IESE UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA Boletín Informativo División Investigación Julio-septiembre 1998 Newsletter Research Division July-September 1998 Nº 94 EN ESTE NUMERO IN THIS ISSUE LIBROS BOOKS 1 CONTRIBUCIONES EN LIBROS CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOOKS 2 ARTICULOS ARTICLES 2 CONFERENCIAS Y SEMINARIOS CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS 4 VARIOS OTHERS 8 ACTIVIDADES DOCENTES TEACHING ACTIVITIES 10 CASOS - NOTAS TECNICAS CASES - TECHNICAL NOTES 10 DOCUMENTOS INVESTIGACION RESEARCH PAPERS 15 MATERIAL PEDAGOGICO INCORPORADO DE OTRAS INSTITUCIONES TEACHING MATERIAL INCORPORATED FROM OTHER INSTITUTIONS 16 LIBROS BOOKS Josep Faus - L’dia Pradas Ð Manuales pedag—gicos de los libros ÇFinanzas OperativasÈ y ÇPol’ticas y decisiones financierasÈ, Estudios y Ediciones IESE, S.L., p‡gs. 308 y 295, respectivamente, 1998. Jordi Gual - Lars Bergman (et al.) Ð ÇEuropeÕs Network Industries: Conflicting Priorities. TelecommunicationsÈ, Monitoring European Deregulation 1, Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, 1998. Abstract: The first part of the report explores ten conflicting priorities that European policy-makers face in defining an appropriate competition and regulatory policy framework for the network industries: short term versus long term objectives; efficiency versus equity objectives; competition versus monopoly; slow versus fast liberalization; public versus private ownership; sector-specific regulation versus general competition law; rules versus discretion; permanent versus temporary regulation; centralized versus decentralized regulation; and light-handed versus heavy-handed regulation. The second part of the report focuses specifically on the telecommunications industry, a sector where shifting patterns of ownership and market structure in combination with extraordinary technological change are creating enormous challenges for regulators at both EU and national level. The report examines the risk that new national or Europe-wide regulation will tilt the playing field in favour of some competitors with potentially detrimental consequences both for consumers and for the long term development of the industry. Pedro Nueno Ð ÇCompitiendo en el siglo XXI. C—mo innovar con ŽxitoÈ, Gesti—n 2000, 1998, 308 p‡g. (con la colaboraci—n de Cristina Pallˆs). Resumen: Si en las œltimas dŽcadas las empresas europeas tuvieron que mejorar su calidad y su productividad, en los pr—ximos a–os tendr‡n que competir con su innovaci—n. Adem‡s, hay que saber integrar la innovaci—n en el conjunto de los procesos de la empresa para conseguir el Žxito comercial. 1 Boletín Informativo – Newsletter IESE, Universidad de Navarra Esta obra profundiza en un conjunto de empresas capaces de regenerarse continuamente mediante la innovaci—n y sostener con ella unos buenos resultados. Se analiza la innovaci—n en distintos contextos, que van desde la cŽlula emprendedora a la gran empresa, y desde los productos de consumo a los bienes de equipo o los productos de alta tecnolog’a. El libro ÇServicios y beneficiosÈ, de Luis Mar’a Huete, publicado por Ediciones Deusto en 1997, ha sido traducido al portuguŽs por el AESE de Lisboa. La presentaci—n del libro en este mercado se har‡ proximamente. CONTRIBUCIONES EN LIBROS CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOOKS Prentice Hall Europe has published a second edition of the book ÇPrinciples of Marketing. The European EditionÈ, edited by Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, John Saunders and Veronica Wong, which includes the case ÇTroll-AEGÈ (M-890-E) by Llu’s G. Renart and Francisco ParŽs, pages 303-311. ARTICULOS ARTICLES Journals Antonio Argando–a Ð ÇThe Stakeholder Theory and the Common GoodÈ, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 17, Nos. 9-10, July 1998, pages 1093-1102. Abstract: The theory of the social responsibility of the firm oscillates between two extremes: one that reduces the firmÕs responsibility to the obtainment of (the greatest possible) profit for its shareholders, and another that extends the firmÕs responsibility to include a wide range of actors with an interest or ÇstakeÈ in the firm. The stakeholder theory of the social responsibility of business is more appealing from an ethical point of view, and yet it lacks a solid foundation that would be acceptable to a variety of schools of thought. 2 In this paper I argue that the stakeholder theory could be founded on the concept of the common good. First, I explain the foundations of the theory of the common good, the concept itself, how it relates to the individual good, and its role in the firm. Following that, I explain how the theory of the common good could be applied to the stakeholder theory. Finally, I draw some conclusions. Africa Ari–o - JosŽ de la Torre Ð ÇLearning from Failure: Towards an evolutionary Model of Collaborative VenturesÈ, Journal: Organization Science, Vol. 9, No. 3, May-June 1998, pages 306-325. Abstract: This paper reports on a longitudinal case study of the interaction between two partners to a failed international joint venture. We develop a model of the collaboration process in partnerships and alliances based on earlier work by Ring and Van de Ven (1994) and by Doz (1996). We employ a series of events that occurred in the course of the relationship as the unit of analysis in order to trace the interactions between the partners, and to explicate the impact that external shocks have on their perceptions of efficiency and equity. The impact of these events and the responses they elicit on the quality of the relationship (and vice versa) is also considered. We find that the partnersÕ assessment causes them to either engage in renegotiation of the terms of the contract, or modify their behaviour unilaterally, in a attempt to restore balance to the relationship. The process feeds back until a new mutual understanding of equity is restored, or else the relationship deteriorates gradually until the venture is dissolved. We conclude that positive feedback loops are critical in the evolutionary process, that relationship quality is both an outcome and a mediating variable, and that procedural issues are critical from the start in fostering a climate for positive reinforcement and the building of mutual trust and confidence in the relationship. Jean-Marie Hiltrop Ð ÇPreparing People for the Future: The Next Agenda for HRMÈ, European Management Journal, Vol. 16, No. 1, February 1998, pages 70-78. Abstract: As organisations demand much more from their employees as a result of external pressures, the role of managers in the future will have to change. Jean-Marie Hiltrop explores the implications for future managers, which include more stress, new career perspectives, new skills and at least four new key competencies. There are also implications for human resource management. The new flexible, process-orientated organisations will need new recruitment and training systems which encourage adaptable managers, and managers themselves will have to live with a large flow of IT-processed data as well as organisational complexity and ambiguity. The author makes a number of suggestions for accelerating some of the changes needed in organisations. Otras publicaciones / Other publications Pablo Cardona - M» Nuria Chinchilla Ð ÇIntrategia. En busca del alto rendimiento y de la supervivencia a largo plazoÈ, Harvard Deusto Business Review, nº 85, julio-agosto de 1998, p‡gs. 