Operational issues such as access to remotely located plant. 7. Assessment of behavioural issues and demand response to new technologies. 8. Economic analysis of net benefits and costs from a national perspective using Analysis Primer as a guideline. 3.0 CASE STUDIES - DESCRIPTIONS Treasury’s Cost Benefit Five case studies are analysed, these being located in South Canterbury and are supplied with electricity by AEL. These include four sites - three high country stations and one remote shearing shed, located where shown in Figure 1 - and a voltage support model. The four sites are described below. All maps included as figures in this report contain data sourced from Land Information New Zealand (LINZ). LINZ gives no warranty in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability) and accepts no liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs relating any use of the data. Crown Copyright Reserved. 1 Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 3 Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 4 3.1 Black Forest Station 3.1.1 Description Black Forest station is located alongside Lake Benmore (Figure 2) and is primarily a sheep station comprising a house (six to eight occupants) and shearers’ quarters. In addition, there are three holiday cottages each capable of accommodating up to 10 people. The holiday cottages are occupied mainly during the period December to May. The station is remote and the access roads and power line are subject to alpine weather conditions that make line access and maintenance expensive and difficult at times and makes the line vulnerable to damage from bad weather. Year-round access is difficult and by 4WD vehicles only via a low saddle through the Hakataramea Pass. 3.1.2 Electricity supply The station is supplied through a 63 km 22 kV single phase line from the Tekapo substation. The station is at the end of the line which supplies 12 other consumers through 26 transformers, although the last 5 km section supplies only Black Forest. Load growth is not expected in the area supplied and AEL have no plans to upgrade the supply. 72 of the 342 poles are scheduled for replacement in 2009 as part of lifecycle maintenance. 3.1.3 Electricity consumption and demand Using data obtained by AEL from the electricity retailer, quarterly2 consumption for 2007 is shown in Figure 3 and annual consumptions for the period 2004 to 2007 are shown in Figure 4. Electricity consumption during 2007 was significantly higher than in the previous three years. There is no obvious explanation for this - such as additional buildings. Given that a similar situation has occurred at Lochaber Station, climatic conditions may have had some influence. No records are available in respect to maximum demand as only energy used (kWh) is metered. However, given the combined rating of 45 kVA for the three transformers supplying the station, AEL have estimated the maximum as being around 30 kVA. An analysis of the likely demand of the station indicates that this estimate is reasonable. While electricity charges are invoiced on a monthly basis, meter readings are taken quarterly with intervening month charges being estimates. 2 Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 5 Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 6 Figure 3: Black Forest Station - Quarterly Electricity Consumption during 2007 (sources: AEL and Contact Energy Ltd) 25000 CONSUMPTION KWH 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 JAN-MAR APR-JUN JUL-SEP OCT-DEC QUARTER Figure 4: Black Forest Station - Annual Electricity Consumption: 2004 to 2007 (sources: AEL and Contact Energy Ltd) 80000 CONSUMPTION KWH 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 YEAR 3.2 Stony Creek 3.2.1 Description Stony Creek comprises a woolshed and shearers’ quarters and is only occupied intermittently. Stony Creek is located approximately 7 km to the northwest of Black Forest (Figure 5). Access is by means of FWD vehicles using a track from Haldon Station. Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 7 Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 8 3.2.2 Electricity supply The station is supplied by a 7.5 km single phase 22 kV spur line off the line supplying Black Forest. No load growth is expected. 3.2.3 Electricity consumption and demand Based on data obtained by AEL from the electricity retailer, quarterly consumption for 2007 is shown in Figure 6 and annual consumption for the years 2004 to 2007 in Figure 7. It is noted that while there has been a large increase in annual consumption from 2004 to 2007, the increase is small in real terms – i.e. less than 400 kWh. Figure 6: Stony Creek - Quarterly Electricity Consumption during 2007 (sources: AEL and Contact Energy Ltd) 400 CONSUMPTION KWH 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 JAN-MAR APR-JUN JUL-SEP OCT-DEC QUARTER Figure 7: Stony Creek - Annual Electricity Consumption: 2004 to 2007 (sources: AEL and Contact Energy Ltd) 1200 CONSUMPTION KWH 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 YEAR No maximum demand data is available. Given that activities are likely to be limited to shearing and possibly accommodation for shearing gangs, it is considered unlikely that demand is likely to exceed 5 to 10 kVA. Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 9 Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 10 3.3 Lochaber Station 3.3.1 Description Lochaber station is located in rugged hill country approximately 20 km from Fairlie (Figure 8) and is a sheep station comprising two house (six occupants total) and a woolshed with shearers’ quarters. As with Black Forest, the station is remote and the power line is subject to alpine weather conditions that make line access and maintenance difficult at times, expensive and vulnerable to damage from bad weather. 3.3.2 Electricity supply The station is supplied through a 23 km 11 kV three phase line from the Fairlie substation. Four other stations are supplied off this line through 15 transformers. Lochaber is the last station on the line with the next station (Blue Mountains) located about 2 km from Lochaber. Load growth is not expected in the area supplied and AEL have no plans to upgrade the supply which was constructed in 1958. In 2000, major maintenance was carried out on the line and 81 poles were replaced. 3.3.3 Electricity consumption and demand Based on data obtained by AEL from the electricity retailer, quarterly consumption for 2007 is shown in Figure 9. Figure 9: Lochaber Station - Quarterly Electricity Consumption during 2007 (sources: AEL and Contact Energy Ltd) 30000 CONSUMPTION KWH 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 JAN-MAR APR-JUN JUL-SEP QUARTER Empower OCT-DEC A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 11 As can be seen from Figure 9, there is a clear maximum in the quarter ending 30 September, most likely being due to shearing taking place during this period. Unlike Black Forest, there is no holiday accommodation. No maximum demand data is available. Given that activities are likely to be limited to shearing and possibly accommodation for shearing gangs, it is considered unlikely that demand is likely to exceed 5 to 7 kVA. Annual consumption for the years 2004 to 2007 is shown in Figure 10. Annual consumption increased in 2007 by about the same proportion as was the case at Black Forest. Figure 10: Lochaber - Annual Electricity Consumption: 2004 to 2007 (sources: AEL and Contact Energy Ltd) 70000 CONSUMPTION KWH 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 YEAR 3.4 Lilybank Station 3.4.1 Description Lilybank Station is a high country station at the head of Lake Tekapo. It is both a working sheep station and a luxury tourist lodge with plans for further development including more accommodation and an 18 hole golf course. At present, there are nine guest cottages with a further 12 planned together with expanded restaurant facilities. The lodge is approximately 50 km from Tekapo village (Figure 11). Access can be difficult requiring several river crossings. 3.4.2 Electricity supply The lodge is supplied with electricity by means of a 35 km 22kV single phase overhead power line, requiring a mid point voltage regulator to maintain supply quality. The braided river valley is prone to high flood conditions which can at times threaten the overhead line structures. Four other stations are connected to the line. Lilybank is located at the end of the line, 8 km from the next closest connection (Mt. Gerald Station). The supply is already under some stress and at times of high demand, lodge staff have to manually switch off load. Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 12 FIGURE 11: LILYBANK STATION Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 13 The proposed expansion of the facility will require replacement of much of the line with a three-phase supply costing in the order of $1.4 to $1.6 million according to AEL. In addition, the lodge owners would like to install substantial irrigation for the proposed golf course, the implications of which in terms of power supply requirements are yet to be determined. 3.4.3 Electricity consumption and demand Based on data obtained by AEL from the electricity retailer, electricity consumption in 2007 was approximately 212,000 kWh. Accurate quarterly consumption data was not available as according to meter records, actual readings apparently have been taken at intervals of about nine months with intermediate month charges being estimates. In some cases, the actual readings resulted in significant adjustment to correct for the previously estimated readings. Annual consumption data for previous years was not made available. No recorded data is available in respect to maximum demand. It is estimated that this will be in the order of 65 to 70 kVA which is close to the rating of the transformer (75 kVA). 3.5 Voltage Support Much of the electricity distribution system in rural South Canterbury was developed in the 1950s and 1960s and was designed to supply a farming community that was predominantly engaged in arable and sheep farming. In recent years, there has been significant conversion to dairy farming, a characteristic of which has been an increased electricity demand associated with milk production and with irrigation. While in most cases, the demand can be met from the system with some relatively minor investment, an increasing problem has been the irrigation equipment demand during dry periods which has given rise to excessive voltage drop particularly towards the end of long feeder lines. A further difficulty is that this situation only occurs during very dry spells of no more that three months duration that historically have only occurred about every three years. For a lines company, demands of this kind are particularly troublesome as often the investment required to upgrade a feeder line to meet such an infrequent demand far outweighs the increase in revenue that will be achieved. Distributed generation can provide a solution and AEL have carried out a study based on the use of a 400 kW diesel generator set to avoid upgrading 14 km of line. The data used in this study has been updated in terms of input costs and the results are discussed in the analysis section of this report. Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 14 4 CASE STUDIES - ANALYSIS 4.1 Electricity Demand 4.1.1 Demand estimates In order to gain an understanding of how electricity is currently used, electricity use for each of the three sheep stations has been estimated for each different utilisation category, ie Farm accommodation. Guest accommodation (Black Forest and Lilybank). General farm use. It is understood that all three stations have limited fuel supplies for cooking and heating in the event of electricity supply loss during bad weather but as no information on historic usage is available, no allowance is made in the demand estimates. The estimates were made using the consumption profiles provided and (limited) information3 provided by the AEL representative based in Tekapo. In the case of accommodation, the following methods were adopted: Space heating consumption - ALF 3.1 software4 using Tekapo as the climate reference point. Hot water consumption – based on the number of occupants and estimated use for showers plus other general uses. Appliances and general power – based on data in Sustainable Building Sourcebook5 published by the Waitakere City Council. In one case – Lilybank Station – significant changes are planned for the near future which will increase electricity demand and in this case, future demand projections have been made based on existing use. From discussions with the Farm Manager at Lilybank, it is understood that the lodge facility will be a year-round operation and this has been factored into the demand projections. In the case of Stony Creek, it is understood that electricity is mainly used for farming activities but during shearing, the building may also be used for shearer accommodation. Little information is available on general farming electricity consumption. The farms are mainly involved in sheep farming which is not as energy intensive as dairy farming. Typical uses include water pumping for stock drinking water, shearing activities and general workshop purposes. Electricity demand during shearing includes power for clippers and wool presses together with lighting – and possibly for shearing gang accommodation. Table 1 sets out the results of the above analysis, details of which are provided in Appendices A and B. It is stressed that the utilisation splits shown in Table 1 are based on very limited information and are a “best fit” using the electricity consumption figures available and making allowances for varying occupancies that are understood to occur (e.g. holiday periods and seasonal labour requirements). The figures in Table 1 are therefore indicative only. The main purpose for deriving these figures is to provide a basis for investigating the potential energy management measures discussed in Section 4.1.2 that follows. This included number of buildings and occupants and in the case of guest accommodation, the months when the accommodation is used. 4 ALF3- The Annual Loss Factor Method, 3rd edition, developed and owned by BRANZ 5 Kanuka-Fuchs,R. (c2005) “Household Appliances” in Sustainable Building Sourcebook, Waitakere City Council. 3 Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 15 Table 1: Breakdown of Electricity Consumption by Usage BLACK FOREST Farm staff accommodation Holiday cottages General farming activities TOTAL STONY CREEK Shearing shed TOTAL LOCHABER Farm staff accommodation (two houses) General farming activities (shearing shed) TOTAL LILYBANK –existing Lodge activities Staff (farm and lodge) accommodation General farming activities (shearing shed) TOTAL LILYBANK –future Lodge activities Staff (farm and lodge) accommodation General farming activities (shearing shed) 4.1.2 Annual Consumption (2007) – kWh Estimated maximum demand kVA 38,000 25,000 8,150 71,150 15 10 7 30 1018 1,018 7 7 49,900 9,000 58,900 12 8 20 86,000 100,000 26,000 212,000 25 30 10 65 154,800 94,000 30,550 279,350 40 30 10 80 Demand analysis Based on the consumption figures and information from AEL, the three stations sites are relatively high users of electricity with electricity being the major source of household energy. Other than some use of a coal range6 at Lochaber, it is assumed that all household energy needs are met by electricity. In practice, it is possible and even likely that wood stoves are used as well as electric heaters. It is appreciated that all sites are subject to low winter temperatures which undoubtedly contribute to the high consumption figures. Based on the assumption that electricity is predominantly used for space heating, opportunities to reduce electricity consumption include: Use of wood burners for space heating. Installation of solar hot water panels. Use of LPG for cooking. Use of compact fluorescent lamps (CFL). Ground source heat pumps7. The use of wet-backs on wood burner stoves was considered as either an alternative to or in conjunction with solar water heating. However, given uncertainties as to the acceptability of this option particularly during summer, it was decided to assume solar hot water heating for the analysis. Each of these identified options are analysed using the following assumptions: (1) (2) Wood burner fuel consumption – 0.1 m3/100kWh of heat output8. The use of solar water heating will reduce electricity consumption for hot water production by 75%9. No information has been available on utilisation or coal consumption. Given the very low temperatures likely in winter, the use of air-source heat pumps is not regarded as feasible. 8 East Harbour Management Service (2006) Microgeneration Potential in New Zealand - A Study of Small-scale Energy Generation Potential. p 37.Report for the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment. Wellington. 9 ibid. Page 50 6 7 Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 16 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) LPG stoves have an efficiency of 50%10. Use of CFLs will reduce lighting power consumption by 60%. Wood fuel cost - $40 per cubic metre – this assumes that the wood will be cut from pine or similar varieties on the property. The cost therefore represents labour plus allowance for fuel used. LPG cost - $2.14 per kg. This is made up of $1.95 per kg for gas at Timaru or Fairlie plus $0.15 per kg for 45 kg cylinder hire plus $0.04 for transport to farm. (Source: Nova LPG). Diesel cost - $1.97 per litre. This is made up of $1.94 per litre for supply in drum plus $0.03 per litre for transport to farm. (Source: BP New Zealand on 9 May 2008). Wood burner – a cost of $2,750 installed is assumed8. Solar water heater – costs of $7,500 to $8,000 are assumed based on information from suppliers. This allows for a closed-loop system with glycol in the primary system to prevent freezing. Ground source heat pumps – based on a discussion with Warmfloor Heating Systems, a figure of $68,000 is assumed to provide heat pump and heated floors in all new and existing guest accommodation units11 at Lilybank. It is understood that with the exception of guest accommodation at Lilybank, the farm houses and accommodation at the stations were built some years ago and insulation would not have been provided to walls, roof/ceiling or floor. For the purposes of the analysis, it is assumed that given the widely known advantages of ceiling insulation and relative ease of installation, this will have been retro-fitted. In the case of Lilybank, it is assumed that existing guest accommodation will have been insulated to at least a reasonable standard while new accommodation will be insulated as currently required by the New Zealand Building Code. Table 2 shows estimated energy savings while Table 3 sets out estimates of the costs of substitute fuels and equipment. No estimates are provided in the case of Stony Creek given the limited use of this site and the nature of the activities carried out. The figures for Lilybank assume that the proposed additions have been completed. A breakdown of the impact of each electricity reduction measure is provided in Appendix B. From Smith K et al (2000) Greenhouse Gases from Small-Scale Combustion Devices in Developing Countries: Phase IIA. p 25. EPA/600/R-00/052. USEPA. 11 In the case of the 12 new units, this is the additional cost of heat pump floor heating over the cost of electric floor heating that would otherwise be installed. 10 Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 17 Table 2: Breakdown of estimated electricity consumption before and after implementation of energy management measures (following proposed additions at Lilybank) Existing Annual Consumption (2007) – kWh Consumption following Measures Current Estimated maximum demand kVA Estimated maximum following EM Measures kVA 38,000 25,000 8,150 71,150 9,500 6,400 8,150 24,050 15 10 7 30 4 4 7 15 EM BLACK FOREST Farm staff accommodation Holiday cottages General farming activities TOTALS LOCHABER Farm staff accommodation General farming activities TOTALS LILYBANK Guest accommodation. 49,900 9,000 58,900 9,942 9,000 18,942 12 7 20 3 7 10 154,800 127,6001 51,9002 50 251 152 Farm staff accommodation General farming activities TOTALS 94,000 30,550 279,350 14,100 30,500 172,2001 96,5002 15 10 75 8 10 401 352 Note 1: Without heat pumps Note 2: With heat pumps Empower demand A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 18 Table 3: SITE BLACK FOREST CONSUMPTION FOLLOWING ENERGY MANAGEMENT kWh/year Energy Management Measures – Substitute Fuel and Capital Costs Estimates MAX DEMAND – FOLLOWING ENERGY MANAGEMENT kVA SUBSTITUTE FUELS $ per annum EQUIPMENT COSTS WOODFUEL LPG SOLAR WATER HEATING GROUND SOURCE HEAT PUMPS WOOD STOVES LPG STOVES CFLs TOTAL $60,350 24,050 15 $1,441 $2,026 $39,000 $13,750 $7,500 $100 LOCHABER 18,942 10 $523 $731 $15,000 $5,500 $3,000 $50 $23,550 LILYBANK1 172,2352 96,5003 $300 $121,0502 $189,0503 40 Notes: (1) The estimates for Lilybank include allowance for proposed additions. (2) Without heat pumps. (3) With heat pumps Empower $2,000 $4,378 $106,500 $68,0003 $8,250 $6,000 A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 19 4.2 Electricity Supply Options 4.2.1 Available options Available options that will be considered include continuation of the existing supply arrangement and distributed generation. 4.2.2 Continuation of existing supply In the cases of Black Forest, Lochaber and Stony Creek, the existing electricity supply is regarded by AEL as adequate to meet consumer needs for the foreseeable future. In the case of Lilybank, the existing supply is already under stress and will not be capable of meeting the electricity requirements of the expanded facility based on current utilisation. If future needs are to be met, one option will be to replace the existing single phase 22 kV supply line with a three phase 22 kV line. According to AEL, the likely cost of this option is in the order of $1.4 to $1.6 million. However, based on analysis of existing and proposed consumption patterns, if energy management measures were to be implemented12, it could be possible to reduce the maximum demand even after expansion to within the capacity of the existing supply. 4.2.2 Distributed generation In addition to diesel, the potential renewable energy resources that could be used for distributed generation identified as available in the case study sites are: Hydro-power. Wind. Solar. Biomass (woodfuel). While a biomass resource exist in the form of woodfuel, it is assumed that the use of this resource will be limited to space heating and as noted above, this use is included as part of the energy management measures. The use of woodfuel for electricity generation is not considered to be a practical option at this stage given the complexity – and cost - of the technology. Similarly, the generation of biogas to provide a fuel that could be used for electricity generation or directly as heat source for space heating, hot water or cooking is not considered to be a feasible option at this stage on the grounds that an adequate year-round supply of a suitable “feedstock” such as animal waste or soft biomass does not exist. The resources identified at each site are discussed below. It is important to note that for the purposes of the analyses, assumptions are made in respect to the availability and quality of the identified renewable energy resources. Before any decision to select and install plant could be made, appropriate site investigation and testing would be essential. This assumes that all the identified energy management measures are implemented and it is acknowledged that some of the measures may not be acceptable to Lilybank. 