Genetic Programming Model for Software Quality Classication Yi. Liu T aghi M. Khoshgoftaar Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, Florida USA Abstract Pr edicting software quality is very useful in software engineering, but sometimes predicting the exact number of faults is dicult and unnecessary. In this paper, we apply Genetic Programming techniques to build a softwar e quality classication model base d on the metrics of software modules. The model we built attempts to distinguish the fault-prone modules from non fault-prone modules using Genetic Programming (GP). These GP experiments were conducted with a random subset selection for GP in order to avoid overtting. We then use the whole t data set as thevalidation data set to select the b est model. We demonstrate through two case studies that the GP technique can achieve good results. Also, we compared GP modeling with logistic regression modeling to verify the usefulness of GP. Keywords: Software Metrics, Genetic Programming, Properties of Metrics, Measur ementTheory, Classication, Cost of misclassication 1. Introduction Soft w arequalit yis becoming more important as computer systems pervade our societ y. Low qualit y softw arecan impact people in many w ays, including economic loss and ev en place their lives at risk. Predicting softw are quality can guide decision-making processes for software dev elopment managers, and help them to achiev ethe all-important goals of releasing a high qualit ysoftw areproduct on time and within budget. If w e can predict softw arequalit yearly in the development cycle, it can signicantly reduce costs. Readers may contact the authors through Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory , Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431 USA. Phone: (561)2973994, Fax: (561)297-2800, Email:, URL: Early softw are quality prediction relies on the softw are metrics collected in the specication, design and implementation phase. There are various techniques applied to this eld and some of them have achieved good results 8], 2], 4], 5], 7], 9], 10], 1], 3]. One of the modelingapproac hes is softw arequality classication modeling based on cost-eective measurement 6]. In this model, predicting the exact number of faults is not necessary. The goal is to predict whether each module is fault-prone or not fault-prone at the beginning of system integration so that developers can invest more eort on fault-prone modules than on not fault-prone modules thereby minimizing development costs. The advan tage of GP is that it can discover a pattern from a set of tness cases \without being explicitly programmed for them" 13]. When we denea set of functions and terminals, select a target tness function, provide a nite set of tness cases, GP can nd a solution in the search space dened by these functions and terminals provided to the problem. There are no prior applications of GP to softw are qualit y classication models to our knowledge. In this paper, we rst proposed an integrated method for using GP in softw are quality classication modeling, including random subset selection and denition of a model selection process. It also rst introduced the prior probability and costs of misclassication into a tness function. Two case studies illustrated the success of the GP technique in softw are quality classication models by using data from tw o real-world projects: very large c -based softw are applications, VLWA, writWindows ten in C++ language with 1211 source code les, and over 27.5 million lines of code in each application. In this paper, We rst give an overview of the classication rules, and the tw omethodologies: Genetic Programming (GP) and Logistic Regression modeling (LRM). Then w e present the integrated method w e used to build a softw arequalit yclassication model. We also compared the results betw een GP and Logis- Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE’01) 1530-2059/01 $17.00 © 2001 IEEE tic Regression modeling. 2. Software Quality Classication Model The goal of a softw arequalit ymodel is to predict the quality of a module based on softw are metrics. The qualit y of a module is measured by predicting its number of faults. But it is dicult to predict the exact number of faults in a module. Sometimes it is even unnecessary to satisfy this requirement. In this case, a softw are quality classication model is especially useful. It focuses on classifying modules into tw ocategories: fault-prone and not fault-prone. In a real-world softw aredev elopment, it is impossible to apply the same eort and reliabilit y improvement techniques, like testing, to every module because of schedule and cost limitations. The project manager may want to assign more testing eort on the modules which are more important and more likely to be