36-41. Resumen: Las compa–’as que consiguen tener un alto rendimiento y que han sobrevivido a cambios del entorno durante un largo per’odo de tiempo, muestran una caracter’stica comœn: un alto nivel de unidad. La confianza y el compromiso de las personas con la empresa son condici—n necesaria para los procesos de innovaci—n y adaptaci—n que caracterizan a las empresas de Žxito en un mundo cada vez m‡s competitivo. Del mismo modo que la estrategia mira el impacto econ—mico de las decisiones directivas, la intrategia mira c—mo las decisiones directivas afectan al nivel de unidad de la compa–’a. Dado que las decisiones directivas tienen impacto no s—lo en el resultado econ—mico ÐbeneficioÐ, sino tambiŽn en el resultado organizativo ÐunidadÐ, los directivos deber’an evaluar sus decisiones desde ambos puntos de vista: el estratŽgico y el intratŽgico. Javier Estrada Ð ÇInvertir en mercados emergentes. Tendencias y perspectivasÈ, Iniciativa Emprendedora y Empresa Familiar, nº 11, julio-agosto de 1998, p‡gs. 35-40. Resumen: Los mercados emergentes est‡n de moda. Basta abrir la prensa internacional para ver nuevas secciones que cubren los hechos importantes ocurridos en regiones emergentes y organizaciones que construyen nuevos ’ndices burs‡tiles para seguir de cerca el comportamiento de estos mercados de valores. En el caso de Espa–a, el interŽs por los mercados emergentes, en particular los latinoamericanos, se ha despertado IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter hace ya tiempo y est‡ claramente reflejado en las inversiones directas que empresas espa–olas han realizado en estos pa’ses. Miguel A. Gallo - Carlos Garc’a Pont Ð ÇLa proyecci—n internacional de la empresa familiar. Factores impulsores y retardadoresÈ, Iniciativa Emprendedora y Empresa Familiar, nº 11, julio-agosto de 1998, p‡gs. 41-45. Resumen: El ‡mbito geogr‡fico de actuaciones de muchas empresas ha cambiado en los œltimos a–os. La adhesi—n a la Uni—n Europea ha causado cambios estructurales en la econom’a espa–ola. Se ha incrementado la importancia de las empresas multinacionales en Espa–a y en el mundo empresarial se ha desarrollado una actitud positiva hacia el desarrollo de operaciones internacionales. Las empresas familiares no est‡n exentas de estas tendencias. En este art’culo se analizan los factores espec’ficos que favorecen o dificultan la internacionalizaci—n de este tipo de empresas. Dom•nec MelŽ Ð ÇLa DSC e la gestione delle imprese. LÕesperienza dello IESE di BarcelonaÈ, La societˆ, nº 2, p‡gs. 361-370, 1998. Resumen: Se describe el enfoque de la direcci—n de empresas en el IESE que, desde sus comienzos, ha pretendido inspirarse en la doctrina social de la Iglesia. Entre las realizaciones m‡s recientes para una integraci—n efectica de la doctrina social en direcci—n de empresas se incluyen el desarrollo de cursos de Žtica empresarial y de moral cristiana, la realizaci—n de un coloquio anual interdisciplinar y numerosas publicaciones que dan cuenta de la actividad investigadora y docente llevada a cabo en Žtica empresarial de inspiraci—n cristiana. Paddy Miller - Rama Velamuri Ð ÇFinanzauto, the target of one of SpainÕs largest hostile takeover bidsÈ, Barcelona Management Review, No. 8, May-August 1998, pages 156-163. Abstract: In 1998 Finanzauto had one of its most successful years. This was not a foregone conclusion during the disastrous takeover of the company by Barlows in 1992. This article deals with the conditions under which the new management operated at that time to bring about change. During a three-year period, 1992-1995, the new CEO had to deal with strikes, a massive bad debt 3 IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter situation, a downturn in the Spanish market and a head office in London unsure of the eventual outcome. (Also available in Spanish, pages 148-155). Ahmad Rahnema Ð ÇEl euro y las finanzas de las peque–as y medianas empresasÈ, Euroasesor, nº 2, junio de 1998, p‡gs. 5-7. Resumen: En el proceso de adaptaci—n de las Pymes a la UEM, la funci—n financiera ser‡ la m‡s afectada de todas, y no s—lo por los cambios en las pol’ticas de inversi—n y financiera de la empresa, sino, y sobre todo, por el impacto de extraordinaria magnitud que el euro tendr‡ sobre los mercados financieros y las entidades financieras, que en s’ mismo provocar‡ cambios y repercusiones directas e indirectas en la funci—n financiera de la empresa. En este art’culo se realiza una breve reflexi—n sobre el impacto del euro tanto en las entidades financieras como en los mercados financieros, para luego trasladar sus consecuencias a la funci—n financiera de la empresa. JosŽ L. Su‡rez - Arturo Garc’a Ð ÇLa diversificaci—n espa–ola en las bolsas latinoamericanasÈ, Expansi—n, 13 de julio, p‡gs. 45-46. Resumen: En este art’culo se explican las ventajas de la diversificaci—n desde el punto de vista del inversor espa–ol. La acogida en la bolsa espa–ola de compa–’as iberoamericanas supondr‡ mayor potencial de negocio para nuestros mercados y mayor facilidad para la diversificaci—n de las carteras de los inversores. Este efecto beneficioso se concreta, si la elecci—n es correcta, en aumentar la rentabilidad y/o disminuir el riesgo. Juan C. V‡zquez-Dodero Ð ÇClaves para negociar un crŽditoÈ, Ideas & Negocios, septiembre de 1998, p‡gs. 22-24. Resumen: Este art’culo tiene por objetivo revisar las cuestiones que se formula un emprendedor cuando busca financiaci—n externa. Algunas ideas y sugerencias pueden sonar a triviales, pero proceden de la experiencia real y ayudar‡n a prevenir ciertos errores. Hay que partir de la premisa de que un banco no es un enemigo, sino un colaborador en una aventura empresarial, pero tiene que estar seguro de lo que hace y obtener un beneficio con ello. Por eso la colaboraci—n debe basarse en el mutuo respeto y confianza, fruto de la transparencia, la anticipaci—n y la profesionalidad. 4 CONFERENCIAS Y SEMINARIOS CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS JosŽ L. Alvarez - Carmelo Mazza Ð On July 29-31, attended the 3rd. International Conference on Organizational Discourse: Pretexts, Subtexts and Contexts, which took place at KingÕs College, University of London, England, where they presented the paper ÇClaim, Intent and Persuasion: Seeking Legitimacy Through the Rhetoric of Mission StatementsÈ. Abstract: Organization theory has been addressing the issue of legitimacy since the late fourties. Legitimacy is the typical concept adopted to deal with unclear and ambiguous aspects of organizational life. Although all the approaches recognize the symbolic character of legitimacy-seeking within organizations, researchers have neglected to investigate the rhetoric issues involved. This paper proposes to look at the organizational legitimation process from a linguistic perspective. By looking at legitimacy as a multifaceted social process rather than as an organizational variable Ðas many organizational frameworks sustainÐ this paper explores the symbolic and rhetoric strategies organizations develop to align with this process. Through the analysis of corporate mission statements, the narratives adopted to enhance organizational legitimacy are reconstructed and made explicit. Three types of narratives emerge from the reconstruction of mission statements: they are labeled as claim, intent, and persuasion. The claim narrative within mission statements emphasizes past organizational successes and current performance as sources of legitimation. The intent narrative emphasizes the effort in playing a key role within the socio-economic context. The persuasion narrative stresses organizational conformity (that is to say, symbolic obedience) to the social norms. Further developments in the application of linguistic analysis to organizational legitimation processes are also explored and discussed. The need to include the analysis of corporate communicationÕs rhetoric in the research agenda on the interaction between organizations and the institutional environment is sustained. Rafael Andreu - Sandra Sieber Ð On July 9-11, attended the 14th EGOS Colloquium in Maastricht, The Netherlands, where they presented the paper ÇLearning, Knowledge and Interaction: Towards a New Approach to Organizational LearningÈ. he presented the paper ÇSharing out in alliances: The role of ethicsÈ. Abstract: In todayÕs competitive landscape, traditional sources of competitive advantage seem to be no longer sufficient. Firms have to concentrate on their distinctive competencies, and therefore have to develop idiosyncratic, difficult to imitate capabilities. Effective knowledge deployment and development are at the heart of what firms need in order to face this challenge. This paper first discusses how knowledge and learning are seen to be crucial for todayÕs firmsÕ competitiveness, how they interrelate, and what seem to be the relevant dimensions of learning and the role of organizational structure. As knowledge and learning are interrelated, the paper then proceeds to concentrate on organizational learning, pointing out how it differs from and relates to individual learning in order to better understand its contribution to a firmÕs competitiveness. Some of the main characteristics of organizational learning are pinpointed, and a model of individual and collective learning is proposed, based on problem solving. Finally, suggestions are made as to how the model can be used to design actions that foster learning in organizations. The conclusion points out directions for further research. Abstract: Alliances are relatively new forms of relationships between businesses which allow cooperation in some areas of activity while maintaining competition in others, even in those areas where cooperation is the established procedure. Logically, this demands a mutual trust on the basis of which the cooperation can be established. The nature of this relationship is, furthermore, dynamic inasmuch as it develops over a period of time and generates new conditions which either enhance or destroy trust. This article reviews the general issues of alliances and, in particular, the special relationships between the parties. The discussion of the creation and development of trust in an alliance describes both what technical, psychological, sociological and, particularly, ethical conditions make an alliance possible and the ethical nature of the necessary step which must be taken as trust is transformed from mere possibility into the actual fact of placing trust in a partner. Antonio Argando–a Ð Del 27 al 30 de julio, asisti— al I Congresso de Etica, Neg—cios e Economia na AmŽrica Latina, organizado por el Centro de Estudos de Etica nas Organiza•oes, en Sao Paulo, donde present— la ponencia ÇLa contribuci—n de la Žtica al desarrollo econ—micoÈ. Resumen: DespuŽs de muchos a–os en que se defendi— la neutralidad Žtica de la ciencia econ—mica, se ha pasado, recientemente, a la publicaci—n de un elevado nœmero de trabajos que pretenden articular la relaci—n de la filosof’a moral con la ciencia econ—mica. En este art’culo se pretende ofrecer una visi—n panor‡mica de algunas de las cr’ticas Žticas a la econom’a, con especial referencia a la formulaci—n de pol’ticas para el desarrollo econ—mico. Se revisan las objeciones de fondo a la actividad econ—mica, al sistema capitalista, al funcionamiento del mercado, a la controversia entre justicia y eficiencia y al papel del Estado, para acabar con algunas recomendaciones. Ð On September 9-11, took part in the 11th Annual EBEN Conference, held in Leuven (Belgium), where IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter Africa Ari–o Ð On August 7-12, attended the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in San Diego, California, where she presented the paper ÇCommission and Omission: Which Behaviour Matters Most in Interfirm Ventures?È. Abstract: We distinguish between noncooperative behaviour by commission and non-cooperative behaviour by omission, and show that a firmÕs perception of its partnerÕs behaviour has a stronger association with the firmÕs own behaviour when the partner is perceived to behave non-cooperatively by commission than by omission. We do so using qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Manel Baucells Ð On July 20-24, attended the 9th Stony Brook International Conference in Game Theory organized by the Center for Game Theory in Economics, where he presented the paper ÇA Theory of Multiperson UtilityÈ, co-authored by Lloyd S. Shapley. His presentation was attended by the 1994 Nobel Laureate John F. Nash. Abstract: The starting point of welfare analysis is the assumption of interpersonal comparisons of utilities. For many, the theoretical basis for such comparisons is still unsatisfactory. This paper 5 IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter presents a theory of multi-person preference based on the ability of some pairs of individual agents to agree on a joint preference. If such pairs form a spanning tree of the set of players, then the sole acceptance of the Pareto rule implies a unique preference for the entire group. Moreover, there are some weights, unique up to a common factor of proportionality, such that the utility for the group can be expressed as a weighted sum of the individual utilities. Jordi Canals Ð El 6 de julio, particip— en el curso de la Universidad Internacional MenŽndez y Pelayo en Barcelona, donde imparti— la conferencia ÇGlobalizaci—n de los mercados financieros: Nuevos retos para el sector bancarioÈ. Resumen: La puesta en marcha de la moneda œnica supone un impulso m‡s hacia la globalizaci—n del sector financiero. Las presiones competitivas y los costes de adaptaci—n de los bancos a la nueva situaci—n ser‡n enormes. El margen financiero seguir‡ cayendo. Sin embargo, la moneda œnica, adem‡s de provocar un ÇshockÈ competitivo de enorme intensidad Ðespecialmente en los segmentos de banca corporativa, banca de inversiones y mercadosÐ supondr‡ una oportunidad para la consolidaci—n del sector y el establecimiento de alianzas transnacionales m‡s estables y con unos objetivos m‡s claros y definidos. Carlos CavallŽ Ð On June 14-17, attended the Global Forum for Management Education, organized by the AACSB (American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business) in Chicago on the subject of ÇLearning without BoundariesÈ, where he presented the paper ÇChanging market expectations for the MBAÈ. Ð El 14 de julio, imparti— la conferencia ÇLa formaci—n del directivo del siglo XXIÈ, en el curso de verano de la Fundaci—n General de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Jordi Gual Ð El 2 de septiembre, pronunci— la conferencia inaugural del curso ÇPol’ticas de empleo en la Uni—n Europea: Presente y futuroÈ, que tuvo lugar en San Sebasti‡n en el marco de los Cursos de Verano del Pa’s Vasco. La conferencia vers— sobre el tema ÇCreaci—n de empleo: El papel de las reformas institucionalesÈ. 