Chapter 9 Covalent Bonding In Chapter 6 we used the wave function to understand the orbitals of an individual atom, and we talked about the different shapes of the s, p, and d orbitals In the last chapter we started looking at the structure of fairly complicated molecules and came up some interesting geometries for central atoms that bore no little or no resemblance to the atomic geometries we had previously. In this chapter we will bridge the gap between atoms and molecules and show where the orbitals that will be used to make covalent bonds come from. 9-1 Molecular orbitals In chapter 6 we put a single + proton in the center of an atom, and then used the Schrödiner equation to solve the wave function that told us where the electron could be. We then moved on to He. We put two protons in the middle and solved the Schrödinger equation for two electrons. Now all we have to do is to not put the two proton in the center, but put a little bit of distance between then and now solve the Schrödinger equation for this situation. See Figure 9.1 As you can see. When the two protons are widely separated, we get two individual 1s orbitals. But as the two nuclei get closer together the electrons start to overlap, and we get a large electron density between the two atoms that represents the electrons holding the atoms together in a covalent bond. Key Concept: A molecular orbital is a wave function ( or orbital) that extends over two (or more) atoms. The calculation we get by doing this with a computer is in excellent agreement with reality. If give the distance between the two atoms in the H2 molecule as 74 pm exactly what we find in experiments 9-2 Molecular orbitals of H2+ OK, I jumped the gun a little. To really to this right I should start with a simpler system: 2 separate protons sharing a single electron, This corresponds to the H2+ ion, the hydrogen molecular ion. This is actually good because the H2+ ion is stable. It occurs in those hydrogen lamps when you run current through hydrogen gas. As a stable ion it can actually be studied, and we can use the experimental data to confirm or deny the theory that I am about to build for you. 2 When you solve the Schrödinger equation for this system you get the various orbital shown in Figure 9.2 In this figure the orbitals with the lowest energy are at the bottom, and the ones with the highest energy are at the top. Let me explain the labels. Look at the bottom 4 orbitals. Notice how the electrons are along the line connecting the atoms? (Called the internuclear axis). We call these orbital ó orbitals Key Concept: ó molecular orbitals are orbital in which the electrons are located along the internuclear axis, the line connecting the atoms Notice how in the lowest ó orbital the orbital has an electron density in the space between the nuclei, but in the next highest orbital there is a node, so there are no electrons between the atoms? In the lowest orbital the electron density between the atoms would serve to hold the positive nuclei of the two atoms together. In the other orbital, with no electron density between the nuclei, there would be nothing to hole the atoms together so the molecule would not be stable. To differentiate between these two orbital we call the lower orbital the bonding (or probonding) orbital, designated ó, and we call the upper orbital an anti-bonding orbital, designated ó* Key Concept: Probonding orbital have electron density between atoms to hold molecules together. Antibonding orbitals (designated with a *) do not have an electron density between nuclei and serve to destabilize a molecule. There is another way to get these orbitals. Rather than placing two nuclei in space and solving the Schrödinger equation for the system, we can simply start with the s orbitals for the two different atoms and simply add them together or subtract them from each other (Figure 9.3) This is where the subscripts like 1s and 2s come from on the diagram. The lowest energy ó bond that comes from adding the 1s orbitals of the two atoms together is designated ó1s, while the antibonding orbital that comes from subtracting one atom’s 1s orbital from the other atoms is designated ó*1s As can be seen in Figure 9.4 the energy of the ó1s orbital does have a negative energy, so it would hold the atoms together. Not only that, but it has a minimum at about 100 pm that corresponds nicely with the interatomic distance in the H2+ ion Figure 9.4. On this same figure you can see that the energy for the ó* bond is positive at all distances, so it cannot hold a molecule together. 3 The next two orbitals are the ó2s and the ó*2s. Same story, second verse. The only comment I would have is that you know the 1s orbitals are smaller than the 2s orbitals, so there really should be a difference in size that is not shown in this figure. Next we move up to the p orbitals. Remember that the p orbital is the peanut shape, and there are three of them, one along each major axis Figure 9.6 Not only that, but here is another thing they didn’t tell you in kindergarten (or chapter 5 for that matter). When we solved the Schrödinger equation, that wavefunction we came up with actually has a sign associated with different parts of it. In this case the sign on one lobe is + while the sign on the other lobe is - . Now let’s start combining orbitals, by starting with the p orbital that lie along the line connecting the atoms. Figure 9.7. Again there is one orbital that has lots of density between the atoms to hold them together. This orbital is called a ó2pz orbital because it has electron density along the line connecting the atoms so it is ó, but it came from the overlap of 2p orbitals so we give it a 2p subscript. Since we assume that the z axis is the one connecting the two atoms we add the z subscript to say this came specifically from the pz atomic orbitals There is also a second orbital along the line connecting the atoms, but it doesn’t have enough electron density between the atoms to hold them together so this is a ó*2pz What about the other two p orbitals, the ones to either side of the line connecting the atoms along the X and Y planes? Figure 9.8 For each pair of p orbitals we get two molecular orbital. These orbital are not along the line connecting the atoms so we call them ð orbitals Key Concept: ð molecular orbital have electron density on either side of the line connecting the atoms One of the ð orbitals has a lot of density between the atoms, but not right between them, and this is enough to stabilize the molecule so this becomes a probonding ð2p orbital, and since we have one in each plane we have two orbitals ð2px and ð2py, while the other orbitals has nothing near the middle, so these become two antibonding ð*2px and ð*2py orbitals. 4 One final note before we leave this section. We did not try to combine orbitals with n=1 with orbitals with n=2, also we did not try to combine s orbital with p orbitals. While you can do this with the computer, you rapidly find out that the only orbitals that combine to make good combinations are the one with the same energy 9-3 Bond Order Now that we know that we can calculate and look at the orbitals to a 2 atoms system, we can start adding more charges on the nuclei and more electrons and move on to diatomic molecules more complicated than H2+. The way we will do this is simple, just like filling in the atomic orbitals. You arrange the orbitals from lowest to highest energy, and then start putting pairs of electrons into the orbitals starting at the lowest energy orbital For instance: H2+, H2, H2-, He2+ and He2 ó*1s ó1s 8 H2+ 89 H2 8 89 H2- 8 89 89 89 He2+ He2 Not only can we start filling in orbitals, but knowing that probonding orbitals stabilize molecules, and antibonding orbitals destroy molecules, we can evaluate if we have a stable molecule. We do this with a simple calculation called the bond order Key Equation/Concept: Applying the to the above example ó*1s ó1s BO 8 H2+ ½ 89 H2 1 8 89 H2½ 8 89 He2+ ½ 89 89 He2 0 This says that H2 has a single bond, H2- and He2+ have a very weak bond equivalent to about ½ of a normal bond, and He2 is not stable and does not exist See table 9.1 5 A bond order of 2 indicates a double bond, and a bond order of 3 tell you that you have a triple bond. 9-4 Molecular electron configurations So what happens beyond H2 and He2 Let’s try Li2 (Captain Kirk, we need more dilithium crystals) For Li2 we will have 6 electrons, two from each Li, and we just fill in or molecular orbital ‘ladder’ Higher orbitals ó*2s ó 2s 89 ó*1s 89 ó1s 89 Or, in linear form (ó1s)2 (ó*1s)2 (ó2s)2 With a bond order of (4-2)/2 =1, saying we have a single bond in the molecule Now for the tricky part. Remember how all the orbitals at a given n level were degenerate for the H atom, but when we added more electrons the energy levels were not degenerate, but the s was a lower energy than the p? And then ass we added more and more charge to the nucleus things shifted more and more so the 4s orbital has a lower energy than the 3d orbital? The same kind of shifting goes on with molecular orbitals as you add more charge to the atoms and more electrons to the system. Look at Figure 9.11. In particular notice how the ó2pz orbital energy level is above the ð2px,y energy levels from Li2, Be2, B2, C2, and N2, but is lower in O2, F2, and Ne2. This change in order is important so you need to memorize it. Key concept: Remember the two different ‘ladders’ of molecular orbital bond energy Li, Be, B, C, N ó*2p ___ ð*2px,y ___ ___ ó2pz ___ ð2px,y ___ ___ ó*2s ___ ó2s ___ ó*1s ___ ó1s ___ O, F, Ne ó*2p ___ ð*2px,y ___ ð2px,y ___ ó2pz ___ ó*2s ___ ó2s ___ ó*1s ___ ___ ó1s ___ ___ 6 One of the important outcomes of the molecular theory is that it correctly predicts another property of these compounds, paramagnetism and diamagnetism. First of all what are paramagnetism and diamagnetism. Key concepts: A paramagnetic substance is a substance that is weakly attracted to a magnetic field. It occurs in compounds that have unpaired electrons. A diamagnetic substance is one that is slightly repelled by a magnetic field. In occurs in compounds where all the electrons are paired together. Practice problems: Construct the molecular orbital ‘ladder’ for N2, O2 and F2using that ladder predict determine the Bonds order, the type of bond the relative length of the bond and the magnetic properties of each diatomic species N2 Electrons: 7x2=14 ó*2p ð*2px,y ó2pz 89 ð2px,y 89 89 ó*2s 89 ó2s 89 ó*1s 89 ó1s 89 BO (10-4)/2 =3 Bond triple bond Length Shortest Magnetic properties diamagnetic repelled O2 8x2=16 ó*2p ð*2px,y ð2px,y 8 8 ó2pz 89 ó*2s 89 ó2s 89 ó*1s 89 89 ó1s F2(9x2) +1=19 ó*2p 8 ð*2px,y 89 89 ð2px,y 89 89 ó2pz 89 ó*2s 89 ó2s 89 ó*1s 89 89 ó1s (8-4)/2=2 (10-9)/2=1/2 double bond weak single (½ a bond) Medium Longest Paramagnetic attacted Paramagnetic Attracted Notice that in solving this problem with O2 we used Hund’s rule: spread electrons between all degenerate orbitals before you pair them up. You can use the same molecular orbital energy ‘ladders’ on heteronuclear (two different atoms) diatomic molecules as well, with two cautions. First the two atoms have to be close on the periodic table. Second, both atoms have to use the same ‘ladder’ 7 So you can do things like CN, CN- (The cyanide ion), or OF. You actually can do NO, but you need to be told which ‘ladder’ to use (the Li-N ladder) 9-5 sp Orbitals Well, we have taken care of diatomic molecules. What about all those interesting molecules with 3,4, or more atoms? The polyatomic molecules? The purist carries on just as we have done. We put in more nuclei and more electrons and solve for the corresponding molecular orbitals, then fill the orbitals from lowest to highest energy with our electrons. These molecular orbitals get spread out across all the atoms in the molecule and can end up looking pretty bizarre. Not only that, each molecule is a rule unto itself, so it makes generalizing difficult. So let’s ditch that approach. Instead we will work with a simpler model called the localize bond model. In this model we will keep most of the electrons localized to the bond region between the two atoms instead of letting them roam around the entire molecule. This actually works quite well with our Lewis formulas, since each bond in this model has a pair of electrons localized to the space between the atoms to form the covalent bond between the atoms. In order to describe localized covalent bonds we will introduce the concept of a hybrid orbital. Key Concept: A hybrid orbital is a combination of atomic orbital on the same atom. Sort of like we were doing earlier when we combined orbitals on different atoms to make a molecular orbital, only now we use different orbitals on the same atom. Let’s start with BeH2. Your Lewis formula is H-Be-H (Be does not have a filled octet, but that is OK for Be). VSEPR says that to get the two electron regions as far apart as possible you need a linear structure with bond angles of 180o As shown in figure 9.16 you can get two bonds, 180o apart if you hybridize the 2s and the 2pz orbitals together. Notice how we have to remember that the p orbital has + and a - lobe to do this. We call these two new hybridized orbital sp orbital because the are derived from one s and one p orbital 8 The next step, the, is to merge each sp orbital with the 1s orbitals on the two H atoms to make our ó covalent bonds between the atoms. (Figure 9.18) Now we will fill these orbital with electrons. 