IESE UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA Boletín Informativo División Investigación Enero-marzo 1998 Newsletter Research Division January-March 1998 Nº 92 EN ESTE NUMERO IN THIS ISSUE LIBROS BOOKS 3 CONTRIBUCIONES EN LIBROS CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOOKS 3-4 ARTICULOS ARTICLES 4-7 WORKING PAPERS 7 CONFERENCIAS Y SEMINARIOS CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS 7 - 10 VARIOS OTHERS 10 - 11 ACTIVIDADES DOCENTES TEACHING ACTIVITIES 11 - 12 CASOS - NOTAS TECNICAS CASES - TECHNICAL NOTES 13 - 23 DOCUMENTOS INVESTIGACION RESEARCH PAPERS 23 - 25 WORKING PAPERS 26 MATERIAL PEDAGOGICO INCORPORADO DE OTRAS INSTITUCIONES TEACHING MATERIAL INCORPORATED FROM OTHER INSTITUTIONS 27 LA INVESTIGACION EN EL IESE RESEARCH AT IESE NEW PRIORITY LINES OF RESEARCH AT IESE - AN OVERVIEW Recently, a series of research lines have been defined at IESE on which the school plans to put explicit institutional emphasis in the immediate future. The idea is to have a number of well defined research lines to which interested faculty members can ascribe. These lines of research, interdisciplinary in nature, should allow IESE to become an international point of reference in a not too distant future. The main goal is, therefore, to foster research at IESE as a way to develop own knowledge and ideas beyond what has been traditional at the school in the past. The school is convinced that this is one of the actions that can be taken to improve its strength and enable it to continue to be a leading institution in the international management education arena. The research lines have been chosen taking into account both IESEÕs tradition of human development-based general management studies and practitioner relevance. The potential and interests of faculty groups already interested and working in related topics has also been taken into account. However, individual faculty members are free to devote their research efforts to whatever fields and areas they like; for example, endowed chairs have been conducting research in a variety of areas in the past and will continue to do so in the future. Three of the chosen lines of research in which work has already begun are: 1) Organizing for Cooperation, 2) The Firm as a Source of Employment, and 3) IT-based Support for Organizational Structures that foster Learning. We describe them briefly below. The first one, Organizing for Cooperation, focuses on the study of different forms of cooperation (intra- and inter-firm cooperation, for example) that seem to be necessary to meet todayÕs competitive challenges. There are several angles from which the topic can be approached. They range from field studies in industries where interfirm cooperation seems to be a solution adopted and implemented by an increasing number of players, to analyzing the kind of capabilities that firms need to develop in order to be ÒcooperationeffectiveÓ. Other aspects of this research are the associated learning necessary for cooperation to work, and how cooperative strategies 1 Boletín Informativo – Newsletter IESE, Universidad de Navarra contrast with other alternatives based on well accepted economic models, such as transaction costs, which could advocate almost the contrary. The results expected from work in this area include better models and frameworks for understanding why cooperation is effective and under what circumstances, and how it should be implemented from a contingent perspective. Joan E. Ricart is in charge of this line. Under the leadership of Jordi Gual, the second line, The Firm as a Source of Employment, seeks to analyze the employment (and, of special relevance in Europe, the unemployment) issue from a microeconomic perspective, as opposed to the more common macroeconomic approach. Again, there are a number of different standpoints from which the issue can be understood and analyzed. The final goal is to first better understand the mechanisms of job creation at the firm level, and second, to suggest actions that can be taken in order to foster job creation. Field studies aimed at analyzing the mechanics of job creation in firms are already under way, centered on how decisions leading to job openings are made. A yearly international Conference on Employment has been held the last three years at IESE and will continue to be held in the years to come. The conference brings together well known authors and researchers from around the world, who prepare specific communications for the occasion. The researchers then discuss their work with participants in a two-day event that normally leads to the publication of a book centered on a specific employment-related topic. This year Õs conference will be on the role of new technologies in the job creation process (vis-ˆ-vis the well known argument of new technologies leading to an increase in unemployment). The third, under the supervision of Rafael Andreu, is about IT-based Support for Organizational Structures that foster Learning. It seeks first to understand what is meant by organizational learning, and then, consequently, why certain organizational structures are more appropriate to foster learning and how they can be harnessed with the aid of information and communication technologies. This line of research has several points of contact with the first one, although its focus is much narrower. In the work already carried out, a critique of the Òorganizational learningÓ concept has been developed and a proposal put through to better define the term. The researchers believe that distinguishing individual learning from organizational learning, thoroughly and with rigor, is not easy. One fundamental construct for understanding the difference seems to be the process through which interactions among learning agents lead to the development of shared mental models and collective preference structures, which afterwards guide group and organization behaviour. An interaction-based model of organizational learning is being developed, the goal being to provide a basis from which to derive the characteristics of organizational structures specially well-suited to foster learning. Once these characteristics have been identified, the research will continue by studying how they can be effectively implemented with the aid of new technologies. Complemented with field studies, scenario analysis and controlled experiments, this line of research hopes to contribute not only to a better understanding of organizational learning, but also with recommendations about how to harness it in practice with the aid of specific organizational forms and IT-based support of different kinds. Researchers active in these lines hope to have results soon that can be published as working papers and presented at international conferences; two papers have in fact been accepted already. Rafael Andreu Director Research Division 2 LIBROS BOOKS CONTRIBUCIONES EN LIBROS CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOOKS Santiago Alvarez de Mon Ð ÇLa empresa humanista y competitivaÈ, Ediciones Deusto, marzo de 1998, 357 p‡gs. Rafael Andreu - Claudio Ciborra Ð ÇOrganizational Learning and Core Capabilities Development: The Role of ITÈ, in the book ÇInformation Technology and Organizational TransformationÈ, edited by R. D. Galliers and W. R. J. Baets, John Wiley & Sons, 1998, pages 87-106. Resumen: El tipo de v’nculo econ—mico y psicol—gico que une a los profesionales de hoy con la empresa moderna es objeto de estudio y reflexi—n. El modelo empresarial propuesto en el libro Ðenraizado en la tradici—n occidental de propiedad privada y libertad individual para emprender iniciativasÐ, descansa sobre una interpretaci—n generosa y radical del concepto de participaci—n. Se sugiere no s—lo una participaci—n de los colaboradores de la empresa en la toma de decisiones, sino tambiŽn una participaci—n econ—mica-financiera en los resultados que arroje la gesti—n. Surge as’ la figura del empleado como socio responsable y activo de la empresa que se implica y compromete en la vida de la misma, asumiendo sus riesgos e incertidumbres, y disfrutando de sus derechos y beneficios. De ah’ que el autor opte por una visi—n comunitaria de la empresa que, desde una gesti—n econ—mica eficaz y competente, contribuya a una mayor plenitud humana. BIBLIOTECA IESE DE GESTION DE EMPRESAS Volœmenes recientemente aparecidos: 50. La regeneraci—n de la empresa Carlos CavallŽ: Las ra’ces culturales de la estrategia Pedro Nueno: Mejorando la capacidad innovadora de la empresa Esteban Masifern-Carmen C. Masifern: La empresa como federaci—n 51. Indice IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter Abstract: The resource-based view of the firm (RBVF) focuses on the firmÕs resources and capabilities to understand business strategy and guide strategy formulation. This paper emphasizes the learning aspects of capability development and explores how information technology (IT) can contribute to it. As a widely available, standardized resource, IT can participate in the fundamental process that transforms resources into capabilities and eventually into core capabilities. In this way, IT Ðembedded in core capabilitiesÐ can become an active component of the firmÕs competitive advantages. The process by which resources end up being components of core capabilities in firms is a learning process that can be described and understood using RBVF concepts. Furthermore, the development of strategic IT applications (also called Òstrategic information systemsÓ, or SIS) follows patterns that closely parallel the structure of that learning process. For this reason, we propose an organizational learning model based on the RBVF, and use it to derive guidelines for management action aimed at improving IT effectiveness in organizations. The paper is organized as follows: first, there is a summary of the RBVF framework, including the concepts of capabilities and core capabilities and the organizational processes that lead to them. Next, the paper presents an organizational learning model: an interpretation of capability development that emphasizes situated learning and knowledge accumulation. This model is then used to show how IT can contribute to core capability formation in a firm: management action can mold the process to some extent, although it often unfolds ÒnaturallyÓ, embedded in an organizational context that both determines and is determined by learning. Finally, there is a discussion of guidelines for devising and building strategic IT applications, based on the previous analysis. 