ALERTA BIBLIOGRAFICO BOLETIN DE CONTENIDOS CORRIENTES PUBLICADO POR LA HEMEROTECA DE LA BIBLIOTECA DE LA FACULTAD DE DERECHO DE LA U.B.A. A.10 NO.132 (1ra Semana Mayo 2006) Directora de la Biblioteca Corina Tiribelli de Seoane Coordinación General Estela Edith Tolosa Diseño Ariel Alcides Dal Zio Pre-Producción y Digitalización Gustavo Aníbal Minuto Av. Pte. Figueroa Alcorta 2265, C.P. C1425CKB, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel.: 4809-5686, E-mail:, URL: FACULTAD DE DERECHO AUTORIDADES Decano Atilio Aníbal Alterini Vicedecano Tulio Ortiz Secretario Académico Germán Gonzalo Alvarez Sub-secretario Académico Sergio Brodsky Secretario de Hacienda y Administración General Alejandro Gómez Sub-secretario de Hacienda y Administración General Luis Mateo Barreiro Secretaria de Investigación y Relaciones Institucionales Tulio Ortiz Secretario de Extensión Universitaria Juan Pablo Mas Vélez Comisión de Biblioteca Consejo Directivo Dr. Alberto Bueres Dr. Alberto Dalla Via Dr. Daniel Sabsay Dr. Jorge del Azar Dr. Juan Curuchet Paula Streger Celia Loperena PROLOGO A LOS USUARIOS: Les presentamos aquí los sumarios de las publicaciones periódicas extranjeras que, la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, recibe regularmente por compra desde 1993. Se trata de 86 títulos de la disciplina y ciencias relacionadas en diferentes idiomas: inglés, castellano, francés, italiano, alemán, que se irán presentando de acuerdo a su frecuencia de aparición en varias entregas. Dichos títulos se encuentran para su consulta exclusivamente en la Hemeroteca (1er. piso) de la Facultad de Derecho. ACCESO A LAS REVISTAS: Para su consulta solicitamos: 1) tomar nota del título, del año, volumen y fascículo, 2) tomar nota de la ubicación física (código alfanumérico a la izquierda de los sumarios) 3) solicitarlo personalmente en la Hemeroteca. La consulta y localización de los de artículos puede adelantarlo por e-mail, correo o fax. La obtención del documento se consigue concurriendo personalmente, y la copia de algún artículo es con cargo por cuenta de cada usuario. HORARIO DE ATENCION: Lunes a Viernes: 10 a 20 Hs Para más información, solicitamos dirigirse a la Hemeroteca: 4809-5686 (Sala) / 4809-5634 (Fax) SU OPINION COMO DOCENTE NOS INTERESA A todos aquellos que deseen colaborar con la selección de publicaciones periódicas para la Hemeroteca de la Facultad, les solicitamos la amabilidad de enviarnos el formulario que se adjunta (personalmente, vía fax y/o correo electrónico, correo postal) con sus valiosas sugerencias, las que serán tenidas en cuenta para la evaluación anual en vistas a la incorporación de dichos títulos como suscripciones cada año lectivo. EL INCREMENTO DE LA COLECCION ESPECIALIZADA DE LA BIBLIOTECA DEPENDE EN GRAN MEDIDA DE SU GENEROSA Y SIEMPRE ACERTADA COLABORACION. LA COMUNICACION CONSTANTE CON LA BIBLIOTECA NOS DARA A NOSOTROS UNA IDEA MAS PRECISA DE SUS NECESIDADES Y PODREMOS BRINDARLES MEJORES SERVICIOS Y MAS ACERTADOS. DESDE YA AGRADECEMOS LA ATENCION CUESTIONARIO Referencia: Selección y adquisición de Publicaciones Periódicas. 1) Cátedra:........................................................................................................... 2) Materia:............................................................................................................ 3) Profesor Titular:.............................................................................................. 4) Profesor adjunto:.............................................................................................. Títulos Propuestos. 1) ¿Qué títulos argentinos debería poseer la Hemeroteca de la Facultad? (en lo posible consignar el editor y su dirección) ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. 