1 valence electron from each H and 2 valence eletrons from the Be, for a total of 4 electrons or two pairs, one for each bond. Notice this is a difference from our molecular orbital theory. In the molecular orbital treatment we used all electrons, core and valence, to fill all our molecular orbitals. When we use the localized electron model we will use only the valence electrons and assume that the core electrons are localized to their respective atoms, and so do not take part in the bonding orbitals Also note: I will ignore the X and Y p orbitals because they don’t contain electrons. I will also ignore the fact that there would actually be some ó* orbitals as well, again because they don’t have any electrons. 9-6 sp2 Orbitals Now try BF3 :::F-B-F::: (Unfilled octet for B, but that is OK for B) | ::F: Trigonal planar, 120o bond angle To get the right geometry here we will hybridise one s and 2 p orbitals Figure 9.20 Again we have to invoke + and - lobes on the two p orbitals, and you have to use your imagination to see how combining these two orbitals with the s gives you the three equivalent sp hybrid orbitals in the x-z plane. From this example and the last example you might have already formulated and idea about hybrizing orbitals. Key Concept: The principle of conservation of orbitals - When you combine orbitals on the same atom to form hybrid orbitals, then the number of resulting hybrid orbitals is equal to the number of atomic orbitals that were combined. 9-7 sp3 Orbitals I think you can do the VSEPR structure of CH4 in your head. To come up with 4 equivalent orbital to give us our tetrahedral structure, we will have to put together 4 atomic orbitals, one s and three p orbitals. Figure 9.22. And each of these hybridized orbitals will then merge with the atomic 1s orbital of the hydrogen to form the localized covalent bonding orbitals. Figure 9.23 9 We can use the sp3 construct to explain the structure of ethane, C2H6. Here Figure 9.25 we string together sp3 hybridized orbitals on adjacent carbons to get our final structure. One thing you should remember, don’t put the cart before the horse. The geometry of a hybridized orbital does not determine the geometry. It is the other way around. The VSEPR theory tell you what the geometry has to be to achieve the lowest energy state. And it is then that geometry that tells you which hybridization you need. 9-8 Bonding in molecules with lone pairs What do you do with lone pairs? How about something simple as water. I think you can come up with the appropriate Lewis structure and VSEPR construct. You should end up with 4 electrons regions, tetrahedral structure around the central atom, and the says that you use sp3 hybridization. Figure 9.26 In this structure you will have 6 + 2 =8 electrons or 4 pairs of electrons. There will be two localized bonding orbitals each containing a pair of electrons: one between an one sp3 hybridized orbital on the C and a 1s of one hydrogen and another between a second sp3 orbital on the C and the 1s on the other H. The two remaining pari of electrons will each be stuffed into the two remaining sp3 orbitals. The sp3 orbital joined with the atomic 1s orbital will be a little more constrained than the sp3 orbital that is not joined with an atomic orbital. That in turn explains why the lone pairs electrons take up more room than the bonding pari electrons, and why the bond angle in water is <109o 9-9 d hybrid orbitals How do we get the 5 bonds in a trigonal bipyramid and the 6 bonds in an octahera? Well with our conservation of orbital theory you can probably guess we need 5 and 6 atomic orbitals so we will start mixing d orbitals in as well To obtain a trigonal bipyramid with 5 bonds we hybridize an s, 3 p’s and a d to make 5 sp3d orbitals To make an octahedral with 6 bonds we hybridize an s, 3 p’s and a two d’s to make 6 sp3d orbitals Figures 9.30 & 9.31 10 Could you get these geometries in a second row element by hybridizing 2s,2p and 3d orbitals together? No. Remember you can only hybridize orbital of similar energies together so this won’t work. That is why we only see these geometries in compounds make with a central atom in th third (or higher) row, 9-10 Double Bonds How do we do deal with double bonds? How