3 IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter Antonio Argando–a Ð ÇEl papel de los Òtecn—cratasÓ en la pol’tica y en la econom’a espa–ola, 1957-1964È, en el libro ÇIglesia y poder pœblico. Actas del VII Simposio de Historia de la Iglesia en Espa–a y AmŽricaÈ, coordinado por Paulino Casta–eda y Manuel J. Coci–a y Abella, Publicaciones Obra Social y Cultural Cajasur, C—rdoba, 1997, p‡gs. 221 a 235. Resumen: Hasta los a–os cincuenta de nuestro siglo, Espa–a fue una sociedad atrasada. Mientras los principales pa’ses europeos hab’an llevado ya a cabo un largo proceso de modernizaci—n social y econ—mica, y otros lo estaban completando entonces, nuestro pa’s se hab’a retrasado en esa evoluci—n, debido a circunstancias hist—ricas, pol’ticas e ideol—gicas. Sin embargo, en los a–os cincuenta se inici— un cambio en la manera de hacer pol’tica econ—mica, en el modelo mismo de econom’a, y en el equilibrio de las fuerzas sociales y pol’ticas, que llev— en las dŽcadas siguientes a una sociedad moderna, pluralista y desarrollada. No cabe duda, pues, de que ese per’odo encierra claves importantes de la historia espa–ola reciente. Y, dentro de Žl, merecen especial menci—n los Çtecn—cratasÈ, como supuestos art’fices de al menos una parte de ese cambio. El objeto de este art’culo es explicar algunos aspectos aœn poco conocidos de la tarea de esos tecn—cratas. El an‡lisis se centra en los a–os 1957 a 1964, pues, a partir de esta fecha, Espa–a entra en la era de los Planes de Desarrollo, y en ella tanto el modelo como la forma de llevar a cabo la pol’tica econ—mica experimentan cambios importantes. Ð ÇEspa–a en la moneda œnica: las ventajas de la estabilidad y los problemas del crecimientoÈ, en el libro ÇDe la estabilidad al crecimiento estableÈ, C’rculo de Empresarios, Madrid, diciembre de 1997, p‡gs. 15-33. Resumen: En este art’culo se pasa revista a los argumentos en favor de la moneda œnica, especialmente los referentes al cumplimiento de las condiciones del Tratado de Maastricht. Se subrayan los inconvenientes que en el pasado han tenido las pol’ticas excesivamente inflacionistas, y se se–alan las ventajas de la Çcultura de la estabilidadÈ. Asimismo, se pone de manifiesto que la estabilidad no es suficiente para crecer, por lo que har‡ falta una estrategia separada para conseguir ritmos m‡s elevados de actividad y de generaci—n de empleo. 4 Jordi Canals Ð ÇCrecimiento sostenible y desarrollo empresarialÈ, en el libro ÇDe la estabilidad al crecimiento estableÈ, C’rculo de Empresarios, Madrid, diciembre de 1997, p‡gs. 91-115. Resumen: El crecimiento econ—mico de un pa’s depende de numerosos factores de naturaleza muy diversa. Sin embargo, en la base del crecimiento de los pa’ses se halla el crecimiento de las empresas. El proceso de crecimiento de las empresas depende de diversos elementos, como las capacidades y recursos desarrollados con el paso del tiempo, las oportunidades externas disponibles o ciertas decisiones estratŽgicas que en cierto momento las empresas han adoptado. En este cap’tulo se discuten algunos de estos elementos, cr’ticos para el crecimiento de los pa’ses. Luis M» Huete - Mark Schofield Ð ÇNH HotelsÈ, (P-772-E), in the book ÇCases in Hospitality Strategy and PolicyÈ, edited by Robert C. Lewis, John Wiley & Sons, 1998, pages 43-60. Abstract: At the end of 1990, after 12 years of spectacular growth, NH is analysing its expansion policy and trying to outline the positioning of two projects: the super-luxury ÇNH GoldÈ hotels and the two-star ÇMinihotelsÈ. The management committee is considering the strategy to be adopted to ensure the companyÕs future success at a time of great expansion in its traditional business. ARTICULOS ARTICLES Journals Santiago Alvarez de Mon Ð ÇLa empresa del siglo XXI: ÀDarwinismo corporativo o comunidad de personas?È, HarvardDeusto Business Review, nº 83, marzo-abril de 1997, p‡gs. 18-27. Resumen: En un momento en que el reto competitivo lleva a buscar la m‡xima eficacia de la empresa y a potenciar el intelecto de las personas como el capital m‡s preciado, merece tambiŽn la pena echar un vistazo a la parte humana de la organizaci—n. Una parte humana que debe contribuir a dar sentido a la vida del individuo y que s—lo se puede conseguir a travŽs del indudable compromiso social que la empresa est‡ llamada a cumplir. Para analizar esta necesaria evoluci—n, el autor hace un repaso del entorno social, pol’tico y cultural en el que se desenvuelve la empresa. Antonio D‡vila - Robert Simons Ð ÇHow high is your return on managementÈ, Harvard Business Review, January-February, 1998, pages 70-80. Abstract: The classic business ratios for measuring performance Ðreturn on equity, return on assets, and return on sales, to name a fewÐ may be useful. But none is designed specifically to reflect how well a company implements its strategy. Enter return on management (ROM), a new ratio that gauges the payback from a companyÕs scarcest resource: managersÕ time and energy. Unlike other business ratios, ROM is a rough estimate, not an exact percentage. Still, it is expressed like other business ratios by an equation in which the output is maximized by a high numerator and a low denominator: Productive organizational energy released Ö Management time and attention invested. Knowing which organizational factors conspire against or work to maximize an organizationÕs productive energy will help managers calculate a rough measure for this equation. The authors suggest that companies look at five factors Ðreferred to as the Òfive acid testsÓÐ to approximate this measure: Do employees know which opportunities do not directly contribute to the companyÕs strategic mission? Do managers know what it would take for the company to fail? Can managers recall their key diagnostic measures with relative ease? Is the organization free from drowning in a sea of paperwork and processes? Do all employees watch the same performance measures that their bosses watch? If a manager can answer yes to these questions, ROM is probably high. If the answer is no to some, ROM may be low, signaling that managers may need to step up their communication with employees about what they should and should not be focusing their efforts on. The Journal of Business Ethics announces a special issue dedicated to ÇBusiness Ethics in SpainÈ. Antonio Argando–a will act as guest editor of this special edition. IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter Otras publicaciones / Other publications Antonio Argando–a Ð ÇLa responsabilidad de la empresa en la creaci—n y mantenimiento del empleoÈ, Servicio de Documentaci—n, Instituto Empresa y Humanismo, Universidad de Navarra, nº 40, noviembre de 1997, p‡gs. 9-20. Resumen: La empresa es la principal instituci—n creadora de empleo, tanto en las sociedades industrializadas como en las que est‡n en v’as de desarrollo. ÀSupone esto que la creaci—n de ocupaci—n forma parte de la responsabilidad social de la empresa? En este art’culo se analiza esta cuesti—n, primero en el ‡mbito del fin de la empresa como instituci—n, y despuŽs en el de su responsabilidad social, entendida como parte de su contribuci—n al bien comœn. Finalmente, se discuten algunos problemas presentados al intentar hacer operativo ese objetivo. Miguel A. Gallo Ð ÇLos consejos de administraci—n en las empresas familiares. Presencia, actividad y utilidadÈ, Iniciativa Emprendedora y Empresa Familiar, nº 9, marzo-abril de 1998, p‡gs. 12-15. Resumen: Se observa en los œltimos a–os una creciente preocupaci—n por la mejora de la actuaci—n de los consejos de administraci—n en las empresas familiares. Ser’a err—neo pensar que este interŽs se produce exclusivamente como una reacci—n natural al hecho de que durante a–os los consejos de administraci—n de las empresas familiares han sido muy poco activos, algo que por otra parte ha ocurrido tambiŽn en las empresas no familiares. Este art’culo examina las verdaderas causas de esta preocupaci—n y arguye que varias de ellas tienen un origen positivo. W . Gibb Dyer, Jr. Ð ÇConflictos en la empresa familiar. C—mo abordarlos y gestionarlosÈ, Iniciativa Emprendedora y Empresa Familiar, nº 8, enero-febrero de 1998, p‡gs. 15-21. Resumen: Las familias pueden quedar atrapadas, sin v’as de salida para resolver los conflictos que enfrentan en el seno de sus empresas, si no cuentan con las capacidades necesarias de resoluci—n de problemas y de relaci—n interpersonal. Las empresas familiares no deber’an procurar eliminar el conflicto Ðpuesto que es imposibleÐ, sino 5 IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter procurar crear una atm—sfera positiva en la que los conflictos puedan ser gestionados de una manera eficaz. En este art’culo, el autor argumenta que lo importante no es tanto quŽ decide hacer una familia para resolver un conflicto, sino c—mo aborda su gesti—n. capacidad de manejarse en 360¼, la paciencia de la ara–a y la sabidur’a humilde del fil—sofo. Tercera fase: La fase del canguro. Cuarta fase: La fase del bœho. Apoyado en la sabidur’a alcanzada por su larga experiencia, la œltima tarea del directivo ser‡ velar por el conjunto de la organizaci—n. JosŽ L. Nueno Ð ÇLos nuevos negocios de la distribuci—n. Tendencias y estrategiasÈ, Iniciativa Emprendedora y Empresa Familiar, nº 8, enero-febrero de 1998, p‡gs. 46-56. Javier Santom‡ - Altina Sebasti‡n Gonz‡lez Ð ÇDuraci—n, beta y volatilidad de una acci—nÈ, Bolsa de Madrid, nº 62, p‡gs. 50-52. Enero de 1998. Resumen: Los negocios de distribuci—n est‡n entrando en una nueva era. Las caracter’sticas de los consumidores actuales imponen cambios y ofrecen oportunidades a la distribuci—n. Los mercados son m‡s din‡micos que nunca, y en poco tiempo el panorama puede variar sustancialmente. La evoluci—n de las grandes empresas se halla sometida a una serie de tendencias que est‡n forzando un replanteamiento de sus pol’ticas comerciales actuales. JosŽ R. Pin Ð ÇSin miedo al cambioÈ, Nueva Empresa, nº 427, enero de 1998, p‡gs. 32-34. Resumen: En un estudio sobre la gesti—n empresarial en esta dŽcada, se observan las l’neas generales de direcci—n de las compa–’as, hacia d—nde quieren dirigir sus pasos, cu‡l es su visi—n de futuro. En definitiva, cu‡l es el camino que han emprendido los directivos para gobernar las empresas en los pr—ximos a–os. Ð ÇSector pœblico-sector privado: Consejos para el mutuo provechoÈ, Capital Humano, nº 108, febrero de 1998, p‡g. 7. Resumen: Aunque en ocasiones parezca lo contrario, las empresas de los sectores pœblico y privado est‡n condenadas a entenderse para sobrevivir y mejorar sus posiciones de mercado. Ambos sectores, pœblico y privado, est‡n obligados a ayudarse para mejorar mutuamente. El autor ofrece 10 consejos para el mutuo provecho. Ð ÇFases en la carrera profesional del MBAÈ, Nueva Empresa, nº 428, febrero de 1998, p‡gs. 77-82. Resumen: Primera fase: Los retos humanos de un MBA en su primer trabajo, vista de ‡guila, astucia de zorro y habilidad para buscar ayuda. Segunda fase: El primer trabajo directivo requiere: la 6 Resumen: El objeto de este art’culo es relacionar o comparar tres medidas b‡sicas de riesgo (duraci—n, beta y volatilidad) y estudiar emp’ricamente el comportamiento de las mismas con respecto a las rentabilidades obtenidas para una muestra de 37 acciones de la Bolsa de Madrid en el per’odo 1992-1994. Las conclusiones que obtenemos ayudan a determinar cu‡l de los tres tipos de indicadores de riesgo es capaz de explicar mejor el comportamiento de los precios de los activos en ese per’odo. Josep Tˆpies - Lidia Pradas Ð ÇCrecimiento y tensiones financieras. Ense–anza para una empresa de nueva creaci—nÈ, Iniciativa Emprendedora y Empresa Familiar, nº 9, marzo-abril de 1998, p‡gs. 4-11. Resumen: El crecimiento suele ir acompa–ado de importantes tensiones financieras. Puede ocurrir que, a pesar de estar generando m‡s beneficios, se ponga en peligro el futuro de la propia empresa desde un punto de vista estrictamente financiero. Este art’culo proporciona algunos conceptos b‡sicos de finanzas que permiten dar una explicaci—n de las causas y la naturaleza de los problemas derivados de una estrategia de crecimiento acelerado, y ofrece algunas recomendaciones para su tratamiento. Reports Dom•nec MelŽ - Joan Fontrodona Ð ÇIndividual and corporate responsibilities in the social teaching of the ChurchÈ, published in the collection of papers