2) ¿Qué títulos extranjeros debería poseer la Hemeroteca de la Facultad?(en lo posible consignar el editor y su dirección) ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. 3) ¿Conoce la existencia de la colección de Publicaciones Periódicas (Hemeroteca) de la Biblioteca? SI .......... NO .......... Este formulario guía puede ser ampliado por Ud. en hoja aparte y/o copiado tantas veces como sea necesario, con cualquier otra sugerencia bibliográfica. Favor de remitirlo a la Dirección de Biblioteca, por cualquiera de los medios antes mencionados. Nº 1 TITULO ANNALS: OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE 2 CAMBRIDGE LAW JOURNAL 3 FOREIGN AFFAIRS 4 FORO INTERNACIONAL Año, Vol.(nº) 2006, 604 2006, 65(2) 2006, 85(4) 2006, 46(184,2) 05:32 A72a THE ANNALS O OFF TTH HEE A AM MEER RIIC CA AN NA AC CA AD DEEM MY YO OFF PPO OLLIITTIIC CA ALL A AN ND D SSO OC CIIA ALL SSC CIIEEN NC CEE 2006 N º 604 IN THIS ISSUE Shelter from the Storm: Repairing the National Emergency Management System after Hurricane Katrina Special Editor: WILLIAM L. WAUGH JR. Preface William L. Waugh Jr.Pág.6 The Political Costs of Failure in the Katrina and Rita Disasters William L. Waugh Jr. 10 President Bush and Hurricane Katrina: A Presidential Leadership Study. Richard T Sylves Pág.26 Metaphors Matter: Disaster Myths, Media Frames, and Their Consequences in Hurricane Katrina Kathleen Tierney, Christine Bevc, and Eríca Kuligowski Pág.57 Rising to the Challenges of a Catastrophe: The Emergent and Prosocial Behavior following Hurricane Katrina Havidán Rodriguez, Joseph Trainor, and Enrico, L. Quarantelli Pág.82 Moral Hazard, Social Catastrophe: The Changing Face of Vulnerability along the Hurricane Coasts Susan L. Cutter and Christopher T Emrich Pág.102 Hurricane Katrina and the Flooding of New Orleans: Emergent Issues in Sheltering and Temporary Housing Joanne M. Nigg, John Barnshaw, and Manuel R Torres Pág.113 Weathering the Storm: The Impact of Hurricanes on Physical and Mental Health Linda B. Bourque, Judith M. Siegel, Megumi Kano, and Michele M. Wood 129 Challenges in Implementing Disaster Mental Health Programs: State Program Directors' Perspectives Carrie L. Elrod, Jessica L. Hamblen, and Fran H. Noriis Pág.152 Hurricane Katrina and the Paradoxes of Government Disaster Policy: Bringing About Wise Governmental Decisions for Hazardous Areas Raymond J. Burby Pág.171 Planning for Postdisaster Resiliency Philip R. Berke and Thomas J. Campanella Pág.192 Disaster Mitigation and Insurance: Learning from Katrina Howard Kunreuther Pág.208 The Primacy of Partnership: Scoping a New National Disaster Recovery Policy James K. Mitchell Pág.228 Agility and Discipline: Critical Success Factors for Disaster Response John R. Harrald Pág.256 Is the Worst Yet to Come? Donald E Kettl Pág.273 Quick Read Synopsis Shelter from the Storm: Repairing the National Emergency Management System after Hurricane Katrina Pág.288 Disaster Mitigation and Disaster Response Recommendations Pág.330 05:34(410) C144l THE CAMBRIDGE LAW JOURNAL 2006 Vol. 65 N º 2 ARTICLES National Self-Sufficiency or Intellectual Arrogance? The Current Attitude of American Courts Towards Foreign Law: Sir Basil Markesinis Pág.301 Relativity of Title at Law and in Equity: David Fox Pág.330 A Re-Appraisal of the Fiduciary Self-Dealing and Fair-Dealing Rules: Mathew Conaglen Pág.366 Do no Harm- Do Patients Have Responsibilities Too?: MARGARET BRAZIER Pág.397 Between Theory and Practice: New Perspectives on the Roman Law of Letting and Hiring: Paul Du Plessis Pág.423 A Wrong Turning for Article 3 ECHR and Proportionality: Stephanie Palmer Pág.438 05:327 F761 FOREIGN AFFAIRS 2006 Vol. 85 N º 4 The India Model