12 Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 20 4.3 Black Forest 4.3.1 Resources From discussions with AEL staff familiar with the locality, it is regarded as unlikely that the local streams have reliable hydro generation potential13. Other possible resources include wind, solar and biomass in the form of woodfuel. As would be expected, no specific data on wind and solar radiation is available for Black Forest station. In the case of wind, in a study undertaken by SKM14 for EECA in 2006, two models were referred to, one indicating an average wind speed at sea level of over 8 m/s in the general vicinity of Black Forest while the other suggests a wind speed of less than 6 m/s. Another source consulted was the NASA Surface Meteorology and Solar Energy website15 which gave an average windspeed of 6.43 m/s for latitude 45S, longitude 170W. Given the topography, all figures need to be treated with caution. Both sources give similar figures for solar radiation, i.e. around 1,300 kWh/m2/year. The station is well provided with trees. 4.3.2 Distributed generation options As noted above, there are no obvious sources for hydro-generation identified at Black Forest. Therefore the selected distributed generation for this site is hybrid wind-solar with diesel back-up. The 22 kV single-phase supply is not ideal for export unless generator output is small – i.e. say less than 10 kW. This is because the generator would be liable to become overloaded with negative phase sequence currents which would create over-heating of the generator. Generally if a generator is needed to operate in this mode, then the output would need to be limited to 10-20% of its normal output capacity to avoid thermally damaging the generator or the generator would need to be designed to withstand higher heating from the negative phase sequence currents. For the purpose of this analysis, therefore, the generation plant will only supply Black Forest Station. Three options are analysed: (a) Option 1 – diesel as stand-by only In this option, the wind–solar plant is sized to supply the entire load as shown in Table 4 (assuming energy management measures in place). The diesel generator will only be used when the wind-solar plant is partly or wholly out of services. Assuming an average wind speed of 5.5 m/s a standard, domestic 7.5 kW wind turbine on a 30m guyed lattice tower will produce an average daily power output of 35.7 kWh which equates to an annual output of 13,035 kWh (refer Figure 12). As noted in the paragraph above, this assessment cannot be regarded as definitive and is made for case study analysis purposes only. 14 SKM (2006) Renewable Energy Assessment – Canterbury Region. Final Report for EECA, page 42, Sinclair Knight Mertz, Auckland 15 13 Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 21 Based on a single turbine producing 13,035 kWh annually, two turbines will be required to meet the needs of the Black Forest without significant reliance on a diesel generator set. This is arguably conservative – i.e. low: if the wind speed on the site was 6.5 m/s, instead of the 5.5 m/s used above, one turbine would produce 20,100 kWh per annum, ie just short of the 23,000 kWh/year required. To improve overall reliability, a solar PV system should be installed to add generation capacity during low wind periods together with inverter and battery systems. 3 kW maximum would be an appropriate size for the solar PV array because it will provide a meaningful contribution to system performance at reasonable cost. Such an array will consist of 15 x 200W modules, in a single string, providing a 450 VDC supply, which is inverted into a 230 VAC 50 Hz supply. Annual output will be 3,500 kWh based on an average output of 10 kWh/day. If it is assumed that the diesel generator operates for a total of 168 hours a year (24 hours for seven days), diesel fuel consumption will be approximately 840 litres/year. Figure 12: Power output from 7.5 kW wind turbine (source: Bergey Windpower Co) WindCad Turbine Performance Model BWC 7500 Battery Charging Version Prepared For: Site Location: Data Source: Date: Black Forest Lake Benmore (b) 7.5 kW 14/03/2008 Inputs: MS Excel, V.97 PC Results: Ave. Wind (m/s) = Weibull K = Site Altitude (m) = Wind Shear Exp. = 5.50 2 700 0.143 Anem. Height (m) = Tower Height (m) = Turbulence Factor = Perf. Safety Margin = 30 30 8.0% 5.0% Hub Average Wind Speed (m/s) = Air Density Factor = Average Output Power (kW) = Daily Energy Output (kWh) = Annual Energy Output (kWh) = Monthly Energy Output = Percent Operating Time = 5.50 -6% 1.57 35.7 13,035 1,086 72.6% Option 2 – diesel used to meet maximum demands In this option, the wind – solar plant is sized to supply part of the load with the diesel generator used during maximum demand periods as well as in a standby role. One 7.5 kW wind turbine will be installed plus 3 kW peak solar PV which will produce in the order of 16,500 kWh/year. Based on the annual estimated consumption of 24,050 kWh/year, a balance of 7,000 kWh will need to be supplied by the diesel generator together with meeting standby requirements. The diesel fuel consumption will increase to approximately 2,700 litres/year. (c) Option 3 – high wind resource The wind resource used above may be conservative – ie low. If an average wind speed of 8 m/s is assumed, then, after allowing for maintenance, it is estimated using Bergey data that a single wind turbine will produce 20,787 kWh. The balance of just over 3,200 kWh will be supplied by the diesel generator requiring about 1,250 litres/year of diesel. Battery capacity will be larger than in Option 1 and 2 by about 50%. Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 22 4.4 Stony Creek Given the relatively low annual electricity consumption of 1,018 kWh, it is judged that the installation of a renewable energy distributed generation plant is not feasible in economic terms. The distributed generation option selected for analysis is a 7.5 kVA diesel generator. 4.5 Lochaber 4.5.1 Resources There are three streams in the vicinity offering some hydro generation potential, including either the Orari River or its tributaries, the Hewson River and the Phantom River. While no hydrological data is available for the Hewson or Phantom River, some data16 is available for the Orari River measured at the gorge a few kilometres downstream. Flow data was as follows: Mean annual flow – 9.56 m3/s Median flow – 6.6 m3/s Flows above 2.5 m3/s 95% of the time. According to Waugh and Scarf (2006)15, there is a high water yield from the Ben McLeod Range located above Lochaber, the area drained by the Phantom and Hewson Rivers, both of which flow into the Orari River in the vicinity of Lochaber. For the purposes of this study therefore, it will be assumed that flows of 1.25 m3/s are available for hydro generation at Lochaber. It is stressed that (a) there is no specific hydrological data for the streams that flow through or close to the station and (b) there has been no site visit to determine the degree of difficulty that might be involved in a micro-hydro development owing to local site conditions. As with Black Forest Station, no specific wind or solar data is available. For the purpose of the study, similar figures to those established for Black Forest can be assumed. The station is well provided with trees. 4.5.2 Distributed generation options Based on the flow rates discussed above, up to 75 kW of hydro generation potential could exist. Furthermore, the 11 kV three-phase supply would permit export of surplus power generated as the problem referred to in 4.3.2 above in respect of single phase supply will not apply . Two options are analysed: (a) Option 1 – local supply only. In this option, the hydro-generation system will supply Lochaber and Blue Mountain stations, the second station being included to increase the overall “mass” of the system. A diesel generator will be required for when the hydro plant is partly or wholly out of services owing to breakdown, routine maintenance or low water flow. Blue Mountains Station is understood to be very similar to Lochaber and for the purpose of this analysis, the consumption and demand for the combined system are assumed to be double those of Lochaber. Given the much lower capital cost associated with hydro, the benefit of taking measures to reduce electricity is less than is the case with wind and solar – and diesel given the high cost of diesel fuel. 16 Waugh J and Frank Skarf (c2006) Hydrology of the Orari River. Downloaded from Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 23 Two cases will therefore be considered, without (Case 1) and with (Case 2) energy management measures using consumption and demand figures shown in Table 4. For Case 1, a 30 kVA hydro installation is assumed while for Case 2 a 20 kVA installation is assumed. (b) Option 2 – export In this option, the hydro-generation system will primarily supply Lochaber and will export all surplus through the existing 11 kV line. No diesel generator will be provided on the assumption that the 11 kV supply will provide the necessary standby provision. For both cases 1 and 2, a 50 kW micro-hydro generator is proposed and therefore capital costs will be identical. More power will be exported in Case 2. 4.6 Lilybank Station 4.6.1 Resources There are three rivers in the vicinity with reasonable hydro generation potential, the best prospect being identified as Station Stream. The manager of Lilybank lodge has made data from a recent hydrological study available which indicate that the generation potential is between 50 and 60 kW. As with Black Forest station, no specific wind or solar data is available. For the purpose of the study, similar figures to those established for Black Forest will be assumed. The station is well provided with trees. 4.6.2 Distributed Generation Options There are good prospects for hydro-generation at Lilybank Lodge with hydrological data for Station Stream indicating that around 55 kW of generation is feasible. Two other rivers in the vicinity may also have generation potential. Unlike Lochaber Station, the export of surplus generation will not possible without replacement of the existing single phase 22 kV supply for the reasons stated in 4.3.2. Three options are considered: (a) Option 1 – connected to AEL system with no distributed generation Three cases are analysed: without energy management (Case 1), with energy management (Case 2) and with energy management including ground source heat pumps (Case 3) using the consumption and demand figures shown in Table 2. Case 1 will necessitate replacement of most of the AEL line from Tekapo with a three-phase 11 kV supply. Cases 2 and 3 will not require line replacement as the estimated maximum demand is within the capacity of the existing AEL line. (b) Option 2 – isolated system with distributed generation. In this option, the AEL line will be disconnected and Lilybank will be supplied primarily by the hydro-generation plant. A diesel generator will be required as back-up for situations where the hydro plant is not available. Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 24 Again, three cases will be analysed: without and with energy management measures. Given that the maximum demand in Case 1 is estimated at 75 kVA, the hydro plant will not be able to meet demand at all times and the diesel will need to operate during these periods of high demand. In Cases 2 and 3, the diesel generator will have only a stand-by role. (c) Option 3 – remains connected to AEL system with distributed generation In this option, the hydro-generation system will be the primary supply but the existing AEL line will remain in place and will be available to assist in meeting maximum demand as and when required. Three cases are considered as previously. In Case 1, a diesel generator will be provided to cater for the situation when the hydro system is down for servicing as during these periods, the AEL supply will not be able to meet demand. In Cases 2 and 3, the maximum demand will be within the capacity of the line and a diesel generator will not be required. 