Accounting Flow Chart for CYMA General Ledger Main module in the accounting system which all other modules feed the results of their work to in the form of a System Journal Entry. Adjustments in the GL are not fed back to the lower modules (with the exception of the Bank Rec. Retrieval process). Primary Reports: Balance Sheet – balances and financial standing of the organization. All accounts should be balanced regularly to insure accurate financials. Income Statement – illustrates the profit and loss of the organization on various levels. Should be used as a comparison with history, budget, flex-budget, etc… Trial Balance – shows the balance of each account as of a given time. Invoices – Debit the expense accounts and Credit AP account based on the Invoice Transaction Date field. Checks – Debit the AP account and Credit cash based on the Check Date. Check Date Posting - Debits the expense accounts for company expenses and credits the PR withholding accounts, the Payroll Accrual Account and cash. Retrieves copy of all transactions to compare with the bank statement. Adjustments will debit or credit the appropriate accounts. Invoices – Credit the Income accounts and Debit the AR account based on the Invoice Date field. Payments – Credit the AR account and Debit cash based on the Payment Date. Accounts Payable Maintains detail records for whom we have paid, whom we still owe and when we need to pay our vendors. Payroll Maintains detail of what we have paid our employees, what timeoff is due to our employees and what we owe to the various government offices and benefit companies. Bank Reconciliation After performing the “Retrieve Data” process a copy of all transactions associated with a specific bank(s) are loaded into this module. It stores a history of all reconciliations made with the bank statement. Accounts Receivable (Most hospices will use a Patient-Management System) Maintains detail records for whom we have billed, who has paid us and who still owes us money. Tie-out Report: The “AP Vendor Aging by Invoice Date” gives detail on who we owe as of a given time period. This report should match the GL Accounts Payable account when run for the same month end date. If not find the first month-end that does not match and compare the AP Invoice and Check Registers with the GL Detail Ledger for the given month. Tie-out Reports: The various quarterly federal, state and local reports should reflect with proper percentages what is due to the government and these balances should be reflected on the GL Balance Sheet for what we have taken out of our employees paychecks for their taxes, insurances, benefits, loans, etc… Tie-Out Report: The “Reconciliation Summary” report displays the “Ending Book Balance” that should match the GL Account associated with the bank. If not review the Outstanding Checks and Deposit reports for accuracy. An adjustment to the GL may need to be made for clean up. Tie-out Report: The “Aging Report Invoice Date” provides detail on who owes us as of a given date. When compared to the GL Accounts Receivable account when run for the same month end it should match. If not find the first month that doesn’t match and compare the GL Detail Ledger with the AR Invoice and Payment reports.