Gurcharan Das Pág.2 After being shackled by the government for decades, India's economy has become one of the world's strongest. The countrys unique development model-relying on domestic consumption and high-tech services-has brought a quarter century of record growth despite an incompetent and heavy-handed state. But for that growth to, continue, the state must start modernizing along with Indian society. India and the Balance of Power C Raja Mohan Pág.17 India is on the verge of becoming a great power and the swing state in the international system. As a large, multiethnic, economically powerful, non-Western democracy, it will play a key role in the great struggles of the coming years. Washington has recognized the potential of a U.S.-Indian alliance, but translating that potential into reality will require engaging India on its own terms. America's New Strategic Partner? Ashton R Carter Pág.33 Over the last year, the U.S. and Indian governments struck a deal that recognizes India as a nuclear weapons power. Critics say Washington gave up too much too soon and at a great cost to nonproliferation efforts. Perhaps. But India could in time become a valuable security partner. So despite the deal's flaws and the uncertainties surrounding its implementation, Washington should move forward with it. Will Kashrnir Stop India's Rise? Sumit Ganguly Pág.45 India's growing economic and diplomatic prominence is unlikely to be derailed by its territorial dispute wrth Pakistan over Kashmir. But given the risk that the Kashmir issue could spark a nuclear war, ¡t is in India's best interest that ¡t be resolved. Washington should use its influence with Islamabad to, broker an agreement and thereby cement its growing strategic partnership with New Delhi. ESSAYS When the Shiites Rise Vali Nasr Pág.58 By toppling Saddam Hussein, the Bush administration has liberated and empowered Iraq's Shiite majority and has helped launch a broad Shiite revival that will upset: the sectarian balance in Iraq and the Middle East for years to come. This development is rattling some Sunni Arab governments, but for Washington, it could be a chance to build bridges with the region's Shiites, especially in Iran. The End of the Bush Revolution Philip H. Gordon Pág.75 The Bush administration's "revolutionary" foreign. policy rhetoric has not changed, but its actual policies have: after squandering U. S. legitimae Y, breaking the domestic bank, and getting the United States bogged down in an unsuccessful. war, the Bush doctrine has run up against reality and become unsustainable. The counterrevolution should be we1comed-and, if possible, locked in. Russia Leaves the West Dmitri Trenin Pág.87 Just 15 years after the Cold War's end, hopes of integrating Russia into the West have been dashed, and the Kremlin has started creating its own Moscow-centered system. But instead of just attacking this new Russian foreign policy, Washington must guard against the return of dangerous great-power rivalry. The U. S. Military's Manpower Crisis Frederick W Kagan Pág.97 Despite obvious manpower shortages in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Bush administration remains wedded to spending defense resources on "transformational" new technologies rather than on new troops. Cutting-edge weapons are critical. But what the United States needs above all are more men and wornen in uniform. Israel's New Strategy Barry Rubin Pág.111 Israeli politics have undergone a transformation, driven by the recognition that holding the West Bank and Gaza is not in Israel`s interest and that the Palestinian leadership is not ready for peace. The new consensus has induced Israel to withdraw unilaterally-and brought a measure of hope to a