Chapter 3-The English Establish 13 Colonies 1585

Chapter 3-The English Establish 13 Colonies 1585-1732
Section 1-Early colonies Have Mixed Success
Financed-paid for or raised funds for
Joint-stock company-companies back by people with money
Jamestown-the first permanent English settlement
John Smith-took control of the Jamestown settlement in 1608
Indentured servants-men and women who sold their labor to a person who then
paid their way to the Americas. They had to work for that person for a certain
number of years
House of Burgesses-created in 1619; was the first type of government created by
the colonists
Bacon’s Rebellion-happened in 1676 when Nathaniel Bacon burned Jamestown to
the ground
Overview of Section 1
England defeated the Spanish Armada and wanted to have colonies in
America too.
Some English people wanted to leave England because they wanted
religious freedom, some wanted to find gold.
The first colony was in Roanoke, Virginia. This colony did not make it. We
don’t know what happened to the people but every colonist disappeared.
Another colony started in Maine failed too.
The third time England tried to start a colony it worked. It was called
Jamestown. In Virginia.
It was not easy-there was disease and bad weather. Summers were too hot
and winters were too cold.
John Smith, one of the settlers, took charge of the colony and the colony
did well for a time.
Chapter 3-The English Establish 13 Colonies 1585-1732
Some people came from England as indentured servants. These people had
to work as servants for other people for a few years before they were really
The colonists learned to grow corn, catch fish and birds from the Native
The Native Americans became upset that the settlers were taking over their
land and killed hundreds of colonists.
Section 2-New England Colonies
Pilgrims-people who left England and came to America for religious freedom
Mayflower Compact- men on the Mayflower signed this agreement; it was a set
of laws
Great Migration-when a lot of Puritan families England to come to America
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut-the laws set up in one area of Connecticut
Roger Williams-a minister from Massachusetts who had to leave because of his
beliefs; he moved to Rhode Island
Anne Hutchinson-another person force to leave Massachusetts and went to
Rhode Island because of her beliefs
Godliness-being a good person and attending church services every Sunday
King Philip’s War-a war fought between the Puritans and the Native Americans
Overview of Section 2
Talks about the Pilgrims and why they left England.
In 1620, the Mayflower lands in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. T his was not
where they were supposed to land.
The Mayflower Compact was a set of rules created by the colonists to keep
peace between the people.
Chapter 3-The English Establish 13 Colonies 1585-1732
Samoset, a Native American greeted the new colonists in English.
Samoset and Squanto, both Native Americans spoke English and helped the
colonists learn to grow things, hunt deer and fish.
Talks about the First Thanksgiving
Everyone had to attend church, work hard and not be lazy. If you did not
go to church you would get into trouble.
Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson were two people who thought that
you did not need to go to church all the time in order to be a good person.
This went against what their church elders thought and so they were asked
to leave Massachusetts.
King Philip’s War was between the Puritans and Native Americans
Section 3- founding the Middle and Southern Colonies
Patroon-a person who brought 50 new settlers to New Netherland
Duke of York-brother of the King of England who made the Dutch colonies
surrender to the English
Proprietary Colony-a colony owned by a person
William Penn- a landowner in America who started Pennsylvania
Quakers- a type of religion
James Oglethorpe-founded Georgia a safe place for people who owed money’
Royal colony-a colony ruled by governors chosen by the king
Overview of Section 3
The Middle Colonies were New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and
These areas were good for farming and raising cows.
New Netherland was settled by the Dutch. It later became New York.
Chapter 3-The English Establish 13 Colonies 1585-1732
Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley were given the land that is now
called New Jersey.
William Penn was given the land that is now called Pennsylvania.
New Southern Colonies were Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina and