Paulo freire

Freire was born September 19, 1921 to a
middle class family in Recife, Pernambuco.
Freire became familiar with poverty and
hunger during the Great Depression of the
1930s. In 1931 the family moved to the less
expensive city of Jaboatão dos Guararapes,
and in 1933 his father died.
Pedagogy of the Oppressed is the most
widely known of educator Paulo Freire's
works. It proposes a pedagogy with a new
relationship between teacher, student, and
society. It was first published in Portuguese in
1968, and was translated and published in
English in 1970.
In terms of actual pedagogy, Freire is best-known for his
attack on what he called the "banking" concept of
education, in which the student was viewed as an empty
account to be filled by the teacher. He notes that "it
transforms students into receiving objects. It attempts to
control thinking and action, leads men and women to
adjust to the world, and inhibits their creative power"
(Freire, 1970, p. 77).
There must be some enactment of the teacherstudent relationship in the parent-child relationship,
but what Freire suggests is that a deep reciprocity be
inserted into our notions of teacher and student. He
goes so far as to say that “Education must begin with
the solution of the teacher-student contradiction, by
reconciling the poles of the contradiction so that both
are simultaneously students and teachers” (Freire,
1970, p. 72). Freire wants us to think in terms of
teacher-student and student-teacher – that is, a
teacher who learns and a learner who teaches – as
the basic roles of classroom participation. Freire
however insists that educator and student, though
sharing democratic social relations of education, are
not on an equal footing, but the educator must be
humble enough to be disposed to relearn that which
she/he already thinks she/he knows, through
interaction with the learner.
According to Freire, the system of dominant
social relations create a culture of silence that
instills a negative, silenced and suppressed
self-image into the oppressed. The learner
must develop a critical consciousness in order
to recognize that this culture of silence is
created to oppress.
Is a Philosophy of Education described by
Henry Giroux as an "educational movement,
guided by passion and principle, to help
students develop consciousness of
freedom, recognize authoritarian
tendencies, and connect knowledge to
power and the ability to take constructive
Critical pedagogy includes relationships between
teaching and learning. This proponents claim that
it is a continuous process of what they call
"unlearning," "learning" and "relearning,"
"reflection," "evaluation," and the impact that
these actions have on the students, in particular
students whom they believe have been historically
and continue to be disenfranchised by what they
call "traditional schooling."
Es necesario desarrollar una pedagogía de la
pregunta. Siempre estamos escuchando una
pedagogía de la respuesta. Los profesores
contestan a preguntas que los alumnos no han
Mi visión de la alfabetización va más allá del ba,
be, bi, bo, bu. Porque implica una comprensión
crítica de la realidad social, política y económica
en la que está el alfabetizado.
Enseñar exige respeto a los saberes de los
Enseñar exige la corporización de las palabras
por el ejemplo.
Enseñar exige respeto a la autonomía del ser del
Enseñar exige seguridad, capacidad profesional
y generosidad.
Enseñar exige saber escuchar.
Nadie es, si se prohíbe que otros sean.
La Pedagogía del oprimido, deja de ser del
oprimido y pasa a ser la pedagogía de los
hombres en proceso de permanente liberación.
No hay palabra verdadera que no sea unión
inquebrantable entre acción y reflexión.
Decir la palabra verdadera es transformar al
Decir que los hombres son personas y como
personas son libres y no hacer nada para lograr
concretamente que esta afirmación sea objetiva,
es una farsa.
El hombre es hombre, y el mundo es mundo. En
la medida en que ambos se encuentran en una
relación permanente, el hombre transformando al
mundo sufre los efectos de su propia
El estudio no se mide por el número de páginas
leídas en una noche, ni por la cantidad de libros
leídos en un semestre. Estudiar no es un acto de
consumir ideas, sino de crearlas y recrearlas
Solo educadores autoritarios niegan la
solidaridad entre el acto de educar y el acto de
ser educados por los educandos.
Todos nosotros sabemos algo. Todos nosotros
ignoramos algo. Por eso, aprendemos siempre
La cultura no es atributo exclusivo de la
burguesía. Los llamados «ignorantes» son
hombres y mujeres cultos a los que se les ha
negado el derecho de expresarse y por ello son
sometidos a vivir en una «cultura del silencio».
Alfabetizarse no es aprender a repetir palabras,
sino a decir su palabra.
Defendemos el proceso revolucionario como una
acción cultural dialogada conjuntamente con el
acceso al poder en el esfuerzo serio y profundo
de concientización.
La ciencia y la tecnología, en la sociedad
revolucionaria, deben estar al servicio de la
liberación permanente de la HUMANIZACIÓN
del hombre.
http/ pedagogy.of_the_opprese