Your guide to more ways to bank with us

Your guide to
more ways
to bank with us
On the move, online or in branch, the choice is yours
With Danske Bank, you can now take care of your day to day finances in
more ways than ever before. So whether you prefer to bank online, by phone
or in branch, the choice really is yours. This handy guide will show you some
of the ways you can bank with Danske Bank, in addition to banking face to
face at any branch. If you need more information or advice visit Online
With Mobile and Tablet Banking
With our eBanking you can do your banking when
and where it suits you best. You can check your
account balances and view transaction records;
make local, national and international payments;
pay your bills; order foreign cash; set up or
amend standing orders; view your direct debits
and operate an electronic mailbox – where your
statements and other correspondence from
the Bank are stored. Register online at or call 0845 600 2882.
With our Mobile and Tablet Banking services it is
more straightforward than ever for you to manage
your finances. You can check your balances, pay
bills, transfer money between accounts and contact
us using secure mail. There’s also a currency
calculator and a handy map to help you to find your
nearest branch or cash machine. It’s the simple way
to control your money 24 hours a day, no matter
where you are.
Get your Danske Bank App now.
On the phone
Paym is available through the Danske Mobile Bank
App. Paym enables you to send or receive money
using nothing more than a mobile phone number.*
Simply call 0845 600 2882 and a Service
Adviser will carry out a range of transactions
for you including reviewing withdrawals and
deposits,transferring money between your
accounts, paying selected bills or making
payments to other accounts.
For more information visit
By text
Alternatively, using the same number, you can
register for our 24 Hour Telephone Banking Service.
With the Danske Text Service you can now text
us to get the balance on your account.
At the Post Office®
FREE in an instant. You can access real time
information on your accounts at home or abroad.
It couldn’t be simpler. To register call us on
0845 600 2882.
Danske Bank personal customers can withdraw
cash, lodge cheques and cash and check the
balance on their accounts at over 400 branches of
the Post Office® across Northern Ireland.
For further information on on how
to use the Post Office® services see
the “How do I use the Post Office®”
section below.
24 Hour Telephone Banking Service
Our 24 Hour Telephone Banking service allows you
to check your account balance and carry out a range
of day to day banking transactions 24 hours a day.
You can transfer money between your accounts,
pay bills or make payments to other accounts.
Call 08457 365024 to use the service.
* To use Paym, first you need to download the Danske Mobile Bank App, if you
haven’t already done so, from App Store or Google Play. Then you need to
register your mobile phone. Paym is the registered trademark, and is under
licence from The Payments Council Limited.
How do I use the Post Office®?
We believe that our relationship with the Post Office® is making banking even more convenient for many
of our customers, alongside the range of other banking options we offer. Our partnership gives customers
access to over 400 Post Office® branches across Northern Ireland, providing additional flexibility and
convenience for you to continue to lodge cash and cheques locally.
How do I make a cash lodgement and
how much cash can I lodge through a
Post Office®?
To lodge cash at the Post Office® you will
need a Danske Bank debit card. You can
lodge a maximum cash value of £20,000
in one transaction. A maximum of £250
in coin can be lodged although lower
single deposit levels may be in place at
some offices.
How do I make a cheque lodgement?
A cheque lodgement is only possible
with a pre-printed lodgement slip, and
using the pre-printed deposit envelope.
Stocks of the deposit envelope are held
in Danske Bank branches in Northern
Ireland and Post Office® branches.
Where can I get the pre-printed
lodgement slips?
A small supply of pre-printed
lodgement slips are available at
the back of your Danske Bank
cheque book or from your pre-printed
lodgement book. If you require a
pre-printed lodgement book, please
contact your local branch.
How long will it take for lodgements to
reach my account?
Cash credited to your account using
your Danske Bank debit card will be
available for withdrawal immediately.
The value date will also be the same day
that you made the lodgement. Although
your available balance will be adjusted
immediately the entry date which appears
on your statement will be the next
business day.
Cheque lodgements will be credited to
your account the next business day after
your transaction at the Post Office®. The
normal cheque clearing cycle then begins.
Can I make a payment to my
Danske Bank credit card through
the Post Office®?
Yes – simply bring the pre-printed slip at
the base of your credit card statement
Mobile Banking
App for iOS/Android
Tablet Banking
along with your cheque payment.
On your credit card statement you will
find details of the latest day for payment
at the branch. If you are using the Post
Office®, make sure you make the payment
to your credit card the day before the
branch payment date indicated on your
statement, to allow for it to be forwarded
to Danske Bank for next day processing.
What are the opening and closing
times for Post Office® branches?
Standard opening hours are
9am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday
and 9am to 1pm on Saturdays.
Opening hours do vary across the
network however, so go to to
check the times of your Post Office®.
Remember cheque lodgements will
need to be with the Post Office® about
15 minutes before the last post collection
time to allow them to be included in the
24 Hour
Telephone Banking
0845 7365024
Call us on
0845 600 2882
Transfer between accounts
Pay bills
Pay Danske Bank Credit Card bill
Pay bills in foreign currencies
Withdraw cash
Lodge cash or cheques
Open your account
(Danske Freedom, Danske Choice
and Danske eSaver)
Request or increase overdraft
Order foreign cash
Set up/amend/cancel standing order
Get an account balance
Check a transaction
Arrange an appointment
Contact us via secure mail
Paym registration
Paym make a payment
Manage Paym
* For this service to work the mobile number from which you text must be the same number which you have registered with us. If you change your mobile number you must contact us to ensure your access to the Danske Text Service continues to operate successfully.
Terms and Conditions apply.
You can call between 8am and 8pm Monday to Friday and between 9am and 4.30pm Saturdays and Sundays, (except for bank holidays or other holidays in Northern Ireland when the bank
is not open for business). We may record or monitor calls to confirm details of our conversations, for your protect ion, to train our staff and to maintain the quality of our service. Call charges
may vary. Please refer to your serv ice provider. 24 Hour Telephone Banking, eBanking, Mobile Banking and Tablet Banking services may be temporarily unavailable when we are carrying
out routine maintenance. We do not charge for the Danske Text Service but charges from your service provider may apply. You must be registered for and have signed on to eBanking using
your access ID security to be able to use Danske Mobile Bank and Danske Tablet Bank Apps. Danske Mobile Bank App is not available on Windows or Blackberry. Danske Tablet Bank App is
available for Andriod and iOS devices.
This publication is also available in
Braille, in large print, on tape and on disk.
Speak to a member of staff for details.
Danske Bank is a trading name of Northern Bank Limited.
Registered in Northern Ireland R568.
Registered Office: Donegall Square West, Belfast BT1 6JS
Northern Bank Limited is a member of the Danske Bank Group
Correct as at 03/2015