presented at the Second International Symposium on Catholic Social Thought and Management, (web: cathstudies/cstm/antwerp/index.html). Abstract: Some authors hold that a company is a moral agent. Many others oppose this view, arguing that only human beings can be subjects of morality, whereas corporations have no responsibilities at all. According to the social teaching of the Catholic Church, the subject of responsibility is the individual, because only he or she is endowed with freedom and moral conscience. Nevertheless, a corporation Ðlike other kinds of societyÐ is not merely a group of individuals with a social contract, but a community with stable links. This Òsocial subjectivityÓ, which is a source of moral responsibility, has been destroyed by real socialism and radical individualism. The teaching of the Church is far removed from both of these positions. The Christian concept of the person as an individual and social being is very close to our own observation of reality. This concept leads us to state clearly that real responsibility lies with the individual, but that, in a different sense, there are also corporate responsibilities. These corporate responsibilities have been assumed by managers. The teaching of the Church shows a good way to develop a set of principles for corporate social responsibilities. At the same time, they emphasize that managers and employees are the only proper subjects of responsibility in business. WORKING PAPERS Africa Ari–o - JosŽ de la Torre (The Anderson School at UCLA) Ð ÇAction and reaction: Towards an evolutionary model of collaborative venturesÈ, The John E. Anderson Graduate School of Management at UCLA, No 97-8. Abstract: This paper contributes to building theory on the collaboration process in partnerships and alliances by reporting on a longitudinal case study of the interactions between two partners to a failed international joint venture. We develop a model based on earlier work by Ring and Van de Ven (1994) and Doz (1996). We use events in the relationship as the unit of analysis in order to trace the interactions between the partners, and to explicate the impact that external shocks have on perceptions of efficiency and equity by both partners. These assessments cause the partners to either engage in renegotiation of the terms of the contract or modify their behaviour unilaterally in an attempt to restore balance to the relationship. IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter The process feeds back until a new mutual understanding of equity is restored, or else the relationship deteriorates until the CV is dissolved. The impact of these patterns on the quality of the relationship is also considered. CONFERENCIAS Y SEMINARIOS CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS JosŽ L. Alvarez Ð On March 26-28, attended the conference ÇCareer RealitiesÈ that took place at the London Business School, where he presented the paper ÇTheories of Managerial Action and their Impact on the Conceptualization of Managerial CareersÈ. Abstract: The author discusses the traditional hiatus between Organizational Theory and conceptualizations of executive careers, and how new theories of managerial action, being developed by neo-institutionalists, could help bridge the gap. The papers presented at the conference will soon be published in a volume to be edited by Maury Peiper of the London Business School. Antonio Argando–a Ð On January 30, attended the seminar ÇConceiving Ethics in BusinessÈ at the University of Tilburg, where he gave the paper ÇEthical Perspectives on FinanceÈ. Ð El 3 de febrero, asisti— al Seminario Knut Wicksell, de la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, donde imparti— la conferencia ÇÀPuede durar la actual bonanza de la econom’a espa–ola?È. Ð El 7 de febrero, asisti— al Seminario Permanente Periodismo y Comunicaci—n, en Santiago de Compostela, donde imparti— la conferencia ÇEspa–a y la Uni—n Econ—mica y Monetaria: La hora de la verdadÈ. Ð El 14 febrero, asisti— a las IV Jornades Socioculturals, en Barcelona, donde imparti— la conferencia ÇEconomia i societatÈ. Ð El 24 de febrero, asisti— al Simposio Internacional sobre ÇLa crisis asi‡tica y la reforma del Sistema MonetarioÈ, organizado por la Fundaci—n Di‡logos, en Madrid, donde imparti— la conferencia ÇLas causas de la crisis asi‡ticaÈ. 7 IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter M» Nuria Chinchilla Ð El 11 de marzo, cerr— el FORHUM Ô98 organizado por IIR Espa–a (Institute for International Research), donde imparti— la conferencia ÇÀPor quŽ se va un ejecutivo? Cu‡les son sus v’nculos de pertenencia: Compromiso versus rotaci—nÈ. Ð El 26 de marzo, asisti— al Forum Anual KONSAC sobre ÇDirecci—n de PersonalÈ, en Barcelona, donde imparti— la conferencia ÇHacia una empresa humanistaÈ, y moder— un debate sobre ÇEl nuevo rol de la direcci—n de personalÈ. Jordi Gual Ð El 5 de marzo, asisti— a la Jornada sobre ÇLas implicaciones de la implantaci—n del euro en CatalunyaÈ, organizadas por la Generalitat de Catalunya, donde imparti— la conferencia ÇConsequ•ncies econ˜miques de la introducci— del euroÈ. Eduardo Mart’nez Abascal Ð El 28 de enero, asisti— al seminario ÇOfertas pœblicas de valores: Estrategias de una oferta globalÈ, organizado por la Bolsa de Madrid, donde imparti— la conferencia ÇExperiencias pr‡cticas de ofertas pœblicas de valores (OPV): El caso RepsolÈ. Pedro Nueno Ð El 30 de enero, asisti— a las Jornadas Confederales de UGT, ÇDerecho al trabajo. Un compromiso con el pleno empleoÈ, donde imparti— la conferencia ÇLa reducci—n de la jornada de trabajoÈ. Resumen: En la creaci—n de trabajo por parte de las empresas hay dos categor’as de enfoques, que podr’amos llamar sanos (crecimiento interno, generalmente resultado de la innovaci—n y la productividad, exportaci—n, inversi—n directa en el extranjero) y enfermiza (reducci—n de la jornada, afloraci—n de la econom’a sumergida, eliminaci—n de otros tipos de fraudes laborales, control de la inmigraci—n, subvenci—n). La evoluci—n hist—rica muestra que una reducci—n gradual de la jornada de trabajo es compatible con una mejora de la competitividad, pero eso no puede hacerse ni bruscamente, ni con car‡cter general, ni por decreto. JosŽ R. Pin Ð El 19 de febrero, asisti— al Encuentro organizado por Azulgest, en Castell—n, donde present— 8 la ponencia ÇLa formaci—n y los recursos humanos en la empresa y su relaci—n con las ETT: la funci—n de las ETT en la econom’a del siglo XXIÈ. Resumen: En la ponencia se expone la funci—n de formaci—n de competencias de una ETT en un ÇclusterÈ como puede ser el sector de la cer‡mica de Castell—n, su papel en la colaboraci—n a la competitividad de las empresas que lo componen y los aspectos a tener en cuenta en la homologaci—n de las ETT por parte de las empresas usuarias: las referentes a la seguridad en el tr‡fico y la adecuaci—n de la cultura de la ETT con la empresa usuaria. M» Julia Prats - Jaume Ribera Ð On March 29, attended the Production and Operations Management Society congress in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where they gave the paper ÇCapacity Decisions in service design: The perceived quality dimensionÈ. Abstract: Capacity considerations are an important issue in the design of service operations. Traditional synthetic capacity calculations used in manufacturing settings are based on resource utilizations by unit of output. Direct translation of this approach to service operations faces two important problems: a) both the product definitions and the input required on the part of the server are somewhat fuzzy and subject to marginal adjustments without substantially altering the output, and b) customer interpretations of capacity utilization can have an important effect on the perceived service quality. The paper reports the preliminary results of an ongoing research project which reviews the procedures used for capacity management and those used to measure customer perceived quality in different service companies, and the extent to which they are interrelated. Surprisingly, in the limited number of firms researched, little evidence has been found of a relationship at the managerial level between the two concepts. M» Julia Prats - Juan Roure - Joseph Pistrui Ð On March 20, at the II Annual Meeting of the EU500 Association, the association for dynamic entrepreneurs, held in Munich, they gave the paper ÇA Formula for Successful Growth: preliminary lessons from the EuropeÕs 500 Research ProjectÈ. Abstract: Our first objective in organizing this major Research Project was to broaden our understanding of the key factors contributing to the successful growth of the 500 fastest growing entrepreneurial firms in Europe. However, our most important objective is to identify the major opportunities and challenges that EuropeÕs most dynamic entrepreneurial organisations will face as they prepare for the New Millennium. This preliminary report includes some characteristics of the companies and their strategies, as well as a profile of the entrepreneurs who make it all possible. Joaquim Vilˆ Ð On January 21-23, attended the Second World Conference on Management of Intellectual Capital and Innovation, held in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, where he presented the paper ÇTowards the Business Federation: Organizing for Growth in Management Consulting FirmsÈ, co-authored by Carsten M. Syvertsen. Abstract: The paper builds on the operational approach to the Business Federation form advanced by Esteban Masifern. It describes how this form responds to management demands for novel organizational solutions and describes its building blocks (on the basis of rules which set the level of autonomy for businesses, the availability of boosting units, the type of control over the businesses, and the issue of ownership of assets between business and corporate units). It then briefly reviews the suitability of this form for professional service firms. Empirically, it explores the extent to which management consulting firms in Europe are implementing key features of this federation form. And finally, we test whether this has any effect on organizational growth, as a key indicator of performance, in consulting companies in Norway and Spain. On January 29-30, the Bank Benchmarking Group of the EFQM met at IESE in Barcelona. Juan Roure acted as academic coordinator, and Josep Valor gave a presentation on ÇThe Future of Electronic MarketsÈ. The theme for discussion was the role of Call Centers in improving customer service. The meeting was attended by representatives of the following organizations: ABN-AMRO, Barclays Bank, Unibank, ING, Royal Bank of Scotland, Banco Santander, BT Europe, EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) and Gas Natural. A visit was made to this latter company to learn about its telephonic customer service. IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter El 26 de febrero tuvo lugar, en la sede del IESE en Madrid, el V Simposio Anual de Finanzas del CIIF, que reuni— cerca de doscientos cincuenta directivos relacionados con el mundo de las finanzas. El Simposio estuvo presidido por Rafael Termes y Natalia Centenera. En este simposio se presentaron los siguientes proyectos de investigaci—n: Javier Estrada Ð ÇRiesgo en mercados europeos. ÀC—mo medirlo adecuadamente?È Resumen: La presentaci—n sobre riesgo en mercados europeos se dividi—, al igual que la l’nea de investigaci—n, en dos temas principales: Primero, se abord— el tema de c—mo medir el riesgo apropiadamente; segundo, se contrast— el riesgo de corto plazo con el de largo plazo. En cuanto al primer punto, se caracteriz— el comportamiento de los mercados europeos durante la primer mitad de la dŽcada, y se explic— por quŽ algunas medidas muy utilizadas para evaluar riesgo pueden llevar a cometer errores significativos. La cuantificaci—n respectiva se hizo para 13 mercados europeos. En cuanto al segundo punto, se contrast— b‡sicamente el riesgo de corto plazo con el riesgo de largo plazo, y se argument— que el inversor de largo plazo claramente debe optar por renta variable y no por la renta fija. Se analizaron simulaciones con par‡metros plausibles para el caso espa–ol, y se cuantific— la ganancia relativa que obtendr’a el inversor de largo plazo de renta variable. Pablo Fern‡ndez Ð ÇÀExiste la prima de riesgo del mercado?È Resumen: Una de las hip—tesis en que se fundamenta el CAPM es la de expectativas homogŽneas: todos los inversores tienen las mismas expectativas de rentabilidad y riesgo para todos los activos. En ese caso, todos los inversores tendr’an carteras compuestas por deuda sin riesgo y una cartera de acciones con la misma composici—n porcentual que el mercado (la bolsa). N—tese que todos los inversores tendr’an una cartera con todas las acciones de la bolsa idŽntica en composici—n porcentual. Pero es obvio que los inversores no tienen las mismas expectativas, que no todos los inversores tienen carteras de acciones de composici—n idŽntica y que no todos los inversores tienen una cartera compuesta por 9 IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter todas las acciones del mercado. Podemos conocer la prima de mercado de un inversor, pregunt‡ndosela, aunque muchas veces la prima de mercado no es un par‡metro expl’cito para muchos inversores, sino impl’cito, que se manifiesta en el precio que est‡ dispuesto a pagar por las acciones. Pero es imposible determinar la prima para el mercado en su conjunto, porque no existe. Aunque supiŽsemos las primas de mercado de los distintos inversores que concurren en el mercado, no tiene ningœn sentido hablar de una prima del mercado en su conjunto. Esto tiene su fundamento en los teoremas de la agregaci—n de microeconom’a, que en realidad son teoremas de no agregaci—n. Un modelo que funciona bien individualmente para varias personas, puede no funcionar para todas las personas juntas. Para el CAPM, esto se traduce en que aunque Žste sea un modelo v‡lido para cada inversor, no es v‡lido para el mercado en su conjunto, porque los inversores no tienen las mismas expectativas de rentabilidad y riesgo para todas las acciones. Los precios son la actualizaci—n de flujos esperados descontados a una tasa que incluye la prima de riesgo. Distintos inversores tienen distintas expectativas de flujos y distintas expectativas del riesgo futuro. S—lo se podr’a hablar de una prima de mercado si todos los inversores tuvieran las mismas expectativas de flujos. JosŽ Luis Su‡rez - Ahmad Rahnema Ð ÇDesarrollo de los mercados financieros y pr‡ctica de la direcci—n financiera en IberoamŽrica, Portugal y Espa–aÈ Resumen: La investigaci—n consiste en un estudio comparado que, como su nombre indica, tiene dos partes: a) an‡lisis del desarrollo de los mercados financieros en los principales pa’ses iberoamericanos, Espa–a y Portugal. Tipos de instituciones e instrumentos, contrataci—n, regulaci—n. El an‡lisis tendr‡ en cuenta el entorno peculiar de cada pa’s; b) principales caracter’sticas de la pr‡ctica de la direcci—n financiera. En particular: metodolog’a de trabajo, sofisticaci—n de ejecuci—n de las pol’ticas, relaci—n con los mercados financieros nacionales e internacionales, etc. 10 VARIOS OTHERS Rafael Andreu - Claudio Ciborra Ð The article ÇOrganizational Learning and Core Capabilities Development: The Role of ITÈ, reviewed on page 3, has been awarded the Òhighest quality ratingÓ by Anbar Electronic Intelligence, a service that selects articles according to four criteria (Quality of Research, Practical Implications, Originality, and Readability) and publishes them on the Internet. ANBAR has also chosen the article ÇProcess Innovation: Changing Boxes or Revolutionizing Organizations?È, published by Rafael Andreu, Joan E. Ricart and Josep Valor in 1997, to be included in its selection. Antonio Argando–a Ð El 28 de febrero, asisti— a la IV Trobada dÕEconomia en SÕAgar—, donde particip— en una mesa redonda sobre ÇUni— Econ˜mica i Monetˆria en el marc de la globalitzaci—È. M» Nuria Chinchilla Ð On March 20, took part in a debate organized by Arco Creade, in Barcelona, with the motto ÇEuropean Careers Partners Barcelona Ô98È, in which participants discussed the subject of ÇExecutive Careers in 2010È. Jordi Gual Ð Ha sido nombrado miembro del International Advisory Board del CREI (Centre de Recerca en Economia Internacional) de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. JosŽ R. Pin Ð El 14 de enero, intervino en la conferencia ÇLa violencia en la sociedadÈ, que tuvo lugar en el Colegio Mayor Roncalli, en Madrid, promovida por la uni—n de Colegios Mayores. Joan E. Ricart Ð Los d’as 19 y 20 de febrero, asisti— al seminario sobre ÇInvestigaci—n en direcci—n de empresasÈ organizado por el departamento de econom’a de empresa de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, donde actu— como comentarista de trabajos de doctorales que, o bien han terminado o est‡n cercanos a terminar. La sesi—n en la que particip— se titulaba ÇDirecci—n estratŽgica y pol’tica de recursos humanosÈ. Ð On March 16-17, gave a doctoral seminar on ÇOrganizational EconomicsÈ at the University of Catania, Sicily, Italy. Juan Roure Ð El 5 de febrero, particip— en la Sesi—n de Clausura de CICALÕ98, donde present— un resumen de las ponencias m‡s significativas y una reflexi—n sobre el ÇFuturo de la Calidad de Gesti—nÈ. ACTIVIDADES DOCENTES TEACHING ACTIVITIES Programa de Continuidad Encuentros Interdisciplinares Ð ÇLa democracia y las instituciones sociales: los retos del futuroÈ, moderador: Rafael Termes; ponentes: Jean Bethke Elshtain (professor, University of Chicago) y Antonio Font‡n (ex-presidente del Senado, profesor emŽrito, Universidad Complutense), 2 de febrero, Madrid. Programa de Continuidad Reuniones extraordinarias Ð ÇManteniendo la propia paridadÈ, ponente: Pedro Nueno, 23 de febrero, Barcelona. Ð ÇÀC—mo nos afecta la crisis asi‡tica?È, ponente: Juan J. Toribio, 24 de marzo, Barcelona. Ð ÇLa gesti—n de los recursos humanos en una empresa multinacionalÈ, ponente: JosŽ Daniel (presidente de NestlŽ Espa–a), coordinador: Carlos S‡nchez-Runde, 26 de marzo, Barcelona. Programa de Continuidad Ð ÇLa gesti—n del tiempo personal y profesionalÈ, ponente: M» Nuria Chinchilla, 15 de enero, Barcelona. IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter Ð ÇAutoevaluaci—n y evaluaci—n del personalÈ, ponente: Paddy Miller, 15 de enero, Madrid. Ð ÇComercio electr—nico y comunidades virtualesÈ, ponente: Brian Subirana, 20 de enero, Barcelona. Ð ÇLo que funciona en la comunicaci—n de productos y serviciosÈ, ponente: Xavier Oliver, 20 de enero, Madrid. Ð ÇÀC—mo preparar mi empresa para el euro?È, coordinador: Jordi Gual, 22 de enero, Barcelona. Ð ÇEtica y eficiencia empresarial: ÀC—mo se relacionan ambos conceptos?È, ponente: Dom•nec MelŽ, 22 de enero, Madrid. Ð ÇAuditor’as y sistemas de certificaci—n mediambientales (EMAS e ISO 14000)È, coordinadores: Joan E. Ricart - Miguel A. Rodr’guez, 27 de enero, Barcelona. Ð ÇModelo europeo de excelencia (EFQM): Factores de Žxito en su implantaci—nÈ, coordinador: Juan Roure, 29 de enero, Barcelona. Ð ÇCompetencias directivas para una carrera de Žxitos. Lo esencial que los directivos deben saber hacer bien: cu‡ndo y c—mo aprenderloÈ, ponente: JosŽ L. Alvarez, 29 de enero, Madrid. Ð ÇAlianzas estratŽgicas: Manejando la relaci—n con el socioÈ, ponente: Africa Ari–o, 10 de febrero, Barcelona. Ð ÇÀEs œtil la financiaci—n especializada para la empresa espa–ola?È, coordinador: Jorge Soley, 12 de febrero, Barcelona. Ð ÇServicios & Beneficios. La fidelizaci—n de clientes y empleados. La inteligencia emocional en los negociosÈ, coordinador: Luis M. Huete, 12 de febrero, Madrid; 19 de febrero, Barcelona. Ð ÇAn‡lisis econ—mico de decisiones estratŽgicas: Posible utilidad del ABCAÈ, ponente: Juan C. V‡zquez-Dodero, 12 de febrero, Pamplona. Ð ÇÀSe pueden vender zapatos por correo?È, ponente: Llu’s G. Renart, 12 de febrero, Valencia. Ð ÇLa retribuci—n por competencia y el desarrollo profesional a la luz de la reforma laboralÈ, ponente: Sandalio G—mez, 12 de febrero, Zaragoza. Ð ÇCustomer satisfaction, customer loyalty, service quality and customer perceived value: The operationalization of these ÒmarketingÓ conceptsÈ, speaker: Jaume Ribera, February 13, London. Ð ÇLas relaciones pœblicas: un factor de competitividadÈ, coordinador: Xavier Oliver, 17 de febrero, Barcelona. Ð ÇCaracter’sticas de las empresas familiares exitosasÈ, ponente: Miguel A. Gallo, 17 de febrero, Madrid. Ð ÇC—mo mejorar la capacidad innovadora de la empresaÈ, ponente: Pedro Nueno, 24 de febrero, Madrid. 11 IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter Ð ÇFunciones del consejo de administraci—n. Empresas familiares y empresas no familiaresÈ, ponente: Miguel A. Gallo, 24 de febrero, Valencia. Ð ÇPresentaci—n del ÒModelo para el autodiagn—stico medioambiental estratŽgico e integralÓÈ, moderador: Joan E. Ricart, 26 de febrero, Barcelona. Ð ÇGesti—n de procesos de negocioÈ, ponente: Jaume Ribera, 26 de febrero, Vigo. Ð ÇLa empresa participadaÈ, ponente: Santiago Alvarez de Mon, 3 de marzo, Barcelona. Ð ÇCaracter’sticas de las empresas familiares exitosasÈ, ponente: Miguel A. Gallo, 3 de marzo, Pamplona; 10 de marzo, Barcelona. Ð ÇC—mo preparar mi empresa para el euro?È, ponentes: Manuel Brufau - Jordi Gual, 10 de marzo, Madrid. Ð ÇModelo europeo de excelencia (EFQM): Factores de Žxito en su implantaci—nÈ, coordinador: Juan Roure, 11 de marzo, Zaragoza. Ð ÇAchieving breakthrough service: Turning customer service into customer successÈ, speaker Luis M. Huete, March 11, Oslo. Ð ÇComercio electr—nico y comunidades virtualesÈ, ponente: Brian Subirana, 12 de marzo, Madrid. Ð ÇRedes personales y profesionales para el desarrollo de la carrera profesionalÈ, ponentes: JosŽ L. Alvarez - Carlos Garc’a Pont, 17 de marzo, Barcelona. Ð ÇValores de empresasÈ, ponente: Josep Faus, 17 de marzo, Madrid. Ð ÇPresente y futuro de los mercados emergentesÈ, ponentes: Javier Estrada - Pedro Videla, 19 de marzo, Barcelona. Ð ÇLa gesti—n del tiempo personal y profesionalÈ, ponente: M» Nuria Chinchilla, 24 de marzo, Madrid. Ð ÇFinanciaci—n de exportaciones e inversiones en mercados emergentesÈ, ponentes: Javier Estrada Pedro Videla, 24 de marzo, Santiago de Compostela. Ð ÇErrores econ—mico-financieros a evitar en los emprendimientos empresarialesÈ, ponente: Juan C. V‡zquez-Dodero, 26 de marzo, Valencia. Ð ÇLa ayuda de las nuevas tecnolog’as en la direcci—n de la fuerza de ventasÈ, ponente: Victoriano Vila, 26 de marzo, Madrid; 31 de marzo, Barcelona. Ð ÇConsejeros-delegados, administradores y socios-empleados: ÀA quŽ rŽgimen de la seguridad social tienen que cotizar en 1998?È, moderador: Sandalio G—mez, 31 de marzo, Madrid. Ð ÇLa gesti—n del tiempo personal y profesionalÈ, ponente: M» Nuria Chinchilla, 31 de marzo, Valencia. 