Index of Mathematical Topics

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Hatian Creole Russian
Acute triangle A triangle with three acute angles
Triángulo acutángulo Triángulo con tres ángulos
(angles whose measures are less than 90°).
agudos (ángulos cuyas medidas son menos de 90°).
Adjacency matrix (p. 248) A matrix representation
Matriz de adyacencia (pág. 248) Representación
of a vertex-edge graph in which each entry of
the matrix is the number of edges between the
corresponding pair of vertices.
matricial de un grafo en que cada entrada de la
matriz es el número de aristas entre pares
correspondientes de vértices.
Adjacent vertices (p. 248) Two vertices are
Vértices adyacentes (pág. 248) Dos vértices son
adjacent if there is an edge between them.
adyacentes si hay una arista entre ellos.
Algorithm (p. 246) A list of step-by-step instructions
Algoritmo (pág. 246) Lista de instrucciones
or a systematic step-by-step procedure.
detalladas o procedimiento detallado.
Altitude In a triangle, the perpendicular segment
Altura En un triángulo, el segmento perpendicular
from a side to the opposite vertex (p. 389). In a
parallelogram, a perpendicular segment from the
line containing the base to the opposite side (p. 365).
In a prism, a segment that is perpendicular to the
planes of both bases (p. 428). In a pyramid, the
perpendicular segment from the plane of the base
to the apex (p. 428). In a cone, the perpendicular
segment from the plane of the base to the vertex.
In a cylinder, a perpendicular from the plane of
one base to the plane of the other base.
de un lado al vértice opuesto (pág. 389). En un
paralelogramo, un segmento perpendicular de
la recta que contiene la base al lado opuesto
(pág. 365). En un prisma, segmento perpendicular
a ambas bases (pág. 428). En una pirámide, el
segmento perpendicular del plano de la base
al vértice (pág. 428). En un cono, el segmento
perpendicular del plano de la base al vértice. En
un cilindro, la perpendicular del plano de una de
las bases al plano de la otra.
Apex see pyramid
Vértice véase pirámide
Approximately normal distribution (moundshaped) (p. 77) A data or probability distribution
Distribución aproximadamente normal
(campaniforme) (pág. 77) Datos o distribución
that has one peak and tapers off on both sides.
Normal distributions are symmetric—the two
halves look like mirror images of each other.
probabilística que tiene un pico y que disminuye
en ambos lados. Las distribuciones normales son
simétricas: las dos mitades son imágenes
especulares mutuas.
Back-to-back stemplot (p. 98) A stemplot used
to compare two sets of data. The center column
contains the stem of the data, while the right leaf
contains one data set and the left leaf the other.
Base see exponential expression, parallelogram,
prism, pyramid, and triangle
Base angles of a triangle (p. 372) Angles
opposite the congruent sides of an isosceles
triangle. These angles are congruent.
Esquema de tallos consecutivo (pág. 98) Un
esquema de tallos que se usa para comparar dos
conjuntos de datos. La columna central lleva los
tallos de los datos, la hoja derecha lleva uno de los
conjuntos de datos y la izquierda el otro.
Base véase expresión exponencial, paralelogramo,
prisma, pirámide y triángulo
Ángulos basales de un triángulo (pág. 372)
Ángulos opuestos a los lados congruentes de
un triángulo isósceles. Dichos ángulos son
Bimodal distribution (p. 96) A distribution with
Distribución bimodal (pág. 96) Distribución con
two well-defined peaks.
dos picos bien definidos.
Bisector of an angle (p. 385) A ray that begins at
Bisectriz de un ángulo (pág. 385) Rayo que parte
the vertex of an angle and divides the angle into
two angles of equal measure.
del vértice de un ángulo y que lo divide en dos
ángulos congruentes.
Box plot (box-and-whiskers plot) (p. 109) A
Diagrama de caja (diagrama de caja y
patillas) (pág. 109) Gráfica estadística en que
statistical graphic in which only the minimum,
lower quartile, median, upper quartile, maximum,
and outliers are displayed.
sólo se muestran el mínimo, el cuartil inferior, la
mediana, el cuartil superior, el máximo y los
valores atípicos.
Categorical data (p. 94) Data that fall into
categories such as male/female or freshman/
Central angle of a regular polygon (p. 401) An
angle whose vertex is at the center of the polygon
and whose sides (rays) extend through the
endpoints of a side of the polygon.
Chromatic number (p. 275) The smallest number
of colors needed to color all the vertices of a
graph. (see color a graph)
Coefficient (p. 157) A number in front of a variable.
For example, in the expression x2 - 10x + 25, the
coefficient of x2 is 1 and the coefficient of x is -10.
Color a graph (p. 269) Assign a color to each
vertex of a graph so that adjacent vertices have
different colors. This may also be referred to as
graph coloring or vertex coloring.
Datos categóricos (pág. 94) Datos que caen en
categorías como masculino/femenino o primer
año/segundo año/tercer año/cuarto año.
Ángulo central de un polígono regular
(pág. 401) Ángulo cuyo vértice está en el centro
del polígono y cuyos lados (rayos) se extienden
por los extremos de un lado del polígono.
Número cromático (pág. 275) Mínimo de colores
que se requieren para pintar todos los vértices de
un grafo. (véase coloración de un grafo)
Coeficiente (pág. 157) Número delante de una
variable. Por ejemplo, en la expresión x2 - 10x + 25,
el coeficiente de x2 es 1 y el de x es -10.
Colorear un grafo (pág. 269) Asignación de un
color a cada vértice de un grafo de modo que
vértices adyacentes tengan colores distintos.
Esto se llama también coloración de un grafo
o coloración de vértices.
Coloring the edges (p. 282) Assign a color to each
Coloración de aristas (pág. 282) Asignación de un
edge of a graph so that edges that share a vertex
have different colors.
color a cada arista de un grafo de modo que las
aristas con vértices comunes tengan colores
Computer Algebra System (CAS) (p. 54)
Software that directs a calculator or computer
to perform numeric, graphic, and symbolic
mathematical operations required in arithmetic,
algebra, calculus, and beyond.
Cone A figure formed by a circular region (the
base), a point (the vertex) not in the plane of the
base, and all of the segments joining the vertex to
the base.
Sistema algebraico computacional (SAC)
(pág. 54) Programas que hacen que una
computadora ejecute operaciones matemáticas
numéricas, gráficas o simbólicas que se requieren
en aritmética, álgebra, cálculo y otros.
Cono Figura formada por una región circular (la
base), un punto (el vértice) fuera del plano de la
base y todos los segmentos que unen el vértice a
la base.
Congruent figures (p. 370) Figures that have the
Figuras congruentes (pág. 370) Figuras de la
same shape and size, regardless of position or
misma forma y tamaño, sea cual sea su posición u
Connected graph (p. 243) A graph that is all in
Grafo conexo (pág. 243) Un grafo que es de una
one piece. That is, from each vertex there is at
least one path to every other vertex.
sola pieza, o sea, de cada vértice hay por lo menos
un camino a cada uno de los otros vértices.
Consecutive angles (p. 387) In a polygon, two
Ángulos consecutivos (pág. 387) En un polígono,
angles whose vertices are adjacent.
dos ángulos cuyos vértices son adyacentes.
Constant term (p. 157) The term in an algebraic
Término constante (pág. 157) Término de una
expression in which a variable does not appear.
For example, in the expression x2 - 10x + 25, the
25 is the constant term.
expresión algebraica sin variables. Por ejemplo, en
la expresión x2 - 10x + 25, 25 es un término
Counterexample A statement or diagram that
Contraejemplo Enunciado o diagrama que prueba
shows that a given statement is not always true.
que un enunciado dado no es verdadero.
Converse (p. 380) A statement formed by
Recíproco (pág. 380) Enunciado que resulta al
interchanging the “if”-clause and the “then”-clause
of a given “if-then” statement.
intercambiar las cláusulas “si” y “entonces” de un
enunciado “si-entonces.”
Convex polygon (p. 404) A polygon in which no
Polígono convexo (pág. 404) Polígono en que no
segment connecting any two vertices of the polygon
contains points in the exterior of the polygon.
Otherwise the polygon is called nonconvex.
hay segmento que una dos de sus vértices y que
contenga puntos fuera del mismo. De lo contrario,
el polígono se llama no convexo.
Convex polyhedron (p. 426) A polyhedron in
Poliedro convexo (pág. 426) Poliedro en que no
which no segment connecting any two vertices of
the polyhedron contains points in the exterior of
the polyhedron. Otherwise the polyhedron is
called nonconvex.
hay segmento que una dos de sus vértices y que
contenga puntos fuera del mismo. De lo contrario,
el poliedro se llama no convexo.
Cube (regular hexahedron) (p. 427) A regular
Cubo (hexaedro regular) (pág. 427) Poliedro
polyhedron with six congruent, square faces.
regular con seis caras cuadradas congruentes.
Cycle graph (p. 279) A vertex-edge graph consisting
Grafo cíclico (pág. 279) Grafo que consta de un solo
of a single cycle—a route that uses each edge and
vertex exactly once and ends where it started.
ciclo: un camino que pasa por cada arista y cada
vértice solo una vez y que termina donde empezó.
Cylinder A figure formed by two congruent circular
Cilindro Figura formada por dos regiones circulares
regions (the bases) contained in parallel planes
along with all segments having an endpoint on
each base and parallel to the line joining the
centers of the bases.
congruentes (las bases) contenidas en planos
paralelos, junto con todos los segmentos que tienen
un extremo en cada base y que son paralelos a la
recta que une los centros de las bases.
Dart A nonconvex quadrilateral with two distinct
pairs of consecutive sides the same length.
Data distribution The collection of data values,
typically summarized in a table or plotted so that
the number or proportion of times that each value
occurs can be observed.
Dardo Cuadrilátero no convexo con dos pares de
lados consecutivos que tienen la misma longitud.
Distribución de datos Conjunto de datos
típicamente tabulados o graficados de modo que
pueda observarse el número o proporción de veces
que ocurre cada valor.
Data transformation (p. 124) A change in each
Transformación de datos (pág. 124) Cambio
value in a set of data such as adding the same
constant to each value, taking the square root of
each value, or dividing each value by the same
constant; often used to change units of measure.
de cada valor en un conjunto de datos, como
la adición de la misma constante a cada valor, la
extracción de la raíz cuadrada de cada valor o la
división de cada valor entre la misma constante;
se usan a menudo para convertir unidades de
Degree of a vertex (p. 245) The number of edges
Grado de un vértice (pág. 245) Número de aristas
touching a vertex. If an edge loops back to the
same vertex, that counts as two edge-touchings.
que concurren en un vértice. Los lazos se cuentan
dos veces.
Dependent variable (p. 6) A dependent variable is
Variable dependiente (pág. 6) Variable cuyos
one whose value changes in response to change in
one or more related independent variables.
valores cambian en respuesta a cambios en una o
más variables independientes relacionadas.
Deviation from the mean (p. 118) The difference
Desviación de la media (pág. 118) Diferencia
between a data value and the mean of its
entre un dato y la media de su distribución.
Directed edge (p. 262) An edge in a vertex-edge
Arista dirigida (pág. 262) Arista de un grafo en
graph with a direction indicated.
que se indica la dirección de la misma.
Directed graph (digraph) (p. 262) A vertex-edge
Grafo dirigido (digrafo) (pág. 262) Grafo en que
graph in which all the edges are directed.
todas las aristas poseen dirección.
Dot plot (number line plot) (p. 76) A statistical
Esquema de puntos (esquema lineal
numérico) (pág. 76) Gráfica estadística en que
graphic where dots that represent data values are
plotted above a number line.
puntos que corresponden a los datos se grafican
encima de una recta numérica.
Doubling time For a quantity growing
Tiempo de duplicación Tiempo que tarda
exponentially, the time it takes for the quantity
to double.
en duplicarse una cantidad que crece
Dual of a tessellation (p. 418) A tessellation
Dual de un teselado (pág. 418) En un teselado
obtained by connecting the centers of regular
polygons that share a common edge in a given
tessellation of regular polygons.
dado de polígonos regulares, teselado que se
obtiene al unir los centros de los polígonos
regulares que tienen una arista común.
Edge (of a vertex-edge graph) (p. 241) Segment
or arc joining two vertices in a vertex-edge graph.
Equally-likely outcomes (p. 534) Outcomes that
all have the same probability of occurring.
Equation A statement using symbols indicating that
two expressions are equivalent.
Equilateral polygon (p. 419) A polygon in which
all sides have equal length.
Equivalent expressions (p. 215) Expressions that
produce equal output values from all possible
equal input values.
Arista (de un grafo) (pág. 241) Segmento o arco
que une dos vértices de un grafo.
Resultados equiprobables (pág. 534) Resultados
que tienen la misma probabilidad de ocurrir.
Ecuación Enunciado que usa símbolos y que indica
que dos expresiones son iguales.
Polígono equilátero (pág. 419) Polígono cuyos
lados tienen todos la misma longitud.
Expresiones equivalentes (pág. 215) Expresiones
que producen los mismos valores de salida para
todos los valores de entrada posibles iguales.
Euler circuit (p. 243) A route through a connected
Circuito de Euler (pág. 243) Camino en un grafo
graph such that (1) each edge is used exactly once,
and (2) the route starts and ends at the same
conexo de modo que (1) cada arista se recorre sólo
una vez y (2) el camino empieza y termina en el
mismo vértice.
Euler path (p. 256) A route through a connected
Camino de Euler (pág. 256) Camino en un grafo
graph that traces each edge of the graph exactly
conexo que traza cada arista sólo una vez.
Expanding (p. 221) Rewriting an algebraic
Desarrollo (pág. 221) Volver a escribir una
expression with parentheses as an equivalent
expression that does not contain parentheses.
expresión algebraica con paréntesis como una
expresión equivalente sin paréntesis.
Exponent (power) see exponential expression
Exponente (potencia) véase expresión
Exponential decay (p. 323) Process in which
Desintegración exponencial (pág. 323) Proceso
change of the dependent variable can be modeled
by an exponential function with rule in the form
y = a(bx) where a > 0 and 0 < b < 1.
en que el cambio de la variable dependiente viene
dado por una función exponencial de la forma
y = a(bx), con a > 0 y 0 < b < 1.
