Critical Reflection Paper Instructions

University of Massachusetts Boston Graduate College of Education Department of Counseling and School Psychology Family Therapy Program COU 698, Family Therapy Internship (6 Credits), Summer 2010 Course Instructor: Kristi L. Palmer, M.Ed., Ph.D. Candidate Critical Reflection Paper Instructions The Critical Reflection Paper is intended to provide you with the opportunity to organize and consolidate your experiential learning. This assignment involves reflection on issues such as: your change and growth as a therapist; your progress toward goals identified at the beginning of the term; important experiences as part of the seminar group process; your current thoughts about your therapy style, core assumptions, and model interests; and particularly important self-­‐of-­‐therapist issues (e.g., identity dimensions, power and privilege, management of anxiety in session). In preparation for writing the critical reflection paper, please review the short writing assignments you completed over the course of the semester. You may choose to use the critical reflection paper to expand upon some themes that emerged in your reflection papers. You may also choose to respond to questions that the instruction posed in her responses to your assignments. This final paper should be approximately 6 pages in length (double-­‐spaced; no fewer than 5 full pages of text and no more than 8). As you prepare to write the critical reflection paper, please give consideration to how you will organize your paper and how you will prioritize the themes or issues you might discuss. While the final paper will likely have a conversational writing style similar to the weekly writing assignments, its length requires that you give greater consideration to organization. The suggestions listed above are intended to serve as a starting point as you write the paper. You do not need to address all of the topics listed above. You are not required to cite references in this paper, however, please use APA style conventions and professional language. Please edit your paper to ensure both correct grammar and comprehensibility. This paper is worth 15 points toward your final grade: APA style, professional language, correct grammar, and comprehensibility 2 points Organization and prioritization of important themes 5 points Evidence of thoughtfulness about identified issues 8 points The purpose of the critical reflection paper is to provide you with an opportunity to consolidate your learning, that is, to review and make sense of your experiences over the course of the summer internship seminar. This is a process that is necessarily personal, thus, you will not be graded on the particular perspectives you take regarding your experiences. Grading of the critical reflection paper is intended to encourage you to approach the writing process in a thoughtful way that clearly conveys your experience to others, including your instructor. 