4.7 Voltage Support 4.7.1 General description As noted previously, this case study is based on an earlier study by AEL17, the objective of which being to avoid uneconomic investment in line upgrades supplying areas where consumption is highly seasonal and subject to wide annual variations. The study assumes that a 400 kW diesel generator is connected to a remote part of the system supplied through the Waimate substation. The generator is assumed to operate for a total of 350 hours over two months which in AEL’s experience will meet the voltage support requirements. Tables 6 and 7 set out capital and cost (including savings) data and assumptions for two options: diesel generator hire and diesel generator purchase. Because the main benefits are financial – rather than economic – and accrue to the lines company rather than to the economy, a financial analysis is carried out and the results discussed in section 6, “Commercial Considerations – A Lines Company Perspective”. 4.8 Local Environmental Impacts 4.8.1 Air Emissions In all cases, the use of diesel generators will result in diesel exhaust emissions that currently do not occur at the case study sites. However, diesel utilisation is small in all cases and relatively infrequent. The isolated nature of all sites means that any impact on people’s health is unlikely to be significant. 4.8.2 Water Use Lochaber and Lilybank Stations both have micro-hydro generation potential. Given that micro-hydro typically involves minimal civil works, the impact is generally small in the immediate vicinity of the plant. Furthermore, the impact on downstream water uses can be expected to be small. However, under the provisions of the Resource Management Act, an environmental impact assessment is required and as part of this, these and other impacts would be examined. The results of the study were presented at the EEA APEX Southern Summit, Christchurch 29 March 2007 by Richard Kingsford, Network Engineer, Alpine Energy Ltd Is DG a real network alternative? 17 Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 25 4.8.3 Noise In the context of this study, wind turbines and diesel generator plant both generate noise. In the case of wind turbines, the usual solution is to locate the turbine an adequate distance from accommodation as the noise can be a nuisance; there are no simple means of “silencing” as such.Diesel generators are generally provided with silencers, the level of attenuation depending on the application. Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 26 Table 4 : Supply Options – Capacities and Estimated Outputs ANNUAL CONSUMPTION kWh MAX DEMAND kVA RE3 PLANT MAX RATING kVA DIESEL PLANT RATING kVA RE PLANT OUTPUT kWh/yr DIESEL PLANT OUTPUT kWh/yr POWER EXPORTED kWh/yr POWER IMPORTED kWh/yr Option 1- 2 x wind turbines 24,050 15 18 25 21,520 2,520 0 0 Option 2- 1 x wind turbines(diesel standby only) 24,050 15 11 25 16,535 7,500 0 0 Option 3- 1 x wind turbines- high wind 24,050 15 7.5 25 20,787 3,260 0 0 STONY CREEK 1,020 7.5 1,020 0 0 Case1 - no energy management 117,800 30 35 35 114,650 3,150 0 0 Case2 – energy management 37,900 20 25 25 37,600 300 0 0 Case1 - no energy management 58,900 20 50 0 378,000 0 318,000 3,390 Case2 – energy management 18,942 10 50 0 378,000 0 359,000 1,000 Case1 - no energy management 279,350 75 Case2 – energy management 172,240 40 172,240 Case3 – energy management- heat pumps 96,500 35 96,500 Case1 - no energy management 279,350 75 55 75 260,360 19,000 0 Case2 – energy management 172,240 40 45 45 167,740 4,500 0 0 Case3 – energy management- heat pumps 96,500 35 40 40 92,300 4,200 0 0 0 BLACK FOREST: 7.5 LOCHABER) Option 1- local supply incl Blue Mountains: Option 2- connected system with export: LILYBANK: Option 1- connected with no DG: 279,350 Option 2- isolated DG system: 0 Option 3- connected DG system: Case1 - no energy management 279,350 75 55 25 258,860 1,500 Case2 – energy management 172,240 40 45 0 165,600 0 Case3 – energy management- heat pumps 96,500 35 40 0 92,790 0 Notes: (1) For the detailed derivation of the above costs, please refer to appendix 2. (2) The Lochaber plant will supply both Lochaber and Blue Mountain Stations in the isolated system case. (3) RE – renewable energy generation plant (wind, solar or hydro) Empower 19,000 6,620 0 3,710 A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 27 Table 5: Supply Options – Capital and Operating Cost Estimates CAPITAL COSTS ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS1 GENERATION ENERGY MANAGEMENT TOTAL FUEL O+M TOTAL Option 1- 2 x wind turbines (diesel for standby only) $225,000 $60,350 $285,350 $5,303 $5,500 $10,803 Option 2- 1 x wind turbines(diesel to meet maximum demands) $190,000 $60,350 $250,350 $8,865 $5,750 $14,615 Option 3 – 1 x wind turbine – high wind $145,000 $60,350 $205,350 $6,073 $6,500 $12,573 STONY CREEK $10,0001 $10,000 $400 $250 $650 BLACK FOREST: LOCHABER Option 1- local supply including Blue Mountains: Case1 – no energy management $201,000 $0 $201,000 $2,069 $5,500 $7,659 Case2 - energy management $170,000 $47,100 $217,100 $2,802 $5,250 $8,052 Option 2- export: Case1 – no energy management $310,000 $0 $310,000 $0 $5,000 $5,000 Case2 - energy management $310,000 $23,600 $333,600 $1,776 $5,000 $6,776 LILYBANK: Option 1- connected with no distributed generation Case1 – no energy management Note 1 – Case2 - energy management $121,050 $6,378 Case3 – energy management- heat pumps Option 2- isolated distributed generation system: $189,050 $6,378 $5,000 $11,378 $6,378 $17,967 Case1 – no energy management $360,000 $0 $360,000 $12,467 $5,500 Case2 - energy management $265,000 $121,050 $416,050 $9,333 $5,500 $14,833 Case3 – energy management- heat pumps Option 3- connected to AEL with distributed generation: $275,000 $189,050 $464,050 $9,136 $10,500 $19,636 Case1 – no energy management $350,000 $0 $350,000 $985 $5,500 $6,485 Case2 - energy management $265,000 $79,050 $386,050 $6,378 $5,000 $11,378 Case3 – energy management- heat pumps $245,000 $189,050 $434,050 $6,378 $10,000 $16,378 in the economic analysis, allowance for periodic maintenance has been made as follows: diesel gensets – between $5,000 and $10,000 at 10 years; hydro turbines - $20,000 at 5 years: heat pumps - $30,000 at 15 years; batteries between $17,500 and $25,000 at 7 to 8 years; wind turbines – between $3,000 and $5,000 at 5 years. Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 28 Table 6: Voltage Support - Costs Option 1 - Hire of generator 2 – Purchase generator Generator purchase Generator hire (annual) $36,000 $150,000 Installation cost $20,000 $20,000 Power generated kWh/year 140,000 140,000 Diesel consumption litres/year 37,838 37,838 Diesel cost (annual) $54,108 $54,108 Maintenance (annual) $3,750 $7,500 TOTAL COSTS $20,000 $170,000 Notes: (1) Diesel generator purchase and hire costs based in information from a cross-section of equipment suppliers. (2) Diesel cost based on $1.43 plus $0.03 for delivery based in information from BP New Zealand (price as of 9 May 2008). (3) Maintenance cost based on 5% of capital for purchase and 2.5% for hire. Table 7: Voltage Support – Cost savings Sale to Retailer (annual) $8,400 Reduction in Transpower Demand charges (annual) $24,000 Notes: (1) Sales to retailer based on $0.06 per kWh. (2) Transpower demand charge based on $60 per kW per annum. (3) Deferred cost based on 14 km at $46,000 per km. Source of all cost saving data: Alpine Energy Ltd. Empower ANNUAL SAVINGS DEFERRED LINE UPGRADE COST $32,400 $644,000 CAPITAL TOTAL OPERATING COSTS (ANNUAL) $93,858 $61,608 A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 29 5.0 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS The different distributed generation case studies described in the earlier sections of the report are evaluated and compared using the national economic cost-benefit analysis methodology outlined in Treasury’s Cost Benefit Primer. 5.1 Methodology The national economic analysis excludes all internal transfers such as taxation and payments between the commercial entities involved in the projects. Economic costs and benefits throughout the project life are in real 2008 New Zealand dollars and currency exchange rates are assumed to remain at present levels. Possible effects of currency fluctuations on the costs of imported items such as oil and wind turbines are covered in the general sensitivity analysis for capital and operating costs. A real discount rate of 5% is used in accordance with the recommendations included in the New Zealand Energy Strategy. Primary economic benefits arising from the installation of the distributed generation plant are: • Avoided costs of electricity distribution to the DG sites. At Lochaber and Black Forest, these primarily are the costs of maintaining the existing section of line made redundant by the disconnection of the distributed generation site from the distribution network. In the case of Lilybank, the avoided costs will include upgrading 29 km of the existing spur line from single to three phase which would be required to meet the increasing electricity demand at Lilybank. • Avoided costs of electricity generated for the transmission grid and supplied through the Alpine Energy network to the distributed generation sites. In most cases examined this equates to the electricity consumed at the sites if they had continued to be supplied by the grid and which is matched by the output from the distributed generation plant. Where Lochaber remains connected to the grid and can export surplus generation back into the Alpine Energy network, the avoided grid electricity is equivalent to the full output of the distributed generation plant plus any savings from the associated energy management measures at the site. • Benefits arising from increased reliability of electricity supply. Distribution networks are subject to unplanned outages which are exacerbated in remote locations because of the length of the lines, difficult access for maintenance and severe weather events such as snowfalls in South Canterbury. The installation of distributed generation plant at remote locations can circumvent these outages and increase the reliability of electricity supply. The value of this increased reliability has been factored into the economic analysis using value of lost load. • The reduction in greenhouse gas emissions arising from the installation of distributed generation plant. Plant proposed for the sites primarily utilizes hydro, wind and photovoltaic technology which have zero emissions with comparatively low levels of electricity output from the supplementary diesel generators. Electricity generated for the grid and replaced by the distributed generation plant will have a higher carbon emission factor. The marginal grid generation replaced primarily consists of output from thermal plant, although the proportion of thermal plant in the marginal mix is likely to fall in the future as more renewables generating capacity is constructed. The costs of the project relate to the distributed generation plant, in particular: • The capital costs of the hydro, diesel, wind, PV and energy management plant installed at the distributed generation sites and described in detail in Section 4 of the report. For the purposes of the analysis, these are assumed to occur in the first year of the project. • Operating costs of the distributed generation and energy management plant, assumed to occur from the second year of the project life and expressed in real 2008 dollars throughout the project life. These include the routine costs of servicing the plant, its periodic replacement where necessary and the costs of fuel used to operate the diesel generators and thermal space heaters. • Carbon emissions from the fuels used to operate the generating and energy management plant, including an estimate of the emissions made from vehicles during the delivery of fuel to the sites. Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 30 5.2 Assumptions and Costs A number of key assumptions have been made whilst evaluating the various cases: 5.2.1 Value of avoided grid generation Over the long run wholesale prices for electricity tend to follow the long run marginal cost of new power stations. Long run marginal cost is the projected cost of electricity from the next most economic power station option and is the conventional means of valuing avoided cost of electricity generated for the grid. As the next most economic power station is successively selected as new generating capacity is built, projected LRMC will progressively increase over time. Estimates of LRMC can vary significantly as they include projections of power station load factor and costs of capital, operations, maintenance, fuel and carbon emissions, and are also sensitive to discount rate as capital costs are a significant element. Data developed by various sources18, indicates that LRMC, net of carbon charge, will rise from a current level of some 7 c/kWh to 10 c/kWh in 2030 (refer Figure 13). Figure 13: Assumed Long Run Marginal Cost of Electricity Generation (net of carbon charge) Base Case 12 c/kWh 11 10 9 8 7 6 20 08 20 09 20 10 20 11 20 12 20 13 20 14 20 15 20 16 20 17 20 18 20 19 20 20 20 21 20 22 20 23 20 24 20 25 20 26 20 27 20 28 20 29 20 30 5 5.2.2 Energy demand In each case analysed, it is assumed that the energy consumed at each distributed generation site will be the same regardless of whether the distributed generation project is put in place or the site continues to draw its electricity from the grid. There is a possibility that electricity use will increase with the installation of the distributed generation plant as the marginal cost of electricity will be near zero. Also, it is possible that the temperature of the house space heating will increase with the use of firewood and LPG rather than electricity. However, there is no known data to corroborate these assumptions and any estimate of the resultant benefits to the consumer would be speculative. In any event, it is most likely that any additional consumer surplus arising from higher energy consumption will be relatively small compared to the benefit arising from reduced energy costs19. Such benefits therefore are not included in this analysis, which will tend to underestimate net benefits somewhat. 18 from CAE (2008) An Analysis of the Effect of Renewables Targets in the Electricity Sector on the New Zealand Gas Industry, New Zealand Centre for Advanced Engineering, February 2008 as derived from the Electricity Commission. These data are generally consistent with LRMC shown in the MED’s “Energy Outlook” and costs of generation estimated by Infratil in its “Update, March 2008” 19 Refer Charles River Associates (2004) Increasing the Direct Use of Natural Gas in New Zealand Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 31 It is assumed that the there will be no net benefit or otherwise arising from greater productivity at the farms after the installation of the distributed generation plant. The change in energy supply is unlikely to have a material impact on the farming or other activities carried out at the different sites. 5.2.3 Carbon dioxide emissions Ministry for the Environment emission factors of 69.5 and 60.4 kt CO2/PJ are used for determining carbon dioxide emissions from the diesel and LPG consumed at the distributed generation sites. Additional emissions from the transportation of these fuels to the remote distributed generation sites are included in the analysis but these are small in comparison with those emitted during the combustion of the fuel. The increase will depend on the distance travelled and the type of vehicle used but is most likely to add less than 1% to the MfE emission factors given the distance inland to the generation sites. It is assumed that the emissions resulting from the use of firewood are negligible, with a programme of replanting suitable trees undertaken to ensure a sustainable supply of fuel is maintained. Like the determination of LRMC, there is considerable uncertainty regarding the reduction of carbon emissions due to reduced demand for electricity supplied from the grid. A study by the Ministry for the Environment20 indicates that an emission factor of 0.6 tonne CO2/MWh is appropriate in the short term but future emission levels depend on the impact of the carbon emissions trading scheme on the mix of generation capacity in the future. In the event that policies in the immediate future do not influence supply-side investments, the appropriate emission factor should average 0.5 tonne CO2/MWh for ten year projects. If the emission policies are successful, the average emissions factor should be reduced to 0.2 tonnes CO2/MWh, reflecting the greater investment in renewable generation. It is to be anticipated that a higher price of carbon dioxide will be associated with the lower emission factor and vice versa. For the purposes of this analysis, this inter-relationship is taken to be consistent with the MfE study: $15 per tonne CO2 at the 0.5 tonne CO2/MWh emission factor and $50 per tonne CO2 at the 0.2 tonne CO2/MWh emission factor. 5.2.4 Distribution system costs Electricity distribution lines are static assets with an expected life span in excess of 50 years. Although regular inspection and maintenance programmes are put in place by lines companies, the need for significant maintenance expenditure is irregular and dependent in part on weather events. However, on average, it is estimated that the annual cost of maintaining rural distribution lines is 2% of capital costs, which typically is $50,000 per kilometre. An annual charge of $1,000 per kilometre per year is used to value the line maintenance cost savings when sections of line are made redundant by the disconnection of distributed generation sites. Lilybank differs from the other cases in that it requires the installation of a new three phase line to meet the expanding load at the site. The installation of the distributed generation plant at Lilybank will avoid the installation of the three phase line regardless of whether the site remains connected to the grid or not. To supply the increased load to Lilybank, a total of 29 kilometres of line must be upgraded at a cost21 of $50,000 per kilometre. As there is no requirement to upgrade the lines to the other sites to meet increasing demand, the avoided costs in these cases are limited to the savings of $1,000 per kilometre per year on the maintenance of the redundant sections of line. Carbon abatement effects of electricity demand reductions, Ministry for the Environment, 2007 Power line installation costs used in this report are based on information from AEL which is in turn based on recent actual supply line installation costs. These have increased substantially in recent months owing to high international prices for ferrous and non-ferrous metals. 20 21 Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 32 5.2.5 Transmission Costs A potential benefit of distributed generation is the avoidance or deferral of expenditure on the transmission system due to the removal of transmission capacity constraints through the appropriate siting of the distributed generation plant. There is no evidence to indicate that any such benefit will arise through the reduction of demand at the sites under investigation nor is it likely there will be an appreciable reduction in routine transmission costs because of the very small electricity demand at each site. It is therefore assumed that there will be no reduction in transmission costs in any of the cases. 5.2.6 Fuel Costs The economic costs of diesel and LPG delivered to the sites are assumed to be the prices prevailing in Timaru in mid-May 2008 with an allowance made for delivery to the remote locations22. These can be adjusted with oil price to assess the sensitivity of the projects to these costs. Reported costs of firewood vary considerably, ranging from less than $1/GJ for forest residues to over $20/GJ for retailed firewood. It is assumed that firewood will be available at each of the sites and a small plantation can be established to provide a sustainable supply of wood and farm equipment is available to fell, split and store the wood. Costs of plantation wood have been estimated at $4 to 8/GJ23 and for this analysis a cost of $7/GJ or $40/m3 has been assumed. 5.2.7 Line Losses The avoided grid generation resulting from the use of distributed generation will be amplified by the electricity losses from the transmission and distribution networks which would have occurred without the distributed generation plant in place. For the purposes of this analysis these losses are assumed to be the averages reported by the MED24: 3.4% for transmission losses and 6.3% losses over the distribution network. These are applied in all cases except where Lochaber remains connected and exports electricity from distributed generation back into the distribution network. In this case the transmission losses are added to the avoided grid generation but not the distribution losses as the exported distributed generation output will be subject to losses in the distribution network. 5.2.8 Value of Lost Load Value of lost load is a measure of the value that consumers place on the reliability of electricity supply and the cost of supply interruptions to consumers. A value of $21/kWh for lost load is used by the Electricity Commission as part of the Grid Investment Test25, although this relates to core transmission outages which would involve commercial and industrial consumers, which are likely to place a significantly higher value on interruptions than the residential or farming activities carried out in the locations under investigation. Some studies, however, indicate that the value of lost load to residential users is the same or higher than for commercial and industrial users26. This is discussed in the Sensitivity Analysis in Section 5.4. 22 Diesel Price advised by BP New Zealand: 197 c/l = 194c/l (diesel in drums) + 3c/l freight LPG Price advised by Nova LPG: $2.14/kg = $1.95 (gas) + $0.15 (cylinder) + $0.04 (delivery) 23 East Harbour Management (2002) Availabilities and Costs of Renewable Sources of Energy for Generating Electricity and Heat, East Harbour Management Services Ltd 24 MED (2007) Energy Data Tables September 2007: Transmission and Distribution Network Statistics for Year End March 2006 Ministry of Economic Development 25 Refer CAE (2004) Assessment of Value of Lost Load for the Electricity Commission, Centre for Advanced Engineering, September 2004 25 See SEO Economisch Onderzoek (2006), Guaranteeing that the lights always come on –how much is this really worth?, Michiel de Nooij Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 33 Table 8: Loss of Supply 2002 - 2006 Lochaber 2002/03 2003/04 Reason Unplanned Unplanned Planned Unplanned Unplanned Unplanned Cause Switching ? Equip Mtce Digger Bird Snow Storm Lilybank Time Off Minutes 15 1040 240 8 40 330 kW h* 0.75 52.00 12.00 0.40 2.00 16.50 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Unplanned 33kV Fault Unplanned 33kV Fault Unplanned Snow Storm Unplanned Replace Pole Total Annual Average * Average Load: 3.00 kW h 66 287 14400 420 16846 3369 3.30 14.35 720.00 21.00 842 168 Black Forest & Stony Creek Time Off Minutes Cause W ind 80 Time Off Minutes 80 105 kW h* 4.00 5.25 Reason Unplanned Pole 170 8.50 Tpow Mtce OC - Fuses ? ? 480 80 20 600 735 1920 120 420 15 82 2880 24.00 4.00 1.00 30.00 36.75 96.00 6.00 21.00 0.75 4.10 144.00 Unplanned Unplanned ? Planned Unplanned Unplanned Pole Xarm ? Tpow Mtce ? ? 170 15 60 480 20 600 8.50 0.75 3.00 24.00 1.00 30.00 Unplanned Unplanned Unplanned Tek Sub LA Tek Sub LA Snow Storm 15 82 10080 0.75 4.10 504.00 7707 1541 385 77 11602 2320 580 116 Reason Unplanned ? Cause W ind ? Unplanned Planned Unplanned Unplanned Unplanned Unplanned Unplanned Unplanned Planned Unplanned Unplanned Unplanned Tx Fault Pole Mtce Tek Sub LA Tek Sub LA Snow Storm This analysis assumes a cost of $5 per kWh interrupted for the three remote locations and an average demand of 3kW at each site. These factors are applied to the average loss of supply at the three sites derived from AEL’s records for the last five years summarized in Table 8. The effect of a higher value of lost load is investigated in the sensitivity analysis. 