PRACTICAL ROADMAP SPECIAL NERVE ENDINGS PT/OT NOTE: Encapsulated nerve endings have a ct sheath, and include Meissners corpuscles, Pacinian corpuscles, Ruffini’s corpuscles, Krause’s end bulb, Muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs. Free nerve endings consist of a bare axon. Bold – can be identified with H&E Epidermis ENCAPSULATED NERVE ENDINGS IN SKIN Pacinian corpuscles Slides 35/42 Dermis The sensory nerves of the skin are the axons of the large cell bodies of the dorsal root ganglion, only the axons are present in the skin. Pacinian corpuscles are pressure and vibration receptors and are found usually in the deep dermis or hypodermis.Free nerve endings are also found. Motor nerve endings (N) are associated with the glands and hair follicles Hypodermis PC N NERVE ENDINGS ENCAPSULATED IN SKIN • Slides 35/42 Pacinian corpuscles Cut onion appearance, thin concentric layers of thin cell processes, lamellae, produced by flat fibroblast like cells, continuous with the perineurium of the nerve fibre. The central axon(A) travelds longitudinally through the centre of the corpuscle. The spaces are fluid filled. A ENCAPSULATEDNERVE ENDINGS IN SKIN Slides 35/42 Meissners corpuscles are tactile, found in the dermal papillae of the skin. Many in the finger tips and toes. Note the axon (1or2) spiral or zig-zag from one side of the corpuscle to the other, the axon ends directly below the epithelium. Schwann cell processes surround the axon (arrow) . Fibrous capsule Epidermis M M M M M M M NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION Slide 4 (SNAKE SKELETAL MUSCLE ) This is a whole mount of snake muscle. The nerve enters the field top left, running at right angles to the muscle branching and ending in the motor end plate, the physiologic contact between nerve and muscle, and is the synapse between the two tissues. The structure is mylinated until the final branching. NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION Slide 4 (SNAKE SKELETAL MUSCLE ) This HP micrograph and EMG shows motor end plates. Note the areas where the synaptic clefts are . MUSCLE SPINDLE Slide 50 Muscle spindles provide information regarding muscle stretch and position. Two types of of modified muscle fibres, spindle cells and neuronal terminals. Surrounded by an internal capsule. A fluid filled space lies between the internal and external capsule. Cross section through a muscle spindle. A single bundle of spindle cells (S) is seen inside the internal capsule (arrow). The external capsule (big arrow). The capsule is fluid filled. Small blood vessels are present in the capsule (BV) S BV