Exponential expression (p. 304) An algebraic
Expresión exponencial (pág. 304) Expresión
expression in the form bn, where b and n are real
numbers or variables. The number b is called the
base of the exponential expression, and n is called
the exponent or the power.
algebraica de la forma bn, con b y n números
reales o variables. El número b es la base de la
expresión exponencial y n es su exponente o
Exponential function A function of the form
Función exponencial Función de la forma
y = a(bx) where a ≠ 0 and 0 < b < 1 or b > 1.
y = a(bx), con a ≠ 0 y 0 < b < 1 ó b > 1.
Exponential growth (p. 291) Process in which
Crecimiento exponencial (pág. 291) Proceso en
change of the dependent variable can be modeled
by an exponential function with rule in the form
y = a(bx) where a > 0 and b > 1.
que el cambio de la variable dependiente viene
dado por una función exponencial de la forma
y = a(bx), con a > 0 y b > 1.
Expression A symbolic representation of a
Expresión Representación simbólica de un
calculation procedure.
procedimiento de cálculo.
Exterior angle of a convex polygon (p. 405) An
Ángulo exterior de un polígono convexo (pág.
angle formed at a vertex of the polygon by one side
and the extension of the adjacent side.
405) Ángulo formado en un vértice del polígono
por un lado y la extensión del lado adyacente.
Factoring (p. 221) Rewriting an algebraic expression
Factorización (pág. 221) Replanteamiento de una
in an equivalent form as a product of several
expresión algebraica en una equivalente que sea
un producto de varias expresiones.
Fibonacci sequence (p. 35) The sequence of
Sucesión de Fibonacci (pág. 35) La sucesión de
numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ... .
Five-number summary (p. 108) The minimum,
lower quartile (Q1), median (Q2), upper quartile
(Q3), and maximum of a data set.
números 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, … .
Resumen de cinco números (pág. 108) El
mínimo, el cuartil inferior (Q1), la mediana (Q2),
el cuartil superior (Q3) y el máximo de un
conjunto de datos.
Frequency table (p. 87) A summary table for
Tabla de frecuencias (pág. 87) Una tabla sumarial
numerical data, where typically the column on the
left gives the different data values and the column
on the right gives the number of times each value
de datos numéricos, donde la columna de la
izquierda lleva típicamente los diversos valores de
los datos y la columna de la derecha lleva el
número de veces que aparece cada valor.
Function (in one variable) (p. 69) A relationship
Función (de una variable) (pág. 69) Relación
between two variables in which each value of the
independent variable corresponds to exactly one
value of the dependent variable.
entre dos variables en que a cada valor de la
variable independiente corresponde un solo valor
de la variable dependiente.
Function graph The set of points (x, y) on a
Gráfica de una función El conjunto de puntos
coordinate grid whose coordinates are related by a
(x, y) en un cuadriculado cuyas coordenadas están
relacionadas por una función.
Graph see vertex-edge graph, function graph
Gráfica véase grafo, gráfica de función
Graph coloring see color a graph
Coloración de un grafo véase colorear un grafo
Half-life (p. 327) For a quantity decaying
Media vida (pág. 327) Tiempo que tarda en
exponentially, the amount of time it takes for the
quantity to diminish by half.
reducirse a la mitad una cantidad que decrece
Height of a figure (p. 389) The length of the
Altura de una figura (pág. 389) Longitud de la
figure’s altitude. (see altitude)
altura de una figura. (véase altura)
Histogram (p. 78) A statistical graphic for
Histograma (pág. 78) Gráfica estadística para datos
numerical data, where the height of a bar shows
the frequency or count of the values that lie within
the interval covered by the bar.
numéricos en que la altura de una barra muestra
la frecuencia o cuenta de los valores que yacen en
el intervalo cubierto por la barra.
Independent variable (p. 6) Variables whose
values are free to be changed in ways that are
restricted by the context of the problem or by
mathematical restrictions on allowed values. These
variables influence the values of other variables
called dependent variables.
Interquartile range (IQR) (p. 108) A measure of
spread; the distance between the first and third
Isosceles triangle A triangle with at least two
sides of equal length. The noncongruent side, if
any, is called the base, and the angles that lie
opposite the congruent sides are called the
base angles.
Variable independiente (pág. 6) Variable cuyos
valores cambian libremente según las restricciones
de un problema o por restricciones matemáticas
sobre los valores permisibles. Estas variables
influyen en los valores de otras variables, las
llamadas variables dependientes.
Rango intercuartílico (RI) (pág. 108) Medida de
dispersión; distancia entre los cuartiles primero y
Triángulo isósceles Triángulo con por
lo menos dos lados congruentes. El lado no
congruente, si es que existe, se llama base y
los ángulos opuestos a los lados congruentes
se llaman ángulos basales.
Kite (p. 366) A convex quadrilateral with two
Deltoide (pág. 366) Cuadrilátero convexo con
distinct pairs of consecutive sides the same length.
exactamente dos pares distintos de lados
consecutivos de la misma longitud.
Lateral face see prism, pyramid
Cara lateral véase prisma, pirámide
Linear equation An equation in which expressions
Ecuación lineal Ecuación en que las expresiones en
on both sides of the equal sign are either numbers
or linear expressions.
ambos lados del signo de igualdad son números o
expresiones lineales.
Linear expression An expression that defines a
Expresión lineal Expresión que define una función
linear function.
Linear function (p. 150) A function of the form
Función lineal (pág. 150) Función de la forma
y = a + bx where a and b are real numbers.
y = a + bx, donde a y b números reales.
Linear inequality An inequality in which
Desigualdad lineal Desigualdad en que las
expressions on both sides of the inequality sign
are either numbers or linear expressions.
expresiones en ambos lados del signo de
desigualdad son o números o expresiones lineales.
Linear regression (p. 166) A systematic method of
Regresión lineal (pág. 166) Método sistemático
finding linear mathematical models for patterns in
(x, y) data sets.
para hallar modelos matemáticos lineales de
patrones en conjuntos de datos de la forma (x, y).
Loop (p. 262) An edge in a graph connecting a
Lazo (pág. 262) Arista de un grafo que une un
vertex to itself.
vértice a sí mismo.
Main diagonal of a matrix (p. 248) The entries in
a square matrix running from the top-left corner
of the matrix to the bottom-right corner.
Mathematical model (pp. 162; 240) A symbolic or
pictorial representation including only the
essential features of a problem situation.
Matrix (plural: matrices) (p. 248) A rectangular
array of numbers.
Mean (arithmetic average) (p. 84) The sum of
the values in a data set divided by how many
values there are; the balance point of the
Mean absolute deviation (MAD) (p. 140) A
measure of variability in a data set found by
computing the mean of the absolute values of the
deviations from the mean of the distribution.
Diagonal principal de una matriz (pág. 248) Las
entradas de una matriz que van de la esquina
superior izquierda de la matriz a la esquina
inferior derecha.
Modelo matemático (págs. 162; 240)
Representación simbólica o pictórica de un
problema que sólo incluye sus características
Matriz (plural: Matrices) (pág. 248) Arreglo
rectangular de números.
Media (promedio aritmético) (pág. 84) Suma de
los valores de un conjunto de datos dividida entre
el número de valores; punto de equilibrio de la
Desviación absoluta media (DAM) (pág. 140)
Medida de variabilidad de un conjunto de datos
que se halla calculando la media de los valores
absolutos de las desviaciones de la media de la
Measure of center (p. 83) Numerical summary of
Medida central (pág. 83) Resumen numérico del
the center of a distribution, such as the mean or
centro de una distribución, como la media o la
Measure of position (p. 104) A number that tells
Medida de posición (pág. 104) Número que indica
the position of a data value in its distribution, such
as a percentile or a deviation from the mean.
la posición de un dato en su distribución, como el
percentil o la desviación de la media.
Measure of spread (measure of variability)
Medida de dispersión (medida de
variabilidad) Resumen numérico de la
Numerical summary of the variability of the
values in a distribution, such as the range,
interquartile range, or standard deviation.
variabilidad de los valores de una distribución,
como el rango, el rango intercuartílico o la
desviación estándar.
Median (second quartile, Q2) (p. 84) The value
Mediana (segundo cuartil, Q2) (pág. 84) Valor
in the middle of an ordered list of data; the 50th
percentile. If there are an even number of values,
the mean of the two values in the middle.
central de una lista ordenada de datos; percentil
quincuagésimo. Si hay un número par de valores,
la mediana es la media de los dos valores centrales.
Median of a triangle The line segment joining a
Mediana de un triángulo Segmento de recta que
vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side.
une un vértice al punto medio del lado opuesto.
Mode (p. 94) The most frequent value in a set of
Moda (pág. 94) Valor más frecuente de un conjunto
numerical data; the category with the highest
frequency in a set of categorical data is called the
modal category.
de datos numéricos; en un conjunto de datos
categóricos, la categoría de mayor frecuencia, la
llamada categoría modal.
Mutually-exclusive events (disjoint) (p. 539)
Eventos mutuamente excluyentes (disjuntos)
Events that cannot occur on the same outcome of
a probability experiment.
(pág. 539) Eventos que no pueden ocurrir en
el mismo resultado de un experimento
Net (p. 426) A two-dimensional pattern consisting of
Red (pág. 426) Patrón bidimensional que consta de
polygons that can be folded along edges to form a
polígonos que forman un poliedro al plegarse a lo
largo de sus aristas.
Nonconvex see convex
No convexo véase convexo
Nonperiodic tessellation see periodic tessellation
Teselado aperiódico véase teselado periódico
Normal distribution see approximately normal
Distribución normal véase aproximadamente
NOW-NEXT rule An equation that shows how to
Regla de recurrencia Ecuación que muestra cómo
calculate the value of the next term in a sequence
from the value of the current term.
hallar el valor del término siguiente a partir del
valor del término actual.
Oblique drawing (p. 433) A way to depict threedimensional objects that maintains parallelism
of lines.
Proyección oblicua (pág. 433) Forma de presentar
sólidos, que mantiene el paralelismo de rectas.
Oblique prism (p. 428) A prism in which some
Prisma oblicuo (pág. 428) Prisma en que algunas
lateral faces are parallelograms that are not
caras laterales son paralelogramos que no son
Obtuse triangle A triangle with an obtuse angle
Triángulo obtusángulo Triángulo con un ángulo
(an angle with measure greater than 90°).
obtuso (uno que mide más de 90°).
Opposite angles (p. 375) In a triangle ABC,
Ángulos opuestos (pág. 375) En un triángulo
Orthographic drawing (p. 432) A way to depict
Proyección ortogonal (pág. 432) Forma de
∠A is opposite BC, ∠B is opposite AC, and ∠C
is opposite AB. In a quadrilateral ABCD ∠A is
opposite ∠C and ∠B is opposite ∠D.
ABC, ∠A se opone a BC, ∠B se opone a AC,
y ∠C se opone a AB. En un cuadrilátero ABCD
∠A se opone a ∠C y ∠B se opone a ∠D.
three-dimensional objects by sketching several
two-dimensional face-views such as a top view, a
front view, and a right-side view.
presentar sólidos mediante el bosquejo de varias
vistas fisonómicas bidimensionales, como las
vistas superior, frontal o derecha.
Outlier (p. 77) A data value that lies far away from
Valor atípico (pág. 77) Dato que está muy alejado
the bulk of the other values; for single-variable
data, an unusually large or an unusually small
del grueso de los otros valores; para datos de
una variable, un valor inusualmente grande o
inusualmente pequeño.
P(A and B) (p. 540) The probability that A and B
both happen on the same outcome.
P(A or B) (p. 540) The probability that A or B
Parabola The shape of the graph of a quadratic
Parallel lines Lines that are coplanar and do not
P(A y B) (pág. 540) Probabilidad que A y B ocurran
ambos en el mismo resultado.
P(A o B) (pág. 540) Probabilidad de que ocurra
A o B.
Parábola La forma de la gráfica de una función
Rectas paralelas Rectas coplanarias que no se
Parallel planes Planes that do not intersect.
Planos paralelos Planos que no se intersecan.
Parallelogram (p. 365) A quadrilateral with
Paralelogramo (pág. 365) Cuadrilátero de lados
opposite sides of equal length. Any side may be
designated the base, and an altitude to that base is
a perpendicular segment from the line containing
the base to the opposite side.
opuestos de la misma longitud. Cualquier lado es
la base y la altura correspondiente es el segmento
perpendicular trazado de la recta que contiene la
base al lado opuesto.
Percentile (p. 104) A way of describing the position
Percentil (pág. 104) Forma de describir la posición
of a value in a distribution. The 60th percentile,
for example, is the value that separates the
smallest 60% of the data values from the
largest 40%.
Periodic tessellation (p. 421) A tessellation that
fits exactly on itself when translated in different
directions. Such a tessellation has translation
symmetry. A tessellation that does not have any
translation symmetry is called nonperiodic.
de un valor en una distribución. El percentil
sexagésimo, por ejemplo, es el valor que separa el
60% inferior de los datos del 40% superior de
los mismos.
Teselado periódico (pág. 421) Teselado que encaja
perfectamente en sí mismo cuando se traslada en
diversas direcciones. Tal teselado posee simetría
de traslación. Un teselado que carece de tal
simetría se llama aperiódico.
Permutation (p. 581) A rearrangement of a finite
Permutación (pág. 581) Una reordenación de un
set of objects.
conjunto finito de objetos.
Perpendicular bisector of a segment (p. 374)
Mediatriz de un segmento (pág. 374) Recta
A line that is perpendicular to a segment and
contains its midpoint.
perpendicular a un segmento y que contiene por
su punto medio.
Perpendicular lines Lines that intersect to form a
Rectas perpendiculares Rectas que se intersecan
right angle (an angle with measure of 90°).
en ángulo recto (uno que mide 90°).
Planar graph (p. 278) A vertex-edge graph that can
Grafo planar (pág. 278) Grafo que puede trazarse
be drawn in the plane so that edges intersect only
at the vertices.
en el plano de modo que sus aristas se intersequen
sólo en los vértices.
Polygon (p. 398) A closed figure in a plane, formed
Polígono (pág. 398) Figura cerrada planar, que
by connecting line segments (sides) endpoint-toendpoint (vertices) with each segment meeting
exactly two other segments. Polygons with four,
five, six, seven, and eights sides are called
quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, septagons,
and octagons respectively. An n-gon is a polygon
with n sides.
consta de segmentos de recta (los lados), unidos
extremo a extremo (los vértices) y cada segmento
sólo interseca a otros dos segmentos. Los polígonos
de cuatro, cinco, seis, siete y ocho lados se llaman
cuadriláteros, pentágonos, hexágonos, heptágonos
y octágonos, respectivamente. Un enágono es un
polígono de n lados.
Polyhedron (plural: polyhedra) (p. 426) A three-
Poliedro (pág. 426) Homólogo tridimensional de un
dimensional counterpart of a polygon, made up of
a set of polygons that encloses a single region of
space. Exactly two polygons (faces) meet at each
edge and three or more edges meet at each vertex.
polígono, compuesto por un conjunto de polígonos
que encierran una sola región del espacio. Sólo se
intersecan dos polígonos (caras) en cada arista y
tres o más aristas concurren en cada vértice.
Prism (p. 428) A polyhedron with two congruent
Prisma (pág. 428) Poliedro con dos polígonos
polygonal faces, called bases, contained in parallel
planes, and joined by parallelogram faces called
lateral faces.
congruentes y paralelos (las bases), unidas por
paralelogramos (las caras laterales).
Probability distribution (p. 534) A description of
Distribución probabilística (pág. 534) Descripción
all possible outcomes of a random situation, along
with the probability that each occurs; may be in
table, formula, or graphical form.
de todos los resultados posibles de una situación
aleatoria, junto con la probabilidad de cada uno;
puede darse en una tabla, fórmula o gráfica.
Pyramid (p. 428) A polyhedron in which all but
Pirámide (pág. 428) Poliedro en que todas las caras,
one of the faces must be triangular and share a
common vertex. The triangular faces are called
lateral faces, and the apex is the vertex that is
common to the lateral faces. The base is the face
that does not contain the apex.
salvo una, son triangulares y tienen un vértice
común. Las caras triangulares se llaman caras
laterales y el vértice es común a todas ellas. La
base es la cara que no contiene el vértice.
Quadratic equation An equation in which
expressions on both sides of the equal sign are
either numbers, linear expressions, or quadratic
expressions and at least one of those expressions is
Ecuación cuadrática Ecuación con por lo menos
una expresión cuadrática y en la cual las
expresiones en ambos lados del signo de igualdad
son números, expresiones lineales o expresiones
Quadratic expression An expression that defines
Expresión cuadrática Expresión que define una
a quadratic function.
función cuadrática.
Quadratic function A function of the form
Función cuadrática Función de la forma
y = ax2 + bx + c, donde a, b, c son números
reales y a ≠ 0.
+ bx + c where a, b, and c are real
numbers and a ≠ 0.
Quartile, lower (first quartile, Q1) (p. 108) The
Cuartil inferior (primer cuartil, Q1) (pág. 108)
value that divides the ordered list of data into the
smallest one-fourth and the largest three-fourths;
the median of the smaller half of the values; the
25th percentile.
Valor que divide una lista ordenada de datos en
el cuarto inferior y los tres cuartos superiores;
mediana de la mitad inferior de los valores;
percentil vigésimo quinto.
Quartile, upper (third quartile, Q3) (p. 108) The
Cuartil superior (tercer cuartil, Q3) (pág. 108)
value that divides the ordered list of data into the
smallest three-fourths and the largest one-fourth;
the median of the larger half of the values; the
75th percentile.
Valor que divide una lista ordenada de datos en
los tres cuartos inferiores y el cuarto superior;
mediana de la mitad superior de los valores;
percentil septuagésimo quinto.
Random digit A digit selected from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9 in a way that makes each of the digits
equally likely to be chosen (has probability _);
Dígito aleatorio Dígito escogido de 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, de modo que cada uno tenga la misma
probabilidad de elegirse que cualquier otro
successive random digits should be independent,
which means that if you know what random digits
have already been selected, each digit from 0
(tiene probabilidad _
); los dígitos aleatorios
consecutivos deben ser independientes, o sea, si
conoces los dígitos aleatorios ya escogidos, cada
through 9 still has probability _
of being the
next digit.
dígito de 0 a 9 aún tiene _
de probabilidad de
escogerse como el dígito siguiente.
Range (p. 77) A measure of spread; the difference
between the largest value and the smallest value
in a data set.
Rate of change (p. 155) The ratio of change in
value of a dependent variable to change in value of
a corresponding independent variable.
Rectangular distribution (uniform) (p. 96) A
distribution where all values in intervals of equal
length are equally likely to occur.
Reflection symmetry (p. 401) In two dimensions,
a figure has reflection symmetry if there is a line
(called the line of symmetry) that divides the
figure into mirror-image halves. Also called
mirror symmetry. In three dimensions, a figure has
reflection symmetry if there is a plane (called the
symmetry plane) that divides the figure into
mirror-image halves. Also called plane symmetry.
Rango (pág. 77) Medida de dispersión; diferencia
entre los valores máximo y mínimo de un conjunto
de datos.
Tasa de cambio (pág. 155) La razón de cambio
en valor de una variable dependiente al
cambio en valor de la variable independiente
Distribución rectangular (uniforme) (pág. 96)
Distribución en que todos los valores en intervalos
de la misma longitud son equiprobables.
Simetría de reflexión (pág. 401) En dos
dimensiones, una figura posee simetría de
reflexión si hay una recta (el eje de simetría)
que la divide en mitades especulares. También
llamada simetría especular. En tres dimensiones,
una figura posee simetría de reflexión si hay un
plano (el plano de simetría) que la divide en
mitades especulares. También llamada simetría
con respecto a un plano.
Regular dodecahedron (p. 441) A regular
polyhedron with twelve congruent, regular
pentagonal faces.
Dodecaedro regular (pág. 441) Poliedro regular
con doce caras pentagonales regulares
Regular hexahedron see cube
Hexaedro regular véase cubo
Regular icosahedron (p. 441) A regular
Icosaedro regular (pág. 441) Poliedro regular con
polyhedron with twenty congruent, equilateral
triangular faces.
Regular octahedron (p. 441) A regular polyhedron
with eight congruent, equilateral triangular faces.
veinte caras triangulares equiláteras congruentes.
Octaedro regular (pág. 441) Poliedro regular con
ocho caras triangulares equiláteras congruentes.
Regular polygon (p. 400) A polygon in which all
Polígono regular (pág. 400) Polígono cuyos lados
sides are congruent and all angles are congruent.
son todos congruentes y cuyos ángulos son todos
Regular polyhedron (platonic solid) (p. 439)
A polyhedron in which all faces are congruent,
regular polygons, and the arrangement of faces
and edges is the same at each vertex.
Regular tessellation (p. 409) A tessellation that
consists of repeated copies of a single regular
Regular tetrahedron (equilateral triangular
pyramid) (p. 441) A regular polyhedron with four
congruent, equilateral triangular faces.
Relative frequency histogram (p. 79) A
histogram that shows the proportion or percentage
that fall into the interval covered by each bar,
rather than the frequency or count.
Relative frequency table (p. 100) A summary
table for numerical data, where typically the
column on the left gives the different data values
and the column on the right gives the proportion
(relative frequency) of measurements that have that
Resistant to outliers (less sensitive to
outliers) (p. 86) Condition where a summary
statistic does not change much when an outlier is
removed from a set of data.
Rhombus (p. 366) A quadrilateral with all four
sides of the same length.
Right triangle A triangle with a right angle (an
angle with measure of 90°). The side opposite the
right angle is the hypotenuse. The other two sides
are the legs.
Poliedro regular (sólido platónico) (pág. 439)
Poliedro cuyas caras son todas polígonos regulares
congruentes y la disposición de caras y aristas en
cada vértice es la misma.
Teselado regular (pág. 409) Teselado que consta
de copias de un solo polígono regular.
Tetraedro regular (pirámide triangular
equilátera) (pág. 441) Poliedro regular con
cuatro caras triangulares equiláteras congruentes.
Histograma de frecuencias relativas (pág. 79)
Histograma que muestra la proporción o porcentaje
que cae en el intervalo cubierto por cada barra, en
vez de la frecuencia o cuenta.
Tabla de frecuencias relativas (pág. 100) Tabla
sumarial de datos numéricos, donde la columna de
la izquierda lleva típicamente los diversos valores
de los datos y la columna de la derecha lleva la
proporción (frecuencia relativa) de las medidas que
tienen dicho valor.
Resistencia a los valores atípicos (menos
susceptible a los valores atípicos) (pág. 86)
Condición en que una estadística sumarial no
cambia mucho cuando se elimina un valor atípico
de un conjunto de datos.
Rombo (pág. 366) Cuadrilátero cuyos cuatro lados
tienen la misma longitud.
Triángulo rectángulo Triángulo con un ángulo
recto (ángulo que mide 90°). El lado opuesto al
ángulo recto se llama hipotenusa y los otros dos
lados son los catetos.
Rigid shapes (p. 366) Shapes that cannot flex when
Formas rígidas (pág. 366) Formas que no se
pressure is applied.
pueden doblar al aplicárseles presión.
Rotational symmetry (p. 401) In two dimensions,
Simetría de rotación (pág. 401) En dos
a figure has rotational symmetry if there is a point
(called the center of rotation) about which the
figure can be turned less than 360° in such a way
that the rotated figure appears in exactly the
same position as the original figure. In three
dimensions, a figure has rotational symmetry if
there is a line (called the axis of symmetry) about
which the figure can be turned less than 360° in
such a way that the rotated figure appears in
exactly the same position as the original figure.
dimensiones, una figura posee simetría de rotación
si hay un punto (el centro de la rotación) alrededor
del cual la figura puede girar en menos de 360°
de modo que la figura girada aparece en la
misma posición que la figura original. En tres
dimensiones, una figura posee simetría de rotación
si hay una recta (el eje de simetría) alrededor de la
cual la figura puede girar en menos de 360° de
modo que la figura girada aparece en la misma
posición que la figura original.
Row sum of a matrix (p. 249) The sum of the
Suma de fila de una matriz (pág. 249) Suma de
numbers in a row of a matrix.
las entradas de la fila de una matriz.
Run (trial) (p. 553) One repetition of a simulation.
Prueba (pág. 553) Una repetición de un simulacro.
Sample space (p. 3) The set of all possible
outcomes of a chance situation.
Scalene triangle A triangle with no two sides of
equal length.
Scatterplot A plot on a coordinate grid of the points
whose (x, y) coordinates correspond to related data
values of two variables.
Schlegel diagram (p. 449) A vertex-edge graph
resulting from “compressing” a three-dimensional
object down into two dimensions.
Semiregular polyhedron (p. 442) A polyhedron
whose faces are congruent copies of two or more
different regular polygons and whose faces and
edges have the same arrangement at each vertex.
Espacio muestral (pág. 3) Conjunto de todos los
resultados posibles de una situación probabilística.
Triángulo escaleno Triángulo sin ningún par de
lados de la misma longitud.
Gráfica de dispersión Gráfica en un cuadriculado
de los puntos (x, y) cuyas coordenadas
corresponden a datos relacionados de dos variables.
Diagrama de Schlegel (pág. 449) Grafo que
resulta de “comprimir” a dos dimensiones un
objeto tridimensional.
Poliedro semirregular (pág. 442) Poliedro cuyas
caras son copias congruentes de dos o más
polígonos regulares distintos y cuyas caras y
aristas poseen la misma disposición en cada
Semiregular tessellation (p. 410) A tessellation of
Teselado semirregular (pág. 410) Teselado de dos
two or more regular polygons that has the same
arrangement of polygons at each vertex.
o más polígonos regulares que posee la misma
disposición de polígonos en cada vértice.
Sensitive to outliers Condition where a summary
Susceptible a los valores atípicos Condición en
statistic changes quite a bit when an outlier is
removed from a set of data.
Simulation (p. 553) Creating a mathematical model
that copies (simulates) a real-life situation’s
essential characteristics.
que una estadística sumarial cambia bastante
cuando se elimina un valor atípico de un conjunto
de datos.
Simulacro (pág. 553) Modelo matemático que copia
(simula) las características esenciales de una
situación concreta.
Single-variable data Data where a single
measurement or count is taken on each object
of study, such as height of each person or age of
each person.
Skewed distribution (p. 77) A distribution that
has a tail stretched either towards the larger values
(skewed right) or towards the smaller values
(skewed left).
Slope-intercept form (p. 160) A linear function
with rule in the form y = mx + b is said to be
written in slope-intercept form because the value
of m indicates the slope of the graph and the value
of b indicates the y-intercept of the graph.
Slope of a line (p. 155) Ratio of change in
y-coordinates to change in x-coordinates between
change in y
any two points on the line; _ or _
change in x
indicates the direction and steepness of a line.
Datos de una sola variable Datos en que se
ejecuta una sola medida o cuenta en cada objeto
de estudio, como la estatura o la edad de una
Distribución asimétrica (pág. 77) Distribución que
posee una cola extendida ya sea hacia los valores
más grandes (asimétrica derecha) o hacia los
valores más pequeños (asimétrica izquierda).
Forma pendiente-intersección (pág. 160) Una
función lineal de la forma y = mx + b se dice que
está escrita en la forma pendiente-intersección
porque m es la pendiente de la gráfica y b es la
intersección y de la misma.
Pendiente de una recta (pág. 155) Razón del
cambio en las coordenadas y al cambio en las
coordenadas x entre dos puntos de una recta;
cambio en y _
; indica la dirección e
cambio en x
inclinación de la recta.
Solve (an equation, inequality, or system
of equations) (p. 189) To find values of the
variable(s) that make the statement(s) true.
Solución (de una ecuación, desigualdad o
sistema de ecuaciones) (pág. 189) Calcular
valores de la variable o variables que las
Speed When a person or object moves a distance d
Rapidez Cuando una persona o un cuerpo se
in a time t, the quotient _ gives the average speed
desplaza una distancia d en un tiempo t, el
of the motion. The units of speed are given as
“distance per unit of time.”
Spreadsheet (p. 32) A spreadsheet is a twodimensional grid of cells in which numerical data
or words can be stored. Numerical values in the
cells of a spreadsheet can be related by formulas,
so that the entry in one cell can be calculated from
values in other cells.
Square A rectangle with four sides of the same
Square root (p. 335) If r is a number for which
= n, then r is called a square root of n. Every
positive number n has two square roots, denoted
n and - √n
with the radical forms √
Standard deviation (s) (p. 116) A useful measure
of spread; based on the sum of the squared
deviations from the mean; in a normal distribution
about 68% of the values lie no more than one
standard deviation from the mean.
cociente _t da la rapidez media del movimiento.
Las unidades de rapidez son “distancia por unidad
de tiempo.”
Hojas de cálculos (pág. 32) Cuadriculado
bidimensional de celdas en que pueden
almacenarse datos numéricos o palabras. Los
valores numéricos en una hoja de cálculos pueden
estar relacionados por fórmulas, de modo que la
entrada en una celda puede calcularse de los
valores en otras celdas.
Cuadrado Rectángulo con cuatro lados de la misma
Raíz cuadrada (pág. 335) Si r es un número que
cumple r 2 = n, r se llama una raíz cuadrada de n.
Todo número positivo r posee dos raíces cuadradas,
n y - √n
designadas por los radicales √
Desviación estándar (pág. 116) Medida útil de
dispersión; se basa en la suma de las desviaciones
al cuadrado de la media; en una distribución
normal, cerca del 68% de los valores yacen a no
más de una desviación estándar de la media.
Stemplot (stem-and-leaf plot) (p. 97) A
Diagrama de tallos (diagrama de tallo y
hojas) (pág. 97) Presentación estadística en que
statistical display using certain digits (such as the
tens place) as the “stem” and the remaining digit
or digits (such as the ones place) as “leaves.”
se usan ciertos dígitos (las decenas, por ejemplo)
como los “tallos” y el dígito o dígitos restantes (las
unidades, por ejemplo) como “las hojas.”
Summary statistic (p. 77) A numerical summary
Estadística sumarial (pág. 77) Resumen numérico
of the values in a distribution. For example, the
mean, median, or range.
de los valores de una distribución. Por ejemplo, la
media, la mediana o el rango.
Symmetry plane (mirror plane) see reflection
Plano de simetría (plano especular) véase
simetría de reflexión
System of equations (p. 197) Two or more
Sistema de ecuaciones (pág. 197) Dos o más
equations. The solution of a system is the set of
solutions that satisfy each equation in the system.
ecuaciones. La solución de un sistema es el
conjunto de soluciones que satisfacen cada
ecuación del sistema.
Tessellation (tiling) (p. 408) Repeated copies of
Teselado (embaldosado) (pág. 408) Copias
one or more shapes so as to completely cover a
planar region without overlaps or gaps.
repetidas de una o más formas que cubren una
región plana completamente sin traslapos o espacios.
Translation symmetry (p. 408) A pattern has
Simetría de traslación (pág. 408) Un patrón posee
translation symmetry if it coincides with itself
under some translation (slide).
simetría de traslación si coincide consigo mismo
bajo alguna traslación (deslizamiento).
Triangle A polygon with three sides. A base
Triángulo Polígono con tres lados. Una base de
of a triangle is the side of the triangle that is
perpendicular to an altitude.
un triángulo es un lado del mismo el cual es
perpendicular a una altura.
Triangulate (p. 366) To divide a polygon into a set
Triangulación (pág. 366) División de un polígono
of nonoverlapping triangles where the vertices of
the triangles are the vertices of the polygon.
en un conjunto de triángulos que no se traslapan y
en que los vértices de los triángulos son los del
Variability (p. 103) The spread in the values in a
distribution. (see measure of spread)
Variabilidad (pág. 103) Dispersión de los valores de
una distribución. (véase medida de dispersión)
Variable A quantity that changes. Variables are
Variable Cantidad que cambia. Se representan en
commonly represented by letters like x, y, z, s,
or t. (see dependent variable and independent
general por letras como x, y, z, s o t. (véanse
variable dependiente y variable independiente)
Vertex (plural: vertices) (p. 241) A point where
Vértice (pág. 241) Punto al que concurren aristas de
edges of a vertex-edge graph meet. Also, a point
where two sides of a polygon meet.
Vertex angle defect (p. 437) In a convex
polyhedron, the vertex angle defect is the positive
difference between the sum of the measures of the
face angles (the angle formed by two edges of a
polyhedral angle) at that vertex and 360°.
un grafo. También, punto al que concurren dos
lados de un polígono.
Defecto del ángulo de un vértice (pág. 437) En
un polígono convexo, la diferencia positiva entre
la suma de las medidas de los ángulos de cara
(el ángulo formado por dos aristas de un ángulo
poliedro) en ese vértice y 360°.
Vertex coloring see color a graph
Coloración de vértices véase colorear un grafo
Vertex-edge graph (graph) (p. 241) A diagram
Grafo (pág. 241) Diagrama que consta de un
consisting of a set of points (called vertices) along
with segments or arcs (called edges) joining some
of the points.
conjunto de puntos (los vértices) junto con
segmentos o arcos (las aristas) que unen algunos
de los puntos.
Vertical angles (p. 376) Two angles whose sides
Ángulos opuestos por el vértice (pág. 376) Dos
form two pairs of opposite rays.
ángulos cuyos lados forman dos pares de rayos
Venn diagram (p. 540) A diagram involving circles
Diagrama de Venn (pág. 540) Diagrama que
that depicts collections of objects and the
relationships between them.
consta de círculos que exhiben colecciones de
objetos y las relaciones entre ellos.
With replacement (p. 562) Selecting a sample from
Con devolución (pág. 562) Selección de una
a set so that each selection is replaced before
selecting the next; thus, each member of the set
can be selected more than once.
muestra de un conjunto de modo que cada
selección se devuelve antes de elegir la siguiente;
así, cada miembro del conjunto puede escogerse
más de una vez.
Without replacement (p. 562) Selecting a sample
Sin devolución (pág. 562) Selección de una
from a set so that each selection is not replaced
before selecting the next; each member of the set
cannot be selected more than once.
muestra de un conjunto de modo que cada
selección no se devuelve antes de elegir la
siguiente; así, cada miembro del conjunto no
puede escogerse más de una vez.
x-intercept of a graph The point(s) where the
Intersección x de una gráfica El punto o los
graph intersects the x-axis.
puntos en que una gráfica interseca el eje x.
y-intercept of a graph (p. 155) The point(s)
where the graph intersects the y-axis.
Intersección y de una gráfica (pág. 155) El punto
o los puntos en que una gráfica interseca el eje y.
Index of Mathematical Topics
Absolute value function, 487
Absolute value, 525
Acceleration, 194
Acute triangle, 68, 211
Associative Property of, 220, 229
Commutative Property of 220, 229
connecting with subtraction, 220
of probabilities, 536, 538, 543,
548, 587
row sum, 249
Addition Rule, 531, 536, 540, 543,
547–548, 579, 587
for Mutually Exclusive Events, 540
Adjacency matrix, 248–249, 254,
257–258, 262, 287
Adjacent faces, 450
Adjacent vertices, 248, 281
Algebraic expressions
equivalent, 214–229, 236, 265, 312,
319, 333–337, 343–344, 348, 351,
353, 358–359, 397, 423, 475–476,
490, 492–505, 508, 512, 523, 526
expanded form, 221–222, 229
expanding, 221–222
exponential, 504
factoring, 221–222, 225, 229
quadratic, 461, 492–508, 512
simplest form, 221–222, 226
trinomial, 514
Algebraic rules, 1, 5–9, 12–16, 20,
22, 24, 27–42, 47–66, 69–70, 396
for exponential functions,
292–304, 307–319, 324, 328–331,
338–343, 345, 348–350, 355–359
for linear functions, 149–161,
164–168, 170–178, 232, 236
NOW-NEXT, 29–42, 63, 71, 102,
152–153, 156–158, 160–161,
168, 175, 179, 206, 229, 232,
292–300, 303, 307–309, 314–317,
324, 328, 338–340, 342–343,
345, 349–350, 355–359, 446–447
for quadratic functions, 463, 488,
492, 527–529
slope-intercept form, 160–161,
177, 495
writing, 48–52
Algorithm, 246, 273, 280–281
Angle Bisector, 386
One-Color-at-a-Time, 281–282
onionskin, 245–246, 252, 254, 258
Vertex-by-Vertex, 281–282
Welsh-Powell, 274, 282
Altitude, 392
Analysis software, 99
Angle Bisector Algorithm, 386
Angle-Side-Angle (ASA) Condition,
371, 373
Angle, 352
base, 372, 392
bisector of, 352, 385–386
central, 401, 403
congruent, 389
consecutive, 387
exterior, 405, 418, 458, 550
measuring, 67, 143, 213, 231, 396
obtuse, 386
right, 386
of rotation, 408, 413, 346
straight, 386
vertical, 376
Apex, 428, 436
Approximately normal
distribution, 77, 116, 120, 122,
141, 545
Arc, 238
Area, 212, 507, 585 See also
particular figures. See also surface
estimating, 25, 49–52
Arithmetic mean-geometric mean
inequality, 507
Associative Property
Box-and-whisker plot, 73, 109–116,
135, 137–138, 140, 144, 146–147
Box plot, 73, 109–116, 135,
137–138, 140, 144, 146–147
modified, 113–115, 138
using graphing calculator, 110
Bracing, 366, 436–438
Break-even point, 56, 61, 65, 471,
Calculator, 30–31, 142, 336–337,
418, 549
exponent, 296
graphing, 53–55, 61, 64, 81–82,
88, 165–166, 172–173, 176,
178, 191–192, 209, 236, 302,
327–330, 332, 341, 355, 467,
473, 479, 482, 511, 522, 526
permutation, 583
random digit, 558–567, 574–577
Categorical data, 94
Cause-and-effect relationship,
1–24, 42
Celsius, 176, 226, 455
Center, 51
Central angle, 401, 403
of Addition, 220, 229
of Multiplication, 229
over time, 26–45, 69
patterns of, 1–49, 52–72
Auxiliary line, 413
Axis of symmetry, 436, 445
Chromatic number, 275, 282
Circle graph, 185, 264
Circle, 401
Back-to-back stemplot, 98
Balance point, 85, 97
Bar graph, 75, 78–83, 85, 88–93,
95, 106, 117, 185
histogram, 73, 78–83, 85–93, 95,
106, 111, 123, 125–127, 130–132,
134, 138, 141–142, 144–145, 147,
231, 544, 554, 558, 561–562, 564,
572–576, 588
Base angle, 372, 392, 549
of exponential expression, 304
of prism, 428
of pyramid, 428
Bimodal distribution, 96
of angle, 352, 358–386
perpendicular, 375, 377
area of, 46, 51, 62, 175, 390, 483
center of, 51
circumference of, 46, 51, 62, 175,
205, 315, 506
diameter of, 62
radius of, 62
Circuit, 243
Circumference, 46, 51, 62, 175, 205,
315, 506
Cluster, 77
Coefficient, 157–158, 166–167, 171,
173–174, 176, 178
Color the graph, 238, 269–284, 286,
Coloring the edges, 282–283
Combining like terms, 221, 225
Common vertex, 408
Commutative Property
of Addition, 220, 229
of Multiplication, 229
Index of Mathematical Topics
Compass, 257, 364, 380, 386, 401
Complete graph, 278–279
Compound interest, 299–300, 309,
315, 318
Compressing, 450
Computer algebra system (CAS),
54–56, 206, 222, 229, 351, 355
Computer-assisted design (CAD),
Computer, 53–55, 61, 82, 191, 209,
236, 302, 327–330, 355, 418, 467,
473, 496–497, 511, 522, 526
Areas of Quadrilaterals, 394
computer algebra system (CAS),
54–56, 206, 222, 229, 351, 355
data analysis software, 139–140,
Design a Linkage, 367, 393
interactive geometry software,
367, 371, 393–394, 410
permutation, 583
programming, 246
random digit, 558–567, 574–577
spreadsheet, 32–35, 38, 63, 88,
100, 122, 175, 179, 318, 355,
488, 522–523
statistical, 164–166, 172–174, 176,
Tilings with Regular Polygons,
Triangle Congruence, 371
vertex-edge graph software, 244,
248, 254, 258–259, 269, 279
Cone, 265, 430–431
volume of, 448
Congruent figures, 213, 369–378,
389, 460
symbol for, 372, 374–376, 586
triangles, 370–378, 389, 444, 446,
460, 489, 524, 586
Conic sections, 484
hyperbola, 58, 61, 72
parabola, 53, 57, 61, 72, 180, 461,
463, 467–479, 481–488, 495,
510–511, 513–514, 516–517, 519,
523, 527, 529
Connected graph, 243, 259
Consecutive angles, 387, 390
Constant term, 159–158, 166–167,
171, 173–174, 178
Converse, 380, 457
of Pythagorean Theorem, 380, 382
Convex polygon, 365, 404, 417
Convex polyhedron, 426, 429–453
Corresponding parts, 370
Counterexample, 451
Cross-section, 453, 484
Cube, 64, 427, 430, 433, 435–438,
440–442, 444, 446, 448, 450–451,
diagonal of, 451
surface area of, 64, 483
volume of, 483
Cycle graph, 279
Cylinder, 265, 430–431, 445
surface area of, 321
volume of, 447–448, 490
Data, See also mean, median,
categorical, 94
cluster of, 77
deviation of, 73
distribution of, 73, 76–77, 83, 86,
91–100, 116–122, 145, 147
extreme values of, 109
five-number summary of,
108–109, 111, 116, 145–146
interquartile range of, 73,
108–113, 115–116, 122, 127, 130,
133, 135–137, 144
maximum value of, 108–109, 113,
minimum value of, 108–109, 113,
outliers of, 77, 85–86, 89, 109,
113–116, 132, 138, 146–147
patterns in, 73–142, 144–147
percentiles of, 73, 104–107, 118,
129–130, 132
quartiles of, 73, 106–108,
113–116, 139
range of, 77, 109–111, 122,
135–136, 144, 490
standard deviation of, 73,
116–118, 120–128, 144, 146, 490,
545, 558
transformed, 124–128, 144, 147
Descartes’ Theorem, 438, 445, 459
Deviation, 73
from the mean, 118–120
mean absolute, 140–141
standard, 73, 116–118, 120–128,
144, 146, 490, 545, 558
Diagonal, 184, 257 See also
particular shapes.