5.3 Key Results The key results from the economic analysis are summarised below and Tables 9 and 10. • • • • • All the Lilybank options show strong positive net present values. This is primarily because the avoided costs of upgrading 29 km of distribution line to three-phase is much higher than the capital of the distributed generation plant installed. Where loads are disconnected and short sections of distribution line are made redundant, the avoided costs of grid electricity and savings in line maintenance are insufficient to offset the cost of the distributed generation plant. This is the case when Lochaber and Black Forest are disconnected from the network and the generating plant, in particular the diesel units, operate at relatively low load factors to meet only the load at the generation site. Importantly, the savings in line maintenance are small when only short sections of line are made redundant. This same conclusion can be drawn for situations where several disconnected loads are linked together as the lines connecting the loads must still be maintained. Project economics improve markedly when grid connection is retained and surplus electricity from the distributed generation plant is exported back to the distribution network. This is illustrated at Lochaber where the hydro plant capacity can be maximized and can operate at a much higher load factor than when disconnected and therefore increases the amount of grid generation avoided. When connected, Lochaber returns a positive NPV at 5% compared with the strongly negative NPV when disconnected. However, this option is not available at all locations as there is a three phase line at Lochaber which allows electricity to be exported back out. For example, the benefits of remaining connected at Lilybank with distributed generation plant installed are not clear-cut as the connection serves primarily to reduce standby diesel generation. Where suitable rivers are available, hydro technology is to be preferred to wind/photovoltaic because of its significantly lower capital costs and the potential for higher operating load factors. This is illustrated at the Black Forest site which returned substantially negative net present values even at high levels of assumed wind availability. The maximum greenhouse gas emission reductions are achieved where distributed generation output can be exported to the grid. As noted, this maximizes the amount of grid generation avoided. Empower kW h* 4.00 A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 34 • • • The benefits of using thermal fuels as a means of reducing the size of the distributed generation plant installed depend on particular circumstances. In most cases examined net present value is reduced slightly with thermal heating and carbon dioxide emissions increased, except where diesel standby could be eliminated. Smaller generating plant can be used in conjunction with thermal heating but operate at lower load factors and the reduction in generating plant capital is insufficient to offset the costs of the thermal heating units. The use of heat pumps reduced net present value in all cases. In two cases the use of thermal energy management plant improved project economics. At Lochaber, with the line connected and surplus electricity sent from the site, the use of thermal heating directly increased the grid generation avoided without reducing the hydro load factor and improved project net present value. However, like the other cases noted above, the improvement in net present value is small. A more significant benefit is obtained at Lilybank when the site remains connected to the network and upgrading of the distribution line is offset by the installation of the thermal heating plant only with no distributed generation capacity built. In this case, the additional cost of the generating plant is not offset by the increase in the grid electricity avoided. The replacement of the distribution line to the shearing shed at Stony Creek with a portable diesel generator during the shearing season gives a positive net present value. This shows that innovative low cost solutions are available but require an understanding of the particular circumstances of the load and supply options. This analysis indicates that the economics of replacing grid connection with isolated generation plant depend very much on circumstances. Distributed generation can provide substantial net benefits in situations where extensive upgrades have to be made to distribution lines to meet growing demand or where output from the distributed generation plant can be exported back to the grid. On the other hand, in locations where there is limited growth and consumer loads are separated by relatively small distances, it is more economic to maintain electricity supply from the grid. Table 9: Economic Analysis: Lochaber, Black Forest and Stony Creek Lochaber Grid Option Energy Management Heat Pump NPV @ 5.0% $ IRR Plant Load Factor Hydro Diesel Wind/PV Plant Capital Costs Avoided Line Costs Line upgrade km Redundant Line Maintenance km Fuel Requirements Diesel litre LPG kg Woodfuel m3 Avoided Grid Generation kWh DG Output Remote Demand Fuel Substitution Losses less Imports from grid Value of Lost Load $ pa Emissions t CO2 Grid Emissions Avoided Diesel Emissions LPG Emissions Net Reduction Remote No Yes No No -153,653 -177,192 Negative Negative Connected No Yes No No 41,884 42,934 6.5% 6.4% 43.6% 1.4% 21.5% 0.1% 86.3% 201,000 217,100 310,000 2.50 2.50 1,050 91 683 26 117,800 Black Forest Remote Yes Yes Yes No No No -285,249 -306,105 -237,511 Negative Negative Negative Stony Creek Remote No No 94,720 68.7% 86.3% 333,600 341 26 1.2% 13.7% 285,350 3.6% 17.5% 250,350 1.2% 31.0% 205,350 10,000 5.00 5.00 5.00 7.50 840 1,031 36 2,648 1,031 36 1,231 1,031 36 339 378,000 378,000 71,150 71,150 71,150 1,018 7,054 7,054 7,054 101 117,800 11,679 11,679 12,852 39,958 14,211 129,479 842 129,479 842 390,852 842 432,169 842 78,204 580 78,204 580 78,204 580 1,119 0 25.9 2.8 0.0 23.1 25.9 0.2 2.1 23.6 78.2 0.0 0.0 78.2 86.4 0.0 1.0 85.4 15.6 2.3 3.1 10.3 15.6 7.1 3.1 5.4 15.6 3.3 3.1 9.2 0.2 0.9 0.0 -0.7 Carbon Emissions: 0.2 tonne CO2/MWh, $50 per tonne CO2 Increasing the discount rate from 5% to 10% will reduce net present values. However, only in the case where Lochaber remains connected to the network will a positive net present switch to negative as the internal rate of Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 35 return is 6.5%. Also, the impact of the higher discount rate is most pronounced in this case because of the high load factor of the hydro plant and the relatively large amount of grid generation avoided over the project life. Table 10: Lilybank Connected Connected Remote Remote Remote Connected Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes No No Yes No 1,386,624 1,337,471 1,247,693 1,244,553 1,122,430 1,302,835 Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Grid Option Energy Management Heat Pump NPV @ 5.0% $ IRR Plant Load Factor Hydro Diesel Wind/PV Plant Capital Costs Avoided Line Costs Line upgrade km Redundant Line Maintenance km Fuel Requirements Diesel litre LPG kg Woodfuel m3 Avoided Grid Generation kWh DG Output Remote Demand Fuel Substitution Losses less Imports from grid 0 Value of Lost Load $ pa Emissions t CO2 Grid Emissions Avoided Diesel Emissions LPG Emissions Net Reduction Economic Analysis: Lilybank27 Connected Connected Yes Yes No Yes 1,223,226 1,102,161 Positive Positive 54.0% 2.9% 42.6% 1.1% 26.3% 1.2% 53.7% 0.7% 42.0% 26.5% 121,050 189,050 360,000 416,050 464,050 350,000 386,050 434,050 29.0 29.0 29.0 8.00 29.0 8.00 29.0 8.00 29.0 29.0 29.0 6,329 2,046 50 1,500 2,046 50 1,400 2,046 50 500 2,046 50 2,046 50 2,046 50 279,348 279,348 279,348 279,348 279,348 279,348 107,113 10,619 182,849 18,128 27,695 27,695 27,695 117,732 385 200,977 385 307,043 385 307,043 385 307,043 385 25,813 18,986 286,175 385 27,038 6,624 299,762 385 27,327 3,711 302,964 385 23.5 0.0 6.2 17.3 40.2 0.0 6.2 34.0 61.4 17.0 0.0 44.4 61.4 4.0 6.2 51.2 61.4 3.8 6.2 51.4 57.2 1.3 0.0 55.9 60.0 0.0 6.2 53.7 60.6 0.0 6.2 54.4 Carbon Emissions: 0.2 tonne CO2/MWh, $50 per tonne CO2 5.4 Sensitivity Analysis To identify the factors having the greatest influence on project economics, Table 11 shows the change in net present value when the principal benefits and costs to each of the distributed generation projects investigated, such as capital, operating and fuel costs, were altered by 25%. Value of lost load had been increased 100% to $10/kWh, conservatively corresponding to half the value applied for the transmission grid investment test, and the carbon emission cost is adjusted to $15 per tonne CO2 which corresponds to a marginal grid generation emission factor of 0.5 tonne CO2/MWh. With the exception of the carbon emissions, each variation is symmetric in that a change in input value from a 25% increase to a 25% decrease will change net present value by the same amount, but in the opposite direction. In the case of value of lost load, a 100% reduction will reduce the assumed benefit to zero. The sensitivity of the projects to the principal variables is illustrated in Figure 14. The relative impacts on net present value of increasing the various benefits and costs reflect their relative contribution to the overall project cash flow and depend on the circumstance and configuration of each project: • Avoided lines maintenance and upgrades costs are the primary benefit to the distribution generation projects, significantly in locations such as Lilybank and Stony Creek which show a positive net present value in the base case. In contrast, Black Forest and Lochaber (when disconnected) have a lesser contribution from and sensitivity to avoided lines costs and have significantly negative net present values. 27 As cash flows are positive throughout in this case it is not possible to provide a finite IRR Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 36 Table 11: Sensitivity Analysis: Changes in NPV Basis Change Grid Option Energy Management Heat Pump Base Case NPV @ 5.0% $ IRR Change In NPV LRMC c/kWh Crude Oil US$/bbl Woodfuel Price $/m3 Generator Capex $/kW Energy Management Capex O&M Costs Lilybank Line Upgrade $/km Avoided Lines Mntce $/km/year Value of Lost Load $/kWh Emissions: $/t CO2 Grid Option Energy Management Heat Pump Base Case NPV @ 5.0% $ IRR Change In NPV LRMC c/kWh Crude Oil US$/bbl Woodfuel Price $/m3 Generator Capex $/kW Energy Management Capex O&M Costs Lilybank Line Upgrade $/km Avoided Lines Mntce $/km/year Value of Lost Load $/kWh Emissions: $/t CO2 Lochaber Remote No No Connected No No Yes No -153,653 Negative -177,192 Negative 41,884 6.5% 33,135 -3,523 0 -50,250 0 -28,872 0 7,789 10,497 -2,805 33,135 -3,750 -3,257 -42,500 -11,775 -28,872 0 7,789 10,497 -3,024 100,024 0 0 -77,500 0 -26,854 0 0 10,497 -12,177 Connected Connected Yes Yes No Yes Remote No No 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 100% 15.00 Yes No 42,934 6.4% Yes No Stony Creek Remote No No -237,511 Negative 94,720 68.7% Black Forest Remote Yes Yes No No -285,249 Negative -306,105 Negative 110,597 20,013 20,013 20,013 286 -1,723 -8,021 -14,087 -9,333 -1,139 -3,257 -4,486 -4,486 -4,486 0 -77,500 -56,250 -47,500 -36,250 -2,500 -5,900 -15,088 -15,087 -15,088 0 -26,854 -26,512 -28,640 -32,018 -743 0 0 0 0 0 0 19,216 19,216 19,216 28,823 10,497 8,918 8,918 8,918 0 -13,013 -89 2,026 368 362 Lilybank Remote Remote Connected Connected Connected Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes 1,386,624 Positive 1,337,471 Positive 1,247,693 Positive 1,244,553 Positive 1,122,430 Positive 1,302,835 Positive 1,223,226 Positive 1,102,161 Positive 30,129 -10,322 -6,231 0 -30,263 0 362,500 0 5,924 -961 51,433 -10,322 -6,231 0 -47,263 -19,185 362,500 0 5,924 -3,554 78,576 -21,236 0 -90,000 0 -33,366 362,500 24,596 5,924 -2,160 78,576 -15,356 -6,231 -73,750 -30,263 -30,889 362,500 24,596 5,924 -5,104 78,576 -15,020 -6,231 -68,750 -47,262 -50,075 362,500 24,596 5,924 -5,221 73,236 -1,678 0 -87,500 0 -29,651 362,500 0 5,924 -8,331 76,713 -10,322 -6,231 -66,250 -30,263 -26,854 362,500 0 5,924 -6,632 77,532 -10,322 -6,231 -61,250 -47,263 -46,040 362,500 0 5,924 -6,732 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 100% 15.00 Figure 14: Change in NPV with 25% Increase in Input Benefit/Cost28 (excludes options with heat pumps and without energy management) 400,000 350,000 300,000 Change in NPV $ 250,000 Avoided Lines Costs Electricity LRMC Value of Lost Load Carbon Emissions Woodfuel Crude Oil Energy Management Capex O&M Costs Generator Capex 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 -50,000 Lochaber Remote Lochaber Connected Black Forest Lilybank Without Lilybank With DG DG Stony Creek -100,000 Value of Lost Load varied by 100%. Options with heat pumps and without energy management equipment show similar sensitivity patterns to those illustrated in the figure. 