12 Seminarios Ð ÇDirecci—n de personas y equiposÈ, coordinador: Rafael Andreu, 13 y 14 de enero, Barcelona. Ð ÇNegociar con eficacia: Tarea diaria del directivoÈ, coordinador: Juan Roure, 14 y 15 de enero, Valencia. Ð ÇIV Encuentro de empresarios del sector de la distribuci—nÈ, coordinador: JosŽ L. Nueno, 4 y 5 de febrero, Barcelona. Ð ÇI Encuentro del sector del gas. La apertura del sector del gas a la competencia. Convergencia del gas y la electricidadÈ, coordinador: Eduard Ballar’n, 4 y 5 de febrero, Madrid. Ð ÇII Encuentro del sector aseguradorÈ, coordinador: Alfredo Pastor, 5 de febrero, Barcelona. Ð ÇC—mo implantar la gesti—n del conocimiento: Herramientas y metodolog’aÈ, coordinadores: Beatriz Mu–oz-Seca - Josep Riverola, 5 de febrero, Madrid. Ð ÇLa titulizaci—n en Espa–a, presente y futuroÈ, coordinador: JosŽ L. Su‡rez, 19 de febrero, Madrid. Ð ÇComprar bienÈ, coordinador: Pedro Nueno, 25 de febrero, Madrid. Ð ÇEncuentro de empresarios de la industria qu’mica. El futuro de la industria europeaÈ, coordinador: Pedro Nueno, 5 de marzo, Barcelona. Ð ÇEstrategia competitiva y creaci—n de valorÈ, coordinadores: Eduard Ballar’n - Josep Faus, 11 y 12 de marzo, Madrid. Ð ÇC—mo implantar la gesti—n del conocimiento: Herramientas y metodolog’aÈ, coordinadores: Beatriz Mu–oz-Seca - Josep Riverola, 16 de marzo, Madrid. Ð ÇForum de nuevas empresasÈ, coordinador: Pedro Nueno, 18 de marzo, Barcelona. Ð ÇProactividad y empat’a. Dos motores fundamentales para el trabajo de los directivosÈ, ponentes: Antonio Valero y Vicente - Francisco Casa Aruta, 24 de marzo, Barcelona. Ð ÇEl reto del 2000: C—mo dirigir, organizar y fidelizar a nuestro equipo de ventasÈ, coordinadores: Cosimo Chiesa - Llu’s G. Renart, 25 y 26 de marzo, Madrid. CASOS Y NOTAS TECNICAS CASES - TECHNICAL NOTES AGGREGATE DEMAND AND AGGREGATE SUPPLY (ASEN-204-E - 0.398.084) NOTA: La bibliograf’a actualizada se puede consultar en Internet: Technical note on movements in aggregate demand and supply. It analyses the long and short-term adjustments of the economy to permanent or transitory shocks, and studies the effects of fiscal and monetary policy in the short and in the long-run. (Also available in Spanish). Análisis Social y Económico para la Dirección / Economic Analysis for Management MEXICAN PESO CRISIS - 1994 (ASE-379-E - 0.398.003) Videla P.; 10 pages. The case analyses the possible causes of the Mexican exchange rate crisis of December 1994. (Also available in Spanish). Videla P.; 26 pages. THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD MONETARY UNION IN EUROPE (B) (ASE-383-E - 0.398.074) TO The case describes the development of the process of monetary unification in Europe through the closing months of 1997 and the first few months of 1998. It discusses the uncertainties that arose as a result of the opposition to monetary union from certain sectors of German public opinion. This case is complementary to case (A) (ASE-372-E). (Also available in Spanish). Gual J.; 6 pages. THE SUPPLY SIDE OF THE ECONOMY: AGGREGATE SUPPLY AND THE LABOR MARKET (ASEN-203-E - 0.398.083) This note presents a basic model of the labour market. It shows the relation between the equilibrium in this market and the shape of the short and long-run aggregate supply functions. (Also available in Spanish). Gual J.; 9 pages. IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter UNEMPLOYMENT AND INFLATION (ASEN-205-E - 0.398.085) This note explores the relationship between the rate of inflation and the rate of unemployment. It discusses the short-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment and shows how this trade-off disappears in the long run. (Also available in Spanish). Gual J.; Videla P.; 8 pages. MONEY & INFLATION (ASEN-206-E - 0.398.086) Technical note on the causes of inflation. It analyses the quantity equation of money and the effects of changes in the quantity of money on long and short-term interest rates. It also studies the connection between inflation and the fiscal deficit. (Also available in Spanish). Videla P.; 9 pages. THE BALANCE OF PAYMENTS AND THE EXCHANGE RATE (ASEN-207-E - 0.398.087) This note introduces, first, the structure and meaning of a countryÕs balance of payments. Second, it explains the concept of exchange rates and their variants, how the foreign exchange markets work, the theory of how exchange rates are fixed, and the main exchange rate regimes. It ends by discussing the main determinants 13 IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter of exchange rates in the short, medium and long-run. (Also available in Spanish). Argando–a A.; 18 pages. THE MACROECONOMICS OF AN OPEN ECONOMY (ASEN-208-E - 0.398.088) This technical note offers a simple introduction to the workings of an open economy. First, it shows how the traditional model changes when an economy opens up to the rest of the world (trade and financial balance). It then describes the main changes that occur in an open economy, under fixed and floating exchange rate regimes, using different assumptions: automatic adjustment, monetary policy, fiscal policy, devaluation, change in expectations of depreciation, etc. (Also available in Spanish). Argando–a A.; 12 pages. MONEY: HOW IT IS CONTROLLED (ASEN-209-E - 0.398.092) CREATED AND This note briefly introduces the concept of money and its role as a component of wealth. The balance sheets of the central bank and of the banks are used to explain the process by which money is created and how it is controlled by monetary policy. The process of money and credit creation is also explained using the money multiplier. (Also available in Spanish). Argando–a A.; 7 pages. with different variables. Possible interaction between direct labor inefficiencies and different overheads (indirect labor, energy use, scrap, and so on) should be taken into account. The reader is asked to analyze the performance of the cost center, through several specific questions. Rosanas J.M.; 5 pages. PRODESDIR (A) (C-684 - 0.198.014) Este es el primero de una serie de tres casos (Prodesdir A, B y C) en que se pretende impartir los conceptos fundamentales en contabilidad de costes. La empresa Prodesdir tiene tres productos y est‡ trabajando por debajo de su capacidad. Uno de los tres productos no es rentable, basado en el an‡lisis del coste completo. Se piden las posibles medidas a tomar y se proponen como ejercicios el c‡lculo del punto de equilibrio, la preparaci—n de la cuenta de resultados, etc. Es un caso particularmente adecuado para la utilizaci—n de una hoja de c‡lculo en la preparaci—n de la soluci—n, as’ como en la exposici—n en clase. Rosanas J.M.; 3 p‡ginas. PRODESDIR (B) (C-685 - 0.198.015) El caso presenta una situaci—n posterior a la del caso (A), cuando la demanda ha aumentado sustancialmente y puede llegarse al l’mite de la capacidad de producci—n. Se plantea c—mo manejarse con ello, y si, desde el punto de vista contable, tiene l—gica repartir los costes fijos de acuerdo con el volumen de producci—n real. Al igual que en el caso que le precede, se recomienda la utilizaci—n de una hoja de c‡lculo para su preparaci—n y exposici—n. Control / Accounting Rosanas J.M.; 2 p‡ginas. DASA (Dupont et Abadie, SociŽtŽ Anonyme) (C-648-E - 0.195.046) The case is intended to illustrate the use of flexible budgets in manufacturing settings, for overhead control and performance evaluation purposes. A simple situation in a cost center is presented, and an explanation of cost behaviour is provided, where different overhead items may vary 14 PRODESDIR (C) (C-686 - 0.198.016) Continuaci—n de los dos casos anteriores, en el que plantea c—mo manejarse en una situaci—n en la que el aumento de demanda ha hecho que ya se alcance el l’mite de capacidad en por lo menos dos aspectos: la mano de obra cualificada y las m‡quinas. Puede utilizarse para introducir los conceptos b‡sicos en programaci—n lineal. Se recomienda, como en los dos casos que le preceden, su utilizaci—n con hoja de c‡lculo. autodiagn—stico y mejora de su gesti—n medioambiental. Adem‡s del modelo se introduce el concepto de Çproceso de autodiagn—sticoÈ y se explican cu‡les son sus principales fases y posibles enfoques. Rosanas J.M.; 1 p‡gina. Ricart J.E.; Rodr’guez M.A.; 19 p‡ginas. SISTEMAS DE CONTABILIDAD DE COSTES (CN-197 - 0.198.007) COMPETITOR ANALYSIS (DGN-531-E - 0.397.255) Esta nota es una introducci—n a la contabilidad de costes desde un punto de vista de direcci—n, con un enfoque actual. Esencialmente, expone: a) los conceptos fundamentales en sistemas de costes; b) las bases de reparto de costes; c) los criterios para formar agrupaciones de costes, y d) los elementos fundamentales de un sistema. Puede utilizarse conjuntamente con la nota ÇLos sistemas ABCÈ, que complementa a Žsta. This note introduces a conceptual framework for competitor analysis. First, it provides a method for establishing who our current competitors are, what businesses our company competes in, and what strategic group it belongs to. The concept of the strategic group made up of companies with similar strategic assets can help us to identify our potential competitors. Second, the note presents a (classic) framework for analysing the characteristics of the competitors we have identified. The final task is to establish our competitorsÕ response profile. Altogether, the note provides the basic concepts required to establish a good system of competitor analysis in your company. (Also available in Spanish). Rosanas J.M.; 8 p‡ginas. Dirección General / Business Policy NESTLE (DG-1214 - 0.398.081) Este caso trata con bastante detalle la organizaci—n de NestlŽ a nivel mundial. Tras una introducci—n de la empresa y su historia, se centra en los cambios que han tenido lugar con la llegada de Maucher a la presidencia y la transmisi—n del mando a su sucesor, P. Brabeck. Deja una v’a abierta para comentar la evoluci—n que tendr‡ lugar en los pr—ximos a–os con el proceso de globalizaci—n de la econom’a. Gallo Ll.; Llopis J.; 13 p‡ginas. IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter Fraguas R.; Ricart J.E.; 21 pages. ASIGNACION DE DERECHOS DE DECISION (DGN-533 - 0.397.267) Esta nota es una actualizaci—n de la DGN-480, y explica los elementos fundamentales a considerar en el dise–o de la estructura de responsabilidades y la correspondiente asignaci—n de derechos de decisi—n. TambiŽn desarrolla las caracter’sticas, ventajas y desventajas de los distintos arquetipos organizativos. Ricart J.E.; 24 p‡ginas. MODELO PARA EL AUTODIAGNOSTICO MEDIOAMBIENTAL ESTRATEGICO E INTEGRAL (DGN-523 - 0.397.118) En esta nota tŽcnica se presenta el modelo que ha sido elaborado por el Grupo de Trabajo sobre Gesti—n Medioambiental. El objetivo de dicho modelo es que las empresas lo puedan usar como marco de referencia en los procesos de ORGANOS DE GOBIERNO (DGN-542 - 0.398.091) En la nota tŽcnica se aborda lo referente al gobierno de la empresa y al —rgano que, por delegaci—n de la junta general de accionistas, lo desarrolla: el consejo de administraci—n. 15 IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter Se revisan la misi—n, tama–o y funciones del consejo de administraci—n, as’ como las caracter’sticas y remuneraci—n de los consejeros. Fraguas R.; 20 p‡ginas. MOTORES FUNDAMENTALES EN EL TRABAJO DE LOS ALTOS DIRECTIVOS. PROACTIVIDAD Y EMPATIA (A) (DGN-543 - 0.398.093) La nota recoge los resultados del di‡logo de un grupo de directivos de empresas que compiten en el mismo subsector, en el cual intentan encontrar caminos para superar las dificultades. Les ayuda al di‡logo