Old Test

Name: ___________________________________
Core: _______
Colonial America
1. The goal of colonialism is for the “mother country” to earn a
_______________________ from colonies by buying raw materials from
colonists and selling them finished products.
2. People left their homeland to colonize for many different reasons. Some went to
new lands for cheap land while others were searching for economic opportunity
and wealth. The Pilgrims and Puritans colonized in Massachusetts for a very
different reason. They were in search of
3. Complete the following chart with one reason for each country (Wealth is not an
acceptable answer) :
European Country
Reasons for Colonization
Name: ___________________________________
Core: _______
4. The Mayflower Compact represents the first attempt at _____________________
in America. This is a significant step towards independence from the monarchy
in England, and it established a set of rules and regulations for the new
5. In the Triangular trade between the American Colonies, Africa, and the West
Indies, the portion that involved transporting slaves between Africa and the West
Indies is known as the ______________________________________________.
6. The ________________________, led by William Penn, fled England to find
religious freedom in Pennsylvania.
7. What economic factor in North America led to the enslavement of Africans in the
Southern Colonies? ____________________________________________
8. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut is the first written Constitution in
America. There were other attempts at self-governing in the colonies including
the Mayflower Compact in Massachusetts and the House of
___________________________________ in Virginia. It was the first colonial
assembly in America.
9. The French and British clashed over a variety of economic reasons from 17561763. In Europe, the conflict was known as the Seven Years War. In America, it
became a clash for control of North America known as the
______________________________________________ War.
10. When two cultures meet and each has a good the other desires, what is the likely
economic result? ____________________________________________
11. Name one example of a new knowledge/technology brought to the Indians from
Europe and one example of new knowledge/technology the Indians shared with
the Europeans. (2 Points)
12. John Rolfe made Jamestown a profitable colony by growing a variety of
____________________________ that became desirable to Europeans. It
became the first cash crop of the Americas.
13. Sir Walter Raleigh attempted to colonize an island of the coast of present-day
North Carolina in 1585. John White attempted to colonize the same island in
1587. Upon his return to the island three years later, he found the colony had
gone missing. It is known as the “Lost Colony of ________________________.”
14. Many early settlers came to America as _________________________________
who agreed to work for a period of time in exchange for payment of their passage
to America.
Name: ___________________________________
Core: _______
15. In Salem, Massachusetts in 1692, a religious fervor led to the hanging death of 19
people who were accused of witchcraft. The trials proceeded according to Puritan
law with most of the defendants convicted simply by the word of a group of
teenage girls. The judges and jury who presided over the case and ruled
according to Puritan religious belief were ministers in the community. What is it
called when the religious leaders and political leaders in a community are the
same people? _____________________________________
16. Explain how the French and Indian War got its name.
17. Complete the chart below by filling in the boxes for the colony regions with one
correct economic focus for each region.
Major economic focus in each of the regions of the British
Colonies in North America
New England
18. Lord Baltimore formed the colony of Maryland as a place where
_______________________ could practice their religion freely.
19. Cash crops like tobacco, rice, indigo, and cotton were grown heavily throughout
the south on large plantations. These crops are all very labor intensive to grow
which means the southern colonies began to rely on ______________________ to
do the work on the plantations.
20. The colony of Georgia was founded to act as a barrier between Spanish Florida
and the other colonies and as a place for ____________________________ who
could not pay their bills.
Name: ___________________________________
Core: _______
Questions from Previous Tests
21. What does prehistoric mean? _________________________________________
22. Merchants from the West African kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay
prospered by controlling the trade of which two goods? _____________________
23. Between 1519 and 1605, the American Indian population in Central Mexico
decreased from approximately25 million to 1 million people. Identify and
describe one reason why this population decline was so extreme. (2 Points)
24. ____________________ means to trade goods without money.
25. Archaeologists find and study ________________ to learn about ancient cultures.
26. Describe one way a physical feature can act as a barrier to migration and one way
a physical feature can help people migrate. (2 Points)
27. How did the arrival of Europeans change American Indians’ agricultural
28. The Crusades had a great impact on European culture during the Middle Ages.
Identify and describe two ways the Crusaders’ contact with the Middle East
changed European culture. (4 Points)
29. When we talk about migration, we often use terms like push factor and pull
factor. Define push factor and pull factor and give an example of each. (4 Points)