28 Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 37 • • • • Avoided generation costs for grid electricity are significant but of secondary importance, except in the sub-economic projects. This generalization does not apply when Lochaber remains connected and exports hydro generation back into the distribution network as the hydro plant can operate at a high load factor and its capacity maximized. Value of lost load is likely to make a relatively minor contribution to project benefits. Increasing the value to $21/kWh, equivalent to commercial and industrial users, will effectively triple the sensitivity shown in Table 11 and improve project economics, but its contribution to project benefit will remain relatively small compared to avoided lines and grid generation. The principal cost sensitivity in most cases is the capital cost of the distributed generation plant because of the relatively low load factors of the hydro and, particularly, the diesel plant. Plant operating costs and the capital costs of the thermal energy management equipment are significant but smaller than the generator capital costs. In most cases the impact of the price of oil and fuelwood is relatively small29. The impact of carbon emissions and pricing is relatively small and is positive or negative depending on the amount of standby diesel consumed relative to grid generation avoided. With the exception of Stony Creek, the principal change in carbon emissions arises from the reduction in grid generation. However, it is assumed that a reduction of carbon price from $50 to $15 per tonne CO2 will be associated with an increase in the marginal grid electricity emission factor from 0.2 to 0.5 tonne CO2/MWh, resulting in a relatively small net cost of emissions per kWh of grid electricity displaced. Best and worst case scenarios were developed by combining all the changes in net present value for increases in benefits and reductions in costs for the best case and vice versa for the worst case. Because all projects investigated either have a strong positive or negative base case net present value, the net present value does not change between positive and negative, even at discount rates as high as 20%.The exception is the case where electricity is exported from Lochaber with no benefit from avoided line maintenance costs. The base case for this project gives an internal rate of return of 6.4% but at discount rates above 15.5% the net present values of the best and worst case scenarios are both negative. Figure 15: Best and Worst Case Scenarios (25% variation in costs and benefits in combination) 2.0 Net Present Value $ million 1.5 Best Case NPV Base Case NPV Worst Case NPV 1.0 0.5 0.0 Lochaber Remote Lochaber Connected Black Forest Remote Lilybank Without DG Lilybank With DG Stony Creek Remote -0.5 The impact of crude oil price has been estimated for diesel and LPG. It has not been estimated for grid electricity LRMC as that is beyond the scope of this project. 29 Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 38 Of all the costs and benefits discussed above, the cost of line maintenance or upgrading is the one most defined by the specific circumstances of the distributed generation site under investigation. All others share a common or generic cost or technology characteristic. Also, the projects investigated illustrate the high level of sensitivity project economics have to avoided lines costs. To provide some indication of the magnitude of avoided lines costs necessary to make a project economically viable, the hypothetical breakeven lines lengths and unit maintenance costs for each of the projects have been calculated. • • • In the circumstances encountered at Lochaber and Black Forest, the length of line made redundant would have to be four to seven times longer than is actually possible if the projects were to be economically viable. Alternatively, the annual avoided cost of maintenance would have to be higher by similar factors than the assumed $1,000/km per annum. Because of the very small electricity demand at Stony Creek, the minimum breakeven length of line is significantly less than the 7.5 km which can be disconnected. The Lilybank project is economically viable in the all the cases investigated, primarily because the capital cost of upgrading the 29 km of line to three phase is higher than the capital costs of the distributed generation plant installed. At a cost of $50,000/km, the length of line to be upgraded can be reduced to between 1.3 and 7.0 kilometres and the project still remain viable, depending on the technology used. This reinforces the conclusion that opportunities for distributed generation are greatest where there is a need to spend capital on lines to meet increasing electricity demand as opposed to situations where demand is static and only lines maintenance costs can be avoided. These breakeven lines lengths have been calculated at a 5% discount rate. At a 10% discount rate, the breakeven lines length will be 20 to 50% higher, depending on the cost structure of the case. Table 12: Breakeven Lines Lengths and Costs Lochaber Grid Option Energy Management Heat Pump Base Case Avoided Lines Mntce km Maintenance Cost $/km/year Breakeven Lines Length/Cost Avoided Lines Mntce km Maintenance Cost $/km/year Grid Option Energy Management Heat Pump Base Case Avoided Lines Upgrade km Upgrade Cost $/km Breakeven Lines Length/Cost Avoided Lines Upgrade km Upgrade Cost $/km Remote No No Yes No Connected No No Yes No Black Forest Remote Yes Yes No No Yes No Stony Creek Remote No No 2.5 1,000 2.5 1,000 5.0 1,000 5.0 1,000 5.0 1,000 7.5 1,000 14.8 5,932 16.7 6,687 23.6 4,711 24.9 4,983 20.5 4,090 1.3 178 Connected Connected Yes Yes No Yes Remote No No Lilybank Remote Remote Connected Connected Connected Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes 29.0 50,000 29.0 50,000 29.0 50,000 29.0 50,000 29.0 50,000 29.0 50,000 29.0 50,000 29.0 50,000 1.3 2,185 2.3 3,880 4.0 6,976 4.1 7,084 6.6 11,296 2.9 5,075 4.5 7,820 7.0 11,994 Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 39 6.0 COMMERCIAL CONSIDERATIONS – A LINES COMPANY PERSPECTIVE While the previous section provides an economic analysis from a national cost benefit point of view, it is also important to examine the benefits or negatives of distributed generation from the perspective of the electricity lines companies who, together with the end user, are those most directly affected. 6.1 The History The AEL distribution system is typical of many other predominantly rural electricity distribution networks which were constructed in the 1950s and 1960s as part of the then government’s rural development policies which aimed to encourage economic growth in rural New Zealand. The policies have resulted in long rural feeder lines to remote farming areas, presenting operational and maintenance challenges to lines companies, particularly during bad weather. In some cases, a long feeder line may only serve one or two consumers that use very little electricity – such as a holiday home or a woolshed. 6.2 Regulation Regulation of electricity lines companies such as AEL is administered by the Commerce Commission with the objective of ensuring that lines companies provide an efficient and reliable supply at the lowest possible cost to consumers. The price thresholds methodology prescribed by the Commerce Commission prevents price increases above the Consumer Price Index and the overall return on investment has to be based on asset valuation using the optimised deprival valuation (ODV) methodology. The rationale for the use of ODV is that it prevents the cost of unnecessary or extravagant investment being passed on to consumers. The downside for a lines company is that it cannot obtain an adequate return on long feeder lines with very low utilisation. Some relief from the lines companies’ point of view was in sight when under Section 62 of the Electricity Act 1992, from 2013, lines companies would have no longer been obliged to supply electricity to all places supplied as at 1 April 1993. However, it is understood that this provision is likely to be revoked by the Government30. 6.3 Distributed Generation 6.3.1 The Barriers The development of wind, solar and micro hydro generation technologies as well as bio-diesel fuels, has created an opportunity for lines companies to evaluate these technologies and the impact of encouraging generation at the customer’s premises as an alternative to the standard response of provision of an interconnected transmission-distribution top down network hierarchy of supply. While this may seem a conflict of interest for lines companies to consider an alternative which potentially bypasses or strands their own infrastructure, there may be circumstances where this provides benefits to both the lines company and the customer. There is sufficient development in off-grid technologies for existing customers to disconnect from the distribution network and to install and operate their own “stand-alone” electricity generation plant. However, from a customer’s point of view connection to the distribution network provides considerable convenience and in most cases the most economic solution given that as demonstrated in the Black Forest Station case study, the capital cost of distributed generator can be very high – particularly where a convenient micro-hydro resource does not exist. Minister of Energy (2008) Review Of Section 62 Of The Electricity Act 1992 (2013 Review) Cabinet paper, released May 2008. 30 Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 40 An exception may occur in situations where a customer is faced with significant new network connection costs involving several kilometres of feeder line which, at a cost between $30,000 and $40,000 per kilometre in the case of relatively isolated properties, could mean that may be a cost-benefit in installing distributed generation plant. Also, the costs of renewable energy generation technologies tend to be very sensitive to coincident maximum demand and to avoid excessive capital cost, it is necessary for customers to change the way in which electricity is used in the household or on the farm. Such measures could include the use of wood burners for heating and possibly hot water, solar water heaters and LPG cooking equipment. 