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Methodology Should be made explicit the method followed and when applicable the data used and the processing performed. Conclusions It should be synthesized the main findings from research and possible implications for the theory or practice of theme. Originality It must be justified the originality of the research and to whom it is addressed. 1. Introduction or first section in style "Title 1" Here begins the text of the first section, remember that the use of bold in the text is not allowed, if you want to highlight any phrase please use italics. Always remember to refer to tables and figures in the body of the text, eg: Table 1 shows the matrix of styles permitted in ACE Magazine. Remember that all tables must be submitted in Excel from the template that can be downloaded from the website of the magazine in the same section from which you downloaded this Word template. 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Remember that there can be only figures and tables, figures include graphs, charts, maps, photographs and other graphic material. Remember that text notes must go in the footer and not in the end 1. Figure 1 presents a map of Barcelona, ensure that the size of the insert graphic material is appropriate for the level of detail and to permit easy reading, even without printing and expand the document. "This is a textual citation from a text of another author published in another paper" (Surname, year of publication, page 25.). Figure 1. Map of a section of Barcelona 1 Footnote. Remember that endnotes are not allowed in the document, and each footnote must be referenced in the text. 302 ACE© AÑO II, núm.x, mes año | TÍTULO DEL ARTÍCULO Nombre del o la autora Source: Guia Urbana de la Ciutat (Ajuntament de Barcelona). Here continues the text. Remember that it is mandatory to use Arabic numerals in the titles of sections and subsections, as well as in figures and tables. Also it is not recommended lower levels than subsections throughout the text. Acknowledgements If this article is the result of a public funding project, you should make this acknowledgment in this section. Also, if you want to give personal thanks. Bibliography Thoroughly will be reviewed that there is univocal relation between the authors that are generic or quote cited in the text and the works cited in the bibliography. The references in the foot generally are not allowed, but can be accepted, if in the bibliography are listed them all. Some articles will allow to enlist the legislation, jurisprudence and other library resources consulted. Should be followed the ISO 690 and ISO 690-2 for print and electronic formats. When a book is to be displayed the following elements: 1. Author (s): either institution or person 2. Title of publication (in italics) 3. Edition number (except the first) 4. Place of publication 303 ACE© AÑO II, núm.x, mes año | TÍTULO DEL ARTÍCULO Nombre del o la autora 5. Publishing house 6. Year of publication 7. Pagination (when works of more than one volume, indicate the number of these without mentioning the pages) 8. Serial Note Examples: - One author WANOUS, J.P. Organizational entry: recruitment, selection and socialization of newcomers. 2nd. Edition. Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley. 1980. 223 p. - Two authores MARTINEZ, P. and NUÑEZ, J.A. Psicomotricidad y educación preescolar. Madrid, Nuestra Cultura, 1978. 246 p. - Three or more authors DALLANEGRA et al. Los países del Atlántico Sur. Geopolítica de la Cuenca del Plata por Buenos Aires, Pleamar, 1983. 199 p. When a part or a chapter of a book should appear the following elements: 1. Author (s) of the Chapter 2. Chapter Title (in italics) 3. In: (underlined followed by a colon), name of the author of the book, when it differs from the author of the chapter, followed by the title of the book 4. In: (underlined and followed by a colon), when the author of the chapter is the same author of the book 5. Place of publication 6. Publishing house 7. Year of publication 8. Pagination Examples: - MASLOW, A.H. Theory of human motivation. In: LEAVITT, H.J. and PONDY, L.R., eds. Reading in managerial psychology. Chicago, University of Chicago Pr., 1964. pp. 6-24. - YODER, D. Desarrollo de los recursos humanos. In own: Manejo de personal y relaciones industriales. México, Compañía Editorial Continental, 1976. Pp: 351-376. When a journal article should appear the following: 1. Author (s) of the article 2. Article title (in italics) 3. Title of the journal (underlined) or with different letter 4. Volume (when the magazine includes) 5. Issue (in brackets) 304 ACE© AÑO II, núm.x, mes año | TÍTULO DEL ARTÍCULO Nombre del o la autora 6. Pagination (preceded by a colon) 7. Date (month and year) Examples: - One author SIEGEL, A.L. The miniature job training and evaluation approach: additional findings. In: Personnel Psychology, 36 (1): 41-56, Spring 1983. - Two authors TIMBERLAKE, E.M. and CARR, L.W. El desarrollo del conocimiento de trabajo social. In: Trabajo Social, 6 (47): 35-39, 1985. - Three or more authors HERRERA, O. et al. Efectos de un programa curricular experimental sobre el desarrollo del niño de dos años por Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 17(3): 289-302, 1985. In the case of a paper presented at a conference should appear the following: 1. Author (s) 2. Document Title (in italics) 3. In: meeting name (underlined), number, year and place (in parentheses). 4. Title of the work 5. Place of publication 6. Publishing house 7. Date of publication 8. Pagination Examples: - GREZ, P. Traspaso de servicios de salud a las Municipalidades. In: Congreso Nacional de Alcaldes (3°, 1981, Santiago, Chile). Trabajos. Santiago, Chile, Ministerio del Interior, 1981. pp. 495-506. When dealing with regulation should appear the following: 1. Institution responsible 2. Title of regulation 3. Designation for this regulation followed by year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. 4. Place of publication 5. Year of publication 6. Pagination 305 ACE© AÑO II, núm.x, mes año | TÍTULO DEL ARTÍCULO Nombre del o la autora Examples: - INSTITUTO Nacional de Normalización (Chile). Gases licuados de petróleo (GLP) Determinación de la precisión de vapor - Método GLP. NCH77: Of. 1985. Santiago, Chile, 1985. 12 p. In the case of electronic journal articles should appear the following: 1. Author (s) of the article or contribution, whether institution or person 2. Title of article or contribution (in italics) 3. Title of journal or electronic series (underlined) 4. Type [in brackets] 5. Edition 6. Volume 7. Issue 8. Day, month and year 9. Revision Date 10. Date accessed [Required for online documents; brackets] 11. Location within the original document 12. Availability and access (Required for online documents) 13. International Standard Number (ISSN) Examples: - REINOSO, J. and POZZI, S. China acepta por primera vez la imposición de sanciones al régimen norcoreano [online] Date of consult: 11 Octubre 2006. In: El país digital, 2006. Available at: <http://www.elpais.es/articulo/internacional/China/acepta/primera/vez/ imposicion/sancion/regimen/norcoreano/elporintcor/20061011elpepiint 2tes>. - TORRES, A. i SANHUEZA, O. Modelo estructural de enfermería de calidad de vida e incertidumbre frente a la enfermedad [online] Date of consult: 11 Octubre 2006. In: Revista ACE: Arquitectura, Ciudad y Entorno, 9 (24): 56-89. DOI: 10.5821/ace.9.24.3698. ISSN: 18864805. In the event that should be cited other bibliographic resource that is not listed in this document, you have the documents ISO690 and ISO690-2 in the section "Rules for submitting originals". 306 ACE© AÑO II, núm.x, mes año | TÍTULO DEL ARTÍCULO Nombre del o la autora