main, 248
Diameter, 62
Dilation, 68, 315
pantograph, 457
Directed edge, 262
Directed graph, 262
Discrete mathematics, 238
vertex-edge graph, 238–263,
266–283, 286–288, 352–353,
449, 455, 524
Disjoint events, 539–541, 546, 548,
Distance between points, 263
Distance formula, 24
Distribution, 73, 76–77, 83, 86,
91–100, 116–122, 145, 147,
534–536, 542, 544–548, 587
approximately normal, 77, 116,
120, 122, 141, 545
bimodal, 96
mound-shaped, 77
rectangular, 96
skewed, 77, 95, 109, 116
shape, center, and spread, 76–77
Distributive Property of
Multiplication over Addition,
220–221, 226, 229, 336, 490,
495–497, 505
Dodecagon, 400
Dodecahedron, 441–442, 545
Dot plot, 67, 73, 76, 83, 90, 97,
113, 144, 147, 454
Dragon fractal, 317
Dual of a tessellation, 418
Decagon, 400, 404
exponential, 289, 323–332,
338–345, 347–350, 356–357, 397
linear, 352
Decimal and percent, 25
Degree, 245, 260, 262–263, 274
Dependent variable, 1, 6–7, 11, 22,
24, 42, 47–48, 56, 69, 151, 153,
329, 331, 358, 529
Descartes, René, 438
coloring, 282–283
directed, 262
of polyhedron, 426–431, 438,
445–447, 449, 459
of vertex-edge graph, 238,
241–242, 245–246, 248, 255,
257, 263, 267–271, 273–283,
286, 288
Index of Mathematical Topics
End behavior, 488
Equally likely outcomes, 533–534,
536, 587, 590
exponential, 298, 300–301
linear, 187–194, 198–210,
234–236, 508, 521
quadratic, 461, 469, 481, 510–515,
517–519, 521–523, 527–529
slope-intercept form, 160–161,
177, 495
solving, 183, 189–194, 201–207,
209–210, 229, 234–236, 264, 284,
353–354, 423, 454, 469, 481,
508, 510–515, 517–519, 521–523,
systems of, 197–200, 204–205,
208–209, 211, 236, 523
Equiangular polygon, 419
Equiangular triangle, 392
Equiangular triangular prism, 438
Equilateral polygon, 419
Equilateral triangle, 68, 211, 277,
283–284, 344–345, 363–364, 392,
401, 408–410, 425, 439–440, 443,
458, 490, 520
Equilateral triangular pyramid, 435,
437–438, 441–442, 450
Equivalent expressions, 214–229,
236, 265, 312, 319, 333–337,
343–344, 348, 351, 353, 358–359,
397, 423, 475–476, 490, 492–505,
508, 512, 523, 526, 586
simplest form, 221–222, 226
Escher, M.C., 415–416, 422
Estimation, 230
area, 25, 49–52
mean, 85–86, 88, 91–92, 100
median, 85–86, 92
perimeter, 49–50, 52
spread, 100
Euler, Leonhard, 243, 250, 430
Euler circuit, 238, 243–256, 258,
260, 263, 286, 288, 420, 455, 524
Euler path, 256, 262, 524
Euler circuit, 238, 243–256, 258,
260, 263, 286, 288, 420, 455, 524
Euler’s Formula of Polyhedra,
430–431, 445, 447, 449, 459
disjoint, 539
mutually exclusive, 539–541, 546,
548, 590
Expanded form, 221–222, 229,
475–476, 493, 496–498, 501–503,
Expanding expressions, 221–222
Experimental probability, 552–567,
572–584, 587, 589–590
Exponential decay, 289, 323–332,
338–345, 347–350, 356–357, 397
Exponential equation, 298, 300–301
Exponential expression, 504, 586
Exponential function, 289–304,
307–319, 323–332, 338–345,
347–350, 356–359, 397, 520,
decay, 289, 323–332, 338–345,
347–350, 356–357, 397
graph of, 57–58, 61, 72,
292–297, 300, 303–304,
308–309, 313–314, 317, 319,
323–325, 327–328, 338–340,
342, 345, 348, 355, 359
growth, 289–304, 307–319,
rule, 292–304, 307–319, 324,
328–331, 338–343, 345,
348–350, 355–359
table, 292–297, 300, 303–304,
308–309, 312–314, 317, 319,
324–325, 328, 330, 338–343,
345, 348–350, 355–359
tree graph, 291–292, 296–297,
Exponential growth, 289–304,
307–319, 355–356
compound interest, 299–300, 309,
315, 318
initial value, 296
tree graph, 291–292, 296–297,
Exponential inequality, 298, 300
Exponential regression, 302,
310–312, 315, 349
Exponent, 304–306
fractional, 323, 335–337, 344, 351,
negative, 297–298, 333–334, 344,
powers of powers, 305–306, 335,
properties of, 304–306, 332–334,
351, 358
zero, 296–297, 348
equivalent, 214–229, 236, 265,
312, 319, 333–337, 343–344, 348,
351, 353, 358–359, 397, 423,
475–476, 490, 492–505, 508, 512,
523, 526, 586
evaluating, 45, 65, 102, 212, 285,
321, 397
expanded form, 221–222, 229
exponential, 504, 586
factoring, 221–222, 225, 229
quadratic, 461, 492–508, 512, 586
simplest form, 221–222, 226
trinomial, 514
Exterior angle, 405, 418, 458, 550
Extreme value, 109
Face views, 432–435, 444, 449
adjacent, 450
lateral, 428, 443, 452
of polyhedron, 280, 426–428,
430–431, 438, 440, 442, 443,
445–447, 449, 459
Factored form, 475–476, 496, 498,
Factoring expression, 221–222, 225,
229, 496
Fahrenheit, 176, 226, 455
Fair game, 10
Fibonacci, Leonardo, 45
Fibonacci sequence, 35, 45
First quartile, 106–108, 113–115
Five-number summary, 108–109,
111, 116, 145–146
4-bar linkage, 367
Fractal, 312–313, 317–318, 344
dragon, 317
Fractional exponent, 323, 335–337,
344, 351, 358
Fraction, 550
as exponent, 323, 335–337,
344, 351, 358
powers of, 332–334, 343,
simplest form, 143
Frequency, 78–80
relative, 100, 554, 572
table, 87–89, 92–94, 554, 556–560,
562, 564, 572–578, 582–584, 588
Function, 69
absolute value, 487
exponential, 289–304, 307–319,
323–332, 338–345, 347–350,
356–359, 520, 523–524
Index of Mathematical Topics
linear, 149–189, 232–236, 264,
284, 506, 520, 523–524, 585
nonlinear, 13
quadratic, 461, 463–488, 492–496,
499–504, 526–529
slope-intercept form, 160–161,
177, 495
square root, 346–347
Geometric probability, 568–571,
578, 589–590
Interactive geometry software, 367,
371, 393–394, 410
Glide-reflection symmetry, 419
Graphing calculator, See
Grashof’s Principle, 367, 393
Growth, 26–42
exponential, 289–304, 307–319,
Half-life, 327–328, 341
Hexagonal prism, 430
Hexagonal pyramid, 430
Hexagon, 283, 400–402, 404, 406,
409–410, 418, 440, 442, 453, 459,
area of, 415, 490
perimeter of, 415
Hexahedron, 279–280
regular, 441–442, 545
Histogram, 73, 78–83, 85–93, 95,
106, 111, 123, 125–127, 130–132,
134, 138, 141–142, 144–145, 147,
231, 544, 554, 558, 561–562,
572–576, 588
graphing calculator, 81–82
relative frequency, 73, 79–80, 83,
147, 554
Hooke’s Law, 156
Horizontal velocity, 466
Hyperbola, 58, 61, 72
Hypotenuse, 378, 381
Icosahedron, 441–442, 545, 578
Independent variable, 1, 6–7, 11,
22, 24, 42, 47–48, 56, 69, 151,
153, 329, 331, 358, 529
coefficients of, 157–158, 166–167,
171, 173–174, 176, 178
exponential, 298, 300
linear, 187–191, 194–197, 201,
203–204, 206, 208–210, 234–236
quadratic, 469, 522
solving, 189–191, 194–197, 201,
203–204, 207–210, 234–236, 264,
451, 469, 522, 549
symbols for, 546
Initial value, 296
x-intercept, 321, 354
y-intercept, 155–156, 159–160,
169, 234, 321, 354, 485, 523–524
Interest, 34, 71
compound, 299–300, 309, 315, 318
Interior angle, 404–407, 418, 420, 458
Interquartile range (IQR), 73,
108–113, 115–116, 122, 127, 130,
133, 135–137, 144
Irrational number, 351
Isometric paper, 418
Isosceles triangle, 52, 68, 211,
363–364, 372–374, 392, 400, 421,
435, 446, 457, 459, 549
Isosceles triangular prism, 435
Kite, 366, 383, 393, 402, 422, 525
area of, 394
diagonals of, 377, 388
Koch curve, 312–313, 317–318
Königsberg bridges problem, 250
Lateral face, 428, 443, 452
Lateral surface area, 452
Law of Large Numbers, 555–557,
573, 579, 590
Left end behavior, 488
of isosceles triangle, 549
of right triangle, 378, 381
Like terms, 221, 225, 490, 495
Line graph, 27, 102
Line segment
midpoint of, 283, 352, 372, 374,
444, 570
of vertex-edge graph, 238
Line symmetry, 401–403, 407,
413–415, 417, 419–420, 458–459
Linear decay, 352
Linear equations, 187–194,
198–210, 234–236, 508, 521
systems of, 197–200, 204–205,
208, 211, 236
Linear function, 149–189,
232–236, 264, 284, 506, 520,
graph of, 57–58, 61, 72, 265, 285,
395, 585
slope-intercept form, 160–161,
177, 495
Linear inequality, 187–191,
194–197, 201, 203–204, 206,
208–210, 234–236
Linear regression, 166–167,
172–174, 178–183, 206, 233, 302,
310–312, 315, 349
number, 550, 584
parallel, 177, 231, 391
perpendicular, 180, 231, 372, 375,
of symmetry, 401–403, 407,
413–415, 417, 419–420,
458–459, 519
Linkage, 366–369, 387, 389, 393
coupler, 367
crank, 367
driver, 367
4-bar, 367
follower, 367
frame, 367
Loop, 262–263
Lower quartile, 106–107, 116, 139
Main diagonal, 248
Map coloring, 271–275, 277–278,
Mathematical model, 162, 240, 280
graph-coloring model, 238,
269–284, 286, 288
rule, 162, 164–183
simulation, 552–567, 572–584,
vertex-edge graph, 238–263,
266–283, 286–288, 352–353,
449, 455, 524
Matrix, 248–249, 256–258
adjacency, 248–249, 254,
257–258, 262, 287
Index of Mathematical Topics
main diagonal of, 248
row sums of, 249
Maximum value, 108–109, 113, 138,
471–472, 474, 476–477, 481, 506,
513–514, 516, 518, 526, 528
Mean absolute deviation (MAD),
Mean, 72, 77–78, 83–89, 92–101,
116–128, 132–134, 136, 140, 144,
146, 185, 397, 455, 490, 508, 549,
553–555, 558, 564, 572, 580–581
deviation from, 118–120
symbol for, 84, 87, 116–119,
121–122, 124–126
weighted, 100
Measures of center, 77, 144, 147
mean, 72, 77–78, 83–89, 92–101,
116–128, 132–134, 136, 140, 144,
146, 185, 397, 455, 490, 508,
549, 553–555, 558, 564, 572,
median, 77, 83–87, 89, 92–101,
104, 106–110, 112, 115, 127, 130,
133, 136, 144, 146, 455, 490
mode, 94
Measures of spread, 77
interquartile range, 73, 108–113,
115–116, 122, 127, 130, 133,
135–137, 144
range, 77, 109–111, 122,
135–136, 144, 490
of data, 77, 83–87, 89, 92–101,
104, 106–110, 112, 115, 127, 130,
133, 136, 144, 146, 455, 490
of triangle, 95
Mental mathematics, 101, 143,
211–212, 320, 396
Middle quartile, 106
Midpoint, 274, 283, 352, 372, 444,
Minimum value, 108–109, 113,
138, 472, 474, 477, 513–514,
516, 519
Mira, 180
Mirror plane, 435, 441, 446, 451
Modeling line, 164–167, 169–174,
Mode, 94
Modified box plot, 113–115, 138
Mound-shaped distribution, 77
Associative Property of, 229
Commutative Property of, 229
connecting with division, 220
of exponential expressions,
304–306, 358–359
power of a product, 305–306
Mutually exclusive events, 539–541,
546, 548, 590
Negative exponent, 297–298,
333–334, 344, 346
Net, 426–427, 429, 439–441, 443,
n-gon, 400–402, 406
Nonagon, 400, 403, 414
Nonconvex polygon, 365, 417
Nonconvex polyhedron, 429
Nonlinear relationship, 13
Nonperiodic tessellation, 421–422
Normal distribution, 77, 116, 120,
122, 141, 545
NOW-NEXT rule, 29–42, 63, 71,
102, 152–153, 156–158, 160–161,
168, 175, 179, 206, 229, 232,
292–300, 303, 307–309, 314–317,
324, 328, 338–340, 342–343, 345,
349–350, 355–359, 446–447
Number line, 550, 584
chromatic, 275, 282
irrational, 351
prime factorization of, 490
rational, 351
scientific notation, 346, 525
Orthographic drawing, 432–435,
444, 449, 459
Outcomes, equally likely, 533–534,
536, 587, 590
Outlier, 77, 85–86, 89, 109, 138,
identifying, 113–116, 132
resistant to, 86
Pantograph, 457
Parabola, 53, 57, 61, 72, 180, 461,
463, 467–479, 481–488, 495,
510–511, 513–514, 516–517, 519,
523, 527, 529
Parallel lines, 177, 231, 391
Parallelogram, 230–231, 363,
365–366, 368–369, 375–377,
383, 387, 389–391, 402, 428, 460
area of, 46, 50, 285, 363
diagonals of, 375
linkage, 369, 387
opposite angles of, 375
opposite sides of, 391
perimeter of, 50
rectangle, 25, 49–50, 62–63, 70,
143, 212, 226, 230–231, 264, 363,
365, 368, 377, 402, 453, 503, 505
rhombus, 366, 394, 402, 586
square, 45–46, 102, 141,
230–231, 285, 335–337, 344, 363,
392, 402, 409–410, 418, 425, 453,
483, 507, 520
symbol for, 375, 387
Oblique drawing, 433–434, 444
Oblique prism, 428–429
Obtuse angle, 386
Obtuse triangle, 68, 211
Octagon, 400, 402, 405, 410,
413–414, 425, 523
Octahedron, 279–280
regular, 441–442, 545, 587
One-Color-at-a-Time Algorithm,
One-point perspective, 449
Onionskin algorithm, 245–246, 252,
254, 258
Opposite angle, 375
Order of number, 46, 263
in chance, 531–548, 552–584,
in data, 73–142, 144–147
Fibonacci sequence, 35, 45
geometric, 65, 206
sequence, 35, 45
in shapes, 361–396, 398–460
Patterns of change, 1–49, 52–72
decay, 289, 323–332, 338–345,
347–350, 356–357
growth, 289–304, 307–319,
linear, 149–189, 232–236
Pentagonal prism, 430
Pentagonal pyramid, 428
Pentagon, 213, 257, 400, 405,
411–412, 418, 440, 442, 453, 550
diagonals of, 184
Percentile, 73, 104–107, 118,
129–130, 132
Index of Mathematical Topics
Percent, 185, 284, 352, 422–423, 585
of change, 102, 143
and decimal, 25
growth rate, 28–29
of increase, 102
mean, 96
of number, 143, 211
rate of depreciation, 34
Perimeter, 212
estimating, 49–50, 52
of hexagon, 415
of parallelogram, 50, 363
of rectangle, 25, 49–50, 62, 70,
143, 212, 226, 264, 363
of square, 141, 285, 363, 415,
of triangle, 50–52, 212, 363, 415
Periodic tessellation, 421–422
Permutation, 582–583
Perpendicular bisector, 374, 377
Perpendicular lines, 180, 231, 372,
375, 377
symbol for, 372
Planar graph, 278, 449
Plane of symmetry, 435, 441, 446,
Platonic solid, 439–442, 459
regular dodecahedron, 441–442,
regular hexahedron, 279–280,
441–442, 545
regular icosahedron, 441–442, 545,
regular octahedron, 279–280,
441–442, 545, 587
regular tetrahedron, 279–280,
441–442, 450, 542, 545, 578
Polygon, 257, 362–363, 398–415,
417–422, 456–460 See also
particular polygons.