faultprone. The purpose of a softw are quality classication model is to provide a guideline for the software development process so that a dev elopment team can use their reliability improvement eorts cost-eectively. A module is said to be fault-prone if the number of faults is greater than a selected threshold. Otherwise, the module is not fault-prone. The class (fault-prone or not fault-prone) is the dependent variable in the model. The attributes of softw are modules collected in the soft w are development process are the independent variables. The model predicts the class of each module based on it's known attributes, namely, the softw are product and process metrics. An important advantage of building a model using these metrics is that we can predict the quality of the module in the early stages of the soft ware development cycle. So the eort to correct faults is muc h more cost-eective. T o remain consistant with previously published w ork, we will use the same denitions for several terms: a \fault" is a defect in a program that may cause incorrect execution 11]. A \Type I error" is dened as when a model misclassies a not fault-prone (nfp) softw aremodule as fault-prone (fp). A \Type II error" is dened as when a model misclassies a fault-prone softw are module as not fault-prone.12 ] 2.1. Classification Rules In practice the penalties for dierent misclassications are not the same. If a type I error occurs, the cost reects the waste of eort and money trying to improve a module that already has high quality. If a type II error occurs, the cost is that a poor quality module loses an opportunity to be corrected early. This can be very expensive or ev en disastrous. In general, the later a fault is discovered, the more expensive it is to repair. So our classication rules take into account the costs of dierent types of misclassication. The objective for the rules is to minimize the expected cost of misclassication. The expected cost of misclassication of one module as dened in 12] is ECM = CI Pr(2j1)1 + CII Pr(1j2)2 (1) where CI is the cost of a type I misclassication. CII is the cost of a type II misclassication. Pr(2j1) is the type I misclassication rate, Pr(1j2) is the type II misclassication rate. 1 is the prior probability of membership for the not fault-prone class, 2 is the prior probability of membership for the fault-prone class. A classication rule that minimizes the expected cost of misclassication as dened in 12] is Class(xi ) = ( nfp if ff12 ((xxii )) CCIII 21 fp otherwise (2) where f1 (xi ) is a lik elihood function for module i0 s membership in the not fault-prone class. f2 (xi ) is a likelihood function for module i0 s membership in the fault-prone class. Class(xi ) is the predicted class of module i based on vector of independent variables, xi . Project managers will be interested in this rule because the cost is usually a key element for the project management. But costs of misclassications are dicult to estimate for some projects. Sometimes prior probabilities are unknown or dicult to estimate. In such cases, we present a more general rule that does not require the tw o parameters (CCIII and 21 ). It is dened in 12]: Class(xi ) = ( nfp if ff12 ((xxii )) c fp otherwise (3) where c is a constant and is chosen empirically. Usually, as the value of c increases, the type I misclassication rate increases and the type II misclassication rate decreases. As a result, we select the c by achieving the project's preferred balance betw een the tw o misclassication rates. 3. Genetic Programming Model Genetic Programming (GP) was rst proposed by John Koza. It is a part of the eld of machine learning system. One of the advantages of GP is that it Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE’01) 1530-2059/01 $17.00 © 2001 IEEE Gen=0 Creating the initial population Yes Present the result Termination condition Satisfied No Evaluation End i=0 Selecting GP operaiton Gen=Gen+1 Selecting individuals Breeding and store into next population Increase i Yes I>M No Figure 1. The flowchart of GP algorithm can evolve a solution automatically from the input of the training data 13 ]. Each individual in GP is a Sexpression composed of functions and terminals provided by the problem. We use a tness function to dene the quality of each individual. It determines which individual can be selected for mating and reproduction for the next generation. 3.1. The process of evolution of GP algorithm The progress of GP imitates the Darwinian principle of survival and reproduction of the ttest individuals. The entire process of GP is shown in Figure 1. M is the maximum number of generations. 