seemingly hopeless situation. The End of French Europe? Steven Philip Kramer Pág.126 When French voters rejected the proposed EU constitution last year, they revealed a profound lack of confidence not just in Europe, but in France itself. Long the driver of European integration, Paris these days can barely steer its own ship of state. Jacques Chirac is a big part of the problem. But France's troubles run deeper. Transformational Leadership and U. S. Grand Strategy Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Pág.139 George W. Bush wants to be remembered as a president who left a lasting mark on U. S. fóreigrí policy. His emphasis on spreading democracy and reshaping the Middle East is a manifestation of this drive. But the results of his management style and policy choices-especially the invasion of Iraq-may have already denied him. that legacy. REVIEWS & RESPONSES What to Do in Iraq: A Roundtable Larry Diamond, James Dobbins, Chaim Kaufmann, Leslie H. Gelb, and Stephen Biddle Pág.150 Can anything-international mediation, regional collaboration, decentralization, or constitutional negotiations-still save Iraq from a full-fledged civil war and the Bush administration from a foreign policy fiasco? Authentically Liberal Richard Holbrooke Pág.170 Taken together, Peter Beinart's The Good Fight and Joe Klein's Polities Lost provide a road map for a successful, politically savvy Democratic foreign policy. Present at the Stagnation Andrew J Nathan Pág.177 In China’s Trapped Transition, Minxin Pei attempts; to solve the puzzle of China's present-and figure out its future. The Crusade of Illusions Jack Snyder Pág.183 Can realism and idealism be reconciled? Christopher Layne's The Peace of Illusions and Colin Dueck’s Reluctant Crusaders take on the t-win poles of U. S. foreign policy. Empire- Falls Alexander J. Motyl Pág.190 Two new books attempt to explain U.S. power and policy in imperial terms. Unfortunately for their authors, the United States neither has nor is an empire. A Benign Revolution Bernardo Alvarez Herrera Pág.195 Venezuela's ambassador to Washington defends hís president-and argues that the United States has no reason to think of Hugo Chávez as an enemy. Letters to the Editor Pág.199 Including William Easterly’s response to Amartya Sen; Mark Weisbrot on Latin America's turn to the left; and others. Foreign Affairs Bestsellers Pág.204 05:341 F769i FORO INTERNACIONAL 2006 Año 46 Vol. 184 N º 2 ÍNDICE ARTÍCULOS Ricardo Tirado. El poder en las cámaras industriales de México.Pág.197 Juan Manuel Ortega Riquelme. Acuerdos tripartitas y gobernanza económica en el México de fin de siglo. Pág.227 Juan Pablo Prado Lallande. La ONU el desarrollo: una reflexión crítica y propositiva. Pág.263 Víctor Pavón-Villamayor y Jorge Velázquez Roa. ¿Es la pobreza la causa del terrorismo? Pág.291 Guadalupe Pacheco Méndez. ¿Hacia la cuarta etapa del partido de la revolución? La elección interna de dirigentes del PRI en febrero de 2002. Pág.303 Eugénio Vargas Garcia. ¿Imperio informal? La política británica hacia América Latina en el siglo xix. Pág.353 RESEÑAS Silvia Lidia González, Hiroshima: la noticia que nunca fue, ¿Cómo se censura la información en tiempos de conflictos?, por Froylán Enciso. Pág.386 Víctor Hugo Martínez González, Fisiones y fusiones; divorcios y reconciliaciones: la dirigencia del Partido de la Revolución Democrática, 1989-2004, por Rogelio Hernández. Pág.389 Victoria Murillo, Sindicalismo, coaliciones partidarias y reformas de mercado en América Latina, por Francisco Zapata. Pág.393 Mario Ojeda Gómez, México antes y después de la alternancia política: un testimonio, por Guadalupe González González. Pág.399 RESÚMENES Pág.406 ABSTRACTS Pág.410 COLABORADORES Pág.413