about C2H4 H \ H / C=C / \ H H The geometry says 3 electron regions, 120o so that says we have to use sp2 hybridization. We have 12 electrons so 6 pairs and if we make bonds with all our hydrogen 1s orbitals and our C sp2 bonds we use up 5 of those pairs making ó bonds between all the atoms. So where does the last pair go and where is the double of the double bond? In making the planar sp2 bonds we did not use the p orbital that goes above and below the plane of the bonds. Up to now we have ignored these unused p orbitals, but now they become important. What we will to is to twist the molecule until the unused p orbitals in both atoms line up. When this happens the p orbital between the atoms can join together to make a ð bond on either side of the line connecting the atoms, and this is where we stash the remaining pair of electrons Figure 9.34 This is model is correct and consistent with some properties of double bonds that we haven’t looked at before: 11 Key Concepts: 1.) A double bond does NOT consist of two equal single bonds. Instead it is made of a strong ó bond between to atoms and a second, weaker, ð bond above and below the line connecting the atoms 2.) While the ð bond has two regions of electron density, it is only occupied by one pair of electrons and is treated like a single bond 3.) The overlap between adjacent p orbitals that make a ð bond locks the molecule into a planar configuration One last thing before we leave this molecule. Let’s formally describe the bonds in this molecule: There are four C(2sp2) + H(1s) ó bonds There is one C(2sp2) + C(2sp2) ó bond There is one C(2p) + C(2p) ð bond 9-11 cis-trans isomers I want to reiterate the last key concept I gave on double bonds. The presence fo a double bond lock a molecule into a specific configuration and it takes a significant amount of heat or light energy to rotate a molecule around that bond. Why is that important? Look at the following two molecules: 1. 2. H H H Cl \ / \ / C=C C=C / \ / \ Cl Cl Cl H Here are two molecules with same atom to atom connections but different spatial arrangement are a special class of isomers called stereoisomers (Section 8-10) Key concept: Isomers that vary by the rotation around a double bond are called cis-trans isomers Cis-trans isomers can have very different physical and chemical properties. In this case 1. Is polar and 2. Is nonpolar (Do you see why?) #1. Is the cis isomer because we have the same substituents on the same side #2 Is the trans isomer because the same substituents are on opposite sides 12 Cis-trans isomerization can be very important. Have you ever hear the phrase ‘low in trans fats’? Or how about the cis-trans isomerization that occurs in retinal that lets you see. Figure 9.36 9-12 Triple bonds You can probably figure this one out for yourself. H-C/C-H 10 electrons, 5 pairs Two electron regions around each C say that we use a linerar geometry, and this tells us that we use sp hybridization. This means we will have a C (2sp) + H (1s) ó bond between each C and H and a C(2sp) + C(2sp) ó bond between the 2 carbons. This leaves 2 pairs of electrons to be placed into two different C(2p) + C(2p) ð bonds to complete our triple bond. (Figure 9.39) 9-13 Delocalized ð electrons Last subject resonance structures or delocalized electrons When we were doing Lewis structure we would occasionally come up with two or more structures where the atoms don’t move, but there were different ways to arrange the electrons. Benzene is a classic example: Remember with resonance I said it is not one switching to the other, but rather some kind of average between the two where the electrons in the bonds get delocalized over more than two atoms. How does that fit in here? Lets try it. 6C and 6H for 6(4) + 6 = 30 electrons or 15 pairs Each C has 3 electron regions so will use sp2 hybridization. So we will have: 6 pairs of electrons is 6 C(2sp2) + 1H ó bonds between the C and the H 6 pairs of electrons in 6 C(2sp2) + C(2sp2) ó bonds between the carbons Figure 9.40 That leave unused p orbitals and 3 pair of electrons We merge all 6 of the p orbitals together to make 6 molecular orbitals (Remember conservation of orbitals?) 13 These potential molecular orbitals are shown in figure 9.41 And we put our remaining 3 pair of electrons into these orbitals as before. You can see that these orbitals are indeed spread out over several atoms, so the term ‘delocalized’ is truly appropriate