4. Logistic Regression Modeling Logistic Regression Modeling (LRM) is a statistic modeling technique which is often used to investigate the relationship betw een the response probability and the explanatory variables. The independent variables can be categorical, discrete or continuous, but the dependent variable can only take one of tw o possible values. It is very suitable to apply LRM to the softw are qualit yclassication model since the predictable dependent variable is a class membership with tw o possible v alues:not fault-prone and fault-prone. There are several possible strategies for encoding categorical independent variables for the logistic regression model. F or binary categorical variables, w e encode the categories as the values zero and one. We can use discrete and continuous variables directly. We dene a module being fault-prone as an "even t". Let p be the probability of an even t, and thus, p=(1 ; p) be the odds of an even t. Suppose xj is the j th inde- pendent variable, and Xi is the vector of the ith module's independent variable values. The logistic regression model has the form: log( 1 ;p p ) = 0 + 1 x1 + ::: + j xj + ::: + m xm (4) where log means natural logarithm and m is the number of independent variables, 0 is the intercept parameter and j j 6= 0 are the slope parameters. bj is the estimated value of j . The model also can be restated as 0 + 1 x1 + ::: + m xm ) (5) p = 1 +exp( exp( + x + ::: + x ) 0 1 1 m m which implies each xj is assumed to be monotonically related to p. Since most softw are engineering measures do have a monotonic relationship with faults, we can apply this model to softw are quality classication. In this paper, we use stepwise logistic regression to build the model, which is one of model selection methods using the following procedure. First, estimate a model with only the intercept. Ev aluatethe signicance of eac h variable not in the model. Add to the model the variable with the largest chi-squared p value which is better than a given threshold signicance level. Second, estimate parameters of the new model. Evaluate the signicance of each variable in the model. Remove from the model the variable with the smallest chi-squared p value whose significance is worse than a given signicance level. Third, repeat the rst step and the second step until no v ariable can be added or removed from the model. T est for adding or removing a variable is based on an adjusted residual chi-squared statistic for each variable, comparing models with and without the variable of interest. We calculate the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of the model, bj . The estimated standard deviation of a parameter can be calculated, based on the log-likelihood function. All of these calculations are provided by commonly available statistical pac kages, such as SAS. We then apply the classication rule that minimizes the expected cost of misclassication for this model. So the process of classication is : 1. Calculate p^=(1 ; p^) using log (1 ;p^ p^) = b0 + b1 x1 + ::: + bj xj + ::: + bm xm : (6) 2. Assign the module by a classication rule that minimizes the expected cost of misclassication dened by Equation (3). Class(xi ) = ( fault ; prone if 1;p^ p^ CCIII nfp fp not fault ; prone otherwise Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE’01) 1530-2059/01 $17.00 © 2001 IEEE (7) Table 1. Software Product Metrics for VLWA Symbol Description NUMI Number of times the source le was inspected prior to the system test release. LOCB Number of lines for the source le prior to coding phase. LOCT Number of lines of code for the source le prior to system test release. LOCA Number of lines of commented code for the source le prior to coding phase. LOCS Number of lines of commented code for the source le prior to system test release. 4.1. VLWA dataset In this paper, the GP and LRM modelsw ere rst developed using data collected from tw o very large c -based softw are applications. These appliWindows cations were very similar and contained common softw are code. Data collected from both applications, w as analyzed simultaneously. These applications were written in C++ language with 1211 source code les, and over 27.5 million lines of code in each application. Source code les were considered as modules in these case studies. The metrics were collected using a combination of several tools and databases. The independent variables for the tw o models are listed in Table 1. NUMI is a process metric and the other four are product metrics. Two dependent variables are the number of faults and the number of code churn during system test. Code churn is dened as the summation of the number of lines added, deleted and modied. The rst model classied the modules into changeprone and not change-prone based on the number of code churn. In this case study, change-prone modules has four or more code churn. This threshold illustrates project specic criteria. The t data set has 807 modules among which 618 modules are not change-prone and 189 are change-prone. The test data set contains the remaining 404 modules among which 308 modules are not change-prone and 96 are change-prone. The second model classied the modules into faultprone modules and not fault-prone modules based on the number of faults. The selected threshold is 2, namely, if a module has tw oor more faults, then it is fault-prone. Otherwise, it is not fault-prone. The t data set has 807 modules, consisting of 632 not faultprone modules and 175 fault-prone modules. The test data set has 404 modules, consisting of 317 not faultprone modules and 87 fault-prone modules. 