The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Joachim Vogt Course 210131, Fall 2010 General Earth and Space Sciences Course unit on Space and Atmospheric Physics Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 1 / 41 Overview Part I: Physical principles of atmosphere formation Gravity vs. temperature, escape velocity vs. thermal velocity Planetary atmospheres in the solar system Earth’s overall radiation balance Part II: Composition and vertical structure Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere Barometric law, atmospheric scale height Part III: Atmospheric wind and global circulation Pressure gradient and Coriolis force Three-cell convection pattern Appendix Review questions and further reading Additional problems and sample solutions Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 2 / 41 The Earth’s neutral atmosphere – Part I Physical principles of atmosphere formation Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 3 / 41 What is an atmosphere ? An atmosphere is the gaseous envelope around a celestial body. Planets and some large satellites have atmospheres, asteroids don’t. Why ? Important factors controlling the state of an atmosphere are gravity – attracts atmospheric particles, temperature – controls how fast particles move (away ?) on average, composition – lighter particles tend to move faster than heavier ones. To overcome the planet’s gravitational attraction, the kinetic energy must be larger than the gravitational potential energy. Escape velocity : p Vesc = 2GM/r . G: gravitational constant, M : planetary mass, r: planetocentric distance. Exosphere: outer region of an atmosphere where collisions are so rare that sufficiently fast particles can escape into space. Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 4 / 41 Temperature, particle mass, and average speed Characteristic (average, most probable) velocities of a particle population are determined by the temperature T and by the mass m of a particle. The thermal (most probable) velocity can be written as p Vth = 2kT /m . To sustain an atmosphere, the thermal velocity should be considerably smaller than the escape velocity : 2 Vth2 Vesc ⇔ kT GM m/r . Planets and large satellites (large M ) can have atmospheres whereas small bodies (asteroids or comets) cannot. Colder atmospheres (small T ) are more stable. Heavy constituents (large m) are easier to keep than lighter ones. Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 5 / 41 Planetary atmospheres in the solar system (1) Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Temperature (◦ C) 465 −89 . . . 58 −82 . . . 0 −150 Gravity (Earth=1) 0.9 1 0.4 2.6 Escape velocity 10.4 11.2 5.0 60 Composition CO2 N2 & O 2 CO2 H2 & He Mean surface temperature, gravity at the equator, escape velocity in km/s, and main atmospheric constituents. Numerical values are taken from table (1). Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 6 / 41 Exercise: Thermal vs. escape velocity Sample question: Compute the thermal velocities of nitrogen molecules near the Earth’s surface assuming an average temperature of T ≈ 290 K. You may use of the ’handy’ formula derived in the appendix s Vth T /[K] = 128.9 [m/s] Mmol /[g] where Mmol is the mass of one mol (here measured in grams). Answer : For N2 , Mmol /[g] ≈ 28 and s r Vth T /[K] 290 = 128.9 = 128.9 · = 128.9 · 3.22 = 414.8 . [m/s] Mmol /[g] 28 As expected, this is much smaller than Vesc = 11.2 km/s. Question A: Repeat this exercise for helium and molecular hydrogen in the Jovian atmosphere. Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 7 / 41 Planetary atmospheres in the solar system (2) [Voyager 1/NASA (2)] Jupiter Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) [Pioneer Venus/NASA (2)] Venus The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 8 / 41 Planetary atmospheres in the solar system (3) [Hubble/NASA (5)] Mars Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) [Cassini/NASA (2)] Titan The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 9 / 41 Earth’s overall radiation balance Temperatures and emissions Solar surface, T ≈ 5800 K ⇒ thermal radiation mostly in the visible range: ’shortwave radiation’. Earth’s surface, T ≈ 300 K ⇒ thermal radiation mostly in the infrared: ’longwave radiation’. The Earth receives and absorbs shortwave radiation from the Sun, and emits longwave radiation into space. Radiation equilibrium: absorption equals emission. Important for the interpretation of Earth observations from space (e.g., weather satellite images): infrared images provide information on the temperature distribution, visible radiation is reflected sunlight: surface reflectivity. Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 10 / 41 Earth’s overall radiation balance (continued) [ (3)] Shortwave radiation cascade Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) Longwave radiation cascade The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 11 / 41 Absorption in the atmosphere [NASA (4)] The atmosphere absorbs harmful high-energy radiation (UV, x-rays, gamma rays). Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 12 / 41 The Earth’s neutral atmosphere – Part II Composition and vertical structure Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 13 / 41 Composition of the Earth’s atmosphere Average volume percentages in the Earth’s dry atmosphere: N2 O2 Ar CO2 78.08% 20.95% 0.903% 0.036% Values taken from (3). Water vapor: variable contribution, usually 0–4%. [GOES/NASA (6)] Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 14 / 41 Atmospheric layers The temperature profile defines transition zones = ’. . . pauses’ (temp. minima or maxima) and layers = ’. . . spheres’ (in between the pauses). Tropopause at ∼ 11 km: temp. minimum ∼ −55◦ C; Stratopause at ∼ 50 km: temp. maximum ∼ 0◦ C; Mesopause at ∼ 90 km: temp. minimum ∼ −90◦ C. [NOAA/Jetstream (7)] Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 15 / 41 Troposphere The troposphere is the region between the surface and the tropopause. It contains 80% of the total mass of the Earth’s atmosphere. Thinner at the poles (∼ 8 km) than at the equator ∼ 18 km. Water in all phases, weather phenomena. Temperature decreases with height at a rate of ∼ 6.5◦ C/km = environmental lapse rate. Troposphere and tropopause form the lower atmosphere. Greenhouse effect leads to a temperature increase of about 30–40◦ C. Visible light (shortwave) penetrates the atmosphere, heats the surface. Resulting thermal radiation is in the infrared (longwave) range. Longwave radiation is partially absorbed and re-emitted by greenhouse gases like CH4 , CO2 , water vapor . . . ⇒ higher surface temperature. Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 16 / 41 Greenhouse effect illustrated [ (3)] Enhanced greenhouse effect: human activities add greenhouse gases which lead to further increase of the tropospheric temperature. ⇒ global warming. Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 17 / 41 Stratosphere and mesosphere Stratosphere Region between tropopause and stratopause containing about 20% of the total mass. Mass of the troposphere and stratosphere taken together: ∼ 99.9% of the total mass of the atmosphere. Close to the tropopause: isothermal layer (constant temperature), about 9 km thick. Temperature increase with height: associated with the presence of ozone in the stratosphere. Mesosphere Region between stratopause and mesopause. Temperature decrease with height. Stratosphere and mesosphere together form the middle atmosphere. Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 18 / 41 Ozone layer in the middle atmosphere The middle atmosphere protects the biosphere from a broad wavelength range of harmful UV radiation through the formation of ozone (O3 ). Absorption of UV radiation by molecular oxygen (O2 ) in the ranges 175 nm < λ < 200 nm (mesosphere) and 200 nm < λ < 242 nm (stratosphere) leads to dissociation of O2 . Combination of O and O2 yields ozone (O3 ). Ozone: further UV absorption for 200 nm < λ < 340 nm. UV absorption gives rise to the temperature maximum at the stratopause (unique feature of Earth’s atmosphere). Ozone depleting substances (such as chlorofluorcarbons CFCs) are stable in the troposphere but degrade under the influence of UV light in the stratosphere. Montreal Protocol (1987): agreement to stop production of CFCs until 1996/2010 in more/less developed countries. Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 19 / 41 Thermosphere, heterosphere, ionosphere Thermosphere Neutral atmosphere above the mesopause. Characterized by an increase of temperature with height. Absorption of hard UV radiation (λ < 175 nm). Also called upper atmosphere. Structure criteria other than temperature: composition and ionization. Heterosphere (above ∼90–100 km): atmospheric constituents are no longer mixed by turbulence – composition is changing with height. The lower and the middle atmosphere (homogeneous mixture of atmospheric gases) form the homosphere. Ionosphere (above ∼ 70 km): ionized component of the upper atmosphere – characterized by significant conductivities and electrical currents. Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 20 / 41 Exercise: Ionization potentials Sample question: The ionization potentials (= energies required to ionize neutral particles) of the most abundant gases in the Earth’s atmosphere are in the range of 15 eV. Show that green light (λ = 550 nm) does not contribute to the formation of the Earth’s ionosphere. Note that 1 J = 6.24 · 1018 eV. Answer : The energy of green light hc 6.626 · 10−34 Js · 2.998 · 108 m/s E = = λ 0.55 · 10−6 m = 3.6 · 10−19 · 6.24 · 1018 eV = 2.2 eV . This is too small to overcome the ionization thresholds. Question B: Which kind of radiation is required to ionize the Earth’s (upper) atmosphere ? Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 21 / 41 Air pressure Pressure is force per area. SI unit: Pascal (= 0.01 mbar = 10−5 bar). Gravity g causes pressure to decrease with height z. In isothermal regions the pressure profile follows the barometric law : p(z) = p0 e−z/H . The atmospheric scale height H = kT mg is a measure of atmospheric ’thickness’. Close to the surface: H ≈ 8.3 km. [ (3)] Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 22 / 41 The Earth’s neutral atmosphere – Part III Atmospheric wind and global circulation Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 23 / 41 Pressure gradient force (PGF) Wind is air in motion. Motion is initiated by forces. Most important for global wind systems and circulation patterns are the pressure gradient force (pressure difference per distance) which drives wind from high to low pressure, and the Coriolis force: due to the rotation of the Earth, moving objects (incl. gases) are deflected from straight paths. Pressure gradient force (PGF) Isobars (e.g. on weather maps): lines of constant pressure. Direction of PGF: perpendicular to isobars. Strength of PGF: indicated through the density of isobars. [ (3)] Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 24 / 41 Sea breeze [Images from the University of Illinois WW2010 Project (8)] Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 25 / 41 Coriolis force (CF) The Coriolis force (CF) deflects air in motion to the right of its path on the Northern hemisphere, and to the left of its path on the Southern hemisphere. Strength of CF depends on wind speed v and geographic latitude β. [ (3)] Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 26 / 41 Geostrophic wind Circulation patterns characterized by a balance of PGF and CF are called geostrophic. Geostrophic winds flow along isobars. This is a good approximation for large-scale convection pattern. [ (3)] Northern hemisphere High-pressure centers are associated with clockwise rotation. Low-pressure centers go along with anti-clockwise rotation. Southern hemisphere: high p.c. ↔ anti-clockwise, low p.c. ↔ clockwise. Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 27 / 41 Measured average temperature distribution Average Annual Global Temperature 1982-1994 [ (3)] Temperature Scale in Kelvin Measured variation is approximately latitudinal (combined effect of solar radiation and Earth’s rotation). Non-latitudinal variations are due to differences in the heat capacities of land and ocean, altitude, albedo. Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 28 / 41 Model global circulation pattern (1): CF disregarded Without the Coriolis force, i.e., if only the pressure gradient force was active, then on each hemisphere we would have one large convection cell (cf. sea breeze model): flow near the tropopause from the equator (= region of high pressure) to the poles (= region of low pressure), surface return flow from the poles to the equator. [NOAA/Jetstream (7)] Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 29 / 41 Measured global circulation pattern – January [ (3)] Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 30 / 41 Model global circulation pattern (2): CF considered Coriolis force deflects the convection and leads to additional zones of (horizontal) convergence and divergence. Three cell model of global circulation: (1) Hadley cell (2) Ferrel cell (3) polar cell. [NOAA/Jetstream (7)] Hadley cell (latitudes of about 0◦ –30◦ ): air rises at equator, upper air moves poleward, CF deflects to the right, air sinks at ∼ 30◦ , equatorward surface return flow, deflection by CF yields northeasterly and southeasterly trade winds. Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 31 / 41 Three cell model of global circulation Hadley cell (continued): belt of high surface pressure at ∼ 30◦ : subtropical ridge, low pressure near the equator: near equatorial trough, horizontal inflow of wind near the equator: intertropical convergence zone. Polar cell (latitudes of about 50/60◦ –90◦ ) cold, dense air descends at the pole, causing high surface pressure, equatorward flow near the surface, deflection to the right due to CF yields surface polar easterlies, upper air return flow to the pole completes convection cell. Polar vortex: upper tropospheric portion of the polar convection. Ferrel cell (latitudes of about 30◦ –50/60◦ ): convection cell in between the Hadley cell and the polar cell. Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 32 / 41 Jet streams [NOAA/Jetstream (7)] Jet streams are wind systems in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, concentrated in narrow bands, flowing from west to east at boundaries of hot and cold air masses. Subtropical jet stream: latitude β ∼ 30◦ . Polar jet stream: latitude β ∼ 60◦ Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 33 / 41 Course 210131, Fall 2010 34 / 41 The Earth’s neutral atmosphere – Part IV Appendix Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Figures and references (1) Values taken from the Windows to the Universe web page solar system/planets table.html at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). (2) NASA’s Solar System Exploration website (3) Figure taken from the educational web portal created by Michael Pidwirny, University of British Columbia Okanagan. (4) Figure taken from NASA’s Imagine the Universe web site l1/emspectrum.html. (5) Image taken from Hubblesite – a gallery of images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope operated by NASA. (6) NASA’s Earth Observatory web page (7) Information and images taken from the Online Weather School Jetstream at NOAA. (8) Images taken from the University of Illinois WW2010 Project, see All URLs were checked on September 23rd, 2005. Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 35 / 41 Review questions and further reading Review questions What are the key factors that control the state of an atmosphere, and how can you quantify the processes in terms of characteristic velocities ? Which planets or large satellites in our solar system sustain an atmosphere ? Which spectral ranges contribute most to the thermal radiation spectra of the Sun and of the Earth ? Describe briefly the processes associated with the Earth’s global radiant energy balance. Characterize the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere. Sketch the temperature profile in the Earth’s atmosphere, and name the boundary layers associated with temperature maxima and minima. Characterize the troposphere and explain the greenhouse effect. Discuss the role of ozone in the middle atmosphere. Define the terms thermosphere, heterosphere, and ionosphere. What are the barometric law and the atmospheric scale height? Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 36 / 41 Review questions and further reading (continued) Review questions (continued) What is meant by the pressure gradient force, and how does it relate to an isobaric chart? Characterize the processes that lead to sea breeze. Explain how the Coriolis force affects air in motion, and characterize geostrophic wind. Based on the observed average annual temperature distribution on the Earth’s surface, what kind of global circulation pattern would you expect if our planet was non-rotating? Describe the basic pattern of the measured global circulation, and characterize the phenomena associated with the main convection cells. Textbooks R.A. Freedman, W.J. Kaufmann: Universe. M. Kivelson, C.T. Russell: Introduction to space physics. J.K. Hargreaves: The solar-terrestrial environment. Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 37 / 41 Review questions and further reading (continued) Web resources The textbook by Freedman and Kaufmann comes with a web page: HyperPhysics web page hosted by the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Georgia State University: Educational web portal created by Michael Pidwirny, University of British Columbia Okanagan: (chapters 6 and 7). NOAA’s Online Weather School Jetstream. The interpretation of weather-satellite images is explained in an Introductory Meteorology Lab Exercise at created by Dave Dempsey, Dept. of Geosciences, San Francisco State University. The series of European weather satellites Meteosat was built by the consortium EUMETSAT , see Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 38 / 41 Additional questions and problems Problem 1 Dissociation of molecular oxygen (in the mesosphere and the stratosphere) requires UV radiation with wavelengths smaller than 200 nm. What is the corresponding energy (in eV) ? Problem 2 The thermal p (most probable) velocity of a (maxwellian) particle population is Vth = and the average velocity is given by p 2kT /m, p Vav = 3kT /m = 3/2 Vth . Here T is the temperature of the gas, and m is the mass of a single particle. To work out characteristic velocities for different gases and temperatures, it is more convenient to use the mass Mmol of one mol instead of m, and to absorb the constants into a single numerial value. Show that s s Vth T /[K] Vav T /[K] = 128.9 and = 157.9 . [m/s] Mmol /[g] [m/s] Mmol /[g] Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 39 / 41 Sample solutions of the problems Sample solution of problem 1 The energy E = hc/λ of UV radiation at wavelengths λ = 200 nm is given by 6.626 · 10−34 Js · 2.998 · 108 m/s E = = 9.9 · 10−19 · 6.24 · 1018 eV = 6.2 · eV . 1 −6 0.2 · 0 m Sample solution of problem 2 In SI units, the formula for the thermal (most probable) velocity is written as s −1 T m Vth k = . 2 [m/s] [J/K] [K] [kg] The mass Mmol of one mol of a substance is the mass of NA = 6.0221 · 1023 particles (Avogadro’s number). We obtain m Mmol 1 Mmol [g] 1 Mmol 1 = = = . [kg] [kg] NA [g] [kg] NA [g] 1000 NA Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Course 210131, Fall 2010 40 / 41 Sample solutions of the problems (continued) Sample solution of problem 2 (continued) This gives Vth [m/s] s k T 2 1000 NA [J/K] [K] = √ = Using Vav = p Mmol [g] −1 s 2 1.38 · 10−23 · 1000 · 6.0221 · 10−23 s = 128.9 3kT /m = T [K] p Mmol [g] Mmol [g] −1 −1 . 3/2 Vth yields Vav Vav = 1.225 = 157.9 [m/s] [m/s] Joachim Vogt (Jacobs University Bremen) T [K] s T [K] The Earth’s neutral atmosphere Mmol [g] −1 . Course 210131, Fall 2010 41 / 41