Roots Words Lists

Freshman English Roots and Word Lists
Root List #1
Ego ............................self
Extro ..........................outside
Intro ...........................inside
Ambi ..........................both
-ist .............................person who
Word List #1
Egoist ........................person who brags about being first or best
Introvert who is shy, turns inward
Extrovert who is friendly, turns outward
Ambivert who is both shy and outgoing present for the first time
Ambidextrous .............using both hands
Extra-curricular...........outside the classroom
Vortex ........................a whirlpool or whirlwind
Egoist ........................consider themselves first
Vertebra.....................each of the small series of bones forming the backbone
Root List #2
Miso...........................hatred of
Anthropo ....................mankind of
Philo of
Word List #2
Misogynist..................hater of women
Misogamist.................hater of marriage
Misanthrope ...............hater of mankind
Anthropologist ............the study of mankind, esp. societies and cultures of women’s diseases
Monogamy .................marriage to one person
Bigamy.......................marriage to multiple people
Philanthropist who benefits others through generous means
Philologist of language development
Vertigo .......................a sensation of whirling and loss of balance
Root List #3
Cardio ........................heart
Pod ............................foot
Ortho .........................straight
Hyper-........................over, above
Hypo-.........................under, below
Word List #3 of heart disease
Orthodontist ...............specialist who straightens the teeth
Podiatrist....................foot doctor
Chiropractor who manipulates the joints and spinal column
Hypodermic................injected under the skin
Dermatitis ..................inflammation of the skin
Orthopedic .................medical correction of bone/muscle deformities
Podium ......................where one stands to speak
Dentifrice ...................a paste or powder for cleaning the teeth
Cardiogram ................a record of muscle activity within the heart
Root List #4
Photo .........................light
Graph(y) ....................writing
Meter .........................measure
Auto ...........................self
Word List #4
Photography ..............the making of pictures with light
Biology.......................the study of living organisms
Graphologist who studies handwriting
Geologist who studies the earths physical structure
Autograph’s signature
Biography ..................writing about a person’s life
Autobiography............writing about one’s own life
Calligraphy.................fancy handwriting
Geography .................the study of earth’s structures and their effects on human living
Geometry ...................the mathematical field dealing with measuring points, lines, and dimensions
Root List #5
Phycho- .....................relating to the mind
Neuro- .......................relating to the nerves
-osis...........................a condition of
-ec .............................out
Tome cut
Socio- ........................related to society
Word List #5 who studies the mind and its functions
Psychotic ...................suffering from a psychosis
Psychosis ..................a severe mental disorder featuring a disconnection with reality
Neurosis ....................a mind mental illness which is stress related
Psychic ......................a person claiming psychic powers; a medium
Neurectomy ...............the medical removal of a damaged nerve
Neurology ..................the medical field dealing with conditions of the nervous system
Sociology ...................the study of the development of human societies
Sociopath................... a personality disorder characterized by anti-social behavior and a lack of a
Sociable.....................friendly, willing to interact with others
Root List #6
Entom ........................insect
Zoo ............................animals
Botan .........................plants
Word List #6
Entomologist who studies insects who studies plants
Zoology......................the study of animals
Aster ..........................a star-shaped flower
Asterisk......................a star-shaped symbol
Astronaut ...................a star traveler
Astronomy..................the scientific investigation of the physical universe
Astrology....................the study of the movement of celestial bodies and their effect on human
Nautical......................of or related to ships or sailing
Disaster .....................a sudden event causing great damage or death
Root List #7
Therm ........................heat
Meter .........................measure
Geras.........................old age
Ex- .............................out
Dis- ............................against
Word List #7
Barometer ..................a device which measures atmospheric pressure
Thermometer .............a device which measures heat
Thermophile...............a bacteria which grows better in high temperatures
Geriatric .....................related to the health and care of old people
Exotic.........................originating in a foreign or unusual place
Exit ............................a portal through which one walks out make happen more quickly
Exodus.......................a mass departure of people
Disgrace lose respect or reputation
Disgruntled.................angry or dissatisfied
Root List #8
Greg ..........................flock
Par.............................equal throw
Re- ............................back
Word List #8
Gregarious .................friendly
Aggregate ..................totaled together
Congregate meet as a group
Egregious ..................shockingly bad
Project throw away from
Eject throw out
Conjecture idea thrown together from faulty information
Parity .........................equality in all aspects
Disparity.....................a great difference
Reparation .................repayment for a wrongdoing