6.3.2 The Opportunities While the barriers may make alternative supply of electricity less attractive, as the cost of energy rises and the technology costs reduce, these barriers are expected to become less significant. Furthermore, distribution system costs are increasing. The cost of upgrading the distribution network, particularly for rural growth, is increasingly more expensive owing to shortages of metals causing the international price to rapidly increase. Under regulatory price controls, these costs cannot be readily passed on, particularly where the growth is occurring at the ends of long, sparsely populated rural feeders, where the rate of investment return are already low. Similarly, the ODV Handbook31 approach of valuing network assets for regulatory disclosure imposes historical cost categories which are out-of-date and therefore artificially lower than the actual build costs driven upwards from increases in labour and materials prices. This results in pressure on new investment decisions particularly when these may result in sub-optimal rates of return. Distributed generation may provide an opportunity for lines companies to mitigate these costs where, for example, there are long sections of distribution network to a customers who have a limited seasonal supply need (i.e. a woolshed) as in the Stony Creek case study. While lines charges are averaged across the network, the ability to study an alternative supply option may provide a network efficiency opportunity by removing an underperforming asset. In practice, remote rural lines have created connection opportunities as farming practices adopt new electricity dependant technologies that offer advantages over previous systems - for example, tourist lodges with electric underfloor or heat pump heating as discussed in the Lilybank case study. Therefore, removal of sections of distribution network to make an immediate saving in today’s terms, can lead to forfeiting future potential new connection opportunities which would improve remote lines economics. Hence from a distribution perspective, the most efficient cost of providing the additional growth requires careful consideration of the opportunities provided by alternative energy systems ahead of the typical response of upgrading 40km of overhead distribution network. 6.4 Conclusions While the economics of alternative energy supplies may appear unattractive in many cases when compared with the lifecycle costs of upgrading and return on infrastructure development, there may be a case under certain circumstances where alternative supplies provide a more economic decision as new technologies mature. There also needs to be a change in mindset where the alternative supply technology instead of comprising equipment funded by the individual, could become an additional tool in the lines company infrastructure stable and provided (subject to a reasonable rate of return) as a utility asset, The customer may be responsible for the Commerce Commission (2004) Handbook for Optimised Deprival Valuation of System Fixed Assets of Electricity Lines Businesses, 30 August 2004 31 Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 41 fuel source to enable a higher penetration of the technology into the distribution network while being shielded from the high capital cost. In situations where the customer remains connected to the network, the lines company would manage the utility nature of the infrastructure or consider contracting the dispatch of the embedded generation at peak times to support the wider needs of the distribution network. This appears to be where alternative energy supplies could provide the greatest opportunity for both consumers and lines companies. Rather than disconnect customers from the grid connection, which is traditional thinking, there may be opportunity in retaining the connection to support the existing network and delay further capital expenditure for an immediate upgrade. Based on the Lochaber case study, in situations where a micro-hydro resource exists and the existing feeder is suitable for power export, such a solution could have potential. The Lilybank case study is another example where while the existing feeder line is not suitable to enable export of power, the installation of distributed generation could at least delay the need to upgrade the supply. Similarly, energy management measures to reduce coincident demand also provide a means to delay upgrade expenditure in situations where load growth is placing stress on existing supplies. In the case of the AEL distribution system, irrigation and dairying demand is occurring in remote network locations where existing capacity is being quickly exhausted. However the seasonal nature of the agricultural sector means that the load may be dispatched intermittently based on the unique weather pattern of each season. As demonstrated in the “Voltage Support” case study, the installation of distributed generation in a load growth area can provide demand support as well as improve supply quality at the end of a long rural feeder and thereby avoid distribution feeder upgrade in situations where electricity consumption is irregular and may be insufficient to provide an adequate return on investment. Using the data provided in Section 4 and set out in Tables 6 and 7, a financial analysis using a discount factor of 5% and assuming a project life of 10 years results in net present values as follows: Option 1: Option 2: Generator hire: Generator purchase: $74,360 $199,385 Over time, as connected load matures, then the load centre can be reviewed based on the pattern of load cycles against varying agricultural cycles to determine which supply system is the most effective. This may result in a new supply point being established nearer the new load centre as a more capital efficient result. This could use the deferred capital from not upgrading the original feeder capacity which would become stranded and its increase in value optimized down on the company’s balance sheet once the new substation was established. The new substation could be sized based on known growth trends and also retain the alternative energy supply equipment for peak demand reduction as a demand response tool to alleviate times of transmission constraint. Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 42 7.0 CONCLUSIONS 1. In the localities supplied with electricity through AEL’s distribution system, even where consumers can be described as “remote”, the likelihood is that the supply line to the consumer also supplies a number of other consumers separated by a few kilometres. The cost of operating and maintaining supply lines on a “per-customer” basis is therefore relatively small and in situations where the consumer uses significant amounts of electricity, the incentive to change to distributed generation is likely to be small from both the lines company’s and consumer’s points of view. This is particularly the case in situations where there is no potential for micro-hydro generation given the relatively high installation cost of small-scale wind and solar photovoltaic generation systems. Where a reliable hydro generation resource exists and where this resource can be developed at low cost and without adverse environmental impacts, the economics can improve where the existing supply line is suitable for export of surplus power back into the grid via the distribution network. In situations where an existing supply line requires replacement owing to increased power demand, storm damage or general deterioration, then the use of distributed generation to avoid or defer the cost of line replacement may be justifiable on economic grounds particularly where there is a good hydro generation resource. The Lilybank Station analysis provides a good example of the potential benefits. A similar situation could occur in the case where a new supply line is required – such as to a new “lifestyle” residence. In such circumstances, the lines company is entitled to charge the consumer the cost of the new supply line and the use of distributed generation could become economic, particularly if there is a good hydro generation resource or a good wind resource Where a customer using very little electricity – such as a holiday home or a woolshed - is supplied by a dedicated line several kilometres long, distributed generation even using a diesel generator may be justifiable on economic grounds, at least from the lines company’s perspective. The Stony Creek case study demonstrates that because the economics are dictated largely by the balance of the lines cost avoided (ie distance x cost per km) and the amount of electricity delivered (ie balance between the cost of distributed generation and and grid avoided generation), there are situations where distributed generation can be justified. In this respect, the “breakeven line lengths” set out in Table 12 are also relevant. A downside of situations where diesel is used is the resultant increase in CO2 emissions. Similarly, diesel generation can provide an solution where a lines company is experiencing unacceptable voltage drops in parts of the rural network owing to seasonal demands which otherwise would require expensive upgrades of feeder lines. The adoption of energy management measures such as solar water heating, wood burners and heat pumps to reduce electricity demand can provide benefits to both consumers and lines companies in situations where the existing supply is under stress during periods of high demand. However, the capital costs involved and in the case of wood burners, the relative inconvenience present barriers that would need carefully assessment. The use of LPG for cooking may also be seen as inconvenient given the need to refill cylinders at a filling station over 20 kilometres away. The high capital cost of the technologies involved, such as solar water heating where low winter temperatures require the use of closed-loop systems, may also be a barrier. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 43 APPENDIX A Outline of Methods Used and Assumptions Made when Allocating Energy Use by Category at Each Site A.1 Space Heating For each site, notional building areas were estimated based on numbers of occupants. Buildings were assumed to be provided with roof insulation except in the case of Lilybank Station guest accommodation where wall insulation was also assumed. ALF3 software (see earlier reference) was used to estimate space heating energy consumption using Tekapo as the climate reference point. Allowance was made in the case of Black Forest Station holiday accommodation for low or zero occupancy in winter. Electric heating is assumed and is understood to be the case at all sites. At Lilybank Station, this is in the form of under-floor heating. A.2 Hot Water Hot water consumption was estimated assuming each occupant takes one shower a day of 7 minutes duration with a water flow of 10 litres/minute. The number of occupants varies considerably through the year and allowances were made for lower occupancy during “off-seasons”. An allowance was made for general hot water usage plus system losses. A.3 Lighting and Power Electricity use for lighting and general power (cooking, laundry, dishwashing, TV) was estimated using data in Kanuka-Fuchs,R. (c2005) “Household Appliances” in Sustainable Building Sourcebook, Waitakere City Council. A.4 General Farm Use In the absence of any data, the balance remaining at each site after deducting the estimated accommodation consumption from the metered total was attributed to general farm use. Empower A Study Of Alternative Energy Supply Options For Remote Communities Page 44 APPENDIX B Estimates of Impact of Energy Management Measures. Breakdowns of the estimates of the impact of energy management measures set out in Table 2 are shown below: Table B.1: Impact of Energy Management Measures by Category Estimated Electricity Consumption - kWh/ye SPACE HEATING HOT WATER COOKING OTHER TOTALS BLACK FOREST: Without EM Measures With EM Measures TOTAL REDUCTION FOR SITE 37000 4000 33000 11000 4000 7000 7000 1000 6000 8000 6900 1100 63000 15900 47100 LOCHABER: Without EM Measures With EM Measures TOTAL REDUCTION FOR SITE 29000 2000 27000 10500 2000 8500 2400 400 2000 8000 4500 3500 49900 9900 40000 113000 38000 75000 41800 14000 27800 58000 1100 56900 131900 15000 5000 10000 37800 LILYBANK (post – expansion): Guest accommodation Without EM Measures With EM Measures (heat pumps) Reduction in electricity consumption Farm staff accommodation Without EM Measures With EM Measures Reduction in electricity consumption TOTAL REDUCTION FOR SITE 154800 52000 102800 14200 14200 5000 16000 8000 8000 8000 Notes: (1) Annual consumption is based on 2007 data and excludes “general farm use”. (2) The “Other” category includes potential savings from use of CFL lighting, use of “cold” wash and reduced usage of dishwashers. Empower 94000 14100 79900 182700