un asesor especializado en hacer razonar a los directivos con proactividad y empat’a. La nota est‡ vinculada al caso DG-1213. Casa F.; Valero y Vicente A.; 3 p‡ginas. ESTRUCTURA DE DIRECCION. PROCEDIMIENTO DE LAS APTITUDES OPERATIVAS (DGN-544 - 0.398.095) Un procedimiento tŽcnico, para diagnosticar, elegir y realizar estructuras directivas, a ser considerado como ingrediente por cualquier procedimiento pol’tico de direcci—n. Se apoya en el conocimiento de las aptitudes operativas que tienen las personas que forman una estructura directiva. El caso permite la discusi—n y c‡lculo de conceptos relacionados con el coste ponderado de capital de una empresa, tales como el coste del capital, el coste de la deuda, rentabilidad de los recursos propios, rentabilidades hist—ricas y rentabilidades esperadas. Se hace especial hincapiŽ en los distintos tipos de deuda (a corto, a largo, variable), as’ como en las relaciones entre los distintos conceptos antes mencionados). Santom‡ J.; 4 p‡ginas. CRANE, S.A. (F-663 - 0.297.225) El director administrativo de Crane debe definir una metodolog’a en el proceso de an‡lisis y selecci—n de inversiones. El caso se centra muy especialmente en la determinaci—n de las tasas de descuento de los flujos procedentes de las inversiones. Permite diferenciar los conceptos de riesgo total y riesgo sistem‡tico. Dentro del riesgo total se pone un especial Žnfasis en el riesgo por tama–o y conocimiento del sector. Santom‡ J.; 3 p‡ginas. Taracena E.; Valero y Vicente A.; 12 p‡ginas. LA POLITICA OPTIMA DE DIVIDENDOS: UNA APLICACION DEL MODELO DE VALORACION POR EL ARBITRAJE DE PRECIOS (FN-395 - 0.296.024) Dirección Financiera / Financial Management En esta nota se aplica un modelo sencillo, pero robusto y completo, para desarrollar los resultados tradicionales en la teor’a de la estructura —ptima de capital. TADEO COMPANY (F-658-E - 0.297.215) Santom‡ J.; 18 p‡ginas. The case is designed to provide students with an opportunity to consolidate their understanding of the fundamentals of financial forecasting and the consistency of the principal forecasting techniques Ðcash budgeting and analysis of pro forma financial statements. It also deals with practice in the critical evaluation of the assumptions underlying financial forecasting. (Also available in Spanish). TEORIA CARDINAL DE LA UTILIDAD: UN PRELIMINAR PARA EL TRATAMIENTO DEL RIESGO (FN-413 - 0.297.194) Rahnema A.; 9 pages. 16 ESPECIALIDADES MEDICAS, S.A. (ESMESA) (F-661 - 0.297.220) La teor’a cardinal de la utilidad es uno de los desarrollos con m‡s proyecciones pr‡cticas de la teor’a econ—mica sobre preferencias, elecci—n y decisi—n. El enfoque de la nota es desarrollar los conceptos b‡sicos de la teor’a cardinal de la utilidad a fin de que sirvan de base para la comprensi—n y medida del riesgo y del valor temporal del dinero. Incluye un conjunto de ejercicios resueltos para mejor comprensi—n y aplicaci—n de los conceptos que aparecen en la nota. Santom‡ J.; 23 p‡ginas. A (VERY) BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO SHAZAM (FN-438-E - 0.298.026) Shazam is a very powerful package for statistics and econometrics that occupies only four megabytes of disk space. In addition to the hundreds of commands and options that Shazam offers, with a bit of skill the user can program himself just about anything he may need from an econometric point of view. This note only attempts to help users with their very first steps in Shazam, such as the handling of files and a few basic commands. IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter EL LARGO CAMINO HASTA EL ACUERDO (FH-614 - 0.497.110) El caso describe los avances y las conclusiones alcanzados por un comitŽ compuesto de representantes de la direcci—n y de los comitŽs de empresa de las tres f‡bricas de la compa–’a para implantar grupos de mejora con los operarios de las f‡bricas. Rodr’guez J.M.; 13 p‡ginas. TEAM-BUILDING: HACIENDO EQUIPO (FHN-313 - 0.498.007) Breve descripci—n de los pasos a dar para facilitar la formaci—n de un equipo. Rodr’guez J.M.; 4 p‡ginas. Estrada J.; 11 pages. SSS SOFTWARE IN-BASKET - EXERCISE (FHE-12-E - 0.498.017) COMPA„IA SEVILLANA DE ELECTRICIDAD, S.A. - NOTA DEL INSTRUCTOR (FT-50 - 5.298.057) (Caso F-655). Uso restringido a Instituciones AcadŽmicas. Su‡rez J.L.: 23 p‡ginas. Comportamiento Humano en la Organización / Organizational Behaviour LA MEJOR CAMPA„A DE PROMOCION (FH-588 - 0.496.056) Se describen los problemas de decisi—n de un Director de Comunicaci—n ante las posibles campa–as de promoci—n a desarrollar por una Organizaci—n No Gubernamental de Ayuda al Desarrollo, para obtener fondos con los que sostener sus programas de cooperaci—n en pa’ses del Tercer Mundo. Chinchilla, M.N.; GuillŽn F.J.; Mart’n J.; Mart’nez J.L.; 12 p‡ginas. This exercise involves reading and organizing 17 interrelated documents within a period of two hours. An in-basket has to be cleared by a newly appointed manager before departing on a business trip. The exercise challenges the studentÕs ability to recognise related issues, and priorities and to organise these in such a way as to make his/her decisions understandable to another. Miller P.; Schor S.; Seltzer J.; Smither J.; 14 pages. SSS SOFTWARE IN-BASKET EXERCISE SELF-EVALUATION (FHE-13-E - 0.498.018) The self-evaluation document analyses the 17 documents of the in-basket exercise and allows students to evaluate their own performance. The self-evaluation process also classifies their decisions in terms of various categories such as Motivation of others, Information Analysis, Cross-cultural awareness, Empowerment. Miller P.; Schor S.; Seltzer J.; Smither J.; 35 pages. 17 IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter SSS SOFTWARE IN-BASKET RESPONSE DOCUMENTS (FHE-14-E - 0.498.019) EXERCISE - These forms support the SSS Software In-Basket Exercise. They provide students with a blank detailed diary, day planner, e-mail forms and letters. Miller P.; 14 pages. de vista. El primero, basado en la audimetr’a y otros sistemas de medici—n de audiencia, determinando el nœmero real de telespectadores. El segundo, se basa en el recuerdo que generan los mensajes publicitarios sobre la audiencia. Ramas S.; Toro J.M.; 9 p‡ginas. EVOLUCION DE LA OFERTA Y DEMANDA EN EL MERCADO DE LOS MEDIOS DE COMUNICACION (MN-316 - 0.598.015) Dirección Comercial / Marketing EL LANZAMIENTO DEL NISSAN MICRA EN PORTUGAL (M-977 - 0.595.011) La direcci—n de Nissan en Portugal debe decidir el precio a fijar para el nuevo Nissan Micra. Para ello, realiza una investigaci—n comercial a los clientes principales basada en el an‡lisis conjunto. Los resultados de la investigaci—n permiten dibujar una curva de demanda a distintos niveles de precios. Aparecen dudas sobre la metodolog’a de investigaci—n y la interpretaci—n de los resultados. La evoluci—n sufrida por parte de la oferta de los medios de comunicaci—n (televisi—n, prensa, radio y revistas) y la implantaci—n de nuevas tecnolog’as (mando a distancia), han influido de forma directa en la manera de consumir estos medios. En esta nota tŽcnica se analizan dichos cambios y sus repercusiones en el consumo de los medios de comunicaci—n. Ramas S.; Toro J.M.; 18 p‡ginas. Dirección de Producción, Tecnología y Operaciones / Production, Technology and Operations Management Agell P.; Baucells M.; Segarra J.A.; 13 p‡ginas. FLOTEL ORELLANA (P-928-E - 0.698.019) LA AUDIMETRIA: SISTEMA DE MEDICION Y CONTROL DE LA AUDIENCIA EN TV (MN-314 - 0.598.011) El objetivo de esta nota tŽcnica es mostrar al lector, de una forma breve, en quŽ consiste la audimetr’a, c—mo se obtienen los datos y cu‡l es la informaci—n m‡s relevante que este sistema de medici—n de audiencia nos ofrece. The case describes the operations involved in running the Flotel Orellana, a riverboat hotel operating in the Amazon jungle. It gives scope for analysing the relationship between the structure of operations and the environment in which they take place. (Also available in Spanish). Riverola J.; 20 pages. Ramas S.; Toro J.M.; 19 p‡ginas. EFICACIA DE LA COMUNICACION PUBLICITARIA EN TELEVISION: EL ZAPPING ACTIVO Y ZAPPING PASIVO (MN-315 - 0.598.014) Desde hace dŽcadas se vienen investigando la manera o maneras posibles de medir la eficacia de los mensajes publicitarios en televisi—n. Esta nota tŽcnica analiza la cuantificaci—n de la eficacia publicitaria principalmente desde dos puntos 18 GRAPHISOFT (P-932-E - 0.698.029) Graphisoft is a Hungarian-based technology company that develops, markets and supports advanced 3D computer aided design (CAD) software for the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industries. Their leading product ÐArchiCAD¨Ð is designed for the personal computer platform and represented 90% of the companyÕs $19 million sales in 1996. ArchiCAD is sold in 80 countries and in 19 different languages. The case reviews the start-up, strategic growth, and globalization process of this entrepreneurial company, which began operations behind the Iron Curtain in the early 80s. Further, the case explores the entrepreneurial and organizational dimensions of the companyÕs evolution and focuses on key strategic issues faced by the President, CEO, and co-founding entrepreneur. IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter GESTION DE EMPRESAS DE SERVICIOS (PN-392 - 0.698.025) Es un documento bastante completo sobre las peculiaridades de la gesti—n de operaciones de servicios. Tras revisar sus caracter’sticas, la nota revisa las modificaciones que deben hacerse a los conceptos tradicionales de calidad, procesos de mejora, aplicaci—n de tecnolog’a, gesti—n de la capacidad y gesti—n de las esperas cuando se aplican a entornos de prestaci—n de servicios. Pistrui J.; Roure J.; 21 pages. Ribera J.; 35 p‡ginas. GRAPHISOFT - TEACHING NOTE (PT-14-E - 5.698.030) (Case P-932). Use is restricted to Academic Institutions. Pistrui J.; Roure J.; 13 pages. MICROSOFT PROJECT: A BRIEF TUTORIAL (A) (PN-389-E - 0.698.003) The note introduces the use of Microsoft Project through a simple example. (Also available in Spanish). Ribera J.; 9 pages. MICROSOFT PROJECT: A BRIEF TUTORIAL (B) (PN-390-E - 0.698.004) LA CALIDAD: DEFINICION E INSTRUMENTOS BASICOS DE MEJORA (PN-393 - 0.698.026) La nota repasa los conceptos de definici—n de calidad, el papel de las certificaciones, los instrumentos b‡sicos de mejora y la definici—n de proyectos de mejora de calidad. Ribera J.; 22 p‡ginas. MEDICION DE CALIDAD (PN-394 - 0.698.027) This note is a continuation of a previous note with the same title. It introduces some extra features of Microsoft Project: outlining, time constraints, task relationships, and the definition of resources. La nota presenta un modelo comprensivo para el estudio de la calidad en una organizaci—n (calidad total), describiendo elementos de medida en cada uno de los bloques del modelo. La nota se completa con una descripci—n de los elementos de un sistema de informaci—n para la calidad. Ribera J.; 8 pages. Ribera J.; 21 p‡ginas. PLANETS SIMULATOR (III) (PN-391-E - 0.698.005) The note describes the use of the Planets Simulator (III), which offers students the opportunity to monitor a project with 43 activities throughout its life, altering the duration of activities as appropriate in order to complete the project on time. Ribera J.; 12 pages. LA GESTION ESTRATEGICA DE LOS PROCESOS (PN-395 - 0.698.037) Se comentan los cambios que representa pasar de la gesti—n tradicional de procesos a la nueva Gesti—n por Procesos o Gesti—n EstratŽgica de Procesos. Mo–ino M.; Rodr’guez M.A.; Roure J.; 32 p‡ginas. 