central angle of, 401, 403
diagonals of, 184, 404, 412
11-gon, 400
equiangular, 419
equilateral, 419
exterior angle of, 405, 418, 458
15-gon, 400
interior angle of, 404–407, 418,
420, 458
n-gon, 400–402, 406
sums of angles, 404, 406–407
Polyhedra, 279–280, 362–363,
425–453, 458–460
convex, 426. 429–453
dodecahedron, 441–442, 545
Euler’s Formula for, 430–431, 445,
447, 449, 459
hexahedron, 279–280, 441–442,
icosahedron, 441–442
nonconvex, 429
octahedron, 279–280, 441–442
prism, 64, 320–321, 427–431,
433–438, 445–453, 459, 483, 521
pyramid, 320–321, 428–431, 434,
436–438, 441–443, 446, 448, 542,
regular, 279, 280, 439–442, 450,
semiregular, 442
tetrahedron, 279–280, 430,
436–438, 441–442, 450
Powers, 304–306
of fractions, 332–334, 343,
of products, 305–306
products of, 304–306, 358–359
of powers, 305–306, 335, 358–359
quotients of, 332–334, 348,
of ten, 142
Prime factorization, 490
Prism, 428–431, 433–438, 445–453
cube, 64, 427, 430, 433,
435–438, 440–442, 444, 446,
448, 450–451, 453, 483
hexagonal, 430
hexahedron, 441–442
oblique, 428–429
pentagonal, 430
rectangular, 320–321, 430,
433–434, 436, 447–449, 459,
right, 428–429
square, 64, 427, 430, 434, 436,
440–442, 446, 448, 450–451, 453,
surface area of, 64, 321, 483
triangular, 430, 435, 437–438, 459
volume of, 447–448, 483, 490
Probability, 8–11, 19, 24, 143, 396,
531–548, 552–584, 587–590
Addition Rule, 531, 536, 540, 543,
547–548, 579, 587
disjoint events, 539–541, 546, 548,
distribution, 534–536, 542,
544–548, 587
equally likely outcomes, 533–534,
536, 587, 590
experimental, 552–567, 572–584,
587, 589, 590
fair game, 10
geometric, 568–571, 578, 589–590
Law of Large Numbers, 555–557,
573, 579, 590
mutually exclusive events,
539–541, 546, 548, 590
permutation, 582–583
run, 553, 557–558
sample space, 534–536, 542, 545,
587, 590
simulation, 552–567, 572–584,
theoretical, 532–548, 555, 568–571,
578–579, 587, 589–590
Product of powers, 304–306,
associative, 220, 229
commutative, 220, 229
distributive, 220–221, 226, 229,
336, 490, 495–497, 505
of exponents, 304–306, 332–334,
351, 358
of square roots, 335–337
triangular angle sum, 371
Proportion, 555–556
Protractor, 67, 143, 180, 371, 381
Pyramid, 320–321, 428–431
hexagonal, 430
pentagonal, 428
square, 430, 434, 436, 437, 443, 446
tetrahedron, 430, 436–438,
441–442, 450, 545, 578
triangular, 430, 436–438,
441–442, 450
volume of, 321, 448, 490
Pythagoras, 379
Pythagorean Theorem, 46, 50, 230,
263, 335, 347, 353, 378–382, 391,
503, 520
converse of, 380, 382
Quadratic equation, 461, 469, 481,
510–515, 517–519, 521–523,
Quadratic expression, 461,
492–508, 512, 586
Quadratic formula, 514–517, 519,
521, 526
Quadratic function, 461, 463–488,
492–496, 499–504, 526–529
graph of, 57–58, 61, 72, 463,
467–479, 481–488, 495, 510–511,
513–514, 516–517, 519, 523, 527,
rule of, 463, 488, 492, 527–529
table of, 464, 467–468, 471–474,
477, 481, 484, 488, 495, 510–511,
517, 526, 529
Index of Mathematical Topics
Quadratic inequality, 469, 522
Quadrilateral, 230–231, 363–369,
375–377, 383, 385, 387–395, 398,
404, 409–411, 550
bracing, 366
convex, 365
diagonals of, 335–337, 344, 366,
375, 377, 388, 392, 520
kite, 366, 383, 388, 393, 402, 422,
linkage, 393
nonconvex, 365
parallelogram, 46, 50, 230–231,
285, 363, 365–366, 368–369,
375–377, 383, 387, 389–391, 402,
428, 460
rectangle, 25, 49–50, 62–63,
70, 143, 212, 226, 230–231, 264,
363, 365, 368, 377, 402, 453,
503, 505
rhombus, 366, 394, 402, 586
square, 45–46, 102, 141,
230–231, 285, 335–337, 344, 363,
392, 402, 409–410, 418, 425, 453,
483, 507, 520
sum of angles, 387
trapezoid, 227, 230–231
triangulated, 366
Quartile, 73, 106–108, 113–116, 139
first, 106–108, 113–115
lower, 106–107, 116, 139
middle, 106
second, 106
third, 106–108, 113–115
upper, 106–107, 116
Quotients of powers, 332–334, 348,
Radical expression, 523
Radical, 335–337, 344, 346, 397,
Radius, 62
rand function, 565–567, 577
randInt function, 562–563, 567, 577
Random digit, 558–567, 574–577,
Random number generator,
565–567, 577
Random sample, 67
of data, 77, 109–111, 122,
135–136, 144, 490
interquartile, 73, 108–113,
115–116, 122, 127, 130, 133,
135–137, 144
Rate of change, 155, 159–160, 167,
constant, 150, 155
Rate of growth, 28–29
Rational number, 351
Ratio, 395
Rectangle, 230–231, 363, 402, 453
area of, 25, 49–50, 62–63, 70, 212,
363, 389, 503, 505
diagonals of, 335–337, 344, 377,
392, 520
perimeter of, 25, 49–50, 62, 70,
143, 212, 226, 264, 363
square, 45–46, 102, 141,
230–231, 285, 335–337, 344, 363,
392, 402, 409–410, 418, 425, 453,
483, 507, 520
Rectangular distribution, 96
Rectangular prism, 320–321, 430,
433–434, 436, 447–449, 459
diagonals of, 521
Reflection, 185
Region, 255, 271
Regular dodecahedron, 441–442,
Regular hexahedron, 279–280,
441–442, 545
Regular icosahedron, 441–442, 545,
Regular octahedron, 279–280,
441–442, 545, 587
Regular polygon, 400–404, 406,
408–410, 412–415, 418–421, 425,
439–441, 458–454
Regular polyhedron, 279–280,
439–442, 459 See also particular
Regular tessellation, 409, 411
Regular tetrahedron, 279–280,
441–442, 450, 542, 545, 578
Relative frequency histogram, 73,
79–80, 83, 147, 554
Relative frequency table, 100, 554,
Rhombus, 366, 402, 586
area of, 394
diagonals of, 586
square, 45–46, 102, 141,
230–231, 285, 335–337, 344, 363,
392, 402, 409–410, 418, 425, 453,
483, 507, 520
Right angle, 386
Right end behavior, 488
Right prism, 428–429
Right triangle, 45–46, 50, 68, 211,
230, 347, 353, 363, 378–382, 388,
391, 520, 549, 585–586
area of, 285, 585
hypotenuse, 378, 381
legs, 378, 381
Pythagorean Theorem, 46, 50,
230, 263, 335, 347, 353,
378–382, 391, 503, 520
Rigidity, 366, 368–369, 389,
436–438, 444, 459–460
Root, 335–337, 344, 346–347,
Rotation axis, 436, 445
Row sum, 249
Ruler, 364, 371, 380
Rule, 1, 5–9, 12–16, 20, 22, 24,
27–42, 47–66, 69–70, 396
for exponential function,
292–304, 307–319, 324,
328–331, 338–343, 345,
348–350, 355–359
for linear function, 149–161,
164–168, 170–178, 232, 236
NOW-NEXT, 29–42, 63, 71, 102,
152–153, 156–158, 160–161,
168, 175, 179, 206, 229, 232,
292–300, 303, 307–309, 314–317,
324, 328, 338–340, 342–343,
345, 349–350, 355–359,
for quadratic function, 463, 488,
492, 527–529
slope-intercept form, 160–161,
177, 495
writing, 48–52
Run, 553, 557–558
Sample space, 534–536, 542, 545,
587, 590
Scale drawing, 257
Scale factor, 68
Scalene triangle, 68, 211, 364
Scatterplot, 5–7, 9, 12–17, 19–23,
95, 111, 137, 162, 164–166,
173–174, 178, 180–181, 206, 233,
236, 578, 581
Schlegel diagram 449–450
Scientific notation, 346, 525
Second quartile, 106
Index of Mathematical Topics
midpoint of, 283, 352, 372, 374,
444, 571
of vertex-edge graph, 238
Semiregular polyhedron, 422
Semiregular tessellation, 410–411,
421, 523
Septagon, 400, 440
Sequence, 35, 45
Side-Angle-Side (SAS) Condition,
371, 373, 390
Side-Side-Angle (SSA) Condition,
371, 373
Side-Side-Side (SSS) Condition,
370, 373
hypotenuse, 378, 381
leg, 378, 381
of polygon, 398, 400
Sierpinski, Waclaw, 344
Sierpinski Triangle, 277–278,
283–284, 344–345, 417
Sigma notation, 84, 87, 94, 119,
121, 141
Similar figures, 68, 183, 285
Simplest equivalent form, 221–222,
Simulation, 552–567, 572–584,
model, 553
using coins, 552–558, 572–573,
578–580, 587
using dice, 578, 587
using random digits, 558–567,
574–577, 587–589
using random numbers, 558–567,
575–577, 587, 589
using spinners, 578, 587
Skewed distribution, 77, 95, 109,
Slide, 408, 419
Slope-intercept form, 160–161, 177,
Slope, 155–156, 159–160, 169, 180,
184, 233–235, 264, 321, 354, 374,
485, 523–524
of curve, 180
of parallel lines, 177
of perpendicular lines, 180
Solid, 361–362, 424–454,
458–460 See also particular
solid figures.