5. Empirical Case Study We built tw o predictive models for VLWA data set: the number of faults and the number of code churn. These case studies show ed that GP can successfully be applied to softw are reliability engineering. The following steps summarize how this experiment w as performed: 1. Collect the data from a past project. These data usually are softw are metrics on which our prediction depends. 2. Determine the class of each module. nfp If faults < threshold Class(xi ) = fp Otherwise Where threshold depend on the project-specic criteria. 3. Prepare the data set. We split the data into t and test data set. In these case studies, the t data set con tainstw o thirds of the data and the test data set con tains the remaining one third of the data. 4. Build a model: We use the GP technique and apply the model selection process which is dened in section 5.3 to build a GP-based softw are quality classication model. 5. Predict the class of each module in test data set to evaluate the predictive quality of the GP model. We apply the model to the test data set to evaluate it's quality. The result will tell us the level of accuracy of the model when w eapply it to the subsequent releases or similar projects where the actual class of each module is unknown. 5.1. Random Subset Selection Successfully building a model using GP heavily depends on the selected tness cases. Usually, a large data set will result in a better model. The selected tness cases must represent the environment of the problem in the best possible way. This allows GP to learn the true nature of the problem rather than memorizing tness cases. In softw areengineering, with realw orld systems like VLWA, the number of tness cases is xed when data collection nishes. It is impossible to increase the number of tness cases for GP since Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE’01) 1530-2059/01 $17.00 © 2001 IEEE all of these tness cases are determined by the development process. We also do not know whet her these tness cases we provided are adequate to represent the problem itself or not. Under this situation, w eneed to nd a method to use all of the tness cases in the best possible w ay. One simple and common method is that w euse the en tire t data set as a training data set and evaluate the population of GP against the test data set. The main disadvantage of this method is the risk of overtting. Overtting is when a model works well on the t data set, but has poor performance on the test data set. Because a higher tness may indicate overtting, selecting the model with the highest tness may not be a good method. Another method is to split the t data set into tw o data sets. One is the training data set used to build a model, the second is the validation data set used to validate the qualit yof the model. The test data set remains the same. Again, the rst issue w e face is overtting. The second issue is when w esplit the t data set into the training data set and the validation data set that roughly match the distribution in the t data set. In order to avoid these problems, w e choose a method called Random Subset Selection (RSS). In this method, we did not evaluate the population against the en tire t data set,nor did w e pic k a x subset of the t data set. A dierent subset from the t data set for each generation is randomly selected. The tness evaluation of each individual in each generation is performed against the subset, not the en tire t data set. So the individuals in each generation must confront differen t data. The individuals can only survive if they do well with many dierent subsets. Memorizing one or more subsets will not ensure survival. Because the surviving individuals are always confronted with dieren t data sets in each generation, they have to discover the underlying rules behind the data. Another advantage of this method is that calculation time for the tness evaluation will be reduced when we ha vea large data set. Because w e randomly pic k a subset with a smaller number of tness cases than the en tire t data set for each generation. The smaller the size of the subset is, the shorter the evaluation time is. In VLWA data set, we randomly pick up tw o-thirds of the not-fault prone modules and tw o-thirdsof the fault-prone modules from the t data set to use as the tness subset for a given generation. 