6 Resumen: El objetivo de esta ponencia es analizar las causas de la escasa participaci—n del factor trabajo en el crecimiento de la econom’a espa–ola. Se discuten, adem‡s, las medidas de pol’tica econ—mica y social que pueden conducir a un nuevo modelo de crecimiento que aproveche en mayor medida el potencial productivo de la fuerza laboral. El an‡lisis que se lleva a cabo muestra que los conocidos rasgos diferenciales del mercado laboral espa–ol (paro elevado, baja participaci—n, alta temporalidad, persistencia regional del paro, alto nivel de paro juvenil y otros) son, en parte, el resultado de un modelo de crecimiento econ—mico que ha fomentado el uso del factor capital en detrimento del empleo. Desde esta perspectiva, la adopci—n de tecnolog’as ahorradoras de mano de obra es el resultado del ajuste empresarial ante los aumentos del coste de uso del factor trabajo que tuvieron lugar a lo largo de los a–os ochenta. De este an‡lisis se deriva que la soluci—n del problema del paro no puede provenir œnicamente de la expansi—n econ—mica, sino que ser‡ preciso adoptar un modelo de crecimiento m‡s intensivo en empleo. Para ello, esta ponencia argumenta que ser‡ necesaria una fuerte ca’da del coste de uso del trabajo, que conduzca a un nuevo cambio tecnol—gico en favor de este factor. Este descenso en el coste de uso de la fuerza laboral se puede conseguir reduciendo los costes indirectos del trabajo que conllevan las excesivas regulaciones del mercado de trabajo espa–ol. En concreto, las reformas que parecen m‡s prometedoras se centran en la duraci—n del seguro de desempleo, la eliminaci—n de los salarios m’nimos para j—venes, la reducci—n de la imposici—n sobre el trabajo de baja cualificaci—n, la descentralizaci—n de la negociaci—n colectiva y la reducci—n y homogeneizaci—n de las indemnizaciones por despido. Ð El 10 de julio, imparti— la conferencia ÇCrecimiento regional en la Uni—n Monetaria EuropeaÈ, en el curso ÇCrecimiento regional: Teor’as, factores y pol’ticasÈ de la Universidad Internacional MenŽndez Pelayo en Santander. Luis M» Huete Ð El 30 de septiembre, asisti— en Tenerife a la XX Convenci—n de Directores de Marketing de las Cajas de Ahorros, donde imparti— la conferencia inaugural ÇEl marketing interno en instituciones financierasÈ. Dom•nec MelŽ Ð Attended the International Symposium ÇNature and purpose of the organization within Catholic Social ThoughtÈ in St. Paul, Minnesota, organized by the Institute for Christian Social Thought of the University of St. Thomas, where he delivered a reply to two papers: ÇThe Moral Issues in Allocating Corporate Resources: Shareholders versus StakeholdersÈ (author: Lee Tavis, University of Notre Dame) and ÇClearing Ground: Toward a Social Ethic of Corporate ManagementÈ (authors: S. Cortright E. S. Pierucci, Saint Mary College, California, and M. Naugton, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota). Ð At this same symposium he presented the paper ÇBeyond Shareholders and Stakeholders: Concentric responsibilitiesÈ. Abstract: The stockholder and stakeholder approaches are two well known frameworks that compete in setting general guidelines for business. However, the ethical and anthropological assumptions underlying these two theories have not been widely discussed, much less justified or proven. This paper aims to foster discussion and, above all, to outline a new approach based on an identification of the moral responsibilities of management. We contend that a firmÕs responsibilities extend outward from the firm in concentric circles that indicate a correct order of priorities. Looking beyond the stockholder and stakeholder approaches, our proposal is inspired by some basic ideas upheld by the Catholic Social Tradition (CST). If we consider the company as a community within society, its responsibilities must have a greater priority the more closely related they are to the contribution the company makes to the common good through its specific activity. We can draw three concentric circles of responsibilities. Primary responsibilities concern the companyÕs specific activity; secondary responsibilities have to do with the companyÕs relationship with social groups that are in some way dependent on the company, beyond the responsibilities that are a matter of strict justice or strategic interest; and tertiary responsibilities extend to the companyÕs efforts to improve society through any function other than its specific activity. Paddy Miller Ð On September 3, attended a seminar on globalisation organized by the Graduate School of IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter Business Association in Cape Town (South Africa), where he presented the paper ÇGlobalisation: A bridge too far for most managersÈ. Fernando Pe–alva Ð On August 16-19, attended the Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association, held in New Orleans, where he presented the paper ÇLoss Reserves and Accounting Discretion in the Property-Casualty Insurance IndustryÈ. Previously, this paper was presented at the universities of: UCLA, Duke, UNC, NYU, Rochester, Wharton, Columbia, Harvard, INSEAD and the London Business School. Abstract: This paper investigates whether property-casualty insurance companies exercise accounting discretion when reporting the claim loss reserve in response to regulatory, tax, signaling, and financial reporting incentives. The loss reserve that would be reported in the absence of managerial discretion is estimated using a latent variable technique, the Kalman filter. The results indicate that financially strong insurers use accounting discretion to reduce the tax burden, to signal information about future performance, and to better reflect the economic content of the loss reserve. Financially weak insurers use the loss reserve to avoid regulatory scrutiny. Llu’s G. Renart Ð On July 23-25, attended the 1998 Marketing Exchange Colloquium, organized by the American Marketing Association in Vienna, where he presented the case study ÇCEAC-ChinaÈ (M-1024-E). Abstract: In October 1995, the Board of Directors of the CEAC Group has to decide whether or not to go ahead with the creation of a joint venture in China with the aim of penetrating the Chinese market. CEAC is the leading company in Spain in the sale of vocational distance training courses. Founded in 1945, it undertook its first international activities in Spanish-speaking countries. Later, after the fall of communism, it started to penetrate Poland and Hungary. The case describes the preparations for the setting up of a joint venture in China with a local partner in the publishing industry. The initial negotiations were conducted with the help of Manuel Vallejo, a Spanish consultant with extensive experience in the Chinese market. 7 IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter Joan E. Ricart Ð On September 20-22, attended the 1st International Conference on ÇCreating Value Through Effective Board Leadership and Strategic DirectionÈ organized by the Henley Management College, UK, where he presented the paper ÇGovernance Mechanisms for Effective Leadership: The Case of SpainÈ. Abstract: Most current work on Boards of Directors has focused on what can be considered best practices for effective governance in terms of roles, composition, process and style. Furthermore, this literature can be divided into very practically oriented managerial work, on the one hand, and more rigorous, theoretically based work, on the other. Most of the empirical research in this area has been centered on Anglo-Saxon countries. Some European countries, like Spain, have a very different governance tradition. Given this context, this paper has three complementary objectives: 1. To ascertain the current status of governance practices in Spain. 