Solution, 510
Solving the system, 198–200,
204–205, 208–209, 211, 236
Sphere, 445, 448
surface area of, 453
volume of, 448, 453
Split stems, 98
Spread, 77–78, 82, 144
Spreadsheet, 32–35, 38, 63, 88,
100, 122, 175, 179, 318, 355, 488,
NOW-NEXT formula, 33–42, 71
Square dot paper, 418
Square prism, 64, 427, 430, 434,
436, 440–442, 446, 448, 450–451,
453, 483
Square pyramid, 430
Square root, 335–337, 344,
346–347, 358
graph of, 346–347
Square, 230–231, 363, 402,
409–410, 418, 425, 453
area of, 45–46, 102, 285, 363, 378,
415, 483, 507
diagonals of, 335–337, 344, 392,
perimeter of, 141, 285, 363, 415,
Standard deviation, 73, 116–118,
120–128, 132–134, 136, 139,
141–142, 144, 146, 397, 490, 545,
graphing calculator, 122
symbol for, 116–117, 121, 124–126
Statistical software, 164–166,
172–174, 176, 178
Stem-and-leaf plot, 97–98
Stemplot, 97–98
back-to-back, 98
split stems, 98
Straight angle, 386
Straightedge, 386
row, 249
symbol for, 84, 87, 94, 119, 121, 140
Summary statistics, 77
Surface area, 64
of cylinder, 321
lateral, 452
of prism, 321, 483
of sphere, 453
Survey, 67, 184, 264
for change, 155, 179, 201
for congruence, 372, 374–376, 586
for inequalities, 546
for mean, 84, 87, 116–119,
121–122, 124–126
for parallelogram, 375, 387
for perpendicular, 372
for standard deviation, 116–117,
121, 124–126
for sum, 84, 87, 94, 119, 121, 140
Symmetry, 77, 102, 110, 116, 135,
248, 256, 361, 458–460, 533
axis of, 436, 445
glide-reflection, 419
of graph, 513, 519
line, 401–403, 407, 413–415, 417,
419–420, 458–459, 519
reflection, 401–403, 407, 413–415,
417, 419–420, 435, 438, 441, 446,
451, 458–459
rotational, 401–403, 408,
413–415, 419, 436, 438, 441,
445–446, 451, 458–459
translation, 408, 419
Symmetry plane, 435, 441, 446, 451
System of equations, 523
linear, 197–200, 204–205, 208, 211,
solving, 199–200, 204–205, 208,
211, 236
Table, 3, 6–9, 11–18, 20–21, 23, 28,
39, 41, 43–44, 61, 71 See also particular tables.
organizing data, 247, 259
of quadratic function, 464,
467–468, 471–474, 477, 481, 484,
488, 495, 510–511, 517, 526, 529
used to check for equivalent
expressions, 215, 218–219, 223,
used to solve equations and
inequalities, 189–191, 201, 203,
209, 234, 236
used to solve systems of
equations, 198–200, 236
Tail, 77, 116
Terminal velocity, 484, 487
Terms, like, 221, 225, 490, 495
Tessellation, 408–411, 415–416, 418,
421–422, 427, 437, 440, 460
dual of, 418
nonperiodic, 421–422
periodic, 421–422
Index of Mathematical Topics
regular, 409, 411
semiregular, 410–411, 421, 523
Tetrahedron, 279–280, 430,
regular, 441–442, 450, 542, 545, 578
Descartes’ 438, 445, 459
Pythagorean, 46, 50, 230, 263,
335, 347, 353, 378–382, 391,
503, 520
Theoretical probability, 532–548, 555,
568–571, 578–579, 587, 589–590
Third quartile, 106–108, 113–115
Three-dimensional figure,
361–362, 424–454, 458–460 See
also particular figures.
Tiling, 407–411, 415–416, 418,
421–422, 427, 437, 440, 460
Top-front-right-corner view,
dilation, 68, 315
translation, 408, 419
Trapezoid, 230–231
area of, 227, 585
Tree graph, 291–292, 296–297,
Triangle Angle Sum Property, 371
Triangle Inequality, 364
Triangle, 320, 366, 368–375,
377–389, 398–375, 377, 391–392,
398–402, 404–406, 408–411,
421–422, 428, 436, 453, 456–460,
549–550, 566
acute, 68, 211
altitude of, 392
area of, 45, 50–52, 62–63, 102,
212, 363, 415, 490, 549, 585
congruent, 370–378, 389, 444,
446, 460, 489, 524, 586
equiangular, 392
equilateral, 68, 211, 277, 283–284,
344–345, 363–364, 392, 401,
408–410, 425, 439–440, 443, 458,
490, 520
isosceles, 52, 68, 211, 363–364,
372–374, 392, 400, 421, 435,
446, 457, 459, 549
medians of, 95
obtuse, 68, 211
perimeter of, 50–52, 212, 363, 415
right, 45–46, 50, 68, 211, 230, 347,
353, 363, 378–382, 388, 391,
520, 549, 585–586
scalene, 68, 211, 364
Sierpinski, 277, 283–284,
344–345, 417
sum of angles, 371
Triangular dot paper, 418
Triangular prism, 430, 437–438, 459
equiangular, 438
isosceles, 435
Triangular pyramid, 430, 436–438
equilateral, 435, 437–438,
441–442, 450
Triangulated, 366, 404, 436
Trinomial expression, 514
Tukey, John, 138
Two-dimensional figure, 361–396,
398–422, 424, 456–460 See also
particular figures.
Unit rate, 184
Upper quartile, 106–107, 116
Upward velocity, 466, 480, 528
chromatic number of, 275, 282
coloring the edges, 282–283
complete, 278–279
cycle, 279
directed graph, 262
Euler circuit, 238, 243–256, 258,
260, 263, 286, 288, 420, 455, 524
Euler path, 256, 262, 524
loop, 262–263
planar, 278, 449
Vertex-edge graph software,
244–248, 254, 258–259, 269, 279
Vertical angle, 376
adjacent, 248, 281
coloring, 238, 269–282, 286, 288
common, 408
degrees of, 245, 260, 262–263, 274
of polygon, 398, 408, 410, 414
of polyhedron, 426–431, 437, 440,
442, 445–447, 449, 459
of vertex-edge graph, 238,
241–243, 245, 248–249,
251–252, 255, 257, 262,
267–271, 273–283, 286, 288
cone, 448
cylinder, 447–448, 490
prism, 447–448, 483, 490
pyramid, 448, 321, 490
sphere, 448, 453
Vanishing point, 449
Variability, 103–128, 144
dependent, 1, 6–7, 11, 14, 22, 24,
42, 47–48, 56, 69, 151, 153, 329,
331, 358, 529
independent, 1, 6–7, 11, 22, 24,
42, 47–48, 56, 69, 151, 153, 329,
331, 358, 529
Velocity, 194
Venn diagram, 540, 546, 548
Vertex angle defect, 437
Vertex-by-Vertex Algorithm, 281–282
Vertex coloring, 238, 269–282, 286,
Vertex-edge graph, 238–263,
266–283, 286–288, 352–353,
449–455, 524
Weighted mean, 100, 310
Welsh-Powell Algorithm, 274, 282
Whiskers, 109–110, 113
Window, 81
x-coordinate, 7
x-intercept, 321, 354
y-coordinate, 7
y-intercept, 155–156, 159–160, 169,
234, 321, 354, 485, 523–524
Index of Contexts
Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem, 132
Absences, 564–565
Academy Awards, 85, 98
Achievement test scores, 118
Actors, 98
Actresses, 85, 98
Adenine, 261
Adjustable lamp, 369
Africa, 272–273, 301
black rhinoceros in, 348–349
African-Americans, 588
Ages, 103–106, 128, 139
Air travel, 49
Alabama, 92–93
Alaska, 254
Anchorage, 13, 254
Barrow, 18
Cordova, 254
Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, 13,
Juneau, 254
Kenai peninsula, 322
Ketchikan, 254
McGrath, 91
Nome, 13
Petersburg, 254
Sitka, 254
whales of, 29–32, 69, 301–302,
310, 349
Wrangell, 254
Yakutat, 254
Alcohol concentrations, 350–351
Allowances, 96
Altitudes, 165–166
American Medical Association, 350
Amusement parks
bungee jumping, 2–7, 14–15,
Ferris wheels, 43
profit of, 49
Anabolic steroid drugs, 339, 348
Angola, 272
bears, 76, 113
dogs, 341
cattle, 37
chambered nautilus, 347
crickets, 172
fleas, 341
insects, 172, 333, 341
manatee, 44
rhinoceros, 348–349
whales, 29–32, 69, 301–302, 310,
wolves, 37, 289, 301–302
Archery, 569
Architects, 432
Argentina, 277
health and nutrition in, 233
Bowhead whales, 29–32, 69,
301–302, 310, 349
Brazil, 277
health and nutrition in, 234
population of, 28–29, 31, 229, 301
Break-even point, 56, 61, 65, 471
Bridges, 363–364, 469–470,
472–473, 481, 500–501, 518,
Golden Gate Bridge, 469
Königsberg, 250
Phoenix, 102
Tucson, 123
Yuma, 91, 123
Aspect ratio, 395
Atlantic Ocean, 462
Atoms, 443
Australia, 90
Austria, 247
compensation costs in, 90
Brooklyn Dodgers, 311
Bryan, William J., 311
Bungee jumping, 1–7, 14–15, 20,
24, 42, 47, 52–55, 60, 69, 229,
475, 499, 505–506
Burnham, David, 428
Bus, 368
Bush, George W., 140, 311
Bushoong, 251, 256
Babylonians, 379
Babysitting, 125–126
Backgammon, 532–533, 548
Bacteria, 294–297, 304, 316
E. coli, 307–309
Banking, 25
Baseball, 109, 201, 311, 563,
Basketball, 92, 106, 118–119, 132,
170, 202, 218–219, 227, 282–283,
468, 489, 510, 526, 541, 583
Beans, 331, 342–343
Bears, 76, 113
Beck, Harry, 257
Belgium, 90
Bicycles, 383
Big Ben, 443
Black bears, 76, 113
Black rhinoceros, 348–349
Blood alcohol concentration (BAC),
350–351, 544
Boat rental, 24
Bolivia, 277
health and nutrition in, 233
Botswana, 272
Bouncing ball, 323–326, 332, 338,
342, 347
Berkeley, 39
Fresno, 145
Los Angeles, 18, 145, 165, 468,
583, 588–589
Sacramento, 145
San Diego, 145
San Francisco, 145, 163, 469–470
San Jose, 145
Calling tree, 307–309, 314, 319
Calories, 82, 173, 209, 233–234
Cameras, 399
Canada, 247
compensation costs in, 90
Candy, 159
Cannon, 480, 486–487
Car rental, 66
Car wash, 59, 61
Cards, 579
Carleton College, 407
Carnival game, 570
Carpenter’s square, 385
Cars, 203, 340
Carter, James E., 311
Cavaliers, 119
CDs, 214–215
Index of Contexts
Census Bureau, 26, 588
Center for Mathematics and
Computing, 407
Cereals, 559–561, 563, 580–581
Certificate of deposit (CD),
299–300, 315
Chambered nautilus, 347
Chicago Bulls, 121, 212
Children, 88
Chile, 277
China, 379, 551–553, 572
Hong Kong, 163
population of, 36, 38, 551–553,
Chocolates, 131
Cholesterol, 82–83
Cigarette smoking, 349
Climbing wall, 22–23
Cloud seeding, 77–78
Club scheduling, 270–271,
Code numbers, 355
Coins, 97, 329, 535–536, 541,
546–547, 552–559, 570, 572–574,
579–580, 587
College, 576–577
Colorado, 39
Coloring maps, 271–275, 277–278,
Columbia, 277
Compensation costs, 90
Compound interest, 299–300, 309,
315, 318
Computer algebra systems (CAS),
Computer-assisted design (CAD),
Concert tours, 224
Concerts, 60, 78–80, 470–473,
Connecticut, 29
Construction, 363–370, 372–378,
380, 385, 388, 390, 456
Coupler, 367–368
Cox, James M., 311
Crank, 367–368, 393
Credit card, 150–154
Crickets, 172
Crime, 577
Cumulative profit, 9–11
Cytosine, 261
Dairy cattle, 37
Daytona 500, 11–13
Delaware, 462
Democratic Republic of Congo, 251,
Denmark, 90
Deoryribonucleic acid (DNA), 261
Department of Education, 576
Department of Natural Resources,
Depreciation, 34, 158, 197, 340–341
Descartes, René, 438
Diabetes, 326
Diatoms, 413
Dice, 330, 343, 532–536, 539–548,
578, 587
dodecahedron, 545
doubles, 532–533
hexahedron, 545
icosahedron, 545,578
octahedron, 545, 589
tetrahedron, 542, 545, 578
Director’s chair, 444
District of Columbia, 40, 115
Diving, 480, 512
Doctors, 115, 186–190, 195–197
Dogs, 341
Dominican Republic, 233
Dominoes, 260
Double Fink truss, 373
Double pitch truss, 384
Douglas, Stephen A., 311
Dow Jones Industrial Average, 310
Draftsmen, 386
Driver crank, 367
DVD sales, 338
Dunking booth, 157–158
E. coli, 307–309
Earnhardt, Dale, 11
Earth, 346
population of, 27, 314, 346
Ecuador, 277
Egypt, 362, 379, 394
Cairo, 18
Giza, 446
Elasticity, 323
Elsie Peak, 165
Endangered Species Act, 37
compensation costs in, 90
London, 18, 238–239, 257, 443
Southampton, 543
Environmental cleanup, 322–323
Escher, M.C., 415–416, 422
Euler, Leonhard, 243, 250, 430
Evacuation plan, 275
Expansion joint, 388
Expenses, 217–219, 224, 227
Exxon Valdez, 322
Family reunion, 49
Fan truss, 373
Fast-food, 82, 173
Fat, 82–83, 115, 173, 209
Fatal crashes, 544, 547
Federal Communications
Commission, 266–267
Fences, 500
Ferris wheel, 43
Fibonacci, Leonardo, 45
Fink truss, 369
double, 373
Finland, 247
compensation costs in, 90
Fishing, 200, 211
Flat Iron Building, 428
Fleas, 341
Flight times, 163–164, 166–167
Daytona, 11–13
Gulf Coast, 44
Miami, 18
Flower beds, 276–277
Follower crank, 367
Football, 106
Index of Contexts
Frame, 225, 367–368
Gray wolves, 289, 301–302
Greece, 424
compensation costs in, 90
Paris, 163, 428
Franchises, 99–100
Freestyle swim races, 16–17
French Guiana, 277
Frieze pattern, 419
Frostbite, 166
consumption, 232
cost, 49
economy, 203
Fulcrum, 23
Fuller, R. Buckminster, 439
G-enzyme, 261
Galilei, Galileo, 464
Gambrel truss, 373
backgammon, 532–533, 548
carnival, 570
of chance, 8–11, 15, 19, 42
dominoes, 260
fair, 10
lotteries, 298–300