5.2. Fitness evaluation We dene CI as the cost for a type I misclassication, CII as the cost for a t ypeII misclassication. The cost ratio c is equal to CII =CI , which is used to achiev e a preferred balance betw een the type I and type II misclassication rates. Our GP model rst predicted the number of faults of each module. Then it classied each module as faultprone and not fault-prone. If a not fault-prone module is misclassied as fault-prone, a penalty of CI will be added to the tness of the model. If a fault-prone module is misclassied as not fault-prone, a penalty of CII will be added to the tness of the model. The measurement of tness here includes raw tness and the number of hits. The raw tness of each individual is the sum of the cost for misclassication. In addition, if the absolute value of number of faults predicted is extremely large, then a constant penalty CIII will also be added. So we dene the raw tness as: fitness = CI NI + CII NII + CIII NIII (8) where NI is the number of type I errors, NII is the number of type II errors. NIII is the number of modules whose the absolute value ofn umber of faults are predicted as extremely large. We dened CI as one unit, CII as c CI . Since we hope that CIII will give some penalties to these individuals which predict the absolute value of number of faults as extremely large and maintain the diversity of the population, we suggest that CIII is a small number times CI . In our experiments, w edene CIII as twice of CI . We also select CIII as ve times of CI in other experiments and it did not impact the results. The number of hits is dened as the number of correct classied modules. 5.3. Model Selection Because GP training process is a stochastic and emergent phenomena, eac h run generates dierent models. Sometimes GP produces a good model, sometimes it does not. It is dicult to select the most suitable model for a system because of overtting and sample errors. The criterion for choosing the best model on the training data set is especially dicult in our case studies. It is ideal if a model has the lowest type I error and the low est type II error. But the problem we faced w as: as type I error decreases, type II error increases and vice versa. So we dened \best model" based on the classication rule 3 used in section 2.1, namely, the model that yield the most balanced type I and type II Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE’01) 1530-2059/01 $17.00 © 2001 IEEE misclassication rates with the type II misclassication rate being as low as possible. We also dene a model selection process to choose the best model. In our case studies, c will be changed within a given range. We select the top ve individuals for each run. T otallyw eha vefty individuals for eac h c since ten runs were performed with dierent c values. Then we pick the best one from the fty individuals. The following model selection process illustrates how we select the \best mode". 1. Recalculate the tness of the fty individuals based on the entire t data set. We use the entire data set as our validation data set. Although most of the fty individuals ha ve similar tness when a run nishes, they have different tnesses when we measure them on the entire t data set. This step ensures that we always pick the best one based on the entire t data set. 2. Select the best model for each c from the fty individuals based on the denition of \best model" above. We select the best model for each c, namely, the model that yields the most balanced type I and type II misclassication rates with the type II misclassication rate as low as possible. 3. Choose the best model for the system among the models selected from step 2. Of course, the model we choose is not always the one whose performance is best on the test data set. But each time we used this model selection process dened above, it selected a model with good performance on the test data set. 6. Case Study Our case studies illustrated the method of applying GP technique to softw arequalit yclassifcation models. The class membership is the dependent variable we want to predict. 