19 IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter THE BEER GAME (SIMPLIFIED VERSION) EXERCISE (PE-31-E - 0.695.033) This exercise presents the well-known beer distribution game, built around the ideas of Industrial Dynamics in the late 50s. It describes the supply chain along four stages and suggests a (reasonable) policy for handling orders. It allows the students to see the effects of this policy along the chain when dealing with a small change in the final demand and helps in understanding the dynamics of echelon inventory systems. Ribera J.; 2 pages. PHARE-ACE EVALUATION - EXERCISE (PE-49-E - 0.697.098) Based on data from a sample of fifty evaluations, a professor tries to estimate when he is likely to finish the whole batch and get home. The exercise proposes the use of two levels of information. Ribera J.; 3 pages. MERCAT DE VIC - EXERCISE (PE-51-E - 0.697.133) 20 Sistemas de Información / Information Systems CABLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT 42/1995: PAY TV, REGULATORY FRAMEWORK AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE (B) (SI-103-E - 0.197.184) Part (B) of case SI-92-E. (Also available in Spanish). Subirana B.; 1 page. TIPSA (A) (SI-105-E - 0.198.005) TipSA is considering how to improve its business processes in order to give better service to its customers while at the same time maintaining the quality of its dyeing, on which its reputation is based. TipSA specializes in dyeing lengths of woven fabric, at the upper end of the market. Its customers are well known brands (Lacoste, Calvin Klein, etc.), who demand high quality and excellent service. The case contains sufficient information about the way the various activities are currently performed and about TipSAÕs business goals to be able to discuss possible ways of reorganizing the processes so as to improve them, and how information technologies might be used to achieve this goal. (Also available in Spanish). In this exercise, the student are in charge of a small ÒchiringuitoÓ (open air sausage stall) in Vic, competing with other Òstudent-ownedÓ chiringuitos in the square, serving the same kind of food (grilled sausages). The market share of each stall will depend on the level of service given to the customers. The exercise provides the basis for a class simulation in which each student makes repeated decisions on the number of tables, number of waiters and number of sausages. The case describes how TipSA responded to the problems presented in case (A). (Also available in Spanish). Ribera J.; 3 pages. Andreu R.; Palavecino S.; 11 pages. Andreu R.; Palavecino S.; 14 pages. TIPSA (B) (SI-106-E - 0.198.006) NOW AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH STRATEGIC COST ANALYSIS (ASEN-126-E - 0.390.112) COFASA - TEACHING NOTE (ADT-2-E - 5.193.047) This note introduces the basic principles of strategic cost analysis, as well as the rudimentary technical knowledge needed to estimate and use exponential cost curves. (Also available in Spanish). (Case AD-221-E). Use is restricted to Academic Institutions. (Also available in Spanish). IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter Ricart J.E.; 9 pages. Ari–o M.A.; 5 pages. THE UPCOMING EURO (ASEN-197-E - 0.397.235) PASTELERIA CASADEVALL - TEACHING NOTE (ADT-4-E - 5.194.003) (Case AD-222-E). Use is restricted to Academic Institutions. (Also available in Spanish). This technical note describes the stages of the introduction of the euro in the European economy, and discusses the impact it is likely to have on business activity, differentiating between the impact it may have on companiesÕ day-to-day operations from the more strategic implications. (Also available in Spanish). Agell P.; Bastons M.; 6 pages. Gual J.; 7 pages. PETROLEOS, S.A. - TEACHING NOTE (ADT-14-E - 5.195.057) VICHY CATALAN (B) (DG-1067-E - 0.394.048) (Case AD-207-E). Use is restricted to Academic Institutions. (Also available in Spanish). The case describes the strategy pursued by Vichy Catal‡n between 1984 and 1992, together with the internal changes that accompanied it. It raises the issue of how to reorganize the company in line with the strategy that the Vichy Catal‡n group aims to pursue from 1993 onwards. In this sense, this is a Strategy Implementation case. Topics: a management committee that includes the five managing directors of five different brands, each responsible for a separate profit centre. The dilemmas created by having the same person hold the post of functional manager and that of company manager. (Also available in Spanish). Agell P.; 1 page. THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD MONETARY UNION IN EUROPE (A) (ASE-372-E - 0.397.236) TO This case analyses the situation of the process of creating a monetary union in Europe at the beginning of 1997. It discusses the agreements adopted at the Dublin Council in December 1996, and the uncertainties that arose in spring 1997 when it was discovered that the European economy remained stagnant, reducing the likelihood that many of the Member States would meet the Maastricht criteria. (Also available in Spanish). Gual J.; 18 pages. Rodr’guez-Llauder M.D.; Vilˆ J.; 23 pages. ESASA (ESPA„OLA DE SE„ALIZACION DEL AUTOMOVIL, S.A.) (DG-1148-E - 0.396.035) The case presents the options available to the company Esasa in its attempt to enter the Mexican market. It introduces the various partners Esasa 21 IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter could choose to collaborate with in order to enter this market at the lowest possible cost. (Also available in Spanish). Fraguas R.; Garc’a Pont C.; Rodr’guez-Llauder M.D.; 18 pages. TELEFONICA I&D (A) - TEACHING NOTE (DPT-4-E - 5.496.046) (Case DP-110-E). Use is restricted to Academic Institutions. (Also available in Spanish). G—mez S.; Porta J.; 2 pages. STRATEGY AND LEVELS OF STRATEGY (DGN-434-E - 0.391.087) (Case DP-111-E). Use is restricted to Academic Institutions. (Also available in Spanish). Ricart J.E.; Vilˆ J.; 9 pages. G—mez S.; Molero E.; 1 page. BUSINESS STRATEGY (DGN-442-E - 0.392.093) COMEXI, S.A. (B) Ð TEACHING NOTE (DPT-7-E - 5.496.058) The note describes the main elements to be taken into account in formulating business strategies, detailing the main instruments of analysis. It also offers some thoughts on the strategy formulation process. The case is designed to serve as a guiding thread for the study of strategy and introduces the reader to other IESE technical notes on related aspects of the formulation process. (Also available in Spanish). (Case DP-112-E). Use is restricted to Academic Institutions. (Also available in Spanish). Franquesa J.; Ricart J.E.; 23 pages. CORPORATE STRATEGY (DGN-530-E - 0.397.254) The note describes the different approaches to the concept of corporate strategy, defined as the way the company decides to relate to the various social strata and seeks to create value by configuring and coordinating its activities in multiple markets. It presents an integrative model based on four elements: The company vision; its strategic assets; the configuration of its businesses; and its organizational coordination. Each element is discussed in detail, with an emphasis on the concept and use of strategic assets in the company. (Also available in Spanish). Garc’a Pont C.; Ricart J.E.; 24 pages. 22 MULTIASISTENCIA: HUMAN RESOURCES TEACHING NOTE (DPT-5-E - 5.496.048) The note introduces the concept of strategy and explains why it is best for companies to make their strategy explicit. It then presents and elaborates upon the three levels of strategy: corporate, business and functional. (Also available in Spanish). G—mez S.; Serra F.; 2 pages. VALENCIANA DE CEMENTOS (F-587-E - 0.295.010) The case discusses the acquisition of Valenciana by Cemex. (Also available in Spanish). Arias A.; Santom‡ J.; 15 pages. SOCIAL EFFECTIVENESS AND SELF-CONTROL (FHN-232-E - 0.492.005) The note points out the limitations of government regulation and the markets when it comes to guaranteeing that the exercise of free initiative will be socially useful. This indicates that some kind of internal control mechanism is needed within the individual. The note stresses the fact that company managers will play a leading role in the coming decades, and explains why it is so important Ðfor the managers themselves as well as for the companies they work inÐ that they should have a capacity for self-control. How to develop this capacity is, strictly speaking, the subject of ethics. (Also available in Spanish). IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter Act 42/1995. The case illustrates the importance of the regulatory framework in the information industries. (Also available in Spanish). Chinchilla M.N.; PŽrez L—pez J.A.; 5 pages. Subirana B.; 12 pages. JAMES & ROBERT - TEACHING NOTE (FHT-23-E - 5.496.037) ROBERTO CORTES (TD-19-E - 0.389.046) (Case FH-535-E). Use is restricted to Academic Institutions. (Also available in Spanish). The director of the marketing division of a large high-tech company is trying to select a representative to reverse the current decline in sales. One of the candidates seems to have excellent qualities. In addition, he offers a computer disk containing confidential information about the companyÕs main competitor, where he used to work. (Also available in Spanish). Rodr’guez J.M.; 3 pages. THE PROCESS OF CHANGE IN EROSKI Ð TEACHING NOTE (FHT-28-E - 5.497.101) MelŽ D.; 5 pages. (Case FH-585-E). Use is restricted to Academic Institutions. (Also available in Spanish). Alvarez de Mon S.; 3 pages. INDEC (P-796-E - 0.692.028) The general manager of a customer engineering company is considering the role that training should play in his company in order to make it an effective tool for securing competitive advantage. The case analyses a conventional training plan and the companyÕs mission. (Also available in Spanish). Mu–oz-Seca B.; Riverola J.; 12 pages. CABLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT 42/1995: PAY TV, REGULATORY FRAMEWORK AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE (A) (SI-92-E - 0.196.025) The case introduces a company that wishes to invest in pay-TV and cable telecommunications infrastructures, and that is analysing the strategic implications of the Cable Telecommunications DOCUMENTOS DE INVESTIGACION RESEARCH PAPERS No 354 - January 1998 Jordi Canals BANKS AS SHAREHOLDERS: MATTER? DO THEY Abstract: Bank-industry relationships are a widespread organizational arrangement. In some countries, such links are the outcome of banksÕ financial support of non-financial firms to speed up the industrialisation process. Nowadays, they have become important as a result of the effort large banks are putting into their diversification process, as they move away from more traditional banking activities towards other businesses. The purpose of this paper is twofold. The first is to present a typology of banks and their strategies when they act as shareholders in non-financial firms. The second is to discuss how bank-industry relationships affect firmsÕ performance and why. We explore the specific chains of causality from bank ownership to non-financial firms. The factors that seem to have the strongest influence on firmsÕ performance are the structure and functions of the board of directors and the banksÕ corporate strategy. 