Class 4 Curriculum Forecast Terms 1 & 2 2015

Class 4 Curriculum Forecast Terms 1 & 2 2015/2016
Dear Parents,
This is a brief outline of the work that we will be covering in class 4 over the course of terms 1 & 2. Please feel free
to come and talk to me if you wish to discuss any aspect of this programme.
Literacy: Classic fiction, settings. character and plot. Non-fiction types – biography, instructions, letters, nonchronological reports, recount, newspaper, explanations, diary/journal, persuasive and discussion writing. Three
weekly targeted spelling sessions
Numeracy: Securing tables. Compact methods of addition and subtraction. Grid method multiplication. Units of
measurement, capacity, volume. Shape and space. Fractions, decimals and percentages and equivalents. Written
number problems (multi-step). Sequences and patterns. Practical applications!!
Topic/Author: Michael Morpurgo and, in particular, focusing on his novel ‘War Horse’. Our topic for terms 1&2 is
‘Fairs and Festivals’
Science: Electricity – Circuits, Renewable energy, History of electricity
ICT: Coding simple Apps (making simple applications for computers and mobile devices).
PE: Hockey/Swimming
Modern Languages: French
Art – Fairground Artwork, Cave Paintings
PSHE – Friendships and support
Homework – 1 piece of Lit/Topic based homework per week: Usually set on Friday and due following Wednesday.
Spellings to be posted on Google Classroom on a Wednesday ready for testing the following Monday. The homework,
as a rough guide, shouldn’t take more than 40 minutes to complete. If, however, your child wishes to spend more time
completing a task then they’re welcome to do so. Homework will not be set during holidays.
SATs – Not mentioned until around Feb!!