2. To obtain evidence about which of these practices may be associated with effective governance. 3. To find out which factors account for the composition of General ManagersÕ compensation. Carlos S‡nchez-Runde Ð On August 10, attended the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, held in San Diego, California, where he presented the following papers: ÇA conceptual approach to the creation and early development of human resource management departmentsÈ. Abstract: This paper deals with the creation of HRM departments in small to medium sized firms. It presents propositions based on efficiency, agency, and institutional theory on transferring personnel practices from the top management to the new department. Applications are made towards a strategic and systemic view of HRM. Implications follow. ÇNew forms of organizing: Human resource management implicationsÈ, coauthored by Richard Whittington (Templeton College, Oxford University) and Javier Quintanilla. Abstract: Adopting a process view, we explore the personnel (HRM) implications of new forms of organizing (NFOs). We review the characteristics of NFOs and explain how they require a renewed HRM approach. We illustrate the HRM approach 8 with preliminary results from a European comparative study, and comment on the challenges ahead. Joaquim Vilˆ Ð On August 8, participated in the Professional Development Workshop of the Academy of Management, within the activities of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, held in San Diego, California, where he gave the lecture ÇIESE: The experience of a network of Iberoamerican business schoolsÈ. Ð On August 9-12, attended the Academy of Management Meeting, held in San Diego, California, where he presented the paper ÇStrategic Thinking: Strategy as a Shared Framework in the Minds of ManagersÈ, coauthored by Esteban Masifern. Abstract: The paper advances a set of propositions to guide managers in their attempt to overcome the limitations of traditional strategic planning. It develops an approach to strategic thinking which takes into account both process and content aspects. Strategic thinking is a state of mind as well as a way of managing; it consists of a set of ideas, principles, policies, concrete rules and operational approaches which shape the way managers think about their role and which guide their daily actions. Strategy then becomes a shared framework in the minds of managers. The paper sheds new light on some basic subjects of debate in strategic management; for instance, the link between strategy formulation and implementation, the strategy Ð organizational design interaction, emergent versus deliberate strategy, and the failure to renew strategy. Implications for both academics and managers are included. VARIOS OTHERS JosŽ L. Alvarez Ð On July 8-11, participated in the 14th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS) held in Maastricht, where he co-convened (with Lars Engwall, Uppsala University) the Group ÇThe Creation and Diffusion of European Management PracticesÈ. Also, he has been appointed Spanish National Representative of EGOS. Ð On August 16-19, attended the Conference ÇBreaking the Code of ChangeÈ, at the invitation of the Organizational Behaviour Department of the Harvard Business School. This conference, attended by leading scholars, consultants and practitioners, discussed the new challenges in the management of organizational transformation after more than a decade of generalized change processes. Ð He has accepted the chairmanship of the 1999 Round Table of the Centre for Organizational Studies of the JosŽ Mar’a de Anzizu Foundation. This meeting will take place on September 29-30 on the topic ÇManaging managers: Tasks, careers and identityÈ. Economic Policy Research and the Swedish Centre for Business and Policy Studies. Luis M» Huete Ð Las editoriales Tibidabo y Ediciones 2000 han editado conjuntamente tres CD-Rom con el t’tulo ÇServicios y beneficiosÈ. Los discos compactos versan respectivamente sobre la fidelizaci—n de clientes, la fidelizaci—n de empleados y la inteligencia emocional en los negocios. Ð Has been appointed Associate of Integral, a consulting company founded by Harvard professors Kim Clark and Steven Wheelwright. Rafael Andreu - Josep Valor Ð On July 9-11, acted as convenors of subtheme 11 ÇProcess OrganisationsÈ at the 14th EGOS Colloquium in Maastricht, The Netherlands. Eduardo Mart’nez Abascal Ð El d’a 29 de septiembre, imparti— la conferencia ÇAgosto negro: Causas y consecuencias de una crisisÈ, en el C’rculo Ecuestre de Barcelona. Antonio Argando–a Ð El 3 de julio pronunci— una conferencia sobre ÇEl nuevo horizonte de la Uni—n Monetaria EuropeaÈ en las Tertulias Cala Galdana, Menorca. Paddy Miller - Lori Rockett Ð Obtained the Management Education and Development DivisionÕs Best Symposium award at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in San Diego (August 98). The award is sponsored by McGraw-Hill & Irwin. Africa Ari–o Ð On August 7, took part in the International Management Division Junior Faculty Consortium in San Diego (California). Ð Los d’as 24-25 de septiembre, asisti— a las XIV Jornadas de Econom’a Industrial organizadas por la Fundaci—n Empresa Pœblica en Madrid, donde particip— como comentarista en la sesi—n ÇUnilateral commitments in research joint ventures. When are they rational?È. Carlos CavallŽ Ð El 15 de julio, asisti— a los Cursos de Verano de la Fundaci—n General de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, donde particip— en una Mesa Redonda sobre ÇLas nuevas tecnolog’as al servicio del ciudadanoÈ. Jordi Gual Ð On July 3, presented to the European Commission (Brussels) the report ÇMonitoring European Deregulation: Telecommunications in EuropeÈ, prepared jointly with other European researchers and commissioned by the Centre for IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter Pedro Nueno Ð Del 31 de agosto al 3 de septiembre particip— como moderador en el encuentro ÇLas telecomunicaciones y la nueva era econ—micaÈ, en la Universidad Internacional MenŽndez Pelayo, en Santander. Francisco ParŽs Ð El 22 de septiembre, organiz— el seminario ÇEl marketing en Internet a debateÈ, en la feria ExpoInternet 98, en Barcelona; asimismo, imparti— la conferencia ÇAn‡lisis tradicional de marketing con InternetÈ. Ahmad Rahnema Ð Ha sido nombrado ÇeditorÈ de la revista Euroasesor, de Ediciones Deusto. Llu’s G. Renart Ð El 22 de septiembre, asisti— al seminario ÇEl marketing en Internet a debateÈ, en ExpoInternet 98, en Barcelona, donde imparti— 9 IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter la conferencia ÇDel marketing de las transacciones al marketing de las relacionesÈ. Josep Valor Ð During the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in San Diego (California), took part in the symposium ÇWhat matters most in a virtual learning community?