Parcheesi, 542
Garbage collection, 286
Garfield, James A., 311
Grashof’s Principle, 367, 393
Gazebo, 413
General Education Development
Credential (GED), 101
Geodesic dome, 439
Georgia, 39, 145
Germany, 247
Berlin, 18
compensation costs in, 90
Frankfurt, 163
Golden Gate Bridge, 469
Golden Gate Park, 470
Golf, 356, 389
Gordon, Jeff, 11
Gore, Al, 140, 311
Grades, 80, 93–94, 100, 106–107,
109–110, 121
Grand jury, 589
Gravity, 464
Athens, 18
Greek Parthenon, 424–425
Growth, 19, 26–42, 104–105, 139,
170–171, 201
of bacteria, 294–297, 304,
307–309, 316
Guanine, 261
Guyana, 277
Haiti, 233
Half-life, 327–328, 341
Half-pipe ramp, 485
Hancock, Winfield S., 311
Handshaking, 412
Handspan, 120, 122
Harding, Warren G., 311
Harrison, William H., 311
Hawaii, 130
Health, 232–234
Health-care expenditures, 169
Heart disease, 585
Heights, 80–81, 93, 96, 103–106,
108–109, 117, 139
Henry, Jodie, 16
High schools, 99
Homework, 106–107, 109–110, 121
Honeycombs, 398, 399, 415, 452
Hooke’s Law, 156
Hospitals, 275
Hurdle race, 16
Hypothermia, 357
Bombay, 18
population of, 36, 38, 46
Taj Mahal, 409
Indians, 542
Industrial designers, 386
Infant mortality rates, 233, 585
Inflation, 158, 197
crickets, 172
fleas, 341
population of, 333
Insulin, 326–328, 335
Insurance, 489
Interest, 34, 71
compound, 299–300, 309, 315, 318
International Whaling
Commission, 29
Internet, 197–199, 203–204,
Investments, 38, 310
Iowa, 163
Ireland, 90
Israel, 18
Italy, 90
James, LeBron, 118–119
compensation costs in, 90
Tokyo, 18, 163
Johnson, Junior, 11
Jordan, Michael, 132
Jumps, 92
Jungle gym, 429
Jury, 588–589
grand, 589
Iceland, 18
Idaho, 39, 163
Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Races, 13,
Illinois, 18, 145, 163–164, 166–167
Income, 3, 6–8, 12–13, 17, 21–23,
42, 52–54, 60, 65, 71, 89,
150–153, 170, 173–174, 201–202,
207, 209, 216–218, 224, 226–227,
471, 473, 475–476, 485, 490, 493,
499, 506, 526, 528
Kaleidoscope, 400, 421
Kansas, 39
Kenai peninsula, 322
Kennedy, John F., 611
Kentucky, 145
Kerry, John, 311
Keys, 582–583
Kingpost truss, 372, 374
Index of Contexts
Kite, 394
Kittinger, Joe, 166
Königsberg bridges problem, 250
Kuba chiefdom, 251
Lake Erie, 200
Lakers, 468, 583
Latitude, 18
Lead poisoning, 112, 137
Levine, Robert V., 144
Libraries, 48
Life expectancy, 232–234
Lincoln, Abraham, 311
Linkage, 366–369, 383, 388–389,
393, 457
Loan, 71, 318
Locker painting, 239–243, 250, 252
Logos, 420
London, England, 18
Big Ben, 443
London Transport Museum, 257
London Underground, 238–239,
Lotteries, 298–300
Louisiana, 145
Louvre Museum, 428
Magazine sales, 579
Maine, 167
Malawi, 272
Malekula, 256
Manatees, 44
Manilow, Barry, 78–79
Manufacturing, 260–261
Maps, 271–275, 277–278, 281
Marriage rates, 130
Boston, 145, 163
Springfield, 145
Worcester, 145
McKinley, William, 311
McKinney, Trevor, 290–291
Mechanical engineers, 366
Medical doctors, 115, 186–190,
Medications, 326–329, 339–340
Meteorites, 559
compensation cost in, 90
health and nutrition in, 233
Mexico City, 18
Michigan, 37
Detroit, 145
East Lansing, 145
gray wolves in, 289
Traverse City, 74
Middle East, 532
Miles per gallon, 203
Miniature golf, 389
Minnesota, 37
black bears in, 76, 113
gray wolves in, 289
marriage rates in, 130
Northfield, 407
Mississippi, 91
Independence, 39
Kansas City, 145
St. Louis, 39, 145, 518
Modified queenpost truss, 385
Mold, 298
Molecules, 443
Moon, 473
Motion pictures, 216–218, 561–562
Mount Everest, 165
Movie theater, 217–218, 224, 234,
Mozambique, 272
MP3 players, 133
Multiple births, 585
Namibia, 272
NASCAR racing, 11–13, 42, 47
National Basketball Association,
National Center for Health
Statistics, 139
National debt, 346
National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, 350
National Sleep Association, 568
Native American crafts, 414
Netherlands, 90
Las Vegas, 163
marriage rate in, 130
New Hampshire
Concord, 123
poverty in, 91
New Jersey
Newark, 39
Patterson, 145
New Mexico, 419
New York
Brooklyn, 311
Buffalo, 145
marriage rates in, 130
New York City, 18, 145–146, 428,
Rochester, 145
New Zealand
compensation costs in, 90
health and nutrition in, 233
News, 313
Newspaper delivery, 252–253,
Nicotine, 349
Lagos, 18
population of, 301
Nile River, 362, 394
Nixon, Richard M., 311
Norway, 90
Nutrition, 232–234
Akron, 118
Canton, 145
Columbus, 145
Youngstown, 145
Old Dominion University, 464
400-meter hurdle, 16
100-meter freestyle swim races,
16–17, 206–207
100 meter race, 181–183
2006 Winter, 247
O’Malley, Walter, 311
Oregon, 39, 123
Oscars, 85, 98
Index of Contexts
Pace of life, 144–146
Pacific Islands, 91, 123, 138
Painting, 239–243, 250, 252
Panch, Marvin, 11
Parabolic reflector, 472
Paraguay, 277
health and nutrition in, 233
Paralytic drugs, 339–340
amusement, 2–7, 14–15, 43, 49,
water, 17
Part-time work, 12–13, 42
Parthenon, 424–425
Party planning, 491
Passwords, 94
Pay It Forward, 290–294, 296–297
Pegasus, 415–416
Pei, I. M., 428
Penicillin, 298, 329
Philadelphia, 145–146, 583–584
Pittsburgh, 163
Penrose, Sir Roger, 407
Penrose tiles, 407, 422
People’s Republic of China, 379,
551–553, 572
Hong Kong, 163
population of, 36, 38, 551–553, 572
Peru, 277
Philippines, 18
Physical fitness tests, 129, 138
Physicians, 115, 186–190, 195–197
Physics, 4–5, 101
fulcrums, 23
Hooke’s Law, 156
velocity, 177, 194
Pitch, 374
Plants, 413
Playing cards, 579
Pool, 389
Popcorn, 234, 331, 342–343, 448
Population, 26–40, 42
Atlanta, Georgia, 39
Aurora, Colorado, 39
Berkeley, California, 39
Boise, Idaho, 39
Brazil, 28–29, 31, 229, 301
of China, 36, 38, 551–553, 572
control, 551–554, 572
of El Paso, Texas, 39
of Hartford, Connecticut, 39
of Independence, Missouri, 39
of India, 36, 38, 46
of insects, 333
of Los Angeles, California, 588
of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 39
of Newark, New Jersey, 39
of Nigeria, 301
of Portland, Oregon, 39
of rhinoceros, 348–349
of St. Louis, 39
of Topeka, Kansas, 39
of United States, 26, 31, 33–34,
139–140, 315
of Washington, D.C., 40
of whales, 29–32, 69, 301–302, 349
of wolves, 37, 289, 301–302
of world, 27, 314, 346
Postage stamps, 16
Potlatch River, 481
Poverty, 90–91
Pregel River, 250
Pregolya River, 250
Presidential elections, 311
Prevailing winds, 163
Price changes, 352
Profits, 49, 56, 59, 65, 158, 169,
177, 192, 215–219, 224, 227–228,
471, 473, 493–494, 499, 528
cumulative, 9–11
PSAT/NMSQT test, 118
Puerto Rico, 91, 123, 138
Pulse, 111, 142
Pumpkins, 462–467, 470, 473–475,
480–481, 484, 486–487, 514
Punkin’ Chunkin’ festival,
462–463, 465–467, 469, 480–481
Pythagoras, 379
Queenpost truss, 373
modified, 385
Quilts, 414
400-meter hurdle, 16
NASCAR, 11–13, 42, 47
100 meter, 181–183
100-meter freestyle swim, 16–17,
stock cars, 66
Radio frequencies, 266–270,
Radioactive materials, 340
Raffle tickets, 7–8
Railroad tracks, 388
Rain, 77–78, 123, 559
Reaction time, 482–483
Reagan, Ronald W., 311
Rentals, 24, 66, 178
Repairs, 59
Republic of Vanuatu, 256
Reunion, 49
Rhinoceros, 348–349
Rhode Island, 145
Ribonucleic acid (RNA), 261–262
Roads, 388, 502–503
Rock concerts, 470–473, 575–576
Roller coasters, 589
Roof trusses, 369–370, 372–375,
384–385, 456
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 311
Rope bridges, 500–501, 527
Rumors, 313
Russia, 247
Kaliningard, 250
Pregolya River, 250
Sales, 59, 65, 86, 109, 159
Sales taxes, 184, 284
Sandwiches, 82–83, 115
SAT scores, 129
Savings, 25, 34, 299–300, 309
Scholarships, 309
Security guards, 287
76ers, 583–584
Shadows, 161–162
Shipping, 191, 193, 204
Shoes, 536–537
Shopping, 135
Sierpinski, Waclaw, 344
Sierpinski Triangle, 277, 283–284,
344–345, 417
Index of Contexts
Signs, 398–399, 407
Silver nitrate, 77–78
Singapore, 90
Skateboarding, 485
Skydiving, 165–166, 171, 487, 566
Sleep, 568, 579
Snowflakes, 414
Snowy tree crickets, 172
Soccer, 87, 96, 307–308, 314, 442,
480, 512
Soccer balls, 442
Softball, 134
South America, 277, 301
South Pacific, 256
Spain, 90
Span, 374
Speed, 11–13
Spinner, 578
archery, 569
baseball, 109, 201, 311, 563,
basketball, 92, 106, 118–119, 132,
170, 202, 218–219, 227, 282–283,
468, 489, 510, 526, 541, 583
bungee jumping, 1–7, 14–15, 20,
24, 42, 47, 52–55, 60, 69, 229,
475, 499, 505–506
diving, 480, 512
football, 106
golf, 356
miniature golf, 389
NASCAR racing, 11–13, 42, 47
pool, 389
skateboarding, 485
skydiving, 165–166, 171, 487
soccer, 87, 96, 307–308, 314, 442,
480, 512
softball, 134
tennis, 561
Spreadsheet, 32–35, 38–39, 45
Springs, 156–157, 193
Springsteen, Bruce, 60
Stacking pennies, 74–75, 84
Star of Bethlehem, 414
Steroids, 339, 348
Stock cars, 66
Stocks, 38, 310
Stopping distances, 481, 526
Storms, 59
Strep throat, 316
Strip patterns, 419
Strontium-90, 340
Subway, 82
London Underground, 238–239, 257
Sunscreens, 107–108, 114
Sunshine, 123
Suspension bridges, 469–470,
472–473, 481, 518, 526
Surgeries, 357–358
Suriname, 277
Sweden, 247
compensation costs in, 90
Titanic, 543
Tongas State Park, 253–254
Tournament, 282–283
Traffic fatalities, 350
Traffic lights, 287–288
Trees, 133, 307
Trucks, 203, 340–341
True-false tests, 572
Trusses, 369–370, 372–375,
384–385, 456
Tukey, John, 138
Swim races, 16–17, 206–207
Switzerland, 90
U-C enzyme, 261
Taiwan, 90
Taj Mahal, 409
Tanzania, 272
Taxes, 217, 227, 490
sales, 184, 284
Taxis, 65, 490
Teeter-totter, 23
Television, 100, 395
Temperature, 40, 91, 95, 102, 138,
165–166, 172, 176, 181, 226
average high, 18
Chattanooga, 145
Knoxville, 145
marriage rates in, 130
Memphis, 145
Nashville, 145
Tennis, 561
Test scores, 118, 129, 132, 573
Dallas, 145
El Paso, 39
Houston, 145
Thailand, 18
Theater, 56, 92–93, 217–218, 224,
234, 448
Thunder storms, 59
Tibet, 470–471
Tibetan Freedom Concert, 470
Tiles, 407–411
Timber wolves, 37
Tips, 202, 209
Unit prices, 184
United Airlines, 163, 166–167
United Kingdom, See England.
United States, 247, See also
specific states.
Census Bureau, 26, 588
compensation costs in, 90
Department of Education, 576
Department of Natural Resources,
doctors in, 186–190, 195–197
Federal Communications
Commission, 266–267
health and nutrition in, 233
health-care expenditures in,
heart disease in, 585
high schools in, 99
infant mortality rates in, 585
marriage rates in, 130
multiple births in, 585
National Center for Health
Statistics, 139
national debt, 346
National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, 350
National Sleep Association, 568
population of, 26, 31, 33–34,
139–140, 315
poverty in, 90–91
publicly owned land in, 559
televisions in, 100
violent crime in, 577
University of Alabama, 92
University of Oxford, 407
Uracil, 261
Uruguay, 277
Utah, 145, 164
Index of Contexts
Vacuum cleaners, 170
Van Buren, Martin, 311
Velcro jump, 20–22
Velocity, 177, 194
Venezuela, 277
Video games, 92, 136, 224, 228
Violent crime, 577
Virginia, 464
Voting, 139–140, 311
W truss, 369
Walt Disney World, 81
Washing machines, 367
Washington, Seattle, 18
Washington, D.C., 40, 115
Water park, 17
Water resources, 41
Water slide, 527–528
Weather, 77–78, 91, 95, 102, 123,
138, 165–166, 172, 559
Weight, 201
West, Jerry, 468
Whales, 29–32, 69, 301–302, 310,
Wilkie, Wendell L., 311
Winds, 163
Windshield wiper, 364, 367–368
Wisconsin, 37
gray wolves in, 289
Milwaukee, 39
World, population of, 27, 314, 346
World Series, 574–575
Wright, Michael, 165, 176
Young, Kevin, 16
Zaire, 251
Zambia, 272
Zero population growth, 38
Zimbabwe, 272
Zoo, 277
gray, 289, 301–302
timber, 37
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