6.1. GP-tool The tool we select is lilgp1.01 developed by Douglas Zongker and Dr.Bill Punch of Michigan State University. It is implemented using the C language and based on the LISP work of John Koza. When applying lilgp to genetic programming application, each individual is organized as a tree. Each node in the tree is a C function pointers. The speed of execution is faster than interpreted LISP since the application is compiled. Table 2. The Parameter list for GP pop size max generations output.basename output.bestn init.method init.depth max depth breed phases breed1].operator breed1].rate breed2].operator breed2].rate function set termination-criterion 1000 200 cccs2 5 half and half 2-10 20 2 crosso ver, select=tness 0.90 reproduction, select=tness 0.10 +,-,*,/,sin,cos,exp,log, GT, VGT exceeding the maximum generation 6.2. Case study for VLWA data set 6.2.1 P arameterList Operator GT is dened as: if the v alue of the rst parameter is bigger than the second one, then return 0.0. Otherwise, return 1.0. Operator VGT is dened as: return the maximum value of the tw o parameters. So GP can generate discontinuous function. Since choosing a good combination of parameter setting is somewhat of a black art, and our goal is to apply GP to software reliabilit y engineering, not parameter optimization.The parameters we selected have not been optimized. The independent variables of the VLWA data set are listed in Table 1. The two dependent variables are class memberships for the number of faults and code churn. The threshold for the number of faults is empirically set to be 2. If the number of faults of a module is greater than or equal to 2, then it is fault-prone. Otherwise, it is not fault-prone. The threshold for code churn is 4, namely, if the number of code churn of a module is greater than or equal to 4, then it is change-prone. Otherwise, it is not change-prone. The parameters are same as CCCS. 6.2.2 Experiment Results The rst model that we built is to classify modules as change-prone or not change-prone based on code churn. T able 3 shows the results for the t data set as c varies from 1 to 5. T able 4 lists the results when we applied the models to the test data set. The best result appeared in the t data set for c=2/2.5/3, with a type I misclassication rate of 19.58%, a type II misclassication rate of 21.16% and an overall misclassication rate Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE’01) 1530-2059/01 $17.00 © 2001 IEEE Table 3. The best-of-runs for c=1 to 5 for code churn(fit data set) c 1 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 T ype I T ype II 62 75 10.03% 39.68% Overall 137 16.98% 121 19.58% 121 19.58% 134 21.68% 157 25.40% 135 21.84% 218 35.28% 161 19.95% 161 19.95% 169 20.94% 191 23.67% 177 21.93% 233 28.87% 121 40 161 19.58% 21.16% 19.95% 40 21.16% 40 21.16% 35 18.52% 34 17.99% 42 22.22% 15 7.94% Table 4. The best-of-runs for c=1 to 5 for code churn(test data set) c 1 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Type I 29 9.42% T ype II Overall 33 62 34.38% 15.35% 58 18.83% 57 18.51% 62 20.13% 82 26.62% 67 21.75% 100 32.47% 19 19.79% 18 18.75% 16 16.67% 16 16.67% 18 18.75% 7 7.29% 58 19 77 18.83% 19.79% 19.06% 77 19.06% 75 18.56% 78 19.31% 98 24.26% 85 21.04% 107 26.49% Table 5. The best-of-runs for c=1 to 5 for fault(fit data set) c 1 Type I 61 9.65% 2 59 9.34 % 2.5 61 9.65% 3 194 30.70% 3.5 135 21.36% T ype II 89 50.86% 75 42.86% 76 43.43% 48 27.43% 55 31.43% Overall 150 18.59% 134 16.60% 137 16.98% 242 29.99% 190 23.54% 4.5 43 24.57 % 38 21.71% 196 24.29% 273 33.83% 4 5 153 43 196 24.21% 24.57 % 24.29% 153 24.21% 235 37.18% of 19.95%. Application of the model to the test data set yielded a type I misclassication rate of 18.83%, a type II misclassication rate of 19.79% and an overall misclassication rate of 19.06%. The second model is to classify modules as faultprone or not fault-prone using the number of faults. Table 5 shows the results for the t data set as c varied from 1 to 5. T able 6 lists the results when we applied the models to the test data set. The best result appeared in the t data set when c=4/4.5, with a type I misclassication rate of 24.21%, a type II misclassication rate of 24.57% and an overall misclassication rate of 24.29%. Application of the model to the test data set yielded a type I misclassication rate of 20.19%, a type II misclassication rate of 27.59% and an overall misclassication rate of 21.78%. Figure 2 and gure 3 show the predictions of the tw o GP models as c varies. If the type I error rate in the t data set drops, it also drops when we apply the model to the test data set. The type II misclassication rates behave in the same way. 6.2.3 Logistic Regression Modeling We also built tw o models for the tw o dependent variables of VLWA data set using logistic regression modeling. T able 7 and Table 8 show the results when the tw obest models which are based on the t data set w ere applied to the testdata set. The bestresult for Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE’01) 1530-2059/01 $17.00 © 2001 IEEE T ype I T ype II 25 39 7.89% 44.83 % 2 32 35 10.09 % 40.23% 2.5 36 36 11.36% 41.38% 3 92 25 29.02% 28.74% 3.5 63 26 19.87% 29.89% 4 4.5 type I misclassification rate 5 Overall 64 15.84% 87 16.58% 72 17.82% 117 28.96% 89 22.03% 64 24 88 20.19% 27.59% 21.78% 64 20.19% 116 36.59% 24 27.59% 19 