È, where he presented the work done with Professor Paddy Miller and doctoral candidate Lori Rockett in designing and conducting a course at three universities simultaneously, using videoconferencing and Internet technologies to support group work. The symposium won the first prize awarded by the Management Education and Development Division. Juan C. V‡zquez-Dodero Ð El 11 de septiembre asisti—, en Oporto (Portugal), a la conferencia ÇO espirito do DouroÈ. ACTIVIDADES DOCENTES TEACHING ACTIVITIES Seminarios Ð ÇV Encuentro de empresarios y directivos del sector de productos sanitariosÈ, coordinador: Pedro Nueno, 2 de julio, Madrid. Ð ÇNegociar con eficacia: Tarea diaria del directivoÈ, coordinador: Juan Roure, 1 de julio, Santiago de Compostela; 6 y 7 de julio, Barcelona. CASOS Y NOTAS TECNICAS CASES - TECHNICAL NOTES NOTA: La bibliograf’a actualizada se puede consultar en Internet: Dirección Financiera / Financial Management Ð El 22 de junio, en la Universidad Internacional MenŽndez Pelayo, en Santander, se present— el estudio realizado por M» Nuria Chinchilla, Pablo Cardona, y por B‡rbara Azcona y Pablo L‡zaro, de la Unidad de Investigaci—n de Servicios de Salud (Instituto de Salud Carlos III de Madrid), sobre la importancia de la motivaci—n de los profesionales de la salud para el uso y distribuci—n de recursos de los sistemas sanitarios. Ð On June 7-10, at the 14th Meeting of the International Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care, a presentation was given of the conclusions of a study conducted by M» Nuria Chinchilla, Pablo Cardona and B‡rbara Azcona and Pablo L‡zaro of the Health Service Research Unit (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid) on the motivational structure of doctors in the Madrid region. GESPALETS (F-680 - 0.298.063) Gespalets, una empresa de gesti—n de palets estandarizados, presenta un modelo de empresa en crecimiento parecido al de Butler & Lumber (F-515) o Distribuidora de Pl‡sticos Miranda (F-596), en el que el crecimiento anual de la actividad supera al que la empresa puede sostener por s’ misma, por lo que debe acudir a ampliaciones de capital con cierta frecuencia. Los objetivos principales del caso son dos: a) observar c—mo evolucionan las necesidades financieras de la empresa al aumentar su actividad, y b) estudiar el atractivo que tendr‡ para la empresa de capital riesgo una nueva ampliaci—n de capital para abordar un nuevo per’odo de expansi—n. Pradas L.; Tˆpies J.; 16 p‡ginas. BANCO CENTRAL HISPANO (F-681 - 0.298.072) A finales de 1995, el consejo de administraci—n del Banco Central Hispano, BCH, ten’a que decidir 10 acerca del dividendo del ejercicio. Se planteaba la conveniencia o no de seguir disminuyŽndolo o, incluso, suprimirlo. La decisi—n se enmarca en un plan de saneamiento muy riguroso, en marcha desde enero de 1992, y que hab’a comprendido la venta de activos, en especial participaciones del grupo, y fuertes dotaciones para insolvencias. La decisi—n afectar’a a los 371.448 accionistas del banco que llevan Çapret‡ndose el cintur—nÈ durante tres ejercicios y esperan el momento de obtener un natural resarcimiento. Si se pagase un dividendo similar al del a–o pasado, 125 pesetas, el banco deber’a destinar a ese concepto 20.742 millones de pesetas, una cuant’a mayor que el beneficio del ejercicio. IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter SOBRE LA PREDICCION DE LOS TIPOS DE CAMBIO (FN-427 - 0.297.244) Muchas veces se dice que el precio ÇforwardÈ (o precio del seguro de cambio) es el mejor predictor del tipo de cambio futuro. Curiosamente, esta afirmaci—n se hace œnicamente al hablar de los tipos de cambio, pero no al hablar de acciones, ’ndices... En esta nota se analizan cuatro tipos de cambio: peseta/d—lar, peseta/marco alem‡n, peseta/yen y marco alem‡n/d—lar. Fern‡ndez P.; 4 p‡ginas. Garc’a A.; Su‡rez J.L.: 16 p‡ginas. LA OFERTA PUBLICA DE VENTA DE TELEFONICA DE ESPA„A, S.A. - 1997 (F-682 - 0.298.073) La oferta pœblica de venta, OPV, de acciones de Telef—nica de Espa–a, S.A., en donde la Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Patrimoniales, S.A. (SEPPA) pon’a a la venta la totalidad de su participaci—n en la compa–’a (un 20,9%, que correspond’a a 196.783.320 acciones). Esta era la mayor oferta de acciones que se hab’a hecho jam‡s en Espa–a, suponiendo aproximadamente un 5% de la capitalizaci—n de la bolsa espa–ola. Adem‡s, hab’a unelevado nœmer o de privatizaciones de compa–’as de telecomunicaciones programadas para estos ejercicios, cuyo importe total se estimaba en aproximadamente un 18% del Çfree floatÈ del sector de telecomunicaciones a nivel mundial. Diversos factores eran importantes para el Žxito: el ÇtimingÈ de la operaci—n, y la distribuci—n en tramos nacional-internacional. EVALUACION DE RESULTADOS EN CARTERAS (FN-431 - 0.298.003) Medidas de rentabilidad y de riesgo en carteras. Uso pr‡ctico de estas medidas. Procedimientos para la atribuci—n de resultados. Medida de la capacidad de previsi—n del mercado. Uso de carteras de referencia o ÇbenchmarksÈ. Mart’nez Abascal E.; 22 p‡ginas. LA HIPOTESIS DE LA EFICIENCIA DE LOS MERCADOS (FN-432 - 0.298.004) Concepto de eficiencia. Tipos de eficiencia y sus consecuencias. Resultados de la investigaci—n emp’rica sobre eficiencia en sus formas, dŽbil, semifuerte y fuerte. El estado de la cuesti—n en la actualidad. Resumen y glosario de tŽrminos m‡s usuales. Bibliograf’a principal. Garc’a A.; Su‡rez J.L.: 17 p‡ginas. Mart’nez Abascal E.; 16 p‡ginas. GESPALETS - NOTA DEL INSTRUCTOR (FT-52 - 5.298.064) (Caso F-680). Uso restringido a Instituciones AcadŽmicas. Pradas L.; Tˆpies J.; 18 p‡ginas. PRODUCTOS ESPECIALES: DERECHOS, DIVIDENDOS Y CONVERTIBLES (FN-434 - 0.298.012) Explicaci—n sobre los derechos de suscripci—n, dividendos y bonos convertibles, como productos de inversi—n. Caracter’sticas de una ampliaci—n de capital. Calendario. Valor te—rico del derecho. Valor de las acciones nuevas. Modo de aprovechar las ampliaciones de capital. Dividendos. C—mo funcionan. Modo de aprovecharlos. Bonos 11 IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter convertibles: quŽ son, caracter’sticas, criterios de decisi—n para el inversor. Coello de Portugal M»; Mart’nez Abascal E.; 14 p‡ginas. PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT: TOP DOWN ANALYSIS (FN-447-E - 0.298.062) Introduction to active portfolio management based on analysis of the main macroeconomic variables and their influence on the stock market. The note analyses the effect on the stock market of interest rates, inflation, public deficit, exchange rates, economic growth, etc., and the way these variables relate to one another. Empirical data from the last ten years are provided. The note concludes with a practical example of the application of top down analysis to investment in a particular countryÕs stock market. (Also available in Spanish). Mart’nez Abascal E.; 14 pages. FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS: STOCK VALUATION (FN-449-E - 0.298.069) Introduction to fundamental analysis in portfolio management. The note reviews the main stock valuation systems, always from the point of view of portfolio management: net worth, stock market ratios ÐP/E, dividend yield, Gordon-Shapiro model, Graham modelÐ and finally the methods based on the discounting of cash flows for shareholders, and how to apply them. (Also available in Spanish). Fern‡ndez P.; Mart’nez Abascal E.; 26 pages. CAPM, APT AND MULTIFACTOR MODELS (FN-455-E - 0.298.088) Use of the CAPM, market model and multifactor models in equity portfolio management. The note contains a brief explanation of each model, together with the statistical apparatus needed to apply and interpret them. The advantages and disadvantages of each are pointed out. 12 This note is intended for use in a course on portfolio management. (Also available in Spanish). Mart’nez Abascal E.; 17 pages. PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE EVALUATION EXERCISES (FE-33-E - 0.297.221) Exercises to accompany technical note FN-431-E. They cover: measures of return (arithmetic v. geometric mean); measures of risk and return; market timing abilities; and performance attribution. (Also available in Spanish). Mart’nez Abascal E.; 4 pages. Comportamiento Humano en la Organización / Organizational Behaviour COMO MEJORAR EL TRABAJO EN EQUIPO (FHN-317 - 0.499.004) Breves instrucciones para que un equipo analice su funcionamiento y elabore planes de mejora. Rodr’guez J.M.; 2 p‡ginas. Dirección General / Business Policy SIFI (DG-1215-E - 0.398.094) SIFI, with sales of 58 billion lire in 1997, is the leading manufacturer of ophthalmological products in Italy. Its growth has intensified since 1990, when it started up a new factory and signed an exclusive license agreement with Schering Plough to produce antibiotics. The companyÕs capital belongs to two families, each holding 50%. All the second and third generation family members have university degrees, but only one works in the company, as general manager. The Board of Directors, made up of representatives of each family and outside consultants, has played an active role for over ten years. Important shareholders believe that the strategy of investing in R&D and accelerating the pace of growth is very risky. The Board and the general manager have to decide what to do. (Also available in Spanish). MARGI, S.A. (DG-1235 - 0.398.144) FRICO, S.A. es un caso preparado especialmente para la formaci—n en el ÇModelo para el autodiagn—stico medioambiental estratŽgico e integralÈ. A partir de la informaci—n recogida en el caso sobre la compa–’a ficticia FRICO y del mencionado modelo, es posible determinar los puntos fuertes y las ‡reas de mejora de su gesti—n medioambiental, y desarrollar el consiguiente plan de mejora. Margi es una empresa de distribuci—n con unos 500 empleados que durante bastantes a–os se desarroll— con mucho Žxito a partir de un peque–o negocio iniciado por dos socios, con aportaciones paritarias de capital. Uno de estos socios, ya jubilado, sigue en el consejo de administraci—n, mientras que el otro muri— hace algunos a–os, heredando sus hijos. Desde hace varios a–os ha cambiado notablemente el entorno competitivo de Margi y poco se ha hecho para adecuar la empresa a la nueva situaci—n. Finalmente, el director general acepta la necesidad de cambiar de estrategia, pero esto requiere una notable inversi—n. Ante esta posibilidad, el socio fundador que todav’a vive y mantiene el 50% del capital, se resiste, pidiendo adem‡s que le compren sus acciones a un precio un 20% superior a su valor contable. Ricart J.E.; Rodr’guez M.A.; 16 p‡ginas. Gallo M.A.; Vilaseca A.; 14 p‡ginas. Corbetta G.; Gallo M.A.; 15 pages. FRICO, S.A. (DG-1217 - 0.398.097) AB ASESORES (DG-1218-E - 0.398.102) AB Asesores is facing the challenge of the euro and has to assess the impact it is likely to have on its different businesses. (Also available in Spanish). Ari–o A.; Cast‡n L.; 27 pages. JUGUETES MARTI, S.A. (DG-1221-E - 0.398.118) The Board of Directors of Jelsa, a company that manufactures toys, has to decide whether to transfer part of its production to the factory of Juguetes Mart’, another toy manufacturer which Jelsa acquired in 1994. Juguetes Mart’Õs factory has been idle for two years because when it was bought, the employees refused to allow JelsaÕs management to draw up a new collective agreement to ensure that the duration of the production campaign would be flexible enough to match the demands and conditions of the market. (Also available in Spanish). IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter COSTA (A) (DG-1238-E - 0.398.147) The family-owned Costa group started its activities in Genoa in 1854, trading olives. By the 1920s it was already a large group of companies, with interests in edible oil refining and distribution, national and international goods and passenger transport by sea, textiles, and real estate. In 1978 the Costa group was one of ItalyÕs largest conglomerates and a world leader in Çocean cruisesÈ. In that same year, in its fourth generation, the Costa family was made up of 42 members, only 18 of whom were shareholders. All held senior management positions and were members of the Board of Directors. In 1982 the group went through a serious financial crisis and embarked on a drastic restructuring, hiring non-family managers and bringing in outside capital. (Also available in Spanish). Corbetta G.; Gallo M.A.; Montemerlo D.; 13 pages. Gallo M.A.; Gallo Y.; 13 pages. 13 IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter COSTA (B) (DG-1239-E - 0.398.148) AB ASESORES - TEACHING NOTE (DGT-18-E - 5.398.114) In 1996, now in its fifth generation, the Costa family consists of some 300 members. It has its wealth invested in the company Costa Crociere, of which it owns 30.76%, and is allied with other shareholders in a syndicate that controls 50.29% of the capital. Costa Crociere has experienced considerable growth and is profitable. It is the market leader in Europe and has a 5.3% share of the world market. The cruise business is undergoing concentration Ðthe top three companies hold 50% of the marketÐ and steady growth. The Costa family is considering a firm offer it has received for its shares in the company. (Also available in Spanish). (Case DGÐ1218-E). Use is restricted to Academic Institutions. (Also available in Spanish). Corbetta G.; Gallo M.A.; Montemerlo D.; 11 pages. GRUPO VELAZQUEZ (DG-1241-E - 0.398.150) The founder of the family-owned Vel‡zquez group led his companies through almost thirty years of extraordinary growth. But his dedication to his businesses was detrimental to the amount of time and effort he spent bringing up his three children. On the founderÕs death, the children inherit and one of them, Lorenzo, takes over at the head of the group. Lorenzo continues the family business with some success, while at the same time living a life of luxury and ostentation. After a while, he begins to commit irregularities in the group companies in order to maintain his lifestyle and, above all, to finance the extravagant tastes and whims of his only son, who joins the company at the age of 30, without completing his university degree. The difficulties and tensions between the owning partners grow, until a critical situation is reached where it seems impossible for the company to continue. Gallo M.A.; Mozo E.; 16 pages. 