23 IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter No 355BIS - January 1998 Antonio Argando–a THE STAKEHOLDER THEORY AND THE COMMON GOOD strategic and systemic view of HRM. Implications follow. Abstract: The theory of the social responsibility of the firm oscillates between two extremes: one that reduces the firmÕs responsibility to the obtainment of (the greatest possible) profit for its shareholders, and another that extends the firmÕs responsibility to include a wide range of actors with an interest or ÒstakeÓ in the firm. The stakeholder theory of the social responsibility of business is more appealing from an ethical point of view, and yet it lacks a solid foundation that would be acceptable to a variety of schools of thought. In this paper I argue that the stakeholder theory could be founded on the concept of the common good. First, I explain the foundations of the theory of the common good, the concept itself, how it relates to the individual good, and its role in the firm. Following that, I explain how the theory of the common good could be applied to the stakeholder theory. Finally, I draw some conclusions. [Also available in Spanish (DI-355)]. No 358 - February 1998 Max Torres ETHICAL DECISION-MAKING MODELS No 356 - January 1998 Carlos S‡nchez-Runde - Marianne J. Koch A PROCESS MODEL OF STRATEGY AND HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: THE OWNERSHIP TRANSFERENCE MODEL Abstract: Theory on strategy and human resource management (HRM) has centered on the individual manager and the system of HRM practices. Despite their merits, neither individualnor system-based models explain the process that shapes the strategy-HRM relationship. This paper fills that gap by introducing the Ownership Transference Model of HRM. No 357 - January 1998 Carlos S‡nchez-Runde A CONCEPTUAL APPROACH TO THE CREATION AND EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENTS Abstract: This paper deals with the creation of HRM departments in small to medium-sized firms. It presents propositions based on efficiency, agency and institutional theory on transferring personnel practices from the top management to the new department. Applications are made towards a 24 Abstract: This paper surveys the dominant models in the literature of positive Ethical Decision-Making Models (hereafter, EDMMs): an area in the academic sub-discipline of business ethics. While this group of eight models is not exhaustive, it is, I believe, definitive. The survey does not address other decision-making apparati, e.g., game theory. Neither does it address normative Ethical Decision-Making Models, which constitute a separate and distinct literature. EDMM theory rests upon various and sundry foundational bases: e.g., Sutherland & CresseyÕs social learning theory; normative ethics, especially deontology and teleology; KohlbergÕs model of cognitive moral development; Fishbein & AjzenÕs theory of reasoned action, and; RestÕs four-component model of moral behaviour. Consequently, the literature is eclectic. Nevertheless, each model purports to formalize the decisional processes by which an agent arrives at an ethical, or unethical, course of action. The methodology of this survey will be to: 1) present a synopsis and graphical depiction of each model; 2) critique each one individually; 3) summarize features and criticisms of each model, and; 4) conclude with global observations about EDMMs. By way of anticipation, the literature is of one mind with respect to certain core assumptions, e.g., that: decision makers donÕt change in any appreciable, personal way through decision making, and; the ethically relevant aspect of decision making is an agentÕs ensuing outward action, or the external consequences of his action. With these, and other, assumptions, I am in disagreement. No 359 - February 1998 Beatriz Mu–oz-Seca BUILDING AND GENERATING A CREATIVE AND FLEXIBLE WORK FORCE: KEY COMPETENCIES Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to concentrate on the competencies required for a flexible work force. It aims to provide a frame of action and some concrete ideas on how a company can develop the key competencies needed to create a flexible work force. These competencies will supply part of the capacity for solving the challenges posed by our work environment. The paper is divided into four sections. Section one concentrates on defining and identifying competencies. Section two isolates the competencies that are critical in order to have flexible workers. Section three defines technological competence as key to the success of todayÕs work force. Section four provides a frame of reference for designing an action plan, from the point of view of the (any) administration. No 360 - February 1998 Carlos Portales - Joan E. Ricart - Josep M. Rosanas UNDERSTANDING TRUST TO BUILD STRONG RELATIONSHIPS IN ORGANIZATIONS Abstract: Trust has been recognized as an essential element for business success today, but at the same time, as something that is difficult to achieve. The increasingly changeable business environment, the pressure on firms to show bottom-line results, and individual economic selfinterest all stand in the way of establishing stable relationships based on mutual trust. In this paper we try to understand the roots of trust, how to build trust in organizations, and the implications of trust as a source of competitive advantage. First, we analyze the concept of calculative trust, as derived from game theory and transaction cost economics. Second, we expound some basic ideas that develop our concepts beyond calculative trust. Third, we present a basic framework for describing the results and motives of individual actions, and use it to present two stronger forms of trust: integrity-based trust and personal trust. Finally, we draw out some of the managerial implications of the role of trust in reducing transaction costs and creating organizational advantages. IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter No 361 - March 1998 Sandra Sieber LEARNING, KNOWLEDGE AND INTERACTION: TOWARDS A NEW APPROACH TO THE LEARNING INTENSIVE ORGANIZATION Abstract: Globalization, deregulation, and the continuous improvement of technologies have created new competitive conditions for firms. Knowledge and learning are nowadays considered one of the main sources of competitive advantage. This paper attempts to gain a deeper insight into the learning phenomenon. It starts by reviewing the existing literature on learning and identifies four basic dimensions of learning: locus, level, source and persistence. As the number of influencing variables is very large, the field has not been able to develop a comprehensive integrative framework. An alternative point of view is therefore proposed, in which the focus is on knowledge. The paper discusses the different types of knowledge that may be relevant for organizational action, and the different processes of knowledge creation and transfer. Finally, it is suggested that a more appropriate unit of analysis of the learning phenomenon would be the ÒinteractionÓ. 25 IESE, Universidad de Navarra Boletín Informativo – Newsletter WORKING PAPERS No 98/1 - January 1998 Esteban Masifern - Joaquim Vilˆ STRATEGIC THINKING: STRATEGY AS A SHARED FRAMEWORK IN THE MIND OF MANAGERS Abstract: Even though most academics, business people and consultants recognize that the purpose of strategy formulation can no longer be to generate strategic plans, critics of formal strategic planning offer little guidance on how to overcome its limitations and rarely address CEOsÕ concerns about turning strategic vision into an operational reality. This paper proposes a managerial approach to strategic thinking and strategy formulation which takes both process and content issues into account. Strategic thinking is understood as a deliberate and creative process, as well as the resulting state of mind. Strategy is presented as a shared framework which guides managersÕ daily actions. The approach is developed in a way that attempts to respond to CEOsÕ concerns regarding the need to manage by strategy in todayÕs rapidly changing environment. Key building blocks of the new approach to strategy formulation are presented. 26 The framework outlined here seeks to contribute to top managementÕs efforts to build a shared understanding of strategic issues and encourage actions at the front line which are consistent with the strategy pursued by the firm. Nº 98/2 - Enero 1998 Miguel A. Rodr’guez - Joan E. Ricart MODELO PARA EL AUTODIAGNOSTICO MEDIOAMBIENTAL ESTRATEGICO E INTEGRAL: CUADERNO DE TRABAJO Resumen: Uno de los principales logros del proyecto de investigaci—n ÇGrupo de trabajo sobre gesti—n medioambientalÈ, ha sido el desarrollo del ÇModelo para el autodiagn—stico medioambiental estratŽgico e integral.È Con objeto de probar la validez del modelo se han llevado a cabo procesos de autodiagn—stico en las cinco compa–’as que han colaborado en dicho proyecto de investigaci—n. Como resultado de dichas experiencias se introdujeron diversas mejoras en el modelo. Asimismo, se consider— que ser’a muy œtil, para facilitar el proceso de autodiagn—stico, la elaboraci—n de un cuaderno de trabajo que sirviera de gu’a a las compa–’as que decidieran usar dicho modelo como marco de reflexi—n en los procesos de mejora de su rendimiento medioambiental. En este documento se presenta dicho cuaderno de trabajo. MATERIAL PEDAGOGICO INCORPORADO DE OTRAS INSTITUCIONES TEACHING MATERIAL INCORPORATED FROM OTHER INSTITUTIONS ¥ HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL C-687 Identificar las empresas, 2 p‡gs. IESE, Universidad de Navarra P-926 Barilla SpA (A), 26 p‡gs. P-927 Barilla SpA (B), 3 p‡gs. C-689 Chemalite, Inc. (B), 5 p‡gs. P-929 Barilla SpA (C), 8 p‡gs. DG-1197 Margaret Thatcher, 26 p‡gs. P-930 Barilla SpA (D), 4 p‡gs. DG-1198 Intel Corporation: 1968-1997, 27 p‡gs. DG-1207 Becton Dickinson: Equipo mundial de recolecci—n de sangre, 25 p‡gs. DG-1208 Philips & Matsushita: Retrato de dos empresas en evoluci—n, 25 p‡gs. DG-1209 Kentucky Fried Chicken (Japan) Ltd., 22 p‡gs. DG-1210 Apple Computer en 1997, 9 p‡gs. DG-1211 Allentown Materials Corp: Divisi—n de productos electr—nicos (B), 17 p‡gs. DG-1212 Allentown Materials Corp: Divisi—n de productos electr—nicos (C), 5 p‡gs. P-936 Boeing 767: Del concepto a la producci—n, 24 p‡gs. TD-128 Los talleres de reparaciones de autom—viles de Sears (C), 5 p‡gs. ¥ HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW DGN-538 C—mo utilizar las filiales para conseguir un alcance global, 12 p‡gs. DGN-539 La teor’a del negocio, 10 p‡gs. ¥ AMOS TUCK SCHOOL OF BUSINESS C-692 Allied Stationery Products, 11 p‡gs. ¥ GROUPE HEC DPN-38 Entrevista de evaluaci—n de personal, La, 19 p‡gs. M-1047 Toys "R" Us, 34 p‡gs. DPN-39 Nota sobre los sistemas de recompensa y el papel de la compensaci—n, 14 p‡gs. ¥ IDE DPN-40 Nota sobre el proceso de contrataci—n y selecci—n de personal, 18 p‡gs. FHN-315 Consideraciones sobre el acoso sexual, 7 p‡gs. ¥ STANFORD UNIVERSITY F-677 Service Corporation International, 21 p‡gs. F-679 Florida Air, Inc., 13 p‡gs. FN-443 Nota sobre los inductores de valor, 15 p‡gs. ¥ THE MCKINSEY QUARTERLY M-1046 Dell Computer Corporation, 26 p‡gs. DGN-541 Los nuevos directores nacionales, 11 p‡gs. RESEARCH NEWSLETTER EDICION: Silvia Jiménez, Assistant Director, Research Division PUBLICA: IESE, Universidad de Navarra Avda. Pearson 21 – 08034 Barcelona – Spain Fax: (34) 93 253 43 43 E-mail SILVIA @IESE.EDU 27