21.84% 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 88 21.78% 135 33.42% Type I misclassification for fit data set Type I misclassification for test data set 0 2 4 6 type I misclassification rate c 1 Type I misclassification for fit data set 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 Type I misclassification for test data set 0 2 4 6 value of c type II misclassification rate Table 6. The best-of-runs for c=1 to 5 for fault(test data set) 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 60.00 50.00 Type II misclassification for fit data set 40.00 30.00 Type II misclassification for test data set 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 value of c Figure 3. fault : Misclassifications for fit and test code churn is when 1=c = 0.22, with a type I misclassication rate of 26.95%, a type II misclassication rate of 30.21% and an overall misclassication rate of 27.72%. The best result for the number of faults is when 1=c=0.19, where a type I misclassication rate of 30.60%, a type II misclassication rate of 32.18% and an o verall misclassication rate of 30.94%. type II misclassification rate value of c 6.2.4 Comparison 45.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 Type II misclassification for fit data set Type II misclassification for test data set 0 2 4 6 value of c Figure 2. code churn : Misclassifications for fit and test We compared the best results of the tw o methodologies: LRM and GP. The results are shown in T able9 and T able 10. The type I error rate and the type II error rate of the GP model are much better than for LRM. For example, for code churn, the type I error rate of GP is 18.83%, compared to 26.95% for LRM . The type II error rate is 19.79%, compared to 30.21% for LRM. The overall misclassication rate is 18.56%, compared to 27.72% for LRM. For the number of faults, the type I error rate of GP is 20.19%, compared for 30.60% of LRM, the type II error rate is 27.59%, compared to 32.18% for LRM and the overall misclassication rate for GP is 21.78%, compared to 30.94% for LRM. Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE’01) 1530-2059/01 $17.00 © 2001 IEEE Table 7. Logistic regression model for code churn(test data set) 1=c 0.1 T ype I T ype II 308 0 100.00% 0.00% 0.2 89 28 28.90% 29.17% 0.21 86 29 27.92% 30.21% Overall 308 76.24% 117 28.96% 115 28.47% 0.23 101 25.00% 92 22.77% 88 21.78% 82 20.30% 75 18.56% 68 16.83% 69 17.08% 68 16.83% 65 16.09% 64 15.84% 65 16.09% 0.22 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.3 0.4 0.5 1 83 29 112 26.95% 30.21% 27.72% 69 22.40% 57 18.51% 52 16.88% 45 14.61% 38 12.34% 31 10.06% 29 9.42% 27 8.77% 18 5.84% 14 4.55% 7 2.27% 32 33.33% 35 36.46% 36 37.50% 37 38.54% 37 38.54% 37 38.54% 40 41.67% 41 42.71% 47 48.96% 50 52.08% 58 60.42% Table 8. Logistic regression model for fault (test data set) 1=c 0.1 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1 Type I T ype II 317 0 100.00% 0.00% 315 0 99.37% 0.00% 308 1 97.16% 1.15% 298 8 94.01% 9.20% 220 8 69.40% 9.20% 195 12 61.51% 13.79% 184 21 58.04% 24.14% 159 25 50.16% 28.74% 107 26 33.75% 29.89% Overall 317 78.47% 315 77.97% 309 76.49% 306 75.74% 228 56.44% 207 51.24% 205 50.74% 184 45.54% 133 32.92% 84 26.50% 27 8.52% 17 5.36% 15 4.73% 4 1.26% 112 27.72% 66 16.34% 60 14.85% 62 15.35% 59 14.60% 97 28 125 30.60% 32.18% 30.94% 28 32.18% 39 44.83% 43 49.43% 47 54.02% 55 63.22% 7. Conclusion GP is a pow erful technique for nding a general pattern behind a set of data. T oour knowledge, the GP communit y has notapplied prior probability and cost of misclassication to softw arequalit y classication modeling studies. This paper introduce the prior probability and costs of misclassication into the tness function. Two full-scale industrial VLWA illustrate case studies the method we dened. The results sho w the potential capability of GP in predicting softw are quality . Our models also illustrate the dierent misclassication rates over a range of cost ratios. As the cost ratio increases, type I errors increase and type Table 9. Classification comparison for code churn Model Errors LRM GP T ype I errors 26.95% 18.83% T ype II errors 30.21% 19.79% Overall Misclassication Rate 27.72% 18.56% Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE’01) 1530-2059/01 $17.00 © 2001 IEEE Table 10. Classification comparison for fault Model Errors LRM GP T ype I errors 30.60% 20.19% T ype II errors 32.18% 27.59% Overall Misclassication Rate 30.94% 21.78% II errors decrease. In this paper, w ealso compare Genetic Programming modeling with logistic regression modeling. It shows that the GP modeling was more accurate than logistic regression modeling in our case studies. 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Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE’01) 1530-2059/01 $17.00 © 2001 IEEE