14 Ari–o A.; Cast‡n L.; 15 pages. Dirección Comercial / Marketing COMPORTAMIENTO GENERAL DE LA AUDIENCIA FRENTE AL TELEVISOR (MN-317 - 0.598.019) Esta nota tŽcnica tiene el cometido de mostrar a grandes rasgos cu‡l es el comportamiento de la audiencia frente al televisor. Para este prop—sito, se inicia con una descripci—n global en la que se introduce el concepto de consumo televisivo y se analiza su evoluci—n a lo largo de los a–os con sus variaciones en el a–o 1996. Posteriormente, se analiza el comportamiento est‡ndar de los televidentes frente a un programa de televisi—n. Finalmente, se concluye analizando la reacci—n de los telespectadores al ser interrumpidos por un bloque publicitario durante la emisi—n de los programas. Ramas S.; Toro J.M.; 16 p‡ginas. NOW AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH PRODESDIR (A) (C-684-E - 0.198.014) This is the first in a series of three cases (Prodesdir A, B and C) that are intended to teach the basic concepts of cost accounting. The company Prodesdir has three products and is working below capacity. One of the three products is not profitable based on an analysis of the complete cost. Students are required to decide what measures should be taken and, as an exercise, to calculate the break-even point, prepare the income statement, etc. This case is particularly suitable for use with a spreadsheet, both for preparing the answers and for class presentation. (Also available in Spanish). Rosanas J.M.; 3 pages. IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter Por otra parte, el an‡lisis Žtico lleva tambiŽn a considerar la responsabilidad en la que incurren los diversos actores del proceso. Entre estos œltimos se encuentran la empresa anunciante, la agencia de publicidad, los medios, el pœblico, las autoridades pœblicas y las asociaciones especializadas. El grado de voluntariedad existente ayuda a valorar la responsabilidad de los diversos actores. PRODESDIR (B) (C-685-E - 0.198.015) The case presents a situation following that described in case (A), when demand has increased substantially and is liable to reach the limit of production capacity. The case raises the question of how to deal with this situation and whether, from an accounting point of view, it makes sense to distribute the fixed costs according to real production volume. As in case (A), the use of a spreadsheet for preparation and in class is recommended. (Also available in Spanish). Rosanas J.M.; 2 pages. DOCUMENTOS DE INVESTIGACION RESEARCH PAPERS Nº 366 - Julio de 1998 Dom•nec MelŽ ETICA DE LA COMUNICACION PUBLICITARIA: CRITERIOS DE LA ENSE„ANZA SOCIAL CATOLICA Resumen: Se presentan algunos criterios Žticos para la comunicaci—n publicitaria tomando como referencia la ense–anza social cat—lica y, m‡s concretamente, el documento de la Santa Sede ÇEtica en la publicidadÈ. El an‡lisis Žtico de la comunicaci—n publicitaria exige evaluar la intenci—n del sujeto que toma la decisi—n y el objeto elegido, ya sea un simple anuncio o toda una campa–a publicitaria. De ah’ surgen como relevantes el contenido del mensaje, el modo de persuasi—n utilizado, la forma o estilo publicitario y los efectos secundarios previsibles. Se considera, en particular, la persuasi—n manipuladora, la veracidad, el respeto hacia las personas y grupos sociales, incluyendo el respeto a la fama, al honor y a la propia imagen, a la intimidad y a la privacidad, la decencia y la publicidad actuando con lealtad hacia la competencia. Nº 367 - Julio de 1998 Alfredo Pastor - Juan Perote REPARTO FRENTE A CAPITALIZACION: LA REFORMA DEL SISTEMA DE PENSIONES EN ESPA„A Resumen: El estudio aludido se enmarca en la l’nea de ciertos trabajos fundamentalmente emp’ricos que se han publicado en los œltimos a–os y que se ocupan tanto de la valoraci—n cuantitativa de los problemas financieros que afronta el actual sistema de pensiones espa–ol Ðel llamado dŽficit del sistema en el largo plazoÐ como de las alternativas de provisi—n existentes. Adem‡s de dar una visi—n bastante objetiva de la importancia y magnitud del problema en Espa–a, el trabajo se enfoca hacia un an‡lisis de su eficiencia poco explorado hasta ahora: en vez de contemplar como valoraci—n del sistema actual de reparto el futuro dŽficit del sistema, se opta por una medida m‡s rigurosa y m‡s cercana tambiŽn a la percepci—n de los beneficiarios y contribuyentes de las pensiones de jubilaci—n: se analiza el flujo de aportaciones Ðdurante la vida laboralÐ y prestaciones Ðtras la jubilaci—nÐ de varias generaciones de espa–oles promedio como si fuese una inversi—n cualquiera en base a las predicciones de evoluci—n del sistema de otros recientes estudios. Los inesperados resultados son bastante fatalistas. No 368 - July 1998 JosŽ Luis Alvarez - Carmelo Mazza HAUTE COUTURE OR PRET-A-PORTER: CREATING AND DIFFUSING MANAGEMENT PRACTICES THROUGH THE POPULAR PRESS Abstract: Management fads are increasingly a hot topic within Organization Theory. Recent articles have described the production process of fads, the role of ÇideologicalÈ waves in explaining their emergence, and the development of management rhetoric supporting the fads. Despite this growing interest, management fads are seen as an outcome of the actions of Universities, business schools, and consulting firms in producing formal management knowledge; the role of the popular press, meanwhile, remains largely unexplored. 15 IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter Our paper aims to fill this gap by exploring the role of the popular press in producing and legitimating management fads. We argue that the popular press is a primary factor in diffusing and legitimating management fads. The popular press also represents a new laboratory for the construction of management practices. Being deeply rooted in the social context, magazines and newspapers link management practices with social acceptance, coupling management and society at large. We use both qualitative and quantitative methodologies to analyze the data. The data set consists of a collection of articles on Human Resource Management published during the last decade in leading newspapers and magazines in Italy. We suggest that the dynamics of the diffusion and popularization of management practices in Italy over the last decade represents a fair example of the processes that have taken place throughout the Western world. MATERIAL PEDAGOGICO INCORPORADO DE OTRAS INSTITUCIONES TEACHING MATERIAL INCORPORATED FROM OTHER INSTITUTIONS ¥ HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL ASE-388 Citibank: Estrategia y organizaci—n en Europa, 19 p‡gs. C-696 USA Today, 22 p‡gs. C-700 Citibank: Evaluaci—n del desempe–o, 10 p‡gs. DG-1223 Jack Welch: El revolucionario de General Electric, 24 p‡gs. FH-641 La divisi—n Chattanooga Ice Cream, 13 p‡gs. FN-451 Los mercados de cobre y cinc en 1996, 11 p‡gs. M-1054 Ingersoll-Rand, 16 p‡gs. M-1055 Rogers Communications, Inc.; la onda, 20 p‡gs. DG-1230 IBM y Siemens: Revitalizar la Divisi—n Rolm (A), 9 p‡gs. M-1056 Eastman Kodak Company: Pel’culas Funtime, 6 p‡gs. DG-1231 IBM y Siemens: Revitalizar la Divisi—n Rolm (B), 3 p‡gs. M-1057 Harper Chemical Company, Inc., 30 p‡gs. DG-1232 IBM y Siemens: Revitalizar la Divisi—n Rolm (C), 3 p‡gs. 16 FH-637 Rudi Gassner y el comitŽ ejecutivo de BMG International (B), 3 p‡gs. M-1058 Tweeter, etc., 28 p‡gs. F-686 Subasta de Antamina, 12 p‡gs. M-1059 Reynolds Metals Company: Divisi—n de productos de consumo, 16 p‡gs. FH-636 Rudi Gassner y el comitŽ ejecutivo de BMG International (A), 24 p‡gs. M-1060 Imedia Corporation: La decisi—n sobre los precios, 33 p‡gs. ¥ HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW ASEN-210 La funci—n sigue a la forma: La transformaci—n del negocio bancario, 12 p‡gs. CN-204 ÀCu‡l es la rentabilidad de su esfuerzo directivo?, 13 p‡gs. DP-125 El caso de la socia a tiempo parcial, 5 p‡gs. IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter AD-243 American Lawbook Corporation (B), 4 p‡gs. DG-1234 Jiffy Lube International, Inc., 29 p‡gs. M-1053 Procter & Gamble: La asociaci—n con Wal-Mart (A), 22 p‡gs. ¥ DARDEN, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA ¥ LOYOLA UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO AD-242 American Lawbook Corporation (A), 15 p‡gs. DG-1240 Star Machining Services, Inc., 12 p‡gs. RESEARCH NEWSLETTER EDITA: División de Investigación / Research Division PUBLICA: IESE, Universidad de Navarra Avda. Pearson 21 – 08034 Barcelona – Spain Fax: (34) 93 253 43 43 E-mail SILVIA @IESE.EDU 17