Spanish II Level 2 2014-2015 Señor Lazor Email- Website- Strategies for Success in Spanish *Come to class on time with the day’s assignment prepared in advance. The five minutes in between classes are not the time to complete your homework. Do not worry if your papers contain mistakes; most homework assignments are graded based upon completion and effort. You will be expected to correct these errors as we review each activity. As per school policy, you will NOT be allowed to return to your locker to retrieve ANYTHING: textbook, homework, pencil, etc. *Be respectful. You are required to treat everyone in the classroom with the utmost respect. Foul language, name-calling, speaking out of turn, loud and disruptive behavior, and throwing things (pen, pencils, pieces of gum/candy), no matter how close to you the other person, will NOT be tolerated. Cell phones and other electronic devices are not allowed in the classroom and will be confiscated if heard or seen by the teacher. *Whenever you are absent, it will be your responsibility to find out what you have missed and/or hand in any work due. Please note that if you are absent on the day of a scheduled test or quiz, you will be expected to make it up on the FIRST day you return to class. If you have multiple excused absences prior to the date of a given test or quiz, you will be expected to make it up within three (3) school days. Special individual arrangements between student and teacher can and should be made for any prolonged absence. *BE ORGANIZED!! Have a notebook and folder, or a section in a binder, for your Spanish class. Keep all assignments, handouts, notes, etc. in this section in chronological order clearly labeled by date, page number, and activity number. The final exam for this class is CUMULATIVE, so anything I give you throughout the year IS IMPORTANT and SHOULD BE KEPT! If ever you or your parents are in need of extra assistance, I will review your assignments with you provided they are neatly organized. No one may ask for extra help and then show up empty-handed. *As you study and practice your vocabulary words from each lesson, you will be required to make a set of at least ten flashcards for the words you find the most difficult to remember. To be useful, each flashcard should have an illustration (with no words) on one side and at least the Spanish vocabulary word (one complete sentence in Spanish in encouraged, but not absolutely necessary) on the other side. No English should ever be used on your flashcards. Keep your flashcards organized and bring them to class every day, along with your notebook, textbook, and pen or pencil. You may find it useful to purchase a Spanish-English dictionary (the Harper-Collins student dictionary is hole-punched and fits into a three-ring binder and sells for about five dollars at most book stores). However, the dictionary is not required. *The first three to five minutes of most class meetings will be dedicated to some type of warm-up activity: partner or small group practice with your flashcards, a bell-ringer from the chalkboard, etc., so begin this task the moment you arrive. You may ask questions or express concerns only when your teacher is finished taking attendance, arranging materials, or otherwise preparing to teach your class. *Make an honest effort to master the sounds of the Spanish language. Remember that no one is born speaking any language correctly. Everyone must learn through constant practice. How often you practice this skill will be obvious to everyone. *Do your own work, and ONLY your work! Students who are caught copying the work of another student, either during the fact or after the fact, will receive a grade of 0 (zero) for that particular assignment. Students who supply their work to another student so that it may be copied will ALSO receive a grade of 0 (zero) for that assignment. Students who are caught cheating during a test or quiz will receive a grade of 0 (zero) for the test/quiz in question. *Finally, maximize your time spent in class. You are here to practice listening and speaking in Spanish. Participate as much as you can. Even if you’re not 100% certain of your response, EFFORT is rewarded more than ACCURACY. No one ever excelled at anything (sports, classes, musical instruments, dancing, etc.) without practicing. You are expected to take care of all bathroom needs in between classes. In the case of an emergency or medical issue, you will be required to fill out your hall pass and sign in and out of the room. Such emergencies should be infrequent. How your grade will be calculated each term Your grade will be based on a total point system: Tests will be about 60-90 points and will generally cover whole chapters. Quizzes will be about 20-40 points and will cover less material- more specific concepts. Homework assignments will usually be 10 points; they may be more, depending on the length of the assignment. PLEASE NOTE: If you forget your homework, don’t do it, or don’t make a noticeably good effort at completing it, you will receive a grade of zero (0). Only homework that is collected by the teacher and not reviewed may be turned in late for half credit. Homework that we go over on the day it is due may NOT be turned in late. Exceptions will only be made in the case of excused absences. Any projects/presentations assigned will be given an amount of points that corresponds to the amount of work required by the student. At the beginning of each marking period, each student will also be given 10 free points to replace any missing homework assignment. However, points will be deducted for not using the “Useful Phrases” sheet, each unexcused tardy/absence, each time a student forgets his/her textbook, each time a student is “off task” in class, and each time a student is disruptive. There may also be various opportunities to earn extra points, such as review games before tests/quizzes. If at any time you feel you need extra help, please do not hesitate to send me an email or speak with me before/after class. It is my job to teach you Spanish, and I plan on doing so to the best of my ability. Of course, it also requires you to put forth as much effort as you can. Working together, we can make this year extremely enjoyable and rewarding! ¡Buena suerte! Detach Here and Return to Señor Lazor My child and I have read and fully understood the “Strategies for Success” and “How your grade will be calculated each term”. _________________________________________ Student’s Name